Evolutionary Systems and Biomedical Engineering Lab (LaSEEB)

LaSEEB is dedicated to research in biomedical systems and engineering, along two main lines: Biomedical Engineering and Bio-Inspired Algorithms. The approaches employed by the group involve biological and biomedical imaging, ranging from cell microscopy to ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as physiological signals such as the electroencephalogram and the electrocardiogram. Bio-inspired algorithms are also developed, ranging from evolutionary computing to swarm intelligence and agent-based simulations, applied to medicine and biology, but also to agriculture, energy and operational research areas. A special emphasis is given to the study of human brain function and neuroengineering, with applications in sleep, cognition and neurofeedback, as well as in pathologies such as epilepsy, dementia, migraine, cerebrovascular and psychiatric diseases.

Main research areas:

    • Biological and biomedical imaging
    • Biologic inspired optimization and complex systems simulation
    • Neuroengineering (sleep, cognition, neurofeedback)
    • Neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, brain dynamics and networks)
    • Quantitative MRI (diffusion, perfusion, relaxometry)

Research work

[1] Diego Castillo-Barnes, Nicolás J. Gallego-Molina, Marco Formoso, Andrés Ortiz, Patrícia Figueiredo, Juan Luque "Probabilistic and explainable modeling of Phase–Phase Cross-Frequency Coupling patterns in EEG. Application to dyslexia diagnosis", Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Volume 44, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 814-823, ISSN 0208-5216, 2025
[2] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Evangelos Georgaras "Physiological assessment of brain, cardiovascular, and respiratory changes in multimodal motor imagery brain-computer interface training", Research in Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 12(1), 2025
[3] Diogo Vieira, Maria Fernandes , Joana Figueiredo, Soraia Melo, Ana Margarida Moreira, José Carlos Machado, Raquel Seruca, João Sanches "A novel computational approach to dissect the cytoskeletal architecture of cancer cells with invasive potential", Sci Rep 15, 5353, 2025
[4] Inês Esteves, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Nuno da Silva, Pedro Vilela, Isabel Martins, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, César Callabero-Guades, Patrícia Figueiredo "Uncovering longitudinal changes in the brain functional connectome along the migraine cycle: a multilevel clinical connectome fingerprinting framework", J Headache Pain 26, 29 (2025), 2025
[5] Tianhao He, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Michail Giannakos "Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing", International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2024
[6] Marta Xavier, Patrícia Figueiredo, Gustavo Deco, Andrea Luppi, Joana Cabral "Metastable Oscillatory Modes as a Signature of Entropy Management in the Brain", 2024
[7] Sara Monteiro, Lydiane Hirschler, Emmanuel Barbie , Patrícia Figueiredo, Noam Shemesh "High-resolution perfusion imaging in rodents using pCASL at 9.4 T", 2024
[8] Monica Afonso, Sanchez-Cuesta, Francisco, Yeray González-Zamorano, Juan Pablo Romero, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Investigating the synergistic neuromodulation effect of bilateral rTMS and VR brain-computer interfaces training in chronic stroke patients", J. Neural Eng. 21 056037, 2024
[9] Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Ana Fouto, Inês Esteves, Inês Cabaço, Nuno da Silva, Pedro Vilela, Pedro Nascimento, Isabel Martins, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Patrícia Figueiredo "Preserved working memory performance along with subcortical modulation during peri-ictal phases in spontaneous migraine attacks", 2024
[10] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Mathis Fleury, Diego Blanco-Mora, Jean Claude-Fernandes , Patrícia Figueiredo, Sergi i Badia "Brain imaging and clinical outcome of embodied VR-BCI training in chronic stroke patients: a longitudinal pilot study", Brain-Computer Interfaces, 11(4), 193–209., 2024
