Gabriel Moreira,
João Paulo Costeira,
Manuel Marques, Alexander Hauptmann
"Learning Visual-Semantic Subspace Representations", Accepted in 28th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Phuket, Thailand, 2025
[3] José Celestino,
Manuel Marques,
Jacinto Nascimento "Latent Embedding Clustering for Occlusion Robust Head Pose Estimation", 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) , 2024
[5] Fábio Luz,
Bruno Guerreiro,
Manuel Marques "Model predictive control for assistive robotics manipulation", Proc. of CONTROLO 2022 - 15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, Caparica, Portugal. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 930, pp. 83-94, Springer, 2022
[6] Gabriel Moreira,
Manuel Marques,
João Paulo Costeira "Rotation averaging in a split second: A primal-dual method and a closed-form for cycle graphs", Proc. of ICCV 2022 - IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (virtual), pp. 5452 - 5460, 2021
[9] Alexandre Candeias, Travers Rhodes,
Manuel Marques,
João Paulo Costeira, Manuela Veloso
"Vision Augmented Robot Feeding", Proc. of ECCV 2018 - IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision, Munich, Germany, 2018
[10] M. Costa,
Beatriz Ferreira,
Manuel Marques "A Context Aware and Video-Based Risk Descriptor for Cyclists", ITSC 2017 - IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 2017
Susana Brandão,
Manuel Marques "Hot Tiles: A heat diffusion based descriptor for automatic tile panel assembly", Proc. of ECCV 2016 - 14th European Conference on Computer Vision, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 768-782, 2016
[12] Pedro Vieira,
João Paulo Costeira,
Susana Brandão,
Manuel Marques "SMARTcycling: Assessing cyclists’ driving experience", Proc. of IV 2016 - IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016
João Carvalho,
Manuel Marques,
João Paulo Costeira, P. M. Jorge
"Detecting People in Large Crowded Spaces using 3D Data from Multiple Cameras", Proc. of VISIGRAPP 2016 - 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 4: VISAPP, 218-225, Rome, Italy, 2016 -
João Paulo Costeira,
Manuel Marques "LAMP: Linear Approach for Matching Points", Proc. of ICIP2009 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, 2009
João Paulo Costeira,
Manuel Marques "Optimal shape from motion estimation with missing and degenerate data", Proc. of WMVC 2008 - IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, Copper Mountain, CO, USA, 2008 -
João Paulo Costeira,
Manuel Marques "3D face recognition from multiple images: a shape-from-motion approach", Proc. of FG 2008 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatica Face and Gesture Recognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008
Manuel Marques, A. Neves,
Jorge Salvador Marques,
João Sanches "The Papoulis-Gerchberg Algorithm with Unknown Signal Bandwidth", Proc. ICIAR 2006 - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition , Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2006 -