Alexandre Bernardino,
Nicola Greggio "Principal Direction 2-Gaussian Fit", 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods ICPRAM2025, 2025
[4] Tiago Mota, Maria Rita Verdelho, Diogo Araújo, Alceu Bissoto,
Carlos Santiago,
Catarina Barata "MMIST-ccRCC: A Real World Medical Dataset for the Development of Multi-Modal Systems", IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2024
[5] arthur lago, Nuno Neves,
Rodrigo Ventura,
José Gaspar "Visual-inertial odometry for metric-scale mapping of underwater caves", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), pages 183–188, 2024
[7] Tiago Caldeira,
José Santos-Victor, Pedro Lima
"Visual-Based Localization for Autonomous Vehicles in Simulated Environments", 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2023, Abu Dhabi, 2023
[8] Linda Lastrico,
Nuno Duarte, Alessandro Carfí, Francesco Rea, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni,
José Santos-Victor, Alessandra Sciutti
"Like Robots, Like Humans: Pupil Dilation During Collaborative Object Manipulation", 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2023, Abu Dhabi, 2023
[9] Linda Lastrico,
Nuno Duarte, Alessandro Carfí, Francesco Rea, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Alessandra Sciutti,
José Santos-Victor "If You Are Careful, So Am I! How Robot Communicative Motions Can Influence Human Approach in a Joint Task", IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing , 2023 -
PDF[10] Min Hun Lee, Daniel P. Siewiorek,
Alexandre Bernardino "Designing a Human-Centered Intelligent System to Monitor & Explain Abnormal Patterns of Older Adults", ASSETS '23: Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2023
[11] Min Hun Lee, Daniel Siewiorek , Asim Smailagic,
Alexandre Bernardino, Sergi i Badia
"Co-Design and Evaluation of an Intelligent Decision Support System for Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment", Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer InteractionVolume 4Issue CSCW2, 2023
Carlos Santiago, Miguel Correia , Maria Rita Verdelho, Alceu Bissoto,
Catarina Barata "Global and Local Explanations for Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using Prototypes", Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) IMIMIC Workshop, 2023
[13] Henrique Granado, Reza Javanmard ,
Akhil John, A. John van Opstal,
Alexandre Bernardino "Learning open-loop saccadic control of a 3D biomimetic eye using the actor-critic algorithm", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023), 2023
Ana Rita Coias, Min Hun Lee,
Alexandre Bernardino, Asim Smailagic
"Skeleton Tracking Solutions for a Low-cost Stroke Rehabilitation Support System", IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR'23), 2023
[15] Min Hun Lee, Daniel Siewiorek , Asim Smailagic,
Alexandre Bernardino, Sergi i Badia
"Towards Personalized Interaction and Corrective Feedback of a Socially Assistive Robot for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy", 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2023
Ricardo Ribeiro,
Alexandre Bernardino, Gonçalo Cruz , Diogo Silva, Luís Felix, João Caetano , Duarte Folgado, João Francisco, Nuno Simões, Carlos Viegas, Domingos Viegas, Houda Harkat, Jose Nascimento
"Towards the Automation of Wildfire Monitoring with Aerial Vehicles: The FIREFRONT Project", Rousseau, JJ., Kapralos, B. (eds) Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges. ICPR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13644. Springer, Cham., 2023
[17] Lisa Kuhlmann,
Milad Niknejad,
Catarina Barata,
Alexandre Bernardino, Gefei Zhang
"An Adversarial method for Semi-supervised Segmentation of Smoke and Fire in Images", Rousseau, JJ., Kapralos, B. (eds) Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges. ICPR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13644. Springer, Cham., 2023
[18] Sara Fernandes,
Milad Niknejad,
Catarina Barata,
Alexandre Bernardino "Forest Fires Identification Using Self-Supervised Learning", Rousseau, JJ., Kapralos, B. (eds) Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges. ICPR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13644. Springer, Cham., 2023
[20] Houda Badda, Hakim Boulaassal ,
El Khalil Cherif, Miriam Wahbi, Omar El Kharki, Mustapha Maatouk, Otmane Yazidi Alaoui
"Landsat 8 data for forest fire monitoring: case of Mediouna forest in Tangier, Morocco", ICPR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13644. Springer, Cham., 2023
[22] Wijdan Amakhchan, Miriam Wahbi, Mustapha Maatouk, Hakim Boulaassal ,
El Khalil Cherif, Omar El Kharki
"An Overview of Tools and Algorithms Used to Classify, Detect, and Monitor Forest Area Using LiDAR Data", ICPR 2022: Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges pp 171–182, 2023
[23] Inês Carvalho, Eduarda Vaz,
Heitor Cardoso,
Plinio Moreno "Data Augmentation Based on Virtual Wrist Devices for Fall Detection", Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. BIOSTEC 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1814. Springer, Cham, 2023
[24] L.P.N. Mendes, A.M.C. Ricardo,
Alexandre Bernardino, R.M.L. Ferreira
"Comparison of PIV and optical flow for river flow applications", Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 2023
Plinio Moreno, Beatriz Paula
"Learning to search for and detect objects in foveal images using deep learning", 11th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2023, 2023 -
PDF[27] António Castilho Maia,
José Gaspar "Plenoptic Camera Viewpoints Rotation to Improve 3D Face Reconstruction Publisher: IEEE PDF", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 2023
[28] S. Mohammadi,
Nuno Duarte,
Dimitris Dimou, Y. Wang,
Matteo Taiana, P. Morerio,
Atabak Dehban,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Alessio Del Bue,
José Santos-Victor "3DSGrasp: 3D Shape-Completion for Robotic Grasp", Proc. of ICRA 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, London, UK (accepted), 2023
[29] João Andrade,
Plinio Moreno "Improving the Estimation of Object mass from images", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 2023
[30] Ana Rita Pagaimo,
Plinio Moreno "Exploring tactile sensing to perform the power grasp of a human-robot handshake", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Tomar, Portugal, 2023
[31] Inês Rito Lima,
José Santos-Victor "A data acquisition system to capture extreme human driving behaviour", Proc. of ICARSC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems, Tomar, Portugal, 2023 -
PDF[32] Miguel Correia , Alceu Bissoto,
Carlos Santiago,
Catarina Barata "XAI for Skin Cancer Detection with Prototypes and Non-Expert Supervision", Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) IMIMIC Workshop, 2023
[33] António Mendes,
Catarina Barata "Intrapatient Diagnosis for Melanoma Skin Cancer", Proc. of ISBI 2023 - 20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2023 -
PDF[34] Alceu Bissoto,
Catarina Barata, Eduardo Valle, Sandra Avila
"Artifact-Based Domain Generalization of Skin Lesion Models", Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 Workshops. ECCV 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13804. Springer, Cham., pp. 133—149, 2023
Akhil John, A. John van Opstal,
Alexandre Bernardino "A Cable-Driven Robotic Eye for Understanding Eye-Movement Control", 9th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), 2023
[36] Fernando Loureiro,
João Avelino,
Alexandre Bernardino "Self-perception of Interaction Errors Through Human Non-verbal Feedback and Robot Context", Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13818. Springer, Cham, 2023
Alexandre Bernardino, et al.
"1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results", IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW), pp. 265-302, 2023
Bruno Damas, T. António, P. Silva, M. Moreira
"Modeling and simulation of a biomimetic underwater vehicle", Proc. of ICMERR 2022 - 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Krakow, Poland, 2022
[43] Martim Pereira,
Dimitris Dimou,
Plinio Moreno "In-Hand Manipulation of Unseen Objects Through 3D Vision", ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 589. Springer, Cham, pp. 163—174, 2022
[44] André Couto Pinto,
Bruno Damas, Vitor Rodrigues, Nuno Pessanha Santos
"Detecção Automática de Alvos Terrestres a partir de um UAV em Apoio a Operações Anfíbias", ECM 2022 - 4º Encontro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Ciências Militares, Academia da Força Aérea, Pêro Pinheiro, Portugal, 2022
[45] Houda Harkat,
Jacinto Nascimento,
Alexandre Bernardino, Hasmath Farhana Thariq Ahmed
"Fire image detection based on clustering data mining techniques", Proc. of SPIE 12267, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVIII, 2022
[47] Maria Rita Verdelho, Simão Gonçalves, Luísa Gonçalves, Catarina Costa, José M. Lopes, Margarida M. M. Coelho, Alexandre João, Paula Soares, Helena Pópulo,
Catarina Barata "Predictive Biomarkers in Melanoma: Detection of BRAF Mutation Using Dermoscopy", First MICCAI Workshop, AIIIMA 2022, and First MICCAI Workshop, MIABID 2022, held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, 2022
[48] João Balão,
Atabak Dehban,
Plinio Moreno,
José Santos-Victor "Benchmarking shape completion methods for robotic grasping", IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), pp. 223-230, 2022
Carlos Cardoso "Exploiting a Statistical Body Model for Handover Interaction Primitives", Proc, of ICDL - IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, pp. 314-319, 2022
[50] Alexandre Dias, Luís Simões
"Active Gaze Control for Foveal Scene Exploration", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022
[51] Pedro Bilro,
Catarina Barata,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using LSTM and Sparse Motion Fields", Proc. of ICPR 2022 - 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montréal, Québec, pp. 3529-3535, 2022
[52] Bernardo Amaral,
Milad Niknejad,
Catarina Barata,
Alexandre Bernardino "Weakly Supervised Fire and Smoke Segmentation in Forest Images with CAM and CRF", Proc. of ICPR 2022 - 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montréal, Québec, pp. 442-448, 2022
Laura Santos, Bárbara Silva, Filippo Maddaloni, Alice Geminiani, Arianna Caglio, Silvia Annunziata, Ivana Olivieri ,
Catarina Barata,
José Santos-Victor, Alessandra Pedrocchi
"Sharing Worlds: Design of a Real-Time Attention Classifier for Robotic Therapy of ASD Children", Proc. of ICORR 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2022
[54] Mariana Fernandes,
Plinio Moreno "Open-domain Conversational Agent based on Pre-trained Transformers for Human-Robot Interaction", Proc. of DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022
[55] Ana Machado,
Heitor Cardoso,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino "Active Data Collection of Health Data in Mobile Devices", Proc. of DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022
[56] Luis Gonçalves,
Bruno Damas "Automatic detection of rescue targets in maritime search and rescue missions using UAVs", Proc. of ICUAS 2022 - International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022
[57] Maarten Jongeneel,
Alexandre Bernardino, Nathan van de Wouw,
Alessandro Saccon "Model-Based 6D Visual Object Tracking with Impact Collision Models", Proc. of ACC 2022 - American Control Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2022
[60] Beatriz Alves,
Catarina Barata,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using Hierarchical Neural Networks and Metadata", Proc. of IbPRIA 2022 - 10th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Aveiro, Portugal, 2022
[61] André Pereira Nogueira,
José Gaspar "Sensors Calibration and Filter Initialization in Visual Inertial Odometry", Proc. of ICARSC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 2022
[62] Francisco Raposo Melo,
Plinio Moreno "Socially Reactive Navigation Models for Mobile Robots", Proc. of ICARSC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 2022
[63] Duarte Nunes, João Fortuna,
Bruno Damas,
Rodrigo Ventura "Real-time vision based obstacle detection in maritime environments", Proc. of ICARSC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, pp. 243–248, 2022
[64] Carlos Simões,
Plinio Moreno "3D Estimation of Visual Focus of Attention", Proc. of ICARSC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 2022
[65] Maria Rita Verdelho,
Catarina Barata "On The Impact of Self-Supervised Learning in Skin Cancer Diagnosis", Proc. of ISBI 2022 - IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Kolkata, India, 2022
Akhil John, Bernardo Dias, Reza Javanmard , A. John van Opstal,
Alexandre Bernardino "A cable-driven robotic eye for the study of oculomotor behaviors", Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) , 2022
[69] Eduarda Vaz,
Heitor Cardoso,
Plinio Moreno "Evaluation of Fall Detection Approaches based on Virtual Devices: Leveraging on Motion Capture Data in Unity environments", Proc. of BIOSIGNALS 2022 - 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (online) , 2022
Milad Niknejad,
Alexandre Bernardino "Attention on classification for fire segmentation", Proc. of ICMLA 2021 - 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2021
[73] Luís Simões,
Alexandre Bernardino "Active Perception: Scene Exploration using Foveal Vision", EgoVIP - Egocentric vision for interactive perception, learning, and control, Workshop at IROS 2021, 2021
[75] Fernando Loureiro,
João Avelino,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino "Detecting Human-Robot Interaction Failures Through Egocentric Visual Head-Face Analysis", EgoVIP - Egocentric vision for interactive perception, learning, and control, Workshop at IROS 2021, 2021
[76] Manuel Carvalho,
João Avelino,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Rodrigo Ventura,
Plinio Moreno "Human-Robot greeting: tracking human greeting mental states and acting accordingly", Proc. of IROS 2021 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic , 2021
[77] João Damião Almeida,
Paul Schydlo,
Atabak Dehban,
José Santos-Victor "SENSORIMOTOR GRAPH: Action-Conditioned Graph Neural Network for Learning Robotic Soft Hand Dynamics", Proc. of IROS 2021 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, 2021
Catarina Barata,
Carlos Santiago "Improving the Explainability of Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using CBIR", Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12903, pp. 550-559, Springer, Cham, 2021
[80] João Teixeira, H. Sofia Pinto, Núria Baylina,
Alexandre Bernardino "Video-based tracking of fishes in the Lisbon Oceanarium", Proc. of OCEANS 2021, San Diego, Porto, 2021 -
PDF[81] Houda Harkat, Jose Nascimento,
Alexandre Bernardino "Fire segmentation using a SqueezeSegv2", Proc SPIE - Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVII (online), Vol. 11862, 2021
[82] Alberto Sabater,
Laura Santos,
José Santos-Victor,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Luis Montesano, Ana C. Murillo
"One-shot action recognition in challenging therapy scenarios", 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2021
[83] Houda Harkat, Jose Nascimento,
Alexandre Bernardino "Fire Detection using Deeplabv3+ with Mobilenetv2", Proc. of IGARSS 2021 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 2021
[87] Houda Harkat, Jose Nascimento,
Alexandre Bernardino "Fire Detection using Residual Deeplabv3+ Model", 2021 Telecoms Conference (ConfTELE); pp. 1-6, 2021
[88] Hugo Conde Barroso,
José Gaspar "Validation of Discrete Event Processes implemented on PLCs based on Petri Nets", Proc. of ICARSC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 2021
[91] Lino Pereira, Bernardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino "Real-Time 3D Tracking of Simple Objects with an RGB Camera", 26th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition. Évora, 2020 (poster), 2020
[92] Luis Chambino,
Alexandre Bernardino, João Silva
"Multispectral Images Applied to Face Recognition", 26th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition. Évora, 2020 (poster), 2020
[94] Alexandre Filipe,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Plinio Moreno "Learning to Grasp Objects in Virtual Environments through Imitation.", 26th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition. Évora, 2020 (poster), 2020
[96] Bernardo Amaral,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Catarina Barata "Fire and Smoke Detection in Aerial Images", 26th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition. Évora, 2020, 2020
[100] Pedro Ribeiro, Susana Cardoso,
Alexandre Bernardino "Fruit quality control by surface analysis using a bio-inspired soft tactile sensor", 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, 2020, 2020
Nuno Duarte, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis,
José Santos-Victor, Aude Billard
"From human action understanding to robot action execution: How the physical properties of handled objects modulate non-verbal cues", Proc. of ICDL-EPIROB 2020 - Joint IEEE 10th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Virtual Conference, 2020
Min Lee, Daniel Siewiorek ,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Smailagic, S. Bermúdez i Badia
"Designing Personalized Interactions of a Socially Assistive Robot for Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop on Social Robotics for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 2020, 2020
[103] Pedro Ribeiro, Susana Cardoso,
Alexandre Bernardino "Highly sensitive bio-inspired sensor for fine surface exploration and characterization", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, pp. 625-631, 2020 , 2020
Min Lee, Daniel Siewiorek , A. Smailagic,
Alexandre Bernardino "An Exploratory Study on Techniques for Quantitative Assessment of Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises", Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2020, 2020
[105] José Castelo, H. Sofia Pinto,
Alexandre Bernardino, Núria Baylina
"Video Based Live Tracking of Fishes in Tanks", ICIAR 2020: Image Analysis and Recognition pp 161–173, 2020
[106] A. Nunes,
Rui Figueiredo,
Plinio Moreno "Learning to search for objects in images from human gaze sequences", Proc. of ICIAR 2020 - 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Virtual Conference, 2020
Catarina Barata,
Carlos Santiago "How Important Is Each Dermoscopy Image?", ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Virtual Conference, 2020
[109] M. Nascimento,
Pedro Vicente,
Alexandre Bernardino "2D visual servoing meets rapidly-exploring random trees for collision avoidance", Proc. of ICARSC 2020 - The 20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Virtual Conference, 2020
[110] L. Almeida,
Plinio Moreno "Potential grasp robustness for underactuated hands: New heuristics and uncertainty considerations", Proc. of ICARSC 2020 - The 20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Virtual Conference, 2020
[111] Joao Alves,
Alexandre Bernardino "A Remote RGB-D VSLAM Solution for Low Computational Powered Robots", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Ponta Delgada, pp. 214-220, 2020 , 2020
[112] R. Livramento,
João Avelino,
Plinio Moreno "Natural data-driven approaching behaviors of humanoid mobile robots for f-formations", Proc. of ICARSC 2020 - The 20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Virtual Conference , 2020
Min Lee, Daniel Siewiorek , A. Smailagic,
Alexandre Bernardino, S. Bermúdez i Badia
"Interactive hybrid approach to combine machine and human intelligence for personalized rehabilitation assessment", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL ’20), 2020, 2020
João Avelino, Andre Goncalves,
Rodrigo Ventura, Leonel Garcia-Marques,
Alexandre Bernardino "Collecting social signals in constructive and destructive events during human-robot collaborative tasks", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction – Late Breaking Reports, Cambridge, UK, 2020 -
PDF[116] Nuno Monteiro ,
José Gaspar "Generalized Camera Array Model for Standard Plenoptic Cameras", Iberian Robotics Conference, (ROBOT 2019). Porto, Portugal, 2019
Nuno Duarte,
Mirko Rakovic,
José Santos-Victor "Coupling of Arm Movements during HRI: the handover case", IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man). New Delhi, India, 2019
[119] Laura Santos , Alice Geminiani, Ivana Olivieri ,
José Santos-Victor, Alessandra Pedrocchi
"CopyRobot: Interactive Mirroring Robotics Game for ASD Children", Proc. of XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, 2019
Catarina Barata, Mario Figueiredo,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Multiple Motion Fields for Multiple Types of Agents", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Taipei, Taiwan, 2019 -
PDF[121] R. Zenha,
Pedro Vicente,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Lorenzo Jamone "Robot self-calibration from combined visual and tactile perception", IEEE International Conference on Developmental and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob). Oslo, 2019, 2019
Atabak Dehban,
Carlos Cardoso,
Pedro Vicente,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Robotic Interactive Physics Parameters Estimator (RIPPE)", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Developmental and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob). Oslo, Norway, 2019
[123] Alice Geminiani, Laura Santos , Claudia Casellato, Andrea Farabbi, Nicola Farella,
José Santos-Victor, Ivana Olivieri , Alessandra Pedrocchi
"Design and validation of two embodied mirroring setups for interactive games with autistic children using the NAO humanoid robot", Proc. of EMBC 2019 - 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Berlin, Germany, 2019
[124] João Antunes ,
Alexandre Bernardino, Asim Smailagic, Daniel Siewiorek
"Weighted Multisource Tradaboost", Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2019). Madrid, Spain, 2019
[126] Nuno Monteiro ,
José Gaspar "Standard Plenoptic Camera Calibration for a Range of Zoom and Focus Levels", Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2019). Madrid, Spain, 2019
[127] Pedro Pina ,
Jorge Salvador Marques, Sandra Heleno
"Detection of stone circles in periglacial regions of Antarctica in UAV datasets", Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Madrid, Spain, 2019
Catarina Barata, Emre M. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Deep Attention Model for the Hierarchical Diagnosis of Skin Lesions", ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Long Beach, California, 2019 -
PDF[132] H. Sousa, E. R. Gouveia, M.S. Cameirão, A. Goncalves, E. Munoz, T. Paulino,
Hugo Simão,
Ricardo Nunes,
Alexandre Bernardino, S. Bermúdez i Badia
"Custom-made exergames for older people: New inputs for multidimensional physical training", 5th Experiment International Conference (exp.at'19), 2019
Min Lee,
Alexandre Bernardino, Sergi i Badia
"Learning to Assess the Quality of Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises", Proc. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’19). Marina del Rey, CA, USA, 2019 -
Catarina Barata,
Jacinto Nascimento,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Multiple Agents Representation Using Motion Fields", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Brighton, UK, 2019 -
PDF[135] Rui Garcia Figueiredo,
Rui Figueiredo,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Online Recognition-by-Tracking with Deep Appearance and Facial Features in a Robotic Environment", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Porto, Gondomar, Portugal, 2019
[137] Leandro Dihl, Leandro Cruz ,
Nuno Barroso Monteiro, Nuno Goncalves
"A Content-aware Filtering for RGBD Faces", International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP). Prague, Czech Republic, 2019 -
Athira Nambiar,
Alexandre Bernardino "A Context-Aware Method for View-Point Invariant Long-Term Re-identification", International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics VISIGRAPP 2017: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics – Theory and Applications pp 329-351, 2019
Nuno Barroso Monteiro, João Pedro Barreto,
José Gaspar "Surface Cameras from Shearing for Disparity Estimation on a Lightfield", Proc. of Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RecPad). Coimbra, Portugal, 2018 -
PDF[140] Simão Marto,
Nuno Barroso Monteiro,
José Gaspar "Locally Affine Light Fields as Direct Measurements of Depth", Proc. of Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RecPad). Coimbra, Portugal, 2018 -
PDF[141] Diogo Portela,
Nuno Barroso Monteiro,
José Gaspar "Camera Adaptation for Deep Depth from Light Fields", Proc. of Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RecPad). Coimbra, Portugal, 2018 -
PDF[142] Maria Henriques, Tiago Pinto , Duarte Dornellas , Jorge GONÇALVES,
Ricardo Ribeiro,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Projeto ELEVAR – Estudo Localizado De Estruturas Verticais Com Aeronaves Robotizadas", IX Conferência Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia (CNCG). Amadora, Portugal, 2018
[143] Nuno Santos, Victor Lobo,
Alexandre Bernardino "3D Model-Based estimation for UAV tracking", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Charleston, USA, pp 22-25, 2018
Catarina Barata, J. M. Lemos,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Estimation of Space-Varying Covariance Matrices", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Athens, Greece, 2018
João Avelino, F. Correia, J. Catarino, P. Ribeiro,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Paiva
"The Power of a Hand-shake in Human-Robot Interactions", Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Madrid, Spain, 2018
[148] A. Portelo,
Jorge Salvador Marques,
Catarina Barata, J. M. Lemos
"Distributed estimation of vector fields", Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), Poitiers, France, 2018
Cristina Melicio,
Rui Figueiredo, A. Almeida,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Object detection and localization with Artificial Foveal Visual Attention", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2018 - 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
Nino Cauli,
Pedro Vicente, J. Kim,
Bruno Damas,
Alexandre Bernardino, F. Cavallo,
José Santos-Victor "Autonomous table cleaning from kinesthetic demonstrations using Deep Learning", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2018 - 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
[152] R. Zenha,
Pedro Vicente,
Lorenzo Jamone,
Alexandre Bernardino "Incremental adaptation of a robot body schema based on touch events", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2018 - 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
[153] M. Barao,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Clustering of Gaussian Random Vector Fields in Multiple Trajectory Modelling", Proc. of APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO), Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 2018 -
Mehmet Mutlu, S. Hauser,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Ijspeert
"Playdough to Roombots: Towards a Novel Tangible User Interface for Self-reconfigurable Modular Robots", Proc. of ICRA - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, 2018
[156] J. Borrego,
Rui Figueiredo,
Atabak Dehban,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "A Generic Visual Perception Domain Randomisation Framework for Gazebo", Proc. of ICARSC 2018 - 18th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. Torres Vedras, Portugal, 2018
[157] Jaeseok Kim,
Nino Cauli,
Pedro Vicente,
Bruno Damas, Filippo Cavallo,
José Santos-Victor "“iCub, clean the table!” A robot learning from demonstration approach using Deep Neural Networks", Proc. of ICARSC 2018, 18th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Torres Vedras, Portugal, 2018
Mirko Rakovic,
Nuno Duarte, J. Tasevski,
José Santos-Victor, B. Borovac
"A dataset of head and eye gaze during dyadic interaction task for modeling robot gaze behavior", Proc. of ER(ZR)-2018 - 13th International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018
[159] H. Simão,
João Avelino,
Nuno Duarte,
Rui Figueiredo "GeeBot: A Robotic Platform for Refugee Integration", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018), Student Design Competition. Chicago, USA, 2018
[160] Maria Henriques, Tiago Pinto , João Andrade, Duarte Dornellas , Jorge GONÇALVES,
Ricardo Ribeiro,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, António Batista
"Projeto ELEVAR – Study of Vertical Structures with Robotized Aircrafts. A Contribution to Visual Inspections of Engineering Works", Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil (TESTE). Porto, Portugal, 2018
[162] A. Batinica, B. Nemec,
José Santos-Victor, A. Gams,
Mirko Rakovic "Generalization of Task Model using Compliant Movement Primitives in a Bimanual Setting", Proc. of ROBIO 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Macau, 2017
[163] F. Azevedo, J. Carmona, T. Paulino,
Plinio Moreno "Estimating objects’ weight in precision grips using skin-like sensors", Proc. of ROBOT 2017 - 3rd Iberian Robotics Conference, Seville, Spain, 2017
[165] A. Batinica, B. Nemec, A. Ude,
Mirko Rakovic, A. Gams
"Compliant Movement Primitives in a Bimanual Setting", Proc. of Humanoids 2017 - IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Birmingham, UK, 2017
[167] H. Simão,
Alexandre Bernardino "User Centered Design of an Augmented Reality Gaming Platform for Active Aging in Elderly Institutions", Proc. of icSPORTS - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support. Funchal, Portugal, 2017
[169] S. Marto,
Nuno Barroso Monteiro, J. P. Barreto,
José Gaspar "Structure from Plenoptic Imaging", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2017 - 7th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017
Rui Figueiredo,
Atabak Dehban,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, H Araujo
"Shape-Based Attention for Identification and Localization of Cylindrical Objects", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2017 - 7th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017
Alexandre Antunes,
Giovanni Saponaro, A. Morse,
Lorenzo Jamone,
José Santos-Victor, A. Cangelosi
"Learn, Plan, Remember: A Developmental Robot Architecture for Task Solving", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2017 - 7th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017
Giovanni Saponaro,
Pedro Vicente,
Atabak Dehban,
Lorenzo Jamone,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Learning at the Ends: From Hand to Tool Affordances in Humanoid Robots", Proc. of IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2017 - 7th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017
[175] L. Antanas, A. Dries,
Plinio Moreno, L. De Raedt
"Relational Affordance Learning for Task-Dependent Robot Grasping", Proc. of ILP 2017 - 27th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Orléans, France, 2017
[176] M. Barao,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Gaussian Random Vector Fields in Trajectory Modelling", Proc. of IMVIP 2017 - Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 2017
Jorge Salvador Marques, J. M. Lemos, A. R. Moreira
"Computing the Uncertainty of Motion Fields for Human Activity Analysis", Proc. of IMVIP 2017 - Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 2017
[178] V. Nigolian,
Mehmet Mutlu, S. Hauser,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Ijspeert
"Self-reconfigurable Modular Robot Interface Using Virtual Reality: Arrangement of Furniture Made out of Roombots Modules", Proc. of RO-MAN - IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017
Mehmet Mutlu, S. Hauser,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Ijspeert
"Effects of joint compliance in quadrupedal locomotion", Proc. of AMAM 2017 - 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, Sapporo, Japan, 2017
Catarina Barata, M. A. T. Figueiredo, M. E. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Local Features Applied to Dermoscopy Images: Bag-of-Features versus Sparse Coding", Proc. of IbPRIA 2017 - 8th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Faro, Portugal, 2017
[184] T. Paulino, P. Ribeiro, M. Neto, S. Cardoso, A. Schmitz,
José Santos-Victor,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Lorenzo Jamone "Low-cost 3-axis soft tactile sensors for the human-friendly robot Vizzy", Proc. of ICRA 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, 2017
[186] Rafael dos Anjos,
João Pereira,
José Gaspar, Carla Fernandes
"Multiview Layered Depth Image", Proc. WSCG 2017 - 25th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (selected to publish in Journal of WSCG, vol. 25, issue 2, ISSN 1213-6972), Plzen, Czech Republic, 2017
Pedro Vicente,
Alexandre Bernardino "Wedding Robotics: A case study", Proc. of ICARSC 2017 - IEEE 17th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Coimbra, Portugal, 2017 -
Rui Figueiredo,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino "Robust cylinder detection and pose estimation using 3D point cloud information", Proc. of ICARSC 2017 - IEEE 17th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Coimbra, Portugal, 2017
Rui Figueiredo,
João Avelino,
Atabak Dehban,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Pedro Lima, H Araujo
"Efficient Resource Allocation for Sparse Multiple Object Tracking", Proc. of VISAPP 2017 - 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal, 2017
Rui Figueiredo,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino "Automatic object shape completion from 3D point clouds for object manipulation", Proc. of VISAPP 2017 - 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal, 2017
Alexandre Bernardino,
Christian Vismara, F. Baptista, F. Carnide, S. Oom, S. Bermúdez i Badia, E. Gouveia, H. Gamboa
"A dataset for the automatic assessment of functional senior fitness tests using kinect and physiological sensors", Proc. of TISHW 2016 - 1st International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Sports, Health and Wellbeing, Vila Real, Portugal , 2016
[195] T. P. Tomo , W. K. Wong, A. Schmitz, H. Kristanto, A. Sarazin,
Lorenzo Jamone, S. Somlor, S. Sugano
"A Modular, Distributed, Soft, 3-Axis Sensor System for Robot Hands", Proc. of Humanoids 2016 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Cancun, Mexico, 2016
[196] M. Rakovic, B. Borovac,
José Santos-Victor, A. Batinica, M. Nikolic, S. Savic
"Biped Walking and Stairs Climbing Using Reconfigurable Adaptive Motion Primitives", Proc. of Humanoids 2016 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Cancun, Mexico, 2016
Catarina Barata, M. E. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "A System for the Analysis of Dermoscopy Images Using Weak Annotations", Proc. of RecPad 2016 - 22nd edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aveiro, Portugal, 2016 -
PDF[200] G. Cruz,
Alexandre Bernardino "Aerial detection in maritime scenarios using convolutional neural networks", Proc. of ACIVS 2016 - 17th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecce, Italy, 2016
José Nogueira,
Ruben Martinez-Cantin,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Lorenzo Jamone "Unscented Bayesian optimization for safe robot grasping", Proc. of IROS 2016 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Daejeon, Korea, 2016
Atabak Dehban,
Lorenzo Jamone, A. Kampff,
José Santos-Victor "A Moderately Large Size Dataset to Learn Visual Affordances of Objects and Tools using iCub Humanoid Robot", Proc. of ECCV 2016 - 14th European Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on Acton and Anticipation for Visual Learning, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016
[204] P. Pina,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Automated prediction of crater degradation degree", Proc. of ICIP 2016 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2016
[205] M. Marques, V. Lobo, M. Nunes , R. Baptista, J. Almeida,
Ricardo Ribeiro,
Alexandre Bernardino "Oil Spills Detection: Challenges addressed in the scope of the SEAGULL project", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Monterey, California, USA, 2016
Mehmet Mutlu, S. Bonardi, M. Vespignani, S. Hauser,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Ijspeert
"Natural user interface for lighting control: case study on desktop lighting using modular robots", Proc. of Ro-Man 2016 - IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, New York City, USA, 2016
João Avelino,
Rui Figueiredo,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino "On the perceptual advantages of visual suppression mechanisms for dynamic robot systems", Proc. of BICA 2016 - 7th International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, New York City, USA; Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 88, pp. 1–7, Elsevier, 2016
Nuno Barroso Monteiro, J. P. Barreto,
José Gaspar "Dense Lightfield Disparity Estimation using Total Variation Regularization", Proc. of ICIAR 2016 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2016
Martim Brandão, K. Hashimoto,
José Santos-Victor, A. Takanishi
"Optimizing energy consumption and preventing slips at the footstep planning level", Proc. of Humanoids 2015 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Seoul, Korea, 2015
Ricardo Nunes,
Ricardo Beira,
Plinio Moreno,
Luis Vargas,
José Santos-Victor,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Miguel Aragão,
Duarte Aragão,
Rui Figueiredo "Vizzy: A humanoid on wheels for assistive robotics", Proc. of ROBOT 2015 - 2nd Iberian Robotics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015
[217] L. Vannucci, A. Ambrosano,
Nino Cauli, U. Albanese, E. Falotico, S. Ulbrich, L. Pfotzer, G. Hinkel, O. Denninger, D. Peppicelli, L. Guyot, A. Arnim, S. Deser, P. Maier, R. Dillman, G. Klinker, P. Levi, A. Knoll, M. Gewaltig, C. Laschi
"A visual tracking model implemented on the iCub robot as a use case for a novel neurorobotic toolkit integrating brain and physics simulation", Proc. of Humanoids 2015 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Seoul, Korea, 2015
[218] T. P. Tomo , S. Somlor, A. Schmitz, S. Hashimoto, S. Sugano,
Lorenzo Jamone "Development of a Hall-Effect Based Skin Sensor", Proc. of IEEE SENSORS 2015, Busan, South Korea, 2015
[219] M. Mutlu, K. Melo, M. Vespignani,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. J. Ijspeert
"Where to Place Cameras on a Snake Robot: Focus on Camera Trajectory and Motion Blur", Proc. of SSRR 2015 - IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 2015
Catarina Barata, M. E. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "A Clinically Oriented System for Melanoma Diagnosis Using a Color Representation", Proc. of EMBC 2015 - 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, 2015
Catarina Barata, M. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Melanoma detection algorithm based on feature fusion", Proc. of EMBC 2015 - 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, 2015
[225] L. Antanas,
Plinio Moreno, L. De Raedt
"Relational Kernel-based grasping with numerical features", Proc. of ILP 2015 - 25th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Kyoto, Japan, 2015 -
PDF[226] G. Hinkel, H. Groenda, L. Vannucci, O. Denninger,
Nino Cauli, S. Ulbrich
"A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for Integrating Neuronal Networks in Robot Control", Proc. of MORSE/VAO 2015 - Joint MORSE/VAO Workshop on Model-Driven Robot Software Engineering and View-based Software-Engineering, L'Aquila, Italy, 2015
Sofija Spasojevic,
José Santos-Victor, T. Ilić, S. Milanović, V. Potkonjak, A. Rodić
"A Vision-Based System for Movement Analysis in Medical Applications: The Example of Parkinson Disease", Proc. of ICVS 2015 - International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015 -
PDF[228] G. Cruz,
Alexandre Bernardino "Image Saliency Applied to Infrared Images for Unmanned Maritime Monitoring", Proc. of ICVS 2015 - 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015
Jorge Salvador Marques,
Jacinto Nascimento,
Carlos Santiago "Robust 3D Active Shape Model for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in MRI", (best paper award), Proc. of IbPRIA 2015 - 7th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June, 2015
[230] C. Barata, M. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Color Detection in Dermoscopy Images Based on Scarce Annotations", Proc. of IbPRIA 2015 - 7th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June, 2015
[232] N. P. Santos, V. Lobo,
Alexandre Bernardino "A Ground-Based Vision System for UAV Tracking", Proc. of OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Genova, Italy, 2015
[233] Filipe Morais, Tiago Ramalho, Pedro Sinogas, Mario Monteiro, Nuno Santos, Victor Lobo
"Trajectory and Guidance Mode for autonomously landing a UAV on a naval platform using a vision approach", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Genova, Italy, 2015
[234] Nuno Santos, Victor Lobo,
Alexandre Bernardino "A Ground-Based Vision System for UAV Tracking", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Genova, Italy, 2015
[235] M. Marques, P. Dias, N. P. Santos, V. Lobo, R. Batista, D. Salgueiro,
António Pedro Aguiar, M. Costa, J. E. Silva, A. Ferreira, J. Sousa, M. Nunes , E. Pereira , J. Morgado,
Ricardo Ribeiro,
Jorge Salvador Marques,
Alexandre Bernardino, M. Griné,
Matteo Taiana "Unmanned Aircraft Systems in maritime operations: Challenges addressed in the scope of the SEAGULL project", Proc. of OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Genova, Italy, 2015
Martim Brandão, K. Hashimoto,
José Santos-Victor, A. Takanishi
"Gait planning for biped locomotion on slippery terrain", Proc. of Humanoids 2014 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Madrid, Spain, 2014
[239] Nuno Santos,
Fernando Melicio, Victor Lobo,
Alexandre Bernardino "A ground-based vision system for UAV pose estimation", Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS), 2014
[241] P. Silva,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar "Multi-Target Tracking Based in Meanshift and Particle Filters", Proc. of RecPad 2014 - 20th Edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Covilhã, Portugal, 2014
Jorge Salvador Marques, P. Pina
"Delineation of Martian Craters Based on Edge Maps and Dynamic Programming", Proc. of ICIAR 2014 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2014
[243] L. Vannucci, N. Cauli, E. Falotico,
Alexandre Bernardino, C. Laschi
"Adaptive Visual Pursuit Involving Eye-Head Coordination and Prediction of the Target Motion", Proc. of Humanoids 2014 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Madrid, Spain, 2014
Nuno Moutinho,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Markerless Online Stereo Calibration for a Humanoid Robot", Proc. of ICDL - EPIROB 2014 - The 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Genoa, Italy, 2014
Carlos Santiago,
Jacinto Nascimento,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Non-rigid Object Segmentation Using Robust Active Shape Models", Proc. of AMDO 2014 - VII Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8563, pp. 160-169, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2014
[247] G. Chliveros,
Rui Figueiredo,
Plinio Moreno, M. Pateraki,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, P. Trahanias
"A Framework for 3D Object Identification and Tracking", Proc. of VISAPP 2014 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 672 - 677, 2014
[250] H. Silva, E. Silva,
Alexandre Bernardino "Probabilistic Stereo Egomotion Transform", Proc. of ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, 2014 -
Lorenzo Jamone, M. Fumagalli, L. Natale, F. Nori, G. Metta, G. Sandini
"Control of physical interaction through tactile and force sensing during visually guided reaching", Proc. of MSC 2014 - IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Nice, France, 2014
Pedro Vicente,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Lorenzo Jamone,
Alexandre Bernardino "Eye-hand online adaptation during reaching tasks in a humanoid robot", Proc. of IEEE ICDL - EPIROB 2014, The 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Genoa, Italy, 2014
Afonso Goncalves, J. Abrantes,
Giovanni Saponaro,
Lorenzo Jamone,
Alexandre Bernardino "Learning Intermediate Object Affordances: Towards the Development of a Tool Concept", Proc. of IEEE ICDL - EPIROB 2014, The 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Genoa, Italy, 2014
Catarina Barata, M. Figueiredo, M. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Color Identification in Dermoscopy Images using Gaussian Mixture Models", Proc. of ICASSP 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, 2014 -
Catarina Barata, M. Celebi,
Jorge Salvador Marques "Improving Dermoscopy Image Analysis Using Color Constancy", Proc. of ICIP 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France, 2014 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
Jorge Salvador Marques, G. Cruz, M. Bento
"An Algorithm for the Detection of Vessels in Aerial Images", Proc. of AVSS 2014 - 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Seoul, Korea, 2014 -
Ricardo Santos,
Ângelo Cardoso,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino "Sensori-motor Network vs Neural Networks in Visual Stimuli Prediction", Proc. of IEEE ICDL - EPIROB 2014, The 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Genoa, Italy, 2014 -
PDF[264] N. Ribeiro,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar "Homing a Teleoperated Car using Monocular SLAM", Proc. of RecPad 2013 - 19th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 -
Sébastien Gay, J. van den Kieboom,
José Santos-Victor, A. Ijspeert
"Model-Based and Model-Free Approaches for Postural Control of a Compliant Humanoid Robot using Optical Flow", Proc. of Humanoids 2013 - IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013 -
PDF[267] M. Neumann,
Plinio Moreno, L. Antanas, R. Garnett, K. Kersting
"Graph Kernels for Object Category Prediction in Task-Dependent Robot Grasping", Proc. of MLG 2013 - 11th Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, Chicago, IL, USA, 2013 -
Plinio Moreno,
José Santos-Victor "Waving detection using the FuzzyBoost algorithm and flow-based features", Proc. of ICIAR 2013 - 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2013 -
Rui Figueiredo,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino "Fast 3D object recognition of rotationally symmetric objects", Proc. of IbPRIA 2013 - 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Madeira, Portugal, 2013 -
PDF[271] B. Moldovan,
Plinio Moreno, M. van Otterlo
"On the Use of Probabilistic Relational Affordance Models for Sequential Manipulation Tasks in Robotics", Proc. of ICRA 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013 -
Afonso Goncalves,
Lorenzo Jamone,
Giovanni Saponaro,
Alexandre Bernardino "Autonomous Learning of Tool Affordances", Proc. of RecPad 2013 - 19th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 -
Lorenzo Jamone,
Bruno Damas,
José Santos-Victor, A. Takanishi
"Online Learning of Humanoid Robot Kinematics under Switching Tools Contexts", Proc. of ICRA 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013 -
Martim Brandão,
Ricardo Ferreira, K. Hashimoto,
José Santos-Victor, A. Takanishi
"Active Gaze Strategy for Reducing Map Uncertainty Along a Path", Proc. of ISRM 2013 - 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, Singapore, 2013
[277] A. Ortega,
Ricardo Galego,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Gaspar, J. Andrade-Cetto
"Estimation of Camera Calibration Uncertainty using LIDAR Data", Proc. of ECMR 2013 - 6th European Conference on Mobile Robots, Barcelona, Spain, 2013 -
Martim Brandão,
Ricardo Ferreira, K. Hashimoto,
José Santos-Victor, A. Takanishi
"Integrating the whole cost-curve of stereo vision into occupancy grids", Proc. of IROS 2013 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2013 -
Ricardo Cabral, F. De la Torre,
João Paulo Costeira,
Alexandre Bernardino "Unifying Nuclear Norm and Bilinear Factorization Approaches for Low-rank Matrix Decomposition", Proc. of ICCV 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Sydney, Australia <br> Also published in: Handbook of Robust Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition: Applications in Image and Video Processing, CRC Press 2016, 2013
[281] N. Hendrich,
Marco Henriques,
Alexandre Bernardino "Dexterous Postural Synergies from Teleoperation of the Shadow Robot Hand", Workshop on hand synergies - how to tame the complexity of grasping, ICRA-2013, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013
[282] D. Pereira, J. Tomaz,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar "Mosaicing the Interior of Tubular Structures", Proc. of RecPad 2013 - 19th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 -
Dario Figueira, L. Bazzani, H. Q. Minh, M. Cristiani,
Alexandre Bernardino, V. Murino
"Semi-supervised Multi-feature Learning for Person Re-identification", Proc. of AVSS 2013 - 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Krakow, Poland, 2013 -
Giovanni Saponaro,
Giampiero Salvi,
Alexandre Bernardino "Robot Anticipation of Human Intentions through Continuous Gesture Recognition", Proc. of CR-HRI 2013 - 4th International Workshop on Collaborative Robots and Human Robot Interaction, San Diego, USA, 2013 -
Ricardo Galego,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino, E. Grossmann,
José Gaspar "Topological Auto-Calibration of Central Imaging Sensors", Proc. of IbPRIA 2013 - 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Madeira, Portugal, 2013 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
Marco Henriques, N. Hendrich, J. Zhang
"Precision Grasp Synergies for Dexterous Robotic Hands", Proc. of ROBIO 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Shenzhen, China (Best Paper Award), 2013
[288] H. Silva,
Alexandre Bernardino, E. Silva
"6D Visual Odometry with Dense Probabilistic Egomotion Estimation", Proc. of VISAPP 2013 - International Conference on Computer Vision, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
[289] H. Silva,
Alexandre Bernardino, E. Silva
"Combining sparse and dense methods in 6D visual odometry", Proc. of ROBOTICA 2013 - 13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Lisboa, Portugal, 2013
Ricardo Galego,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino, E. Grossmann,
José Gaspar "Lens Auto-Classification using a Featureless Methodology", Proc. of RecPad 2013 - 19th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 -
PDF[291] T. Castanheira, P. Silva,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Gaspar "Visual Tracking of Buses in a Parking Lot", Proc. of RecPad 2013 - 19th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013 -
Filipe Veiga,
Alexandre Bernardino "Active Tactile Exploration for Grasping", Workshop on Autonomous Learning, ICRA 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013
Sébastien Gay,
José Santos-Victor, A. Ijspeert
"Predictive gaze stabilization during periodic locomotion based on Adaptive Frequency Oscillators", Proc.of ICRA 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp. 4878-4883, 2012 -
Martim Brandão,
Nuno Moutinho,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Takanishi,
José Santos-Victor "Online Calibration of a Humanoid Robot Head from Relative Encoders, IMU Readings and Visual Data", Proc. of IROS 2012 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, A. Billard
"On the Representation of Anthropomorphic Robot Hands: Shape versus Function", Proc. of Humanoids 2012 - 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Osaka, Japan, 2012 -
PDF[301] U. Prieur, V. Perdereau,
Alexandre Bernardino "Modeling and Planning High-Level In-Hand Manipulation Actions from Human Knowledge and Active Learning from Demonstration", Proc. of IROS 2012 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012 -
PDF[302] B. Moldovan,
José Santos-Victor, M. van Otterlo,
Plinio Moreno, L. Raedt
"Learning relational affordance models for robots in multi-object manipulation tasks", Proc.of ICRA 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp. 4878-4883, 2012 -
Bruno Damas,
José Santos-Victor "An online algorithm for simultaneously learning forward and inverse kinematics", Proc. of IROS 2012 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012 -
PDF[304] M. Neumann, R. Garnett,
Plinio Moreno, N. Patricia, K. Kersting
"Propagation kernels for partially labeled graphs", ICML 2012 Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2012 -
PDF[306] M. Silva,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar "Effect of Image Resolution on DLT-Lines Camera Calibration Including Radial Distortion", Proc. of RecPad 2012 - 18th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Coimbra, Portugal, 2012 -
Rui Figueiredo, A. Shukla, D. Aragao,
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, A. Billard
"Reaching and Grasping Kitchenware Objects", Proc. of SII 2012 - IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, Fukuoka, Japan, 2012 -
Plinio Moreno,
Pedro Ribeiro,
José Santos-Victor "Feature Set Search Space for FuzzyBoost Learning", Proc. of IbPRIA 2011 - Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, 2011 -
Plinio Moreno,
Pedro Ribeiro,
José Santos-Victor "Feature Selection for tracker-less human activity recognition", Proc. of ICIAR 2011 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Burnaby, BC, Canada, 2011 -
Nuno Moutinho, N. Cauli, E. Falotico,
Ricardo Ferreira,
José Gaspar,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, P. Dario, C. Laschi
"An Expected Perception Architecture using Visual 3D Reconstruction for a Humanoid Robot", Proc. of IROS 2011 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011 -
Ricardo Cabral,
João Paulo Costeira, F. De la Torre,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Gustavo Carneiro "Time and order estimation of paintings based on visual features and expert priors", Proc. of the Conference on Computer Vision and Analysis of Images of Art II, part of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011, San Francisco, USA, 2011 -
PDF[313] R. S. Cabral,
João Paulo Costeira,
Alexandre Bernardino "Matrix Completion for Multi-label Image Classification", Proc. of NIPS 2011 - 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Granada, Spain, 2011 -
PDF[314] D. M. Antunes,
Dario Figueira, D. M. Matos,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Gaspar "Multiple Hypothesis Tracking in Camera Networks", OMNIVIS - 11th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras, held in conjunction with ICCV 2011, Barcelona, Spain, 2011 -
Jonas Ruesch,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino "A Measure of Good Motor Actions for Active Visual Perception", Proc. of ICDL-EPIROB 2011 - IEEE Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Frankfurt, Germany, 2011 -
PDF[316] R. Cabral,
João Paulo Costeira, F. De la Torre,
Alexandre Bernardino "Fast Incremental Method for Matrix Completion: An Application to Trajectory Correction", Proc. of ICIP 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, 2011 -
Nicola Greggio,
Alexandre Bernardino, C. Laschi, P. Dario,
José Santos-Victor "Real-Time Ellipse Fitting, 3D Spherical Object Localization and Tracking for the iCub Simulator", Proc. of ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2011 -
Nicola Greggio,
José Gaspar,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Monocular vs Binocular 3D Real-Time Ball Tracking From 2d Ellipses", Proc. of ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2011 -
Dario Figueira,
Alexandre Bernardino "Re-Identification of Visual Targets in Camera Networks: A Comparison of Techniques", Proc. of ICIAR 2011 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Burnaby, BC, Canada, 2011 -
PDF[320] R. Galego,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Gaspar "Vignetting Correction for Pan-Tilt Surveillance Cameras", Proc. of VISAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2011 -
Nicola Greggio,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Robotic Color Image Segmentation by Means of Finite Mixture Models", Proc. of ROBOTICA 2011 - 11th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011 -
PDF[324] R. Galego,
Ricardo Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Gaspar "Enforcing Consistency of Image Gains in Panoramic Mosaics", Proc. of RecPad 2011 - 17th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Porto Portugal, 2011 -
PDF[325] D. Antunes, D. M. Matos,
José Gaspar "Improving Domotic Services Combining a Dialog System and a Resident Tracking System", Proc. of Eurocon 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Computer As A Tool, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
Giovanni Saponaro "Generation of meaningful robot expressions with active learning", Proc. of HRI 2011 - 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011 -
Sébastien Gay, A. Ijspeert,
José Santos-Victor "Predictive Gaze Stabilization During Periodic Locomotion Based On Adaptive Frequency Oscillators", Proc. of AMAM 2011 - International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, Hyogo, Japan , 2011 -
PDF[328] B. Moldovan, M. van Otterlo,
Plinio Moreno,
José Santos-Victor, L. De Raedt
"Statistical Relational Learning of Object Affordances for Robotic Manipulation", Proc. of LIP 2011 - International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Windsor Great Park, UK, 2011 -
PDF[329] P. Osorio,
Alexandre Bernardino,
Ruben Martinez-Cantin,
José Santos-Victor "Gaussian Mixture Models for Affordance Learning using Bayesian Networks", Proc. of IROS 2010 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
Jonas Hörnstein,
José Santos-Victor "Learning words and speech units through natural interactions", Proc. of Interspeech 2010 - International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Makuhari, Japan, 2010
[331] J. Santos,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Sensor-Based Self Calibration of the iCubs Head", Proc. of IROS 2010 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
Nicola Greggio,
Alexandre Bernardino, C. Laschi, P. Dario,
José Santos-Victor "Self-Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models for Real-Time Video Segmentation and Background Subtraction", Proc. of ISDA 2010 - 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
Nicola Greggio,
Alexandre Bernardino, C. Laschi, P. Dario,
José Santos-Victor "Unsupervised Greedy Learning of Finite Mixture Models", Proc. of ICTAI 2010 - 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Arras, France, 2010
Nicola Greggio,
Alexandre Bernardino, C. Laschi, P. Dario,
José Santos-Victor "An Algorithm for the Least Square-Fitting of Ellipses", Proc. of ICTAI 2010 - 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Arras, France, 2010
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Nicola Greggio "Image Segmentation for Robots: Fast Self-Adapting Gaussian Mixture Model", Proc. of ICIAR 2010 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal , 2010
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Nicola Greggio "A Practical Method for Self-Adapting Gaussian Expectation Maximization", Proc. of ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, 2010
Alexandre Bernardino,
Giovanni Saponaro "Bootstrapping Visual Memories for a Humanoid Robot", Proc. of RecPad 2009 - 15th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aveiro, Portugal, 2009
Christian Wressnegger,
Ashish Jain, M. Batmendijn,
Manuel Lopes,
Luis Montesano,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Towards Fully Automated Learning of Grasping Affordances", Proc. of RecPad 2009 - 15th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aveiro, Portugal, 2009
Luis Montesano,
Manuel Lopes "Learning grasping affordances from local visual descriptors", Proc. of ICDL 2009 - IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning, Shanghai, China, 2009 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
Jonas Ruesch "Evolving Predictive Visual Motion Detectors", Proc. of ICDL 2009 - IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning, Shanghai, China, 2009 -
Luis Montesano,
Manuel Lopes,
Ruben Martinez-Cantin "Active body schema learning", Proc. of RSS 2009/PASCAL2 Workshop on Regression in Robotics Approaches and Applications, Seattle, WA, USA, 2009 -
José Santos-Victor,
Jonas Hörnstein, L. Gustavsson, F. Lacerda
"Multimodal Word Learning from Infant Directed Speech", Proc. of IROS 2009 - The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2009 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Manuel Lopes, C. Hofsten, K. Rosander
"Biomimetic Eye-Neck Coordination", Proc. of ICDL 2009 - IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning, Shanghai, China, 2009 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Marco Barbosa,
Nelson Gonçalves,
Pedro Lima,
João Sequeira,
Matthijs Spaan,
José Gaspar,
Abdolkarim Pahliani,
Dario Figueira,
Plinio Moreno "ISRobotNet: A Testbed for Sensor and Robot Network Systems", Proc. of IROS 2009 - The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2009 -
Alexandre Bernardino, D. Pamplona
"Smooth Foveal Vision with Gaussian Receptive Fields", Proc. of Humanoids 2009 - 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Paris, France, 2009 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Matteo Taiana, P. Dario, C. Laschi, E. Falotico, D. Zambrano
"Predictive Tracking across Occlusions on the iCub robot", Proc. of Humanoids 2009 - 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Paris, France, 2009 -
José Santos-Victor,
Bruno Damas "Avoiding Moving Obstacles: The Forbidden Velocity Map", Proc. of IROS 2009 - The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2009
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Gaspar,
Bruno Dias, J. Andrade-Cetto, A. Ortega, E. Teniente
"Calibrating an Outdoor Distributed Camera Network using Laser Range Finder Data", Proc. of IROS 2009 - The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2009
Dario Figueira,
Manuel Lopes,
Rodrigo Ventura,
Jonas Ruesch "Towards a spatial model for humanoid social robots", In Progress in Artificial Intelligence (EPIA-2009), volume LNAI 5816, pp. 287298. Springer, 2009 -
José Gaspar, E. Grossmann, F. Orabona
"Calibration from statistical properties of the visual world", Proc. of ECCV 2008 - European Conference on Computer Vision, Marseille, France, 2008
José Santos-Victor,
Jonas Hörnstein, L. Gustavsson, F. Lacerda
"Modeling Speech imitation", Proc. of IROS 2008 - Workshop From motor to interaction learning in robots, Nice, France, 2008
José Santos-Victor,
Francisco Melo,
Manuel Lopes, B. Kenward
"A computational model for social learning mechanisms", Proc. of IROS 2008 - Workshop From motor to interaction learning in robots, Nice, France, 2008
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, J. Leitner
"A Benchmark on Stereo Disparity Estimation for Humanoid Robots", Proc. of Robotica 2008 - 8th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Aveiro, Portugal, 2008
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, B. Tworek
"Visual Self-Calibration of Pan-Tilt Kinematic Structures", Proc. of Robotica 2008 - 8th Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Aveiro, Portugal, 2008
Rodrigo Ventura,
José Gaspar, B. Dias
"Automatic Transcription of Musical-Whistling: Comparing Pitch Detection Methods", Proc. of JETC 20078 - IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electronica e Telecomunicacoes e de Computadores, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008 -
Alessio Del Bue,
José Gaspar, N. Leite
"Calibrating a Network of Cameras Based on Visual Odometry", Proc. of JETC 2008 - IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electronica e Telecomunicacoes e de Computadores, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008 -
João Sequeira,
José Gaspar, N. Lucas
"EKIT – Tool for Learning Signals, Circuits and Electronic Systems", Proc. of IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electronica e Telecomunicacoes e de Computadores, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008 -
António Pedro Aguiar,
José Gaspar, R. Carona
"Control of Unicycle Type Robots: Tracking, Path Following and Point Stabilization", Proc. of JETC 2008 - IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electronica e Telecomunicacoes e de Computadores, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008 -
Francisco Melo,
Manuel Lopes "Fitted natural actor-critic: A new algorithm for continuous state-action MDPs", Proc. of ECML PKDD 2008 - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Antwerp, Belgium, 2008 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Manuel Lopes,
Jonas Hörnstein,
Jonas Ruesch, R. Pfeifer
"Multimodal Saliency-Based Bottom-Up Attention A Framework for the Humanoid Robot iCub", Proc. of ICRA 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2008 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, P. Carreiras
"Predictive Reaching Control with Multiple Motion Models", Proc. of CONTROLO 2008 - 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 2008
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, J. Marques, M. Neves
"Experiments on Vision based Control of an Indoors RF Blimp", Proc. of CONTROLO 2008 - 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 2008
João Paulo Costeira,
Manuel Marques "3D face recognition from multiple images: a shape-from-motion approach", Proc. of FG 2008 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatica Face and Gesture Recognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008
Alessio Del Bue, J. M. Buenaposada, E. Munoz, L. Baumela
"A Model of Brightness Variations Due to Illumination Changes and Non-rigid Motion Using Spherical Harmonics", Proc of BMVC 2008 - 19th British Machine Vision Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 2008 -
João Paulo Costeira,
Nuno Pinho da Silva "Subspace Segmentation with Outliers: a Grassmannian approach to the maximum consensus subspace", Proc. of CVPR 2008 - IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2008
Alexandre Bernardino,
Pedro Lima,
José Gaspar,
Jacinto Nascimento,
Matteo Taiana, J. Santos
"Color 3D Model-Based Tracking with Arbitrary Projection Models", Proc. of SIMPAR 2008 - International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots, Workshop on Omnidirectional Robot Vision, Venice, Italy, 2008 -
João Paulo Costeira,
Manuel Marques "Optimal shape from motion estimation with missing and degenerate data", Proc. of WMVC 2008 - IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, Copper Mountain, CO, USA, 2008 -
Luis Montesano,
Francisco Melo,
Manuel Lopes "Machine learning for developmental robotics", Proc. of NIPS 2007 - The 21st Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2007
José Santos-Victor,
José Gaspar, L. Ruivo
"Mosaicing the Interior of Tubular Shapes: 3D-Model Fitting", Proc. of RecPad 2007 - 13ª Conferencia Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padroes, Lisbon, Portugal , 2007 -
José Gaspar, J. Vitorino
"Panoramic Mosaics Minimizing Overlappings in the Azimuthal Field-of-View", Proc. of RecPad 2007 - 13ª Conferencia Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padroes, Lisbon, Portugal , 2007 -
Francisco Melo,
Manuel Lopes "Convergence of Independent Adaptive Learners", Proc. of EPIA 2007 - 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2007 -
Luis Montesano,
Francisco Melo,
Manuel Lopes "Affordance-based imitation learning in robots", Proc. of IROS 2007 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, California, USA, 2007
Bruno Damas,
Manuel Lopes "A Learning Framework for Generic Sensory-Motor Maps", Proc. of IROS 2007 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, California, USA, 2007
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Luis Montesano,
Manuel Lopes "Modeling Affordances using Bayesian Networks", Proc. of IROS 2007 - IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007 -
José Santos-Victor,
José Gaspar, M. Realpe, B. Vintimilla
"Mosaicking Cluttered Ground Planes Based on Stereo Vision", Proc. of IbPRIA2007 - 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Girona, Spain, 2007
José Santos-Victor,
Pedro Ribeiro,
Plinio Moreno "Detecting Luggage Related Behaviors Using a New Temporal Boost Algorithm", Proc. of PETS 2007 - 10th IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, in conjunction with ICCV 2007 - 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007 -
José Santos-Victor,
Isabel Ribeiro,
Francisco Melo,
Manuel Lopes "Unified framework for imitation-like behaviors", Proc. of AISB2007 - 4th International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, pp. 241-250, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2007 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor,
Plinio Moreno, M. Marin-Jimenez, N. Perez de la Blanca
"A comparative study of local descriptors for object category recognition: SIFT vs HMAX", Proc. of IbPRIA2007 - 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Girona, Spain, 2007 -
Manuel Lopes,
José Santos-Victor "Learning sensory-motor maps for redundant robots", Proc. IROS2006 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 2006 -
PDF[399] N. Mansard,
Manuel Lopes,
José Santos-Victor, F. Chaumette
"Jacobian Learning Methods for Tasks Sequencing in Visual Servoing", Proc. IROS2006 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 2006 -
Ricardo Beira,
Manuel Lopes,
Miguel Praça,
José Santos-Victor,
Alexandre Bernardino, G. Metta, F. Becchi, R. Saltaren
"Design of the Robot-Cub (iCub) Head", Proc. ICRA2006 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, USA, 2006 -
PDF[401] J. Ferreira,
Alexandre Bernardino "Acquisition of 3D Regular Prismatic Models in Urban Environments from DSM and Orthoimages", Symposium on Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Coimbra, Portugal, 2006 -
Jonas Hörnstein,
Manuel Lopes,
José Santos-Victor, F. Lacerda
"Sound localization for humanoid robots – building audio-motor maps based on the HRTF", Proc. IROS2006 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 2006 -
João Paulo Costeira,
Carlos Silvestre,
Ricardo Ferreira, I. Sousa, J. Santos
"Using Stereo Image Reconstruction to Survey Scale Models of Rubble-Mound Structures", Proc. CoastLab 2006 - 1st International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, Porto, Portugal, 2006 -
João Paulo Costeira,
Ricardo Ferreira, J. Santos
"Stereo Reconstruction of a Submerged Scene", Proc. IbPRIA 2005 - 2nd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Estoril, Portugal, 2005 -
José Santos-Victor,
Jacinto Nascimento,
Pedro Ribeiro,
Plinio Moreno, D. Hall, E. Andrade, S. Pesnel, T. List, R. Emonet, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Crowley
"Comparison of target detection algorithms using adaptive background models", Proc. VS-PETS2005 - 2ndJoint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, Beijing, China, 2005 -
Luis Montesano, L. Montano,
José Gaspar,
José Santos-Victor "Cooperative localization by fusing vision-based bearing measurements and motion", Proc. IROS2005 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Rrobots and Systems, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2005 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "A Real-Time Gabor Primal Sketch for Visual Attention", Proc. IBPRIA2005 - 2nd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Estoril, Portugal, 2005 -
Plinio Moreno,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Gabor Parameter Selection For Local Feature Detection", Proc. IBPRIA2005 - 2nd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Estoril, Portugal, 2005 -
PDF[415] Filiberto Pla,
Pedro Ribeiro,
José Santos-Victor,
Alexandre Bernardino "Extracting Motion Features for Visual Human Activity Representation", Proc. IBPRIA2005 - 2nd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Estoril, Portugal, 2005 -
Ricardo Oliveira,
João Paulo Costeira,
João Xavier "Contour Point Tracking by Enforcement of Rigidity Constraints", Proc. 3DIM2005 - IEEE International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2005 -
Ricardo Oliveira,
João Paulo Costeira,
João Xavier "Optimal Point Correspondence through the Use of Rank Constraints", Proc. of CVPR2005 - IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, San Diego, USA, 2005 -
PDF[418] G. Almeida,
José Santos-Victor,
Pedro Lima "Controlo de um Manipulador Robotico Usando Visao", Proc. ROBOTICA2005 5th Portuguese Robotics Festival, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005
[419] Andrew Naftel, Jose Melo,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Highway Lane Detection and Classification Using Vehicle Motion Trajectories", VIIP 2004 - 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, Marbella, Spain, 2004
Roger Freitas,
José Santos-Victor, Mario Sarcinelli-Filho, Teodiano Bastos-Filho
"Learning Navigation Maps by Looking at People", Proc. IAV 2004 - 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 -
PDF[425] Lorenz Gertsmayr,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Appearance based landmark selection and Reliability Evaluation for Topological Navigation", Proc. IAV 2004 - 4th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 -
PDF[426] Nuno Gracias,
João Paulo Costeira,
José Santos-Victor "Linear Global Mosaics for Underwater Surveying", Proc. IAV 2004 - 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 -
Raquel Vassallo,
José Santos-Victor, Hans-Jorg Schneebeli
"Visuomotor Maps for Robot Task Learning through Imitation", Proc. IAV 2004 - 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 -
PDF[428] R. J. Oliveira,
Pedro Ribeiro,
Jorge Salvador Marques, J. M. Lemos
"A Video System for Urban Surveillance: Function Integration and Evaluation", Proc. WIAMIS 2004 - International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004
Pedro Lima,
Luís Custódio,
Isabel Ribeiro,
José Santos-Victor "The RESCUE Project: Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots", Proceedings do 1st International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics, ASER’03, Bardolino, Italia, pp. 94-101, 2003 -
PDF[431] E. B. Bacca Cortes, E. Caicedo Bravo,
José Santos-Victor "A Behaviour-Based Homing Strategy Implemented On A Layered Control Architecture", Proc. 13th International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics- Toward Advanced Robots: Design, Sensors, Control and Applications - ISMCR'03, Madrid (Spain), 2003
Roger Freitas,
José Santos-Victor, Mario Sarcinelli-Filho, Teodiano Bastos-Filho
"Performance Evaluation of Incremental Eigenspace Models for Mobile Robot Localization", Proc. ICAR2003 - 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Coimbra, Portugal, 2003 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "A Binocular Stereo Algorithm for Log-polar Foveated Systems", 2nd Workshop on biological motivated Computer Vision, BMCV 2002, Tuebingen, Germany, 2002 -
PDF[436] Rafael Nojek, Tomasz Krzyzynski,
João Paulo Costeira "Representing 3D shape from video", Proceedings of the third international workshop on robot motion and control, Bukowy Dworek, Poland, 2002
Raquel Vassallo,
José Santos-Victor, Hans-Jorg Schneebeli
"Using Motor Representations for Topological Mapping and Navigation", Proc. IROS2002 - International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002 -
PDF[439] Marco Zucchelli,
José Santos-Victor, Henrik Christensen
"Multiple Plane Segmentation Using Optical Flow", British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC2002, Cardiff, UK, 2002 -
PDF[440] Marco Zucchelli,
José Santos-Victor, Henrik Christensen
"Constrained Structure and Motion Estimation from Optical Flow", International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Quebec, Canada, 2002 -
PDF[441] Marco Zucchelli,
José Santos-Victor, Henrik Christensen
"Maximum Likelihood Structure and Motion Estimation Integrated over Time", International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Quebec, Canada, 2002 -
PDF[442] Joao Maciel,
João Paulo Costeira "Maximizing Rigidity: Optimal matching under scaled-orthography", European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002 -
José Gaspar, Claudia Decco, Jun Okamoto Jr.,
José Santos-Victor "Constant Resolution Omnidirectional Cameras", OMNIVIS'02 - Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, held with ECCV, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002 -
Raquel Vassallo,
José Santos-Victor, Hans-Jorg Schneebeli
"A General Approach for Egomotion Estimation with Omnidirectional Images", OMNIVIS'02 - Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, held with ECCV, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002 -
PDF[445] Javier Minguez, Luis Montano,
José Santos-Victor "Reactive Navigation for Non-holonomic Robots using the Ego-Kinematic Space", ICRA - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington D.C., 2002 -
PDF[446] Etienne Grossmann, Diego Ortin,
José Santos-Victor "Single and Multi-View Reconstruction of Structured Scenes", Proc. ACCV - 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Melbourne, 2002 -
PDF[447] Niall Winters,
José Santos-Victor "Information Sampling for Optimal Image Data Selection", 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS2001 - Toulouse, France, 2001 -
José Gaspar, E. Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "Interactive Reconstruction from an Omnidirectional Image", 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS2001 - Toulouse, France, 2001 -
PDF[450] N. Winters,
José Gaspar, E. Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "Experiments in Visual-Based Navigation with an Omnidirectional Camera", ICAR2001 Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision Applied to Robotic Orientation and Nondestructive Testing, Budapest, Hungary, 2001 -
José Santos-Victor "Visual Servoing of Cellular Robots", European Control Conference, ECC2001, Porto, Portugal, 2001 -
PDF[453] E. Grossmann, D. Ortin,
José Santos-Victor "Algebraic aspects of reconstruction of structured scenes from one or more views", British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC2001, Manchester, England, 2001 -
José Santos-Victor, N. Gracias, S. van der Zwaan
"Using vision for underwater robotics: video mosaics and station keeping!", 1st International Workshop on Underwater robotics for Sea Exploitation and Environmental Monitoring, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2001 -
PDF[455] N. Winters,
José Santos-Victor "Visual Attention-Based Robot Navigation using Information Sampling", IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS2001, Maui, Hawai, 2001 -
João Paulo Costeira, Joao Maciel
"Robust Point Correspondence by Concave Minimization", 11th British Machine Vision Conference, Bristol, UK (Science Prize for the Best Paper. Issued by the British Machine Vision Association), 2000 -
PDF[460] N. Roma,
José Santos-Victor, J. Tome
"A comparative analysis of cross-correlation matching algorithms using a pyramidal resolution approach", 2nd Workshop on Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision, held during ECCV2000, Dublin, Ireland, 2000
[461] F. Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini
"Learning VOR-like stabilization reflexes in robots", 8th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, (ESANN 2000), Bruges, Belgium, 2000
[462] Niall Winters,
José Gaspar, Gerard Lacey,
José Santos-Victor "Omni-directional vision for Robot Navigation", IEEE Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision (in conjuntion with CVPR 2000), Hilton Head Island, USA, 2000 -
PDF[463] Sjoerd van der Zwaan, Matteo Perrone,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Control of an Aerial blimp based on visual input", 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS2000 - Reading, UK, 2000 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor, G. Sandini
"Tracking planar structures with log-polar images", 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS2000 - Reading, UK, 2000 -
PDF[465] Cesar Silva,
José Santos-Victor "Intrinsic Images for Dense Stereo Matching with Occlusions", European Conference on Computer Vision, Dublin, Ireland, 2000 -
PDF[466] Etienne Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "A closed-form solution for paraperspective reconstruction", Intl. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, Spain, 2000 -
PDF[467] Etienne Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "Dual Representations for Vision-Based 3D Reconstruction", British Machine Vision Conference, Bristol, UK, 2000 -
PDF[469] Sjoerd van der Zwaan,
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Vision based station keeping and docking for an Aerial blimp", Intl Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS'2000, Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan, 2000 -
PDF[470] F. Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini
"An artificial vestibular system for reflex-control of robot eye movements", 3rd International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston, USA, 1999
[471] F. Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini, R. Manzotti
"Learning head-eye-hand coordination: a developmental approach", 3rd International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston, USA, 1999
[472] F. Panerai, G. Metta, G. Sandini
"Vision and motor control: a bioengineering perspective", Workshop on Robust Vision and Industrial Applications, Steyr, Austria, 1999
[473] X. M. Sauvan, F. Panerai, G. Sandini
"Multimodal integration and visuomotor interaction in a primate-like robot", Presented at the Workshop "Navigation in Biological and Artificial Systems" in Tuebingen, Germany, 1999
[474] Niall Winters,
José Santos-Victor "Mobile Robot Navigation using Omni-directional Vision", 3rd Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference IMVIP99, Dublin, Ireland, 1999 -
PDF[475] Luis Jordao, Matteo Perrone,
João Paulo Costeira,
José Santos-Victor "Active Face and Feature Tracking", International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Venice, Italy, 1999 -
PDF[476] Nuno Gracias,
José Santos-Victor "Trajectory Reconstruction Using Mosaic Registration", 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS99, Coimbra, Portugal, 1999 -
PDF[477] C. Silva,
José Santos-Victor "Motion from Occlusions", 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS99, Coimbra, Portugal, 1999 -
José Gaspar,
José Santos-Victor "Visual Path Following with a Catadioptric Panoramic Camera", 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS99, Coimbra, Portugal, 1999 -
PDF[479] Niall Winters,
José Santos-Victor "Omni-directional Visual Navigation", 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS99, Coimbra, Portugal, 1999 -
PDF[480] Sjoerd van der Zwaan,
José Santos-Victor "An Insect Inspired Visual Sensor for the Autonomous Navigation of a Mobile Robot", 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS99, Coimbra, Portugal, 1999 -
PDF[481] Joao Maciel,
João Paulo Costeira "Holystic Face Synthesis", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1999 -
José Santos-Victor,
Raquel Vassallo, Hans-Jorg Schneebeli
"Topological Maps for Visual Navigation", 1st International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Las Palmas, Canarias, 1999 -
PDF[483] Etienne Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "The precision of 3D reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views", British Machine Vision Conference - BMVC98, Southampton. Best Paper Award, 1998 -
Raquel Vassallo, Hans-Jorg Schneebeli,
José Santos-Victor "A Purposive Strategy for Visual based Navigation of a Mobile Robot", MidWest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Univ. Notre Dame, USA, 1998 -
Raquel Vassallo, Hans Schneebeli,
José Santos-Victor "Visual Navigation: Combining Visual Servoing and Appearance based Methods", 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS98, Edinburgh, UK, 1998 -
PDF[487] Cesar Branco,
João Paulo Costeira "A 3D Image Mosaicing System using the Factorization Method", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE98, Pretoria, South Africa, 1998 -
PDF[488] Cesar Silva,
José Santos-Victor "Egomotion Estimation on a Topological Space", International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR98, Australia , 1998 -
PDF[489] Cesar Silva,
José Santos-Victor "Egomotion Estimation Using Log-Polar Images", International Conference of Computer Vision - ICCV, Bombay, India, 1998 -
João Paulo Costeira "Human Face Synthesis", International Conference on Applied Analysis, Lisbon, 1997
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Visual Behaviours for Binocular Tracking", 2nd EuroMicro Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robotics - Eurobot97, Brescia, Italy, 1997 -
José Santos-Victor,
Alexandre Bernardino, Cesar Silva
"On the Design of Visual Behaviors for Autonomous Systems", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE97, Guimaraes, Portugal, 1997 -
PDF[493] Nuno Gracias,
José Santos-Victor "Robust Estimation of the Fundamental Matrix and Stereo Correspondences", 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS97, Stockholm, Sweden, 1997 -
PDF[494] Carlos Carreira,
José Santos-Victor "Vision Based Teleoperated Cellular Robots", 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS97, Stockholm, Sweden, 1997 -
PDF[495] Artur Arsenio,
José Santos-Victor "Robust Visual Tracking by an Active Observer", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS97, Grenoble, France, 1997 -
PDF[496] Artur Arsenio,
José Santos-Victor "Active Monocular Tracking with Temporal Integration of Visual Cues", 9th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition - RECPAD97, Coimbra, Portugal, 1997 -
João Sentieiro,
Pedro Lima "The Integration of Robotics in the Manufacturing Environment", Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, Macau, 1997
[498] E. Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "Robust affine flow estimation for Active Vision Applications", 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS96, Lisboa, Portugal, 1996
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Correlation based Vergence Control using Log-polar Images", 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS96, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996 -
PDF[500] Cesar Silva,
José Santos-Victor "Geometric Approach for Egomotion Estimation using Normal Flow", 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS96, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996 -
PDF[501] Etienne Grossmann,
José Santos-Victor "Robust Affine flow estimation with Controlled Computation Cost", 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS96, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996 -
Alexandre Bernardino,
José Santos-Victor "Vergence Control for Robotic Heads using Log-polar Images", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS96, Osaka, Japan, 1996 -
PDF[503] Cesar Silva,
José Santos-Victor "Direct Egomotion Estimation", 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR96, Viena, Austria, 1996
Pedro Lima,
João Sentieiro "Research on Intelligent Control Methodologies at ISR/IST", Proceedings of the Robotics and Cybernetics Workshop of CESA 96, Lille, 1996 -
João Paulo Costeira, Takeo Kanade
"A Multi-body Factorization Method for Motion Analysis", International Conference of Computer Vision, Cambridge, USA, 1995 -
José Santos-Victor, G. Sandini
"Docking Behaviors via Active Perception", International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems - SIRS95, Pisa, Italy, 1995
José Santos-Victor, Giulio Sandini
"Visual-Based Obstacle Detection: a purposive approach using the normal flow", International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems - IAS95, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1995 -
José Santos-Victor,
João Sentieiro "The Role of Vision for Underwater Vehicles", IEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology - AUVT94, Boston, USA, 1994 -
José Santos-Victor, Franc van Trigt,
João Sentieiro "Medusa – A Stereo Head for Active Vision", International Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems - IRS94, Grenoble, France, 1994 -
José Santos-Victor,
João Sentieiro "Image Matching for Underwater 3D Vision", International Conference on Image Processing: Theorie and Applications, San Remo, Italia, 1993
João Sentieiro "Planning and Scheduling: Non-Classic Heuristic Approaches", Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia (invited paper), 1993
[516] Giulio Sandini,
José Santos-Victor "Robotic Bees", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS93, Yokohama, Japan, 1993 -
José Santos-Victor, Giulio Sandini, Francesca Curotto, Stefano Garibaldi
"Divergent Stereo for Robot Navigation: Learning from Bees", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR93, New York, USA, 1993 -
João Paulo Costeira,
José Santos-Victor,
João Sentieiro "Computation of Unmelted Materials Flow in Glass Furnaces by Moving Imaging Techniques", THERMIE - European Seminar on Improved Technologies for the Rational Use of Energy in Glass Industry, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1992
José Santos-Victor,
João Sentieiro "Generation of 3D Dense Depth Maps by Dynamic Vision: an Underwater Application", British Machine Vision Conference, pp. 129-138, Ed. David Hogg and Roger Boyle, Springer Verlag, London, 1992
[521] D. Farmer, M. V. Heitor,
João Sentieiro, A. T. Vasconcelos
"AIMBURN: A Multi-Sensor Methodology for the Analysis of Combustion Chambers and the Intelligent Control of Large Industrial Glass Furnaces", European Seminar on Improved Technologies for the Rational Use of Energy in the Glass Industry, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1992
Luís Custódio,
Carlos Bispo,
João Sentieiro "A Hierarchical Fuzzy Control System for Short-Range Planning and Scheduling", Proceedings of the Rensselaers's Third International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Troy, NY, 1992
[523] V. Marques,
Carlos Bispo,
João Sentieiro "A system for the compactation of two-dimensional irregular shapes based on simulated annealing", Proc. of International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (Cat. No. 91CH2976-9); Kobe, Japan, 1991 -
José Santos-Victor, J. Lemos
"Multirate Inferential Long-Range Adaptive Controller", 9th IFAC -IFORS Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Budapeste, Hungria, 1991
José Santos-Victor, J. Lemos
"Adaptive Inferential Control for Fermentation Bioreactors", 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Brighton, UK, 1991
[530] V. Marques,
João Sentieiro "A System for the Compactation of Two-Dimensional Irregular Shapes by Simulated Annealing", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, Kobe, Japan , 1991
Paulo Oliveira,
Pedro Lima,
João Sentieiro "Fuzzy Supervision of Direct Controllers", 5th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Control, pp. 638-643, Philadelphia, USA, 1990 -
Paulo Oliveira,
Pedro Lima,
João Sentieiro, R. Bravo, R. Galan, A. Jimenez
"An Architecture for the Supervision of Fuzzy Controllers", IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 919-924, vol. 2, Tsuchiura, Japan, 1990 -
Carlos Silvestre, J. M. Lemos, M. Sequeira,
João Sentieiro "Modeling and Adaptive Control of a Deepwater FSV", Proceedings of the 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallin, Russia, 1990
[535] L. Carvalho, R. Almeida,
Carlos Bispo,
João Sentieiro "An Integrated Environment for Planning and Scheduling in Flow-Shop Manufacturing Plants", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, RPI, Troy, New York, USA, 1990
Carlos Bispo,
João Sentieiro "An Extended Horizon Scheduling Algorithm for the Job-Shop Problem", 1st International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing RPI, Troy, New York, 1988
João Sentieiro "Algorithms for Optimizing a Function Over a Cone", Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, 1986