[11] Ana Matoso, Ana Fouto, Inês Esteves, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "Involvement of the cerebellum in structural connectivity enhancement in episodic migraine", J Headache Pain 25, 154 , 2024
[12] Soraia Melo, luisa carvalho, Joana Pereira, João Sanches, José Carlos Machado, Raquel Seruca, Joana Figueiredo "Cell extrusion signatures in the gastric epithelium: a crosstalk between E-cadherin and Filamin A", 37th International Workshop of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group, 2024
[13] Evangelos Niforatos, Tianhao He, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Michail Giannakos "Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing", 2024
[14] Evangelos Niforatos, Tianhao He, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Michail Giannakos "Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing", International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–25, 2024
[15] FIlipe Ribeiro , Catarina Barata, Joao Ribeiro, João Sanches "Real time automatic risk prediction in ICU patients treated with ECMO", Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2024 Jul;2024:1-4., 2024
[16] Daniela Esteves, Alexandre Andrade , Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "EEG Biomarkers of VR Embodiment in BCI training", 5th International Neuroergonomics Conference, Bordeaux, France, 2024
[17] Francisco Cuesta, Yeray González-Zamorano, Marcos Moreno-Verdú, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, José Ignacio Serrano, Maria Del Castillo-Sobrino, Patrícia Figueiredo, Juan Romero "Effects of motor imagery-based neurofeedback training after bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on post-stroke upper limb motor function: an exploratory crossover clinical trial", Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 56, jrm18253, 2024
[18] Milan Hájek, Ulrich Flögel, Adriana Tavares, Lucia Nichelli, Aneurin Kennerley, Thomas Kahn, Jurgen J. Futterer, Aikaterini Firsiori, Holger Grüll, Nandita Saha, Felipe Couñago, Dogu Baran Aydogan, Maria Caligiuri, Cornelius Faber, Laura C. Bell, Patrícia Figueiredo "MR beyond diagnostics at the ESMRMB annual meeting: MR theranostics and intervention", Magn Reson Mater Phy 37, 323–328, 2024
[19] Rebekka Peter, Sofia Moreira, Eleonora Tagliabue, Franziska Mathis-Ullrich, Rita Silva Nunes, Franziska Auer "Stereo reconstruction from microscopic images for computer-assisted ophthalmic surgery", Int J CARS, 2024
[20] Diego Castillo-Barnes, André Ortiz, Pietro Stabile, Nicolás Gallego-Molina, Patrícia Figueiredo, Juan Luque "Enhancing Intensity Differences in EEG Cross-Frequency Coupling Maps for Dyslexia Detection", Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience and Emotional Systems. IWINAC 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14674. Springer, Cham. , 2024
[21] Ana Matoso, Ana Fouto, Inês Esteves, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "Structural connectome changes in episodic migraine: the role of the cerebellum", 2024
[22] Andreia Gaspar, Nuno Silva, António Ferreira, Rita Silva Nunes "Repeatability of Open-MOLLI: An open-source inversion recovery myocardial T1 mapping sequence for fast prototyping", Magn Reson Med. 2024; 92: 741-750, 2024
[23] Andre Paschoal, Joseph Woods, Joana Pinto, Esther Bron, Jan Petr, Flora McConnell, Laura Bell, Maria-Eleni Dounavi, Cassandra van Praag, Hank Mutsaerts, Aaron Taylor, Moss Zhao, Wei Chan, Wei Chan, Jack Toner, Jian Hu, Logan Zhang, Catarina Domingos, Sara Monteiro, Patrícia Figueiredo, Alexandre Harms, Beatriz Pardela, Channelle Tham, Ahmed Abdalle, Paula Croal, Udunna Anazodo "Reproducibility of arterial spin labeling cerebral blood flow image processing: A report of the ISMRM open science initiative for perfusion imaging (OSIPI) and the ASL MRI challenge", Magn Reson Med. 2024; 92: 836-852, 2024
[24] Marta Correia, Rafael Henriques, Marc Golub, Stefan Winzeck, Rita Gouveia Nunes "The trouble with free-water elimination using single-shell diffusion MRI data: A case study in ageing", Imaging Neuroscience 2024; 2 1–17, 2024
[25] Ana Fouto, Rafael Henriques, Marc Golub, Andreia Freitas, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Impact of truncating diffusion MRI scans on diffusional kurtosis imaging", Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2024
[26] Katarina Vagaja, Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Avatar embodiment prior to motor imagery training in VR does not affect the induced event-related desynchronization: a pilot study", Front. Virtual Real. 4:1265010, 2024
[27] Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Gina Caetano, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Patrícia Figueiredo "White-matter microstructural changes in episodic menstrual migraine compared with hormonal controls", Journal of Headache and Pain, Vol 23, pp 45-45, 2023
[28] Raquel Pestana Araújo, Patrícia Figueiredo, Joana Pinto, Pedro Vilela, Isabel Pavão Martins, Raquel Gil-Gouveia "Altered functional connectivity in a sensorimotor-insular network during spontaneous migraine attacks: A resting-state FMRI study", Brain Research Volume 1818, 1 November 2023, 148513, 2023
[29] Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Patrícia Figueiredo, Joana Pinto, Pedro Vilela, Isabel Pavão Martins, Raquel Gil-Gouveia "Working memory during spontaneous migraine attacks: an fMRI study", Neurol Sci (2023), 2023
[30] Mathis Fleury, Patrícia Figueiredo, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Anatole Lécuyer "Two is better? Combining EEG and fMRI for BCI and neurofeedback: a systematic review", A. Journal of Neural Engineering. 10 2023, 2023
[31] João Nunes , Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Diego Blanco-Mora, Carolina Jorge, Jean Claude-Fernandes , Sergi i Badia , Patrícia Figueiredo "Brain activation by a VR-based motor imagery and observation task: An fMRI study", 2023 - PDF
[32] Athanasios Vavoulis, Patrícia Figueiredo, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "A Review of Online Classification Performance in Motor Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces for Stroke Neurorehabilitation", Signals 2023, Vol. 4, Pages 73-86, 4(1):73-86, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2023
[33] Gustavo Caetano, Inês Esteves, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Mathis Fleury, Patrícia Figueiredo "NeuXus open-source tool for real-time artifact reduction in simultaneous EEG-fMRI", NeuroImage, pp. 120353, 2023
[34] Sara Monteiro, Joana Pinto, Michael Chappell , Ana Fouto, Miguel Batista, Pedro Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Brain perfusion imaging by multi-delay arterial spin labeling: Impact of modeling dispersion and interaction with denoising strategies and pathology", Magn Reson Med. 2023; 90(5): 1889-1904, 2023
[35] Pavan Poojar , Enlin Qian, Tiago Fernandes, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Maggie Fung, Patrick Quarterman, Sachin R. Jambawalikar, Angela Lignelli, Sairam Geethanath "Tailored magnetic resonance fingerprinting", Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volume 99, June 2023, Pages 81-90, 2023
[36] Catarina Domingos, Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of susceptibility-induced distortion correction on perfusion imaging by pCASL with a segmented 3D GRASE readout", Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volume 102, Pages 141-150, 2023
[37] Diogo Batista, Gustavo Caetano, Mathis Fleury, Patrícia Figueiredo, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Effect of head-mounted virtual reality and vibrotactile feedback in ERD during motor imagery Brain–computer interface training", Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2023
[38] Andrea Farabbi, Patrícia Figueiredo, Fabiola Ghiringhelli, Luca Mainardi, João Sanches, Plinio Moreno, José Santos-Victor, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Investigating the impact of visual perspective in a motor imagery-based brain-robot interaction: A pilot study with healthy participants", Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, Sec. Neurotechnology and Systems Neuroergonomics Volume 4 - 2023, 2023
[39] Mara Alves, Patrícia Figueiredo, Ana Raposo "Semantic cognition in healthy ageing: Neural signatures of representation and control mechanisms in naming typical and atypical objects", Neuropsychologia, vol. 184, pp. 108545, 2023
[40] Inês Esteves, M. Carmo-Fonseca, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Joana Cabral, Pavão Martins, Agostