Carlos Silvestre

Position: Associate Professor (IST)

Group: Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics Lab (DSOR)

Phone: +351-218418052

Office: 8.09

Observation: On leave from IST at University of Macau.

Personal page:

FCT: J005676Z3OC

[1] Wei Xie, gan yu, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Weidong Zhang, Wei He "Robust collision-free formation control of quadrotor fleets: Trajectory generation and tracking with experimental validation", Control Engineering Practice, Vol 145, No 105842, 2024
[2] Linghuan Kong, Joel Reis, Wei He, Xinbo Yu, Carlos Silvestre "On dynamic performance control for a quadrotor-slung-load system with unknown load mass", Automatica, 162, art. no. 111516, 2024
[3] Joel Reis, gan yu, Carlos Silvestre "Kalman-based velocity-free trajectory tracking control of an underactuated aerial vehicle with unknown system dynamics", Automatica, Volume 155, number 9,, 2023
[4] Yanhu Wang, gan yu, Wei Xie, Weidong Zhang, Carlos Silvestre "Cooperative Path Following Control of a Team of Quadrotor-Slung-Load Systems Under Disturbances", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 4169-4179, 2023
[5] gan yu, Joel Reis, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Reduced-complexity active disturbance rejection controller for quadrotor slung load transportation", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2023
[6] Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "A Discrete-Time Reputation-Based Resilient Consensus Algorithm for Synchronous or Asynchronous Communications", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1-8, 2023
[7] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Discrete-time Kalman filter for heave motion estimation", Ocean Engineering Volume 277, 114240, 2023
[8] gan yu, Joel Reis, Carlos Silvestre "Quadrotor Neural Network Adaptive Control: Design and Experimental Validation", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume: 8, Issue: 5, 2023
[9] Zhenkun Huang, Mengmeng Wang, Carlos Silvestre, Sergey Nogin, Sergey Gorbachev, Jinde Cao "A Time-Scale Integral Delay Inequality Approach for Antisynchronization of Neural Networks via Impulsive Controllers", IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 194-204, 2023
[10] Fan Wang, Zidong Wang, Jinling Liang, Carlos Silvestre "Recursive locally minimum-variance filtering for two-dimensional systems: When dynamic quantization effect meets random sensor failure", Automatica, Volume 148, Issue 2, 2023
[11] Rongchen Zhao, Wei Xie, Pak Kin Wong, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Adaptive vehicle posture and height synchronization control of active air suspension systems with multiple uncertainties", Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 99, Pages 2109–2127, 2023
[12] Pedro Mendes, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Cooperative decentralized navigation algorithms based on bearing measurements for arbitrary measurement topologies", Ocean Engineering, Volume 270, 2023, 113564, ISSN 0029-8018, 2023
[13] Xinbo Yu, Bin LI, Wei He, Yanghe Feng, Long Cheng, Carlos Silvestre "Adaptive Constrained Impedance Control for Human-Robot Co-Transportation", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Volume 52, Issue 12, pages 13237-13249, 2022
[14] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Earth velocity and rigid-body attitude estimation on SO(3) using biased measurements", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 4246-4257, 2022
[15] Joel Reis, Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Backstepping Controller for an Underactuated ASV With Model Parametric Uncertainty: Design and Experimental Validation", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2022
[16] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Some properties of time-varying bearing formation", European Journal of Control, Volume 68, 100699, 2022
[17] Yao Zou, Wenfu Yang, Wei He, Qiang Fu, Qing Li, Carlos Silvestre "Coordinate-Free Distributed Localization and Circumnavigation for Nonholonomic Vehicles Without Position Information", IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 2523-2534, 2022
[18] Linghuan Kong, Wei He, Zhijie Liu, Xinbo Yu, Carlos Silvestre "Adaptive Tracking Control With Global Performance for Output-Constrained MIMO Nonlinear Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume: 68, Issue: 6, 2022
[19] Joel Reis, gan yu, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "High-performance quadrotor slung load transportation with damped oscillations", Int J Robust Nonlinear Control, 2022
[20] Xuanzhi, David Cabecinhas, Wei Xie, Pedro Casau, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira "Kalman–Bucy filter-based tracking controller design and experimental validations for a quadcopter with parametric uncertainties and disturbances", International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 17-41, 2022
[21] Rongchen Zhao, Wei Xie, Jin Zhao, Pak Kin Wong, Carlos Silvestre "Adaptive Ride Height Controller Design for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems with Uncertain Sprung Mass and Time-varying Disturbances", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 32, Issue10, pages 5950-5966, 2022
[22] gan yu, Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Adaptive control with unknown mass estimation for a quadrotor–slung-load system", 2022
[23] Pedro Casau, Ricardo Sanfelice, Carlos Silvestre "On the Robustness of Nominally Well-Posed Event-Triggered Controllers", IEEE Control Systems Letters, Volume 6, Pages 415-420, 2022
[24] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Relaxed bearing rigidity and bearing formation control under persistence of excitation", Automatica, Volume 141, 2022
[25] Ivan Andrushka, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized control and state estimation of linear time-periodic systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 102-1033, 2022
[26] gan yu, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Aggressive maneuvers for a quadrotor-slung-load system through fast trajectory generation and tracking", Autonomous Robots volume 46, pages 499–513 , 2022
[27] Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Cooperative Path Following Control of Multiple Quadcopters With Unknown External Disturbances", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3032401, 2022
[28] Leonardo Pedroso, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Discrete-time distributed Kalman filter design for networks of interconnected systems with linear time-varying dynamics", International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1334-1351, 2021
[29] Daniel Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Fast Desynchronization Algorithms for Decentralized Medium Access Control based on Iterative Linear Equation Solvers,", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021 - PDF
[30] Fan Wang, Zidong Wang, Jinling Liang, Carlos Silvestre "A Recursive Algorithm for Secure Filtering for Two-Dimensional State-Saturated Systems under Network-based Deception Attacks", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 2, pages 678-688, 2021
[31] Wei Xie, Weidong Zhang, Carlos Silvestre "Saturated Backstepping-based Tracking Control of a Quadrotor with Uncertain Vehicle Parameters and External Disturbances", IEEE Control Systems Letters, Volume 6, Pages 1634–1639, 2021
[32] Sneha Gajbhiye, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Geometric finite-time inner-outer loop trajectory tracking control strategy for quadrotor slung-load transportation", Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 107, pp 2291–2308, 2021
[33] David Santos, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized Navigation Systems for Bearing-based Position and Velocity Estimation in Tiered Formations", International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 504-525, 2021
[34] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Quadrotor going through a window and landing: An image-based visual servo control approach", Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 112, 104827, 2021 - PDF
[35] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Distributed controller design and performance optimization for discrete-time linear systems", Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol 41, no. 1, pp. 126-143, 2021 - PDF
[36] Xuanzhi, Pedro Casau, Carlos Silvestre "Event-triggered global trajectory tracking control of a quadrotor: Synthesis, simulations, and experiments", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 31, Issue 13, pp 6144-6165, 2021 - PDF
[37] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Formation control of a leader-follower structure in three dimensional space using bearing measurements", Automatica, Vol. 128, 109567, 2021 - PDF
[38] Leonardo Pedroso, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Discrete-time distributed Kalman filter design for networks of interconnected systems with linear time-varying (LTV) dynamics", International Journal of Systems Science, 2021
[39] Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "The robust minimal controllability and observability problem", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 31, pp 5033-5044, 2021 - PDF
[40] Rongchen Zhao, Wei Xie, Jin Zhao, Pak Kin Wong, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Ride Height Control of Active Air Suspension System with Output Constraints and Time-Varying Disturbances", Sensors 2021, 21(4), 1539, 2021 - PDF
[41] Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Quadcopter with Uncertain Vehicle Mass, Moment of Inertia, and Disturbances", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 549-559, 2021
[42] Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "Node and network resistance to bribery in multi-agent systems", Systems & Control Letters Volume 147, 2021, 2021 - PDF
[43] Wei Xie, gan yu, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Global Saturated Tracking Control of a Quadcopter With Experimental Validation", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 169-174, January, 2021
[44] Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "General resilient consensus algorithms", International Journal of Control, Taylor & Francis online, 2020, 2020
[45] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre "Distinguishability of discrete‐time linear systems", International Journal of Robust Nonlinear Control, Vol 31, Issue 5, 2020, 2020
[46] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Attitude, body-fixed Earth rotation rate, and sensor bias estimation using single observations of direction of gravitational field", Automatica, Volume 125, 109475, 2020 - PDF
[47] Wei Xie, Joel Reis, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Design and experimental validation of a nonlinear controller for underactuated surface vessels", Nonlinear Dynamics Vol. 102, pp 2563–2581, 2020, 2020
[48] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stochastic and Deterministic State-Dependent Social Networks", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3004848, 2020 - PDF
[49] Daniel Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Resilient Desynchronization for Decentralized Medium Access Control", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 803-808, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2020.3005819, 2020 - PDF
[50] Pedro Lourenço, Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Earth-fixed trajectory and map online estimation Building on GES sensor-based SLAM filters", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, vol. 130, 2020, 2020
[51] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Kalman filter cascade for attitude estimation on rotating Earth", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics; Vol 25, nº. 1, pp. 327-338, 2020
[52] He Hao, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "A microscopic-view Infection model based on linear systems", Information Sciences, Elsevier, Volume 510, pages 1-15, 2020, 2020 - PDF
[53] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Observer on SO(3) for Attitude Estimation on Rotating Earth using Single Vector Measurements", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 392-397, 2019
[54] Tiago Valentim, Rita Cunha, Paulo Oliveira, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control for Load Transportation", 21st IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace ACA 2019, vol. 52, 2019, pp. 358–363, 2019
[55] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Attitude estimation using high-grade gyroscopes", Control Engineering Practice, vol. 92, 2019
[56] gan yu, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear backstepping control of a quadrotor-slung load system", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 2304–2315, 2019
[57] Pedro Casau, Christopher G. Mayhew, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, Carlos Silvestre "Robust global exponential stabilization on the n-dimensional sphere with applications to trajectory tracking for quadrotors", Automatica, Elsevier, Vol 110, 2019, 2019 - PDF
[58] Pedro Pereira, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A 3-D Trailer Approach to Leader-Following Formation Control", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 2292-2308, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2939119, 2019
[59] Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Robust motion control of an underactuated hovercraft", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 2195–2208, 2019
[60] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A trajectory tracking control law for a quadrotor with slung load", Automatica, vol. 106, pp. 384–389, 2019
[61] Pedro Casau, Rita Cunha, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, Carlos Silvestre "Hybrid control for robust and global tracking on a smooth manifold", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1–1, 2019
[62] Rongchen Zhao, Wei Xie, Pak Kin Wong, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Robust Ride Height Control for Active Air Suspension Systems With Multiple Unmodeled Dynamics and Parametric Uncertainties", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 59185-59199, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913451, 2019
[63] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Calibration of High-Grade Inertial Measurement Units using a Rate Table", IEEE Sensors Letters, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2019
[64] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Attitude Observer on the Special Orthogonal Group with Earth Velocity Estimation", Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 126, pp. 33-39, 2019
[65] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally Exponentially Stable Attitude Observer with Earth Velocity Estimation", Asian Journal of Control, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1409-1422, 2019
[66] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Strategies for uncertainty optimization through motion planning in GES sensor-based SLAM", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 113, pp. 38-55, 2019
[67] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Source localization based on acoustic single direction measurements", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2837-2852, 2018
[68] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Aircraft landing using dynamic two-dimensional image-based guidance control", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems; Volume 55 - Issue 5; pp. 2104-2117, 2019 doi: 10.1109/TAES.2018.2881354, 2018
[69] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas "LiDAR-based control of autonomous rotorcraft for the inspection of pier-like structures", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 1430 - 1438, 2018
[70] Daniel Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Broadcast and Gossip Stochastic Average Consensus Algorithms in Directed Topologies", IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 474-486, June 2019, doi: 10.1109/TCNS.2018.2839341, 2018 - PDF
[71] David Cabecinhas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Hovercraft control with dynamic parameters identification", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26(3): 785-796, May, 2018 - PDF
[72] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Discrete-time distributed Kalman filter design for formations of autonomous vehicles", Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 75, pp. 55-68, June, 2018
[73] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "A Globally Exponentially Stable Filter for Bearing-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Monocular Vision", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 100, pp. 61-77, February, 2018
[74] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Self-Triggered and Event-Triggered Set-Valued Observers", Information Sciences, Vol. 426, pp. 61-86, February, 2018
[75] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Set-based fault detection and isolation for detectable linear parameter-varying systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 27, Issue 18, pp. 4381–4397, December, 2017
[76] David Cabecinhas, Sérgio Brás, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Integrated visual servoing solution to quadrotor stabilization and attitude estimation using a pan and tilt camera", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 14–29, 2017
[77] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Synchronization of multi-agent systems using event-triggered and self-triggered broadcast", IEEE Transactionas on Automatic Control, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 4741 – 4746, September, 2017
[78] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Fault detection for LPV systems using Set-Valued Observers: A coprime factorization approach", In Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 32-39, August, 2017
[79] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stochastic and deterministic fault detection for randomized gossip algorithms", In Automatica, Vol. 78, pp. 46-60, April, 2017
[80] Pedro Ótão Pereira, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Leader following trajectory planning: A trailer-like approach", Automatica, vol. 75, pp. 77-87, 2017
[81] Pedro Lourenço, Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Uncertainty Characterization of the Orthogonal Procrustes Problem with Arbitrary Covariance Matrices", Pattern Recognition, 61, pp. 210-220, January, 2017
[82] Pedro Serra, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Landing of a quadrotor on a moving target using dynamic image-based visual servo control", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1524–1535, 2016
[83] Joel Reis, Marco Morgado, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Design and Experimental Validation of a USBL Underwater Acoustic Positioning System", Sensors, Vol. 16, No. 9, September , 2016
[84] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Event-Triggered Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 1302-1338, 2017, 2016
[85] Pedro Lourenço, Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Aerial Vehicles: a 3-D sensor-based GAS filter", Autonomous Robots, Vol. 40, Issue 5, pp. 881–902, June, 2016
[86] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Tightly Coupled Long Baseline / Ultra-short Baseline Integrated Navigation System", International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1837-1855, June, 2016 - PDF
[87] David Cabecinhas, R. Naldi, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, L. Marconi "Robust landing and sliding maneuver hybrid controller for a quadrotor vehicle", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 400 - 412, March, 2016
[88] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized state observers for range-based position and velocity estimation in acyclic formations with fixed topologies", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 26, Issue 5, pp. 963–994, March , 2016
[89] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "On the stability of the continuous-time Kalman Filter subject to exponentially decaying perturbations", Systems & Control Letters, Elsevier, Vol. 89, pp. 41–46, March, 2016
[90] Paulo Rosa, T. Simao, Carlos Silvestre, J. M. Lemos "Fault-tolerant control of an air heating fan using set-valued observers: An experimental evaluation", International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 336–358, February, 2016 - PDF
[91] Pedro Casau, R. G. Sanfelice, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A Globally Asymptotically Stabilizing Trajectory Tracking Controller for Fully Actuated Rigid Bodies using Landmark-based Information", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 25, Issue 18, pp. 3617–3640, December, 2015
[92] Xie Heng, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Xu Quingsong "A trajectory tracking lqr controller for a quadrotor: Design and experimental evaluation", Proc. of TENCON 2015 - 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2015
[93] Tiago Gaspar, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Model-based filters for 3D positioning of marine mammals using AHRS- and GPS-equipped UAVs", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, Issue 4, pp. 3307 - 3320, , 2015
[94] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Navigation Systems based on Multiple Bearing Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, No.4, pp. 2887-2899, October , 2015
[95] Pedro Casau, R. G. Sanfelice, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Robust Global Trajectory Tracking for a Class of Underactuated Vehicles", Automatica, Elsevier, Vol. 58, Issue 8, pp. 90-98, August , 2015 - PDF
[96] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, P. Chen "Distributed state estimation for linear multi-agent systems with time-varying measurement topology", Automatica, vol. 54, pp. 72-79, April, 2015 - PDF
[97] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, P. Chen "Sensor-based globally exponentially stable range-only simultaneous localization and mapping", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 68, pp. 72-85, June , 2015
[98] J. Barbosa, C. Cardeira, Paulo Oliveira, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre "Design and Validation of an RGB-D Based Localization System – Integration in a Docking System", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 80, Issue 3, pp. 423-440, December , 2015
[99] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A Two-step Control Approach for Docking of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 1528-1547, July, 2015 - PDF
[100] Pedro Casau, Paulo Rosa, S. Tabatabaeipour, Carlos Silvestre, J. Stoustrup "A Set-Valued Approach to FDI and FTC of Wind Turbines", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 23, N0. 1, pp. 245-263, 2015
[101] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A Globally Stabilizing Path Following Controller for Rotorcraft With Wind Disturbance Rejection", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 23, N0. 2, pp. 708-714, 2015
[102] Pedro Serra, Rita Cunha, T. Hamel, Carlos Silvestre, F. Le Bras "Nonlinear Image-Based Visual Servo Controller for the Flare Manoeuvre of Fixed-Wing Aircraft using Optical Flow", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 23, N0. 2, pp. 570-583, 2015
[103] Sérgio Brás, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Fault Detection and Isolation in Inertial Measurement Units Based on Bounding Sets", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60, No. 7, pp. 1933-1938, 2015
[104] Paulo Rosa, Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre "On the Distinguishability of HRF Models in fMRI", Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 9, Issue 54, pp. 1-13, May , 2015 - PDF
[105] P. Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling of fMRI Data with Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 54, Issue 3, pp. 232-239, May , 2015 - PDF
[106] Pedro Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling of fMRI data with Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Methods of Information in Medicine, 54: 232 - 239, April; DOI: 10.3414/ME13-02-0052, 2015
[107] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, António Pascoal "Trajectory Tracking Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Surface Craft", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 2160-2175, November, 2014
[108] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Output Regulation for Non-square Linear Multi-rate Systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 968-990, March, 2014
[109] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A nonlinear quadrotor trajectory tracking controller with disturbance rejection", Elsevier Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 242-252, May, 2014
[110] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Position and Velocity Filters for ASC/I-AUV Tandems based on Single Range Measurements", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Vol. 74, Issue 3-4, pp. 745-768, June, 2014
[111] Paulo Rosa, G. Balas, Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans "A Synthesis Method of LTI MIMO Robust Controllers for Uncertain LPV Plants", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 2234-2240, August, 2014
[112] Valter Roldao, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A leader-following trajectory generator with application to quadrotor formation flight", Elsevier Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 62, No. 10, pp. 1597-1609, October, 2014
[113] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stochastic Networked Control Systems with Dynamic Protocols", Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1-12, November, 2014
[114] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre "Multiple-Model Adaptive Control using Set-Valued Observers", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 24, No. 16, pp. 2490–2511, November, 2014
[115] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans "Model falsification using set-valued observers for a class of discrete-time dynamic systems: a coprime factorization approach", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 24, No. 17, pp. 2928–2942, November , 2014
[116] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Self-triggered output feedback control of linear plants in the presence of unknown disturbances", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp. 3040-3045, November , 2014
[117] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Self-triggered state-feedback control of linear plants under bounded disturbances", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.25, Issue 8, pp.1230-1246, 2015, 2014 - PDF
[118] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Sensor-based Long Baseline Navigation: observability analysis and filter design", Asian Journal of Control, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 974-994, July, 2014
[119] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos "Embedded Vehicle Dynamics Aiding for USBL/INS Underwater Navigation System", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 322-330, January , 2014 - PDF
[120] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Automatic 2-D LiDAR Geometric Calibration of Installation Bias", Elsevier Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 62, pp. 1116-1129. DOI:10.1016/j.robot.2014.05.001, 2014
[121] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Tightly-coupled Ultra-Short Baseline and Inertial Navigation System for Underwater Vehicles: an Experimental Validation", Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 142-170, January / February, 2013 - PDF
[122] Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally Asymptotically Stable Sensor-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 29, no.6, pp. 1380-1395, December, 2013 - PDF
[123] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally exponentially stable filters for source localization and navigation aided by direction measurements", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 1065-1072, November, 2013 - PDF
[124] Pedro Casau, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Hybrid Control Strategy for the Autonomous Transition Flight of a Fixed-Wing Aircraft", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 2194-2211, November, 2013 - PDF
[125] Sérgio Brás, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Global Attitude and Gyro Bias Estimation Based on Set-Valued Observers", Elsevier Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 62, Issue 10, pp. 937-942, October, 2013 - PDF
[126] Sérgio Brás, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Nonlinear Attitude Observer Based on Range and Inertial Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1889-1897, September, 2013 - PDF
[127] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stochastic Hybrid Systems with Renewal Transitions: Moment Analysis with Application to Networked Control Systems with Delays", SIAM - Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 51, Issue 2, pp. 14811499, March-April, 2013 - PDF
[128] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre "Fault Detection and Isolation of LPV Systems using Set-Valued Observers: An Application to a Fixed-Wing Aircraft", Elsevier Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 242-252, March, 2013 - PDF
[129] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stability of Networked Control Systems with Asynchronous Renewal Links: An Impulsive Systems Approach", Elsevier Automatica, Vol. 49, Issue 2, pp. 402-413, February, 2013 - PDF
[130] Carlos Silvestre, Duarte Antunes, J. P. Hespanha "Volterra Integral Approach to Impulsive Renewal Systems: Application to Networked Control", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 607-619, 2012
[131] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Cooperative control of multiple surface vessels with discrete-time periodic communications", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 398-419, March, 2012
[132] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista "A GES attitude observer with single vector observations", Automatica, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 388395, 2012
[133] Marco Morgado, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Attitude estimation for Intervention-AUVs working in Tandem with Autonomous Surface Crafts", European Journal of Control, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 485-495, September-October, 2012
[134] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Sensor-based Globally Asymptotically Stable Filters for Attitude Estimation: Analysis, Design, and Performance Evaluation", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 2095-2100, August, 2012
[135] D. Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized H2 observers for position and velocity estimation in vehicle formations with fixed topologies", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 443-453, March, 2012
[136] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally Exponentially Stable Cascade Observers for Attitude Estimation", Control Engineering Practice, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 148-155, February, 2012
[137] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Continuous-time consensus with discrete-time communications", Elsevier Systems and Control Letters, Volume 61, Issue 7, Pages: 788-796, July, 2012
[138] David Cabecinhas, R. Naldi, L. Marconi, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Robust Take-off for a Quadrotor Vehicle", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 28 , Issue 3, pp. 734 742, June, 2012
[139] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Terrain Avoidance Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Rotorcraft", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 68, Issue 1, pages: 69-85, September, 2012
[140] Marco Morgado, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Position USBL/DVL Sensor-Based Navigation Filter in the Presence of Unknown Ocean Currents", Automatica, Vol. 47, Issue 12, pp. 2604-2614, December, 2011
[141] Rita Cunha, Joao Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre, Antonio Pedro Aguiar "Vision-based control for rigid body stabilization", Automatica, Vol.47, No 5, pp.1020-1027, May, 2011
[142] José Vasconcelos, G. Elkaim, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Bruno Cardeira "A Geometric Approach to Strapdown Magnetometer Calibration in Sensor Frame", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, vol.47, no 2, pp.1293-1306, April, 2011
[143] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Partial Attitude and Rate Gyro Bias Estimation: Observability Analysis, Filter Design, and Performance Evaluation", International Journal of Control, Volume 84, Issue 5, 2011
[144] José Vasconcelos, A. Rantzer, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Combination of Lyapunov and Density Functions for Stability of Rotational Motion", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 2599-2607, November, 2011
[145] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Jose Vasconcelos "INS/GPS Aided by Frequency Contents of Vector Observations with Application to Autonomous Surface Crafts", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 36, No 2, April, 2011
[146] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Vector-based Attitude Filter for Space Navigation", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 221-243, 2011
[147] Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans, Paulo Rosa, Jeff Shamma "Stability Overlay for Adaptive Control Laws", Automatica, Vol.47, No 5, pp. 1007-1014, May, 2011
[148] José Vasconcelos, Bruno Cardeira, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Pedro Batista "Discrete-Time Complementary Filters for Attitude and Position Estimation: Design, Analysis and Experimental Validation", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 181-198, January, 2011
[149] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "On the observability of linear motion quantities in navigation systems", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 101-110, February, 2011
[150] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Single Range Aided Navigation and Source Localization: observability and filter design", Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 60, No. 8, pp. 665-673, 2011
[151] Sérgio Brás, Rita Cunha, Jose Vasconcelos, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A Nonlinear Attitude Observer Based on Active Vision and Inertial Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 664-677, August, 2011
[152] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Bruno Cardeira "Accelerometer Calibration and Dynamic Bias and Gravity Estimation: Analysis, Design, and Experimental Evaluation", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 1128-1137, 2011
[153] Duarte Antunes, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "On the Design of Multi-rate Tracking Controllers: An Application to Rotorcraft Guidance and Control", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 20, No.16, pp. 1879-1902, November, 2010
[154] Jose Vasconcelos, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A nonlinear position and attitude observer on SE(3) using landmark measurements", Systems and Control Letters, Vol.59, No. 3 - 4, pp. 155-166, March-April, 2010
[155] Jose Vasconcelos, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Bruno Guerreiro "Embedded UAV model and LASER aiding techniques for inertial navigation systems", Control Engineering Practice, vol.18, no. 3, pp. 262-278, Elsevier, March, 2010
[156] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Cooperative control of multiple surface vessels in the presence of ocean currents and parametric model uncertainty", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 20, Issue 14, pp. 15491565, 2010
[157] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Optimal Position and Velocity Navigation Filters for Autonomous Vehicles", Automatica, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 767-774, April, 2010
[158] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A time differences of arrival-based homing strategy for autonomous underwater vehicles", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 1758-1773, October , 2010
[159] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A Sensor-Based Controller for Homing of Underactuated AUVs", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 701-716, June, 2009
[160] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Position and Velocity Navigation Systems for Unmanned Vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 707-715, May, 2009 - PDF
[161] Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, N. Paulino, António Pascoal "A Bottom-Following Preview Controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 257 - 266, March, 2009
[162] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos, Michael Athans, S. Fekriasl "Stability and Performance-Robustness Tradeoffs: MIMO Mixed-mu vs Complex-mu Designs", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 259-294, February, 2009 - PDF
[163] António Pascoal, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, Reza Ghabcheloo, J. Hespanha, I. Kaminer "Coordinated path-following in the presence of communication losses and time delays", SIAM - Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 234-265, 2009 - PDF
[164] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Output-feedback control for almost global stabilization of fully-actuated rigid bodies", Elsevier Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 58, Issue 9, pp. 639-645, 2008
[165] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha "Output-feedback control for stabilization on SE(3)", Elsevier Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 57, Issue 12, pp. 1013-1022, 2008
[166] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Depth Control of the INFANTE AUV using Gain-Scheduled Reduced Order Output Feedback", Elsevier Control Engineering Practice, Vol.15, pp. 883-895, 2007 - PDF
[167] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Nonlinear Coordinated Path Following Control of Multiple Wheeled Robots with Bidirectional Communication Constraints", International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 21, pp. 133-157, 2007 - PDF
[168] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, N. Paulino "Affine Parameter-Dependent Preview Control for Rotorcraft Terrain Following Flight", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1350-1359, November-December, 2006 - PDF
[169] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Coordinated Path-Following Control of Multiple Wheeled Robots using Linearization Techniques", International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 37, N. 6, pp. 399-414, May, 2006 - PDF
[170] António Pascoal, J. Santos, M. Neves, L. Silva, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Luís Sebastião, João Alves "Novos Instrumentos para a Inspeccao e Diagnostico de Quebra-mares de Taludes", Tecnologia da agua, March, pp. 44-50, 2006 - PDF
[171] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Control of the Infante AUV using Gain-Scheduled Static Output Feedback", IFAC Journal Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 12, pp. 1501-1509, 2004
[172] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, I. Kaminer "On the Design of Gain-Scheduled Trajectory Tracking Controllers", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 12:797-839, 2002
[173] António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, V. Silva "Mission Control System of the MARIUS AUV: System design, implementation, and tests at sea", International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.29, No 10, pp.1065-1080, October, 1998
[174] I. Kaminer, António Pascoal, E. Hallberg, Carlos Silvestre "Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles: An Integrated Approach to Guidance and Control", Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 29-38 , 1998
[175] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Control of an AUV in the Vertical and Horizontal Plane: System Design and Tests at Sea", IEE Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 126-138, 1997
[176] António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, A. Bjerrum, A. Ishoy, J. Paul Pignon, G. Ayela, C. Petzelt "MARIUS: An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Coastal Oceanography", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special issue on Robotics and Automation in Europe: Projects funded by the Commission of the European Union, pp. 46-59, 1997 - PDF
[177] D. Fryxell, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Navigation, guidance and control of AUVs: An application to the MARIUS vehicle", Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 401-409, March, 1996 - PDF

No publications found for author "cap-carlosjorgeferreira"

[1] Pedro Lourenço, Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "New Design Techniques for Globally Convergent Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: Analysis and Implementation", In Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications to Land, Water and Air Vehicles, T. I. Fossen, K. Y. Pettersen, H. Nijmeijer (Eds.), Springer, pp. 121-141, 2017
[2] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Coordinated Path Following Control of Multiple Vehicles Subject to Bidirectional Communication Constraints", Group Coordination and Cooperative Control. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, vol 336. Pettersen K.Y., Gravdahl J.T., Nijmeijer H. (eds). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006
[3] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira "Vehicle and Mission Control of Single Multiple Autonomous Marine Robots", In Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles, IEE Contol Engineering Series, G. Roberts and R. Sutton (Eds), pp. 353-386, 2006 - PDF
[4] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, Reza Ghabcheloo, I. Kaminer "Nonlinear Coordinated Path Following Control with Bidirectional Communication Constraints", in Group Coordination and Cooperative Control, Springer Series on Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, K. Pettersen, J. Gravdahl, and H. Nijmeier (Eds.), pp. 93-111, 2006 - PDF
[5] J. M. Lemos, F. Coito, F. Garcia, Carlos Silvestre, P. Shirley, P. Conceicao, João Sentieiro "Long-Range Adaptive Control Algorithms for Robotic Applications", in Progress in Robotics and Intelligent Systems, edited by C. Y. Ho e George W. Zobrist ABLEX Publishing Co, USA, 1990
[1] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Constructive Barrier Feedback for Collision Avoidance in Leader-Follower Formation Control", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and ControlOpen AccessPages 368 - 3742023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2023, 2023
[2] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Zhiqi Tang, Tarek Hamel "Bearing formation control under switching graph topologies", European Control Conference (ECC), London, United Kingdom, 2022, pp. 918-923, 2022
[3] Xuanzhi, Pedro Casau, Carlos Silvestre "Finite-Time Model-Based Event-Triggered Implementation of Hybrid Controllers", American Control Conference (ACC), Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 3826-3831, 2022
[4] Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Casau, Joel Reis "Event-triggered trajectory tracking control of an underactuated autonomous surface vessel", American Control Conference (ACC), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022, pp. 1757-1762, 2022
[5] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Kalman filtering technique for attitude estimation on SO(3) using single inertial vector observations", Proc. of OCEANS 2021, San Diego, Porto, pp. 1-6, 2021
[6] Guilherme Ramos, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "A general discrete-time method to achieve resilience in consensus algorithms", Proc. of CDC 2020 - 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (virtual), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea , 2020 - PDF
[7] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Bearing-only formation control under persistence of excitation", 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju, pp. 4011-4016, 2020, 2020
[8] Joel Reis, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira "Attitude observers aided by implicit measurements of the Earth angular velocity", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju, 2020, pp. 1300-1305, doi: 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304161, 2020
[9] Rafael Ribeiro, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "A Rendezvous Algorithm for Multi-agent Systems in Disconnected Network Topologies", Proc. of MED 2020 - 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Saint-Raphaël, France, 2020
[10] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Bearing leader-follower formation control under persistence of excitation", Proc. of 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2020
[11] Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Global Practical Tracking for a Hovercraft with Unmeasured Linear Velocity and Disturbances", 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, 2020, 2020 - PDF
[12] Pedro Casau, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Improved Maneuverability for Multirotor Aerial Vehicles using Globally Stabilizing Feedbacks", 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, 2020, pp. 3822-3827, doi: 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147743, 2020 - PDF
[13] Xuanzhi, Pedro Casau, Carlos Silvestre "Global Trajectory Tracking for a Quadrotor through Event-Triggered Control : Synthesis, Simulations, and Experiments", 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, 2020, pp. 3822-3827, doi: 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147743, 2020 - PDF
[14] Rafael Ribeiro, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized Control for Multi-agent Missions Based on Flocking Rules", Proc. of CONTROLO 2020 - 14th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, Bragança Portugal, 2020
[15] Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Trajectory Tracking Control of an Underactuated Autonomous Surface Craft in the Presence of Environmental Disturbances", IEEE 7th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), Melaka, 2019, pp. 54-58, doi: 10.1109/ICSPC47137.2019.9068012, 2019 - PDF
[16] Dinis Lu, Wei Xie, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Path Following Controller Design for an Underactuated Hovercraft with External Disturbances", 2019 19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju, 2019, pp. 76-81, doi: 10.23919/ICCAS47443.2019.8971493, 2019
[17] gan yu, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Quadrotor trajectory generation and tracking for aggressive maneuvers with attitude constraints", 21st IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace ACA 2019, vol. 52, pp. 55–60, 2019
[18] Marta Marques, Bruno Guerreiro, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Trajectory planning and control for drone replacement for multidrone cinematography", 21st IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA 2019), 2019
[19] Daniel Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Desynchronization for Decentralized Medium Access Control based on Gauss-Seidel Iterations", Proc. of ACC 2019 - American Control Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 2019
[20] David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Trajectory Tracking Control of a nonlinear Autonomous Surface Vessel", 2019 American Control Conference (ACC), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019, pp. 4380-4385, doi: 10.23919/ACC.2019.8815125, 2019 - PDF
[21] Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "A Globally Exponentially Stable Solution for Frequency Estimation", Proceedings of the 2018 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, pp. 626-631, 2018
[22] Pedro Casau, Carlos Silvestre "Global asymptotic stabilization of spherical orientation by synergistic hybrid feedback with application to reduced attitude synchronization", 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, 2018, pp. 1536-1541, doi: 10.1109/CDC.2018.8619650., 2018 - PDF
[23] Joel Reis, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Attitude Observer on SO(3) Based on Single Body-Vector Measurements", 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2018
[24] Pu Bai, Bruno Guerreiro, Rita Cunha, Przemyslaw Kornatowski, Dario Floreano , Carlos Silvestre "Wall-contact sliding control strategy for a 2D caged quadrotor", 18th ICCAS, October, pp. 291-296. (Best Paper Award), 2018
[25] He Hao, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "Source Localization and Network Topology Discovery in Infection Networks", 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Wuhan, 2018, pp. 1915-1920, doi: 10.23919/ChiCC.2018.8482274, 2018 - PDF
[26] Daniel Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Fault Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems: Smart Grid case", 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), 2018, Hong-Kong, China., 2018 - PDF
[27] Daniel Silvestre, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "A PageRank Algorithm based on Asynchronous Gauss-Seidel Iterations", 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2018, pp. 484-489, doi: 10.23919/ACC.2018.8431212, 2018
[28] Zhiqi Tang, Rita Cunha, Tarek Hamel, Carlos Silvestre "Going through a window and landing a quadrotor using optical flow", 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 2018
[29] Pedro Casau, Rita Cunha, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, Carlos Silvestre "Hybrid feedback for global asymptotic stabilization on a compact manifold", 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017
[30] Alexandre Gomes, Bruno Guerreiro, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Sensor-based 3-D pose estimation and control of rotary-wing UAVs using a 2-D LiDAR", Proc. of Robot 2017 - 3rd Iberian Robotics Conference, Sevilla, Spain, 2017
[31] Pedro Batista, N. Petit, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Relaxed conditions for uniform complete observability and controllability of LTV systems with bounded realizations", Proc. of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, pp. 3661-3668, 2017
[32] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Discrete-time distributed Kalman filter design for multi-vehicle systems", Proc. of ACC 2017 - American Control Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 5538-5543, 2017
[33] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Relative Attitude Observers for Three-Platform Formations with Inertial Spread Observations", Proc. of CDC 2016 - 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, pp. 6266-6271, 2016
[34] Pedro Casau, C. J. Mayhew, R. G. Sanfelice, Carlos Silvestre "Exponential stabilization of a vectored-thrust vehicle using synergistic potential functions", Proc. of ACC 2016 - American Control Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 2016
[35] M. Izadi, S. P. Viswanathan, A. Sanyal, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "The Variational Attitude Estimator in the Presence of Bias in Angular Velocity Measurements", Proc. of ACC 2016 - American Control Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 2016
[36] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally Convergent Relative Attitude Observers for Three-Platform Formations", Proc. of CDC 2015 - 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp. 2146-2151, 2015
[37] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Pseudo-Range Navigation with Clock Offset and Propagation Speed Estimation", Proc. of CDC 2015 - 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp. 7636-7641, 2015
[38] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Towards Uncertainty Optimization in Active SLAM", Proc. of CDC 2015 - 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp. 3242-3247, 2015
[39] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Distributed Fault Detection Using Relative Information in Linear Multi-Agent Networks", IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48, Issue 21, 446-451, December, 2015
[40] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "LiDAR-based Control of Autonomous Rotorcraft for Inspection of Pole-Shaped Structures", Proc. of ROBOT 2015 - 2nd Iberian Robotics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015
[41] gan yu, Jianan Li, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A nonlinear trajectory tracking controller for helicopters: Design and experimental evaluation", TENCON 2015 - 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2015
[42] Zhiqi Tang, Linquian Li, Pedro Serra, David Cabecinhas, Tarek Hamel, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Homing on a moving dock for a quadrotor vehicle", TENCON 2015 - 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2015
[43] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Self-Triggered Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of ECC 2015 - European Control Conference, Linz, Austria, 2015
[44] Pedro Lourenço, Paulo Oliveira, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre "A Globally Exponentially Stable filter for Bearing-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in 3-D", Proc. of ECC 2015 - 14th Annual European Control Conference, Linz, Austria , 2015
[45] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Sensor Networks: a GES sensor-based filter with moving object tracking", Proc. of ECC 2015 - 14th Annual European Control Conference, Linz, Austria , 2015 - PDF
[46] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Set-Consensus using Set-Valued Observers", American Control Conference (ACC), Chicago, 2015, 2015 - PDF
[47] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Finite-time convergence policies in state-dependent social networks", Proc. of ACC 2015 - American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 2015
[48] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Attitude and Earth Velocity Estimation – Part I: Globally Exponentially Stable Observer", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 127-132, 2014
[49] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Attitude and Earth Velocity Estimation – Part II: Observer on the Special Orthogonal Group", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 127-132, 2014
[50] Marco Morgado, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Robust Outlier Detection and Classification for USBL Undewater Positioning Systems", Proc. of CONTROLO 2014 - 11th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 2014
[51] J. Barbosa, C. Cardeira, Paulo Oliveira, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre "Design and Validation of a Linear Parameter Varying Localization System", Proc. of ICARSC 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Espinho, Portugal, 2014
[52] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A Robust Landing and Sliding Maneuver Controller for a Quadrotor Vehicle on a Sloped Incline", Proc. of ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, 2014
[53] P. Pereira, David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Three Dimensional Trajectory Planner for Real Time Leader Following", Proc. of ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, 2014
[54] Pedro Casau, R. G. Sanfelice, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "A Hybrid Feedback Controller for Robust Global Trajectory Tracking of Quadrotor-like Vehicles with Minimized Attitude Error", Proc. of ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, 2014
[55] David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "A Nonlinear Quadrotor Trajectory Tracking Controller with Disturbance Rejection", Proc. of ACC 2014 - American Control Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 2014
[56] Pedro Serra, Rita Cunha, T. Hamel, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Landing on a Moving Target using Image-Based Visual Servo Control", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2014
[57] P. Pereira, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Trailer-Like Leader Following Trajectory Planning", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2014
[58] Pedro Casau, Carlos Silvestre, Ricardo G. Sanfelice "A Hybrid Controller for Global Uniform Exponential Stabilization of Linear Systems with Singular Input Constraints", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2014
[59] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Output synchronization of heterogeneous LTI plants with event-triggered communication", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2014
[60] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos "Embedded Vehicle Dynamics Aiding for USBL/INS Underwater Navigation System", Proc. of ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, China, 2014
[61] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Finite-Time Average Consensus in a Byzantine Environment Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of ACC 2014 - American Control Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 2014
[62] Joel Reis, Paulo Oliveira, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre "Filter Design for Localization aided by Direction and Doppler Measurements", Proc. of ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong , China, pp. 2957-2962, 2014
[63] Joel Reis, N. Carvalho, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Underwater Source Localization based on USBL measurements", Proc. of CONTROLO 2014 - 11th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, 2014
[64] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear observability and observer design through state augmentation", Proc. of CDC 2014 - 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 133-138, 2014
[65] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, P. Chen "Sensor-based Globally Asymptotically Stable Range-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping", Proc. of CDC 2013 - IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 2013 - PDF
[66] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, Rita Cunha, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Gossip Average Consensus in a Byzantine Environment Using Stochastic Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of CDC 2013 - IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 2013 - PDF
[67] Pedro Lourenço, Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "3-D Inertial Trajectory and Map Online Estimation: Building on a GAS Sensor-based SLAM filter", Proc. of ECC 2013 - European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 4214-4219, 2013 - PDF
[68] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Robust outliers detection and classification for USBL underwater positioning systems", Proc. of IAV 2013 - IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Gold Coast, Australia, 2013
[69] Pedro Lourenço, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, P. Chen "A Received Signal Strength Indication-based Localization System", Proc. of MED 2013 - 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Chania, Greece, 2013 - PDF
[70] Pedro Lourenço, Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Preliminary Results on Globally Asymptotically Stable Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in 3-D", Proc. of ACC 2013 - American Control Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 3093-3098, 2013 - PDF
[71] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, António Pascoal "Trajectory Tracking Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Surface Craft", Proc. of ECC 2013 - European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013 - PDF
[72] D. Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized linear state observers for vehicle formations with time-varying topologies", Proc. of ACC 2013 - American Control Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 65-70, 2013 - PDF
[73] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GES Source Localization and Navigation based on Discrete-Time Bearing Measurement", Proc. of CDC 2013 - 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 5066-5071, 2013 - PDF
[74] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GES Tightly Coupled Attitude Estimation based on a LBL/USBL Positioning System", Proc. of ECC 2013 - European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 2988-2993, 2013 - PDF
[75] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GAS Tightly Coupled LBL/USBL Position and Velocity Filter for Underwater Vehicles", Proc. of ECC 2013 - European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 2982-2987, 2013 - PDF
[76] D. Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "GAS Decentralized Navigation Filters in a Continuous-Discrete Fixed Topology Framework", Proc. of MED 2013 - 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Crete, Greece, pp. 1286-1291, 2013 - PDF
[77] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GES Source Localization based on Discrete-Time Position and Single Range Measurements", Proc. of MED 2013 - 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Crete, Greece, pp. 1248-1253, 2013 - PDF
[78] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Preliminary Results on the Estimation Performance of Single Range Source Localization", Proc. of MED 2013 - 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Crete, Greece, pp. 419-424, 2013 - PDF
[79] Pedro Batista, N. Petit, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Further results on the observability in magneto-inertial navigation", Proc. of ACC 2013 - American Control Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 2509-2514, 2013 - PDF
[80] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Experimental Validation of a Globally Stabilizing Feedback Controller for a Quadrotor Aircraft with Wind Disturbance Rejection", Proc. of ACC 2013 - American Control Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, 2013 - PDF
[81] Sérgio Brás, M. Izadi, Carlos Silvestre, A. Sanyal, Paulo Oliveira "Nonlinear Observer for 3D Rigid Body Motion", Proc. of CDC 2013 - 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 2013 - PDF
[82] Pedro Casau, R. Sanfelice, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Global Trajectory Tracking for a Class of Underactuated Vehicles", Proc. of ACC 2013 - American Control Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, 2013 - PDF
[83] V. Roldao, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A novel leader-following strategy applied to formations of quadrotors", Proc. of ECC 2013 - European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013 - PDF
[84] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Experimental validation of a nonlinear quadrotor controller with wind disturbance rejection", Proc. of ECC 2013 - European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013 - PDF
[85] P. Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling with Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Proc. of BSI 2012 - 7th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, Como, Italy, 2012
[86] P. Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre "DCM Model Selection with Multiple Model Kalman Filters", Proc. of HBM 2012 - 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012
[87] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF) Model Selection in FMRI Using Kalman Filtering", Proc. of the ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[88] D. Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized Range-based Linear Motion Estimation in Acyclic Vehicle Formations with Fixed Topologies", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 6575-6580, 2012
[89] D. Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Position and Velocity Filters for Intervention AUVS based on Single Range and Depth Measurements", Proc.of ICRA 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp. 4878-4883, 2012
[90] Marco Morgado, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Attitude Filter for Intervention-AUVs working in Tandem with Autonomous Surface Craft", Proc. of NGCUV 2012 - IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Porto, Portugal, 2012
[91] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GAS ocean current estimation with limited velocity readings", Proc. of NGCUV 2012 - IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Porto, Portugal, 2012
[92] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally Asymptotically Stable Filter for Navigation aided by Direction and Depth Measurements", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, pp. 6603-6609, 2012
[93] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GES Integrated LBL/USBL Navigation System for Underwater Vehicles", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, pp. 6609-6614, 2012
[94] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A Two-Step Control Strategy for Docking of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 5395-5400, 2012
[95] Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Sensor-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping – Part II: Online Inertial Map and Trajectory Estimation", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 6334-6339, 2012
[96] Bruno Guerreiro, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Sensor-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping – Part I: GAS Robocentric Filter", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 6352-6357, 2012
[97] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Observer based self-triggered control of an acyclic interconnection of linear plants", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012
[98] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Observer Based Self-Triggered Control of Linear Plants with Unknown Disturbances", Proc. of the ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[99] P. Casau, R. G. Sanfelice, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A Landmark-Based Controller for Global Asymptotic Stabilization on SE(3)", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012
[100] Sérgio Brás, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Fault Detection and Isolation for Inertial Measurement Units", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012
[101] David Cabecinhas, Sérgio Brás, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Rita Cunha "Integrated Solution to Quadrotor Stabilization and Attitude Estimation Using a Pan and Tilt Camera", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012
[102] P. Casau, Paulo Rosa, S. Tabatabaeipour, Carlos Silvestre "Fault Detection and Isolation and Fault Tolerant Control of Wind Turbines Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of SAFEPROCESS 2012 - 8th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012
[103] Sérgio Brás, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Set-Valued Observers for Attitude and Rate Gyros Bias Estimation", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[104] P. Casau, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre "Wind Turbines Fault Detection and Identification Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[105] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Saturated Output Feedback Control of a Quadrotor Aircraft", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[106] Paulo Rosa, P. Casau, Carlos Silvestre, S. Tabatabaeipour, J. Stoustrup "A Set-Valued Approach to FDI and FTC: Theory and Implementation Issues", Proc. of SAFEPROCESS 2012 - 8th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012
[107] Paulo Rosa, T. Simao, J. Lemos, Carlos Silvestre "Multiple-Model Adaptive Control of an Air Heating Fan using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of MED 2012 - 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
[108] Duarte Antunes, W. Heemels, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Scheduling Measurements and Controls Over Networks – Part I: Rollout Strategies for Protocol Design", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[109] Duarte Antunes, W. Heemels, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Scheduling Measurements and Controls Over Networks – Part II: Rollout Strategies for Simultaneous Protocol and Controller Design", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[110] P. Casau, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Almost Global Stabilization of a Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft in Hovered Flight", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[111] Paulo Rosa, J. M. Lemos, T. Mendonca, Carlos Silvestre "A Set-Valued Observer Approach to Multiple-Model Adaptive Control of Neuromuscular Blockade", Proc. of ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[112] P. Sanz, P. Ridao, G. Oliver, G. Casalino, C. Insaurralde, Carlos Silvestre "TRIDENT: Recent Improvements about Autonomous Underwater Intervention Missions", Proc. of NGCUV 2012 - IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Porto, Portugal, 2012
[113] Duarte Antunes, Daniel Silvestre, Carlos Silvestre "Average Consensus and Gossip Algorithms in Networks with Stochastic Asymmetric Communications", Proc. of CDC - ECC 2011 - 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2011
[114] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Sérgio Brás, Paulo Rosa "Optimal Attitude Estimation Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of CDC2011 - 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, 2011
[115] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stochastic networked control systems with dynamic protocols", Proc. of ACC 2011 - American Control Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2011
[116] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Globally Asymptotically Stable Filters for Source Localization and Navigation aided by Direction Measurements", Proc. of CDC - ECC 2011 - 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2011
[117] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Tiago Gaspar "UAV-based Marine Mammals Positioning and Tracking System", Proc. of ICMA 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Beijing, China, 2011
[118] Paulo Oliveira, Marco Morgado, Carlos Silvestre "A Closed-loop Design Methodology for Underwater Transducers Pulse-shaping", Proc. of ICMA 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Beijing, China, 2011
[119] Sérgio Brás, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Jose Fernandes Vasconcelos, Rita Cunha "An Experimentally Evaluated Attitude Observer Based on Range and Inertial Measurements", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[120] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Bruno Guerreiro "Automatic LADAR Calibration Methods using Geometric Optimization", Proc. of ICRA 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, 2011
[121] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista, Marco Morgado "Position and Velocity USBL/IMU Sensor-based Navigation Filter", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[122] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "HRF Model Selection in fMRI using Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[123] Paulo Oliveira, Marco Morgado, Barbara Block, Carlos Silvestre, Karim Erzini, Andre Afonso, Fabio Hazin "Preliminary Results of Project MAST/AM: Advanced Tracking and Telemetry Methodologies to Study Marine Animals", Proc. of IEEE OCEANS 2011 Conference, Santander, Spain, 2011
[124] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Computationally Efficient GES Cascade Observer for Attitude Estimation", Proc. of ACC 2011 - American Control Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2011
[125] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GES Attitude Observers – Part II: Single Vector Observations", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[126] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "GES Attitude Observers – Part I: Multiple General Vector Observations", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[127] Daniel Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Linear Motion Observers for ASC/AUV Tandems based on Single Range Readings", Proc. of ACC 2011 - American Control Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2011
[128] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans "Model Falsification Using SVOs for a Class of Discrete-Time Dynamic Systems: A Coprime Factorization Approach", Proc. of CDC - ECC 2011 - 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2011
[129] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre "On the Distinguishability of Discrete Linear Time-Invariant Dynamic Systems", Proc. of CDC - ECC 2011 - 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2011
[130] P. Casau, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Autonomous Transition Flight for a Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft", Proc. of CDC - ECC 2011 - 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, USA, 2011
[131] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans "Model Falsification of LPV Systems Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[132] P. Casau, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre "Transition Control for a Fixed-Wing Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[133] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Self-Triggered Observer Based Control of Linear Plants", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[134] D. Viegas, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Decentralized Linear Motion Estimators for AUV Formations with Fixed Topologies", Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
[135] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Self-triggered output feedback control of linear plants", Proc. of ACC 2011 - American Control Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2011
[136] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Self-triggered state-feedback control of linear plants under bounded disturbances", 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, pp. 7588-7593, 2010, 2010
[137] João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Self-Triggered State Feedback Control of Linear Plants under Bounded Disturbances", Proc. of CDC 2010 - 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010
[138] Marco Morgado, Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Position USBL/DVL Sensor-Based Navigation Filter in the Presence of Unknown Ocean Currents", Proc. of CDC 2010 - 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010
[139] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A Sensor-based Long Baseline Position and Velocity Navigation Filter for Underwater Vehicles", Proc. of NOLCOS 2010 - 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, 2010
[140] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Single Beacon Navigation: Observability Analysis and Filter Design", Proc. of ACC 2010 - American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2010
[141] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Stochastic hybrid systems with renewal transitions", Proc. of ACC 2010 - American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2010
[142] Sérgio Brás, Rita Cunha, José Vasconcelos, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Experimental evaluation of a nonlinear attitude observer based on image and inertial measurements", Proc. of ACC 2010 - American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2010
[143] N. Palomeras, P. Ridao, Carlos Silvestre, A. El-Fakdi "Multiple vehicles mission coordination using petri nets", Proc. of ICRA 2010 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, 2010
[144] David Cabecinhas, R. Naldi, L. Marconi, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Robust take-off and landing for a quadrotor vehicle", Proc. of ICRA 2010 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, 2010
[145] P. J. Sanz, P. Ridao, G. Oliver, C. Melchiorri, G. Casalino, Carlos Silvestre, Y. Petillot, A. Turetta "TRIDENT: A Framework for Autonomous Underwater Intervention Missions with Dexterous Manipulation Capabilities", Proc. of IAV 2010 - 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lecce, Italy, 2010
[146] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Laser-Based Trajectory Tracking H2 Control of Autonomous Rotorcraft", Proc. of ACA 2010 - 18th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Nara, Japan, 2010
[147] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, J. S. Shamma, Michael Athans "Fault Detection and Isolation of an Aircraft Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of ACA 2010 - 18th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Nara, Japan, 2010
[148] Duarte Antunes, J. P. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Impulsive Systems Triggered by Superposed Renewal Processes", Proc. of CDC 2010 - 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010
[149] Pedro Serra, F. Le Bras, T. Hamel, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Nonlinear IBVS Controller for the Flare Maneuver of Fixed-Wing Aircraft Using Optical Flow", Proc. of CDC 2010 - 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010
[150] David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Vision-Based Quadrotor Stabilization Using a Pan and Tilt Camera", Proc. of CDC 2010 - 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010
[151] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, J. S. Shamma, Michael Athans "Fault Detection and Isolation of LTV Systems Using Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of CDC 2010 - 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010
[152] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Bruno Cardeira "Low-cost Attitude and Heading Reference System: Filter Design and Experimental Evaluation", Proc of ICRA 2010 - International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, USA, 2010
[153] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Experimental evaluation of a USBL underwater positioning system", Proc. of the 52nd International Symposium ELMAR-2010, Zadar, Croacia, 2010
[154] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Design and experimental evaluation of an integrated USBL/INS system for AUVs", Proc. of ICRA 2010 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, EUA, 2010
[155] N. Palomeras, P. Ridao, M. Carreras, Carlos Silvestre "Towards a deliberative mission control system for an AUV", Proc. of IAV 2010 - 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lecce, Italy, 2010
[156] J. Picao, Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "USBL Positioning System: Implementation and Tests at Sea", Proc. of CONTROLO 2010 - 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010
[157] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "Multiple-Model Set-Valued Observers: A new tool for HRF model selection in fMRI", Proc. of EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1:5704-7, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
[158] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "On the distinguishability of HRF models in fMRI", Proc. of EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1:5677-80, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
[159] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "Nonlinear HRF model identification using multiple model set valued observers", Proc. of HBM 2010 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
[160] Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans, Paulo Rosa, J. Shamma "Stability Overlay for Adaptive Control Laws Applied to Linear Time-Invariant Systems", Proc. of ACC 2009 - American Control Conference, Saint Louis, USA, 2009
[161] Carlos Silvestre, N. Palomeras, P. Ridao, M. Carreras "Mission Control System for an Autonomous Vehicle: Application Study of a Dam Inspection using an AUV", Proc. of MCMC 2009 - 8th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Guaruja (SP), Brazil, 2009
[162] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Bruno Guerreiro, C. Cao, N. Hovakimyan "L1 Adaptive Control for Autonomous Rotorcraft", Proc. of ACC 2009 - American Control Conference, Saint Louis, USA, 2009
[163] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Trajectory Tracking Control of a Quadrotor Vehicle", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
[164] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, António Pascoal "Trajectory Tracking Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Surface Craft", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
[165] António Pascoal, João Almeida, Carlos Silvestre, P. Antsaklis "Continuous-Time Consensus with Discrete-Time Communication", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
[166] Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans, Paulo Rosa, G. Balas "On the Synthesis of Robust Multiple-Model Adaptive Controllers (RMMAC) Using BMI/LPV Controllers", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
[167] Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Control of Impulsive Renewal Systems: Application to Direct Design in Networked Control", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, 2009
[168] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Rotorcraft Path Following Control for Extended Flight Envelope Coverage", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, 2009
[169] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, J. Shamma, Michael Athans "Multiple-Model Adaptive Control with Set-Valued Observers", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, 2009
[170] Paulo Rosa, J. Shamma, Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans "Stability Overlay for Linear and Nonlinear Time-Varying Plants", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, 2009
[171] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista "Position and Velocity Optimal Sensor-based Navigation Filters for UAVs", Proc. of ACC 2009 - American Control Conference, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, 2009 - PDF
[172] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista "Necessary and sufficient conditions for the observability of linear motion quantities in strapdown navigation systems", Proc. of ACC 2009 - American Control Conference, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, 2009 - PDF
[173] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Output-Feedback Control for Almost Global Stabilization of Fully-Actuated Rigid Bodies", Proc. of CDC 2008 - 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2009
[174] Carlos Silvestre, Sérgio Brás, Rita Cunha, José Vasconcelos, Paulo Oliveira "Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Using Active Vision and Inertial Measurements", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, China, 2009 - PDF
[175] José Vasconcelos, A. Rantzer, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Combination of Primal and Dual Lyapunov Methods for Stability of Rotational Motion", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, China, 2009 - PDF
[176] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Sensor-based Complementary Globally Asymptotically Stable Filters for Attitude Estimation", Proc. of CDC 2009 - 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, China, 2009 - PDF
[177] José Vasconcelos, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Stability of a Nonlinear Attitude Observer on SO(3) with Nonideal Angular Velocity Measurements", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009 - PDF
[178] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Single Range Navigation in the presence of Constant Unknown Drifts", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009 - PDF
[179] Paulo Oliveira, José Vasconcelos, Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Bruno Cardeira "Discrete Time-Varying Attitude Complementary Filter", Proc. of ACC 2009 - American Control Conference, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, 2009 - PDF
[180] Carlos Silvestre, Duarte Antunes, J. Hespanha "Stability of Impulsive Systems Driven by Renewal Processes", Proc. of ACC 2009 - American Control Conference, Saint Louis, USA, 2009
[181] António Pascoal, Bruno Cardeira, João Almeida, Rita Cunha, Luís Sebastião, Mohammadreza Bayat, Pramod Maurya, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, Andreas Häusler, André Oliveira, Francesco Vanni, Manuel Rufino, A. Pereira "A Cooperative Autonomous Marine Vehicle Motion Control in the scope of the EU GREX Project: Theory and Practice", Proc. of OCEANS 2009 IEEE Bremen, Germany, 2009
[182] António Pascoal, Bruno Cardeira, João Almeida, Rita Cunha, Luís Sebastião, Mohammadreza Bayat, Pramod Maurya, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, Andreas Häusler, André Oliveira, Francesco Vanni, Manuel Rufino, A. Pereira "Cooperative Control of Multiple Marine Vehicles: Theoretical Challenges and Practical Issues", Proc. of MCMC 2009 - 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Guaruja (SP), Brazil, 2009
[183] Marco Morgado, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Posterior Cramer-Rao bounds analysis for INS/USBL navigation systems", Proc. of MCMC 2009 - 8th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Guaruja, Brazil (best student paper award), 2009 - PDF
[184] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Optimal Position and Velocity Navigation Filters with Discrete-Time Delayed Measurements", Proc. of CDC 2008 - 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 1320-1325, 2008
[185] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Kalman and H-infinity Optimal Filtering for a Class of Kinematic Systems", Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, July 2008, pp. 12528-12533, 2008
[186] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Terrain Avoidance Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Rotorcraft", Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 1076-1081, 2008 - PDF
[187] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, P. Valverde "Underwater Vehicle Tracking Systems: Motion Models and performance analysis", Proc. of CONTROLO 2008 - 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Vila Real, Portugal, 2008
[188] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos, Bruno Guerreiro "Nonlinear and Geometric Optimization Methods for LADAR Calibration", Proc. ICRA 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2008
[189] Paulo Oliveira, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos "A Landmark Based Nonlinear Observer for Attitude and Position Estimation with Bias Compensation", Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
[190] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Duarte Antunes "Multi-Rate Path-Following Control for Unmanned Air Vehicles", Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
[191] Sérgio Brás, José Vasconcelos, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Pose Observers for Unmanned Air Vehicles", Proc. of ECC 2009 - 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2008 - PDF
[192] Carlos Silvestre, N. Palomeras, P. Ridao, M. Carreras "Towards a Mission Control Language for AUVs", Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
[193] Alex Alcocer, António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A Dynamic Estimator on SE(3) Using Range-Only Measurements", Proc. of CDC 2008 - 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008
[194] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Serra "On the Design of Rotorcraft Landing Controllers", Proc. of MED 2008 - 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, 2008
[195] José Vasconcelos, G. Elkaim, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Bruno Cardeira "A Geometric Approach to Strapdown Magnetometer Calibration in Sensor Frame", Proc. NGCUV 2008 - IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Killaloe, Ireland, 2008
[196] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos "A Nonlinear Observer for Rigid Body Attitude Estimation Using Vector Observations", Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
[197] Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos, Paulo Oliveira "A Nonlinear GPS/IMU Based Observer for Rigid Body Attitude and Position Estimation", Proc. of CDC 2008 - 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008
[198] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista "Position and Velocity Navigation Filters for Marine Vehicles", Proc. of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
[199] Rita Cunha, Duarte Antunes, Carlos Silvestre "On the Design of Multi-rate Tracking Controllers: An Application to Rotorcraft Guidance and Control", Proc. of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA, 2007 - PDF
[200] Rita Cunha, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, J. Hespanha "Vision-based control for rigid body stabilization", Proc. of CDC 2007 - 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2007 - PDF
[201] António Pascoal, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, Reza Ghabcheloo "Synchronization in multi-agent systems with switching topologies and non-homogeneous communication delays", Proc. of CDC’07 - 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2007 - PDF
[202] António Pascoal, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, Francesco Vanni, Reza Ghabcheloo "Coordinated Path Following of Multiple Marine Vehicles: Theoretical Issues and Practical Constraints", Proc. of IWK 2007 - 52nd Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, 2007
[203] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos, Marco Morgado "Vehicle Dynamics Aiding Technique for USBL/INS Underwater Navigation System", Proc. of CAMS 2007- IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Bol, Croatia, 2007 - PDF
[204] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Batista "Observer Design for a Class of Kinematic Systems", Proc. of CDC 2007 - 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 2007
[205] Paulo Oliveira, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos "Nonlinear Pose Estimation on SE(3)", Proc. of CDC 2007 - 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 2007
[206] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Duarte Antunes, Bruno Guerreiro "Trajectory Tracking H2 Controller for Autonomous Helicopters: An Application to Industrial Chimney Inspection", Proc. of ACA 2007 - 17th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Toulouse, France (Best Student paper Award), 2007 - PDF
[207] António Pascoal, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Gomes "A Coast Line Following Preview Controller for the DELFIMx Vehicle", Proc. of ISOPE2007 - 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007 - PDF
[208] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, J. Almeida "Path-Following Control of Fully-Actuated Surface Vessels in the Presence of Ocean Currents", Proc. of CAMS 2007- IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Bol, Croatia, 2007 - PDF
[209] Paulo Oliveira, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos "Landmark Based Nonlinear Observer for Rigid Body Attitude and Position Estimation", Proc. of CDC 2007 - 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 2007 - PDF
[210] João Almeida, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Coordinated Control of Multiple Vehicles with Discrete-Time Periodic Communications", Proc. of CDC 2007 - 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 2007 - PDF
[211] António Pascoal, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Pedro Gomes "A Coastline Following Preview Controller for the DELFIMx Vehicle", Proc. of ISOPE2007 - 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007 - PDF
[212] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, J. Almeida "Coordinated Path-Following of Multiple Surface Vessels with Parametric Model Uncertainty and in the Presence of Ocean Currents", Proc. of IAV2007 - 6th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Toulouse, France, 2007 - PDF
[213] Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans, Paulo Rosa, Sajjad Fekri "Further Evaluation of the RMMAC Method with Time-varying Parameters", Proc. of MED 2007 - 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greece, 2007 - PDF
[214] Carlos Silvestre, Michael Athans, Paulo Rosa, Sajjad Fekri "Evaluation of the RMMAC/XI Method with Time-Varying Parameters and Disturbance Statistics", Proc. of MED 2007 - 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greece, 2007 - PDF
[215] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "Autolanding Controller for a Fixed Wing Unmanned Air Vehicle", Proc. of GNC 2007 - AIAA Guidance and Control Conference, Hilton Head, South Florida, USA, 2007 - PDF
[216] David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "Path-Following Control for Coordinated Turn Aircraft Maneuvers", Proc. of GNC 2007 - AIAA Guidance and Control Conference, Hilton Head, South Florida, USA, 2007 - PDF
[217] António Pascoal, António Pedro Aguiar, Carlos Silvestre, Reza Ghabcheloo "Coordinated Path-Following Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. of ISOPE2007 - 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007 - PDF
[218] João Alves, Rodolfo Oliveira, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Manuel Rufino, Luís Sebastião, Carlos Silvestre "Vehicle and Mission Control of the DELFIM Autonomous Surface Craft", Proc. MED2006 - 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ancona, Italy, 2006 - PDF
[219] João Paulo Costeira, Carlos Silvestre, Ricardo Ferreira, I. Sousa, J. Santos "Using Stereo Image Reconstruction to Survey Scale Models of Rubble-Mound Structures", Proc. CoastLab 2006 - 1st International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, Porto, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[220] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos, Marco Morgado "USBL/INS Integration Technique for Underwater Vehicles", Proc. MCMC2006 - 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[221] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, José Vasconcelos, Marco Morgado "USBL/INS Tightly-Coupled Integration Technique for Underwater Vehicles", Proc. FUSION2006 - 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, Florence, Italy, 2006 - PDF
[222] Pedro Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "A Sensor Based Homing Strategy for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. MED2006 - 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ancona, Italy, 2006 - PDF
[223] Rita Cunha, Duarte Antunes, Pedro Gomes, Carlos Silvestre "A Path-Following Preview Controller for Autonomous Air Vehicles", Proc. AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, Keystone, CO, USA, 2006 - PDF
[224] José Vasconcelos, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Embedded Vehicle Dynamics and LASER Aiding Techniques for Inertial Navigation Systems", Proc. AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, Keystone, CO, USA, 2006 - PDF
[225] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A 2D Sensor Based Control Law for Homing of AUVs in the Horizontal Plane", Proc. Controlo2006 - 7th Portuguese Conference in Automatic Control, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[226] N. Paulino, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, António Pascoal "A Path-Following Preview Controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. MCMC2006 - 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[227] Pedro Gomes, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, Rita Cunha "A Path-Following Controller for the Delfim Autonomous Surface Craft", Proc. MCMC2006 - 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[228] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A 2D Homing Strategy for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. MCMC2006 - 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[229] Pedro Batista, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "A Quaternion Sensor Based Controller for Homing of Underactuated AUVs", Proc. CDC2006 - 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 2006 - PDF
[230] N. Paulino, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, António Pascoal "A Bottom-Following Preview Controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. CDC2006 - 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 2006 - PDF
[231] José Vasconcelos, Michael Athans, Sajjad Fekri, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "Uncertainty vs Performance Tradeoffs in Robust Feedback Control: A MIMO Case Study", Proc. CDC2006 - 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 2006 - PDF
[232] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, J. Hespanha "Output-feedback Control for Point Stabilization on SE(3)", Proc. CDC2006 - 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 2006 - PDF
[233] E. Borhaug, A. Pavlov, Reza Ghabcheloo, K. Pettersen, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Formation Control of Underactuated Marine Vehicles with Communication Constraints", Proc. MCMC2006 - 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[234] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pedro Aguiar, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Coordinated Path-Following Control of Multiple AUVs in the Presence of Communication Failures and Time Delays", Proc. MCMC2006 - 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006 - PDF
[235] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pedro Aguiar, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer, J. Hespanha "Coordinated Path-Following Control of Multiple Underactuated Autonomous Vehicles in the Presence of Communication Failures", Proc. CDC2006 - 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, USA , 2006 - PDF
[236] António Pedro Aguiar, Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, J. Hespanha, I. Kaminer "Coordinated Path-Following of Multiple Underactuated Autonomous Vehicles with Bidirectional Communication Constraints", Proc. ISCCSP2006 - 2nd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Marrakech, Morocco, 2006 - PDF
[237] José Vasconcelos, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Inertial Navigation System Aided by GPS and Selective Frequency Contents of Vector Measurements", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, USA, 2005 - PDF
[238] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Coordinated Path Following Control of Multiple Wheeled Robots with Communication Constraints", Proc. of ICAR2005 - 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2005
[239] N. Paulino, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Terrain Following Controller for Affine Parameter-Dependent Systems: An Application to Model-Scale Helicopters", Proc. of GN&C2005 - AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 2005
[240] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Coordinated Path Following Control of Multiple Wheeled Robots with Directed Communication Links", Proc. of CDC-ECC2005 - 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, 2005
[241] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A 3D Path-Following Velocity-Tracking Controller for Autonomous Vehicles", Proc. of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
[242] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Depth Control of the Infante AUV using Gain-Scheduled Reduced-Order Output Feedback", Proc. of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
[243] J. Santos, M. Neves, L. Silva, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Luís Sebastião, Porfírio Silva "Novos Instrumentos para a Inspeccao e Diagnostico de Quebra-mares de Taludes", 4ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuaria, Angra do Heroismo, Portugal, 2005
[244] José Vasconcelos, J. Calvario, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "GPS aided IMU for Unmanned Air Vehicles", IAV 2004 - 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 - PDF
[245] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Coordinated Path Following Control of Multiple Wheeled Robots", IAV 2004 - 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004
[246] Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Luís Sebastião, João Alves, A. Santos, L. Silva, M. Neves "Inspection and Diagnosis of Sines West Breakwater", ICCE'04 - 29th International Conference on Coastal Enginnering, LisboN, Portugal, 2004 - PDF
[247] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Control of the INFANTE AUV Using Gain Scheduled Static Output Feedback", Proc. GCUV 2003 - 1st IFAC Workshop on Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Newport, South Wales, UK, 2003
[248] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "SimModHeli: A dynamic simulator for model-scale helicopters", Proc. MED2003 - 11th Mediterranean Control on Control and Automation, Rodes, Greece, 2003
[249] Guilherme Libório, N. Paulino, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Isabel Ribeiro "Terrain following preview controller for model-scale helicopters", Proc. 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2003, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1227-1232, 2003 - PDF
[250] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "A Path Following Controller for Model-Scale Helicopters", Proc. ECC 2003 - The European Control Conference, Cambridge, UK, 2003
[251] L. Silva, J. Santos, M. Neves, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal "Tools for the diagnosis and automated inspection of semi-submerged structures", Proc. 13th International Harbour Congress, Antwerpen, Belgium, 2003
[252] L. Silva, J. Santos, M. Neves, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal "Ferramentas de Inspeccao e Diagnostico de Obras de Proteccao Portuaria", 2ª Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuaria, Sines, Portugal, 2003
[253] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Path Following Controller for an Autonomous Helicopter", Proc. MED2002 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002
[254] PauloTabuada, George J. Pappas, Pedro Lima, Carlos Silvestre "Compositional Abstractions of Hybrid Control Systems", Proc. CDC200 - 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, USA, 2001 - PDF
[255] R. S. Santos, António Pascoal, P. Dando, F. Cardigos, F. Tempera, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, M. Cardew "Remote sensing at D. Joao de Castro bank: tools for biology and conservation studies", 5th SOC2001, Southampton, 2001 - PDF
[256] António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Luís Sebastião, Manuel Rufino, Victor Barroso, João Pedro Gomes, G. Ayela, P. Coince, M. Cardew, A. Ryan, H. Braithwaite, N. Cardew, J. Trepte, N. Seube, J. Champeau, P. Dhaussy, V. Sauce, R. Moitie, R. S. Santos, F. Cardigos, M. Brussieux, P. Dando "Robotic Ocean Vehicles for Marine Science Applications: the European ASIMOV Project", Proc. OCEANS 2000 MTS /IEEE, pp.409-415, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2000 - PDF
[257] António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, Luís Sebastião, Manuel Rufino, Victor Barroso, João Pedro Gomes, Gerard Ayela, Pascal Coince, Marcus Cardew, Anne Ryan, Hugh Braithwaite, Nicholas Cardew, Jonathan Trepte, Nicolas Seube, J. Champeau, P. Dhaussy, V. Sauce, R. Moitie, Ricardo Santos, Frederico Cardigos, Marc Brussieux, Paul Dando "Advanced System Integration for Managing the Coordinated Operation of Robotic Ocean Vehicles", Proc. EurOCEAN 2000, Hamburg, Germany, 2000
[258] Rita Cunha, M. Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre "Simultaneous Compression and Denoising of Side Scan Sonar Images using the Discrete Wavelet Transform", Proc. OCEANS 2000 MTS /IEEE, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2000
[259] G. Bruzzone, R. Bono, M. Caccia, G. Veruggio, C. Ferreira, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal "Internet mission control of the ROMEO Unmanned Underwater Vehicle using the CORAL Mission Control", OCEANS 1999 MTS/IEEE, pp. 1081-1087, vol. 3, Seatle, EUA, 1999 - PDF
[260] T. Alves, António Pascoal, A. Pereira, J. Rodeia, A. Simoes, M. Juliano, R. Duarte, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Luís Sebastião, A. Jorge, R. Araujo "The use of “CARAVELA 2000” vehicles in operational oceanography", 2nd Eurogoos Conference 1999, Roma, Italia, 1999 - PDF
[261] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, P. Aguiar "Control of the SIRENE Underwater Shuttle: System Design and Tests at Sea", Proc. 17th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering (OMAE'98-Conference), Lisbon, Portugal, 1998 - PDF
[262] Carlos Silvestre, A. Aguiar, P. Aguiar, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal "Control of the SIRENE Underwater Shuttle: System Design and Tests at Sea", Proc. CONTROLO'98, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998 - PDF
[263] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, A. Healey "AUV Control Under Wave Disturbances: An Application of Mixed H2/Hinfinity Design Methods", Proc. CONTROLO'98, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998
[264] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, P. Aguiar, António Pascoal "Guidance and Control of the SIRENE Underwater Vehicle: from System Design to Tests at Sea", Proc. OCEANS'98 Conference, Nice, France, 1998 - PDF
[265] Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, A. Aguiar "Vehicle and Mission Control of the SIRENE Underwater Shuttle", Proc. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS'98), Fukuoka, Japan, 1998 - PDF
[266] V. Rigaud, D. Semac, M. Drogou, J. Obderdecke, C. Marfia, António Pascoal, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "DESIBEL: the SIRENE Free Swimming Vehicle for the Management of Benthic Stations", Proc. 1st IARP International Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Shallow Waters and Coastal Environments, University of Southern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, 1998
[267] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, I. Kaminer, A. Healey "Combined Plant / Controller Optimization with Applications to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS'98), Fukuoka, Japan, 1998
[268] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, I. Kaminer, A. Healey "Plant / Controller Optimization with Applications to Integrated Surface Sizing and Feedback Controller Design for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Proc. of the American Control Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 1998
[269] A. Kaminer, E. Hallberg, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles – An Integrated Approach to Guidance and Control", Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Paper AIAA 97-3625, New Orleans, LA, USA, 1997
[270] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, A. Healey "AUV Control Under Wave Disturbances", in Proc. 10th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, New Hampshire, USA, 1997
[271] D. Fryxell, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Navigation, Guidance and Control of AUVs: An Application to the MARIUS Vehicle", Artigo convidado para ser apresentado no Control Applications in Marine Systems CAMS'95, Trondheim, Noruega, 1996 - PDF
[272] A. Healey, D. Marco, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, V. Silva "Strategic Level Mission Control – An Evaluation of CORAL and PROLOG Implementations for Mission Control Specifications", Proc. IARP Workshop on Subsea Robotics, Toulon, 1996
[273] Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, V. Silva "Design, Development and Testing of a Mission Control System for the MARIUS AUV", Proc. IARP Workshop on Subsea Robotics, Toulon, 1996
[274] Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, V. Silva "On the Design and Development of Mission Control Systems for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: An Application to the MARIUS AUV", Proc. 2nd World Automation Congress, Motpellier, France, 1996
[275] Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, V. Silva, Carlos Silvestre "Design, Development and Testing at Sea of the Mission Control System for the MARIUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", Proceedings of the Oceans 96 Conference, pp. 401-406, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, EUA, 1996 - PDF
[276] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal, I. Kaminer, E. Hallberg "Trajectory Tracking Controllers for AUVs: An Integrated Approach to Guidance and Control System Design", Proc. 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1996
[277] Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, D. Fryxell, I. Kaminer "Design and Implementation of a Trajectory Tracking Controller for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)", American Control Conference ACC95, pp. 2975-2979, Seattle, EUA, 1995 - PDF
[278] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, V. Silva "Undersea Robotics Research at IST: The AUV MARIUS Programme", Proc. Undersea Robotics and Intelligent Control Workshop, Lisboa, Portugal, 1995
[279] Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, D. Fryxell, António Pascoal "An Integrated Approach to the Design and Analysis of Navigation Guidance and Control Systems for AUVs", Colloquium on Control and Guidance of Remotely Operated Vehicles, London, UK, 1995 - PDF
[280] D. Fryxell, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Integrated Design of Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles", OCEANS 94 MTS/IEEE, pp. III/105 -III/110 vol.3, Brest, Franca, 1994 - PDF
[281] C. Bizingre, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, F. Pereira, J-P. Pignon, E. Silva, Carlos Silvestre, J. Sousa "Design of a Mission Management System for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MARIUS", Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, pp.112-121, Cambridge, EUA, 1994 - PDF
[282] D. Fryxell, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "An Integrated Approach to the Design and Analysis of Navigation Guidance and Control Systems for AUVs", Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, pp.208-217, Cambridge, EUA, 1994 - PDF
[283] António Pascoal, Victor Barroso, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Isabel Lourtie "Simulation Study of an Integrated Guidance System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", Acoustic Signal Processing for Ocean Exploration, Funchal, Portugal, 1992
[284] Carlos Silvestre, J. M. Lemos, M. Sequeira, João Sentieiro "Modeling and Adaptive Control of a Deepwater FSV", Proceedings of the 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallin, Russia, 1990
[285] Daniel Silvestre, Paulo Rosa, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Silvestre "Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Systems based on Reachability Sets", Proc. of CDC 2019 - IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 0219

No publications found for author "cap-carlosjorgeferreira"

No publications found for author "cap-carlosjorgeferreira"

[1] Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas "LiDAR-based control of autonomous rotorcraft for the inspection of pier-like structures: Proofs", Complementary report to the paper published in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology by the same authors, online, 2017
[2] Pedro Serra, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, T. Hamel "Visual servo aircraft control for tracking parallel curves", Technical Report, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Tecnico, 2012 - PDF
[3] Rita Cunha, Bruno Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre "Vario-Xtreme Helicopter Nonlinear Model: Complete and Simplified Expressions", Internal Report, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2006
[4] José Vasconcelos, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Inertial Navigation System Aided by GPS and Selective Frequency Contents of Vector Measurements", ISR Technical Report, 2005 - PDF
[5] Bruno Cardeira, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira "High Accuracy Data Acquisition Architectures for Inertial Navigation Systems", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2004
[6] N. Paulino, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Preview Contollers for Affine Parameter Dependent Systems: An Application to Rotorcraft Flight Controllers", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2004
[7] João Alves, Carlos Silvestre "Real Time Control Architectures for Autonomous Vehicles", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2004
[8] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Coordinated Path Following Control using Linearization Techniques", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2004
[9] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Coordinated Path Following Control using Nonlinear Techniques", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2004
[10] António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Oliveira, Luís Sebastião "The work of IST in the scope of the EXOCET/D project: a Summary", EXOCET/D Report EXOCET.INT01.2004, Instituto Superior Tecnico, 2004
[11] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Model-Scale Helicopters with Bell-Hiller Stabilizing Bar", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[12] N. Paulino, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "LMI Based H_2 Terrain Tracking Preview Controller for Unmanned Helicopters", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[13] Guilherme Libório, N. Paulino, Carlos Silvestre, Rita Cunha "Hardware in the Loop Simulation Techniques for Autonomous Helicopters", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[14] Rodolfo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "Petri Net based Supervision Techniques for the Design of Mission Control Systems for Autonomous Vehicles", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[15] Reza Ghabcheloo, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre, I. Kaminer "Coordinated Path Following Control of Multiple Wheeled Robots using Linearization Techniques", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[16] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "A Dynamic Simulator for Model-Scale Helicopters", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[17] P. Alves, Carlos Silvestre "Nonlinear Optimal 2D Radar Target Tracking Techniques", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[18] João Alves, Carlos Silvestre "A Reliable Datagram Protocol for Distributed Vehicular Aplications", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[19] José Vasconcelos, J. Calvario, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "GPS Aided IMU for Unmanned Air Vehicles", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003 - PDF
[20] Rodolfo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre "A Mission Programming Environment for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2003
[21] Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "Control of the INFANTE AUV Using Gain Scheduled Static Output Feedback", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2002
[22] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre "SimModHeli: A dynamic simulator for model-scale helicopters", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2002
[23] Guilherme Libório, N. Paulino, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, Isabel Ribeiro "Terrain following preview controller for model-scale helicopters", DSORL/Mobile Robotics Labs-ISR Technical Report, 2002 - PDF
[24] Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "A Path Following Controller for Model-Scale Helicopters", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2002
[25] João Alves, Paulo Oliveira, António Pascoal, Manuel Rufino, Luís Sebastião, Carlos Silvestre "Vehicle and Mission Control of the DELFIM Autonomous Surface Craft", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2002 - PDF
[26] S. Rumyantsev, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Acceleration Feedback for the Control of Marine Craft", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2002
[27] M. Prado, Carlos Silvestre, António Pascoal "A Model for the DELFIM Autonomous Surface Craft: from Physical Principles to MATLAB Code", DSORL-ISR Technical Report, 2001
[28] S. Rumyantzev, António Pascoal, Carlos Silvestre "Acceleration Feedback for Hydrofoil Craft Control: a Gain Scheduling Framework", DSORL-ISR Technical Report. To be submitted for publication, 2001

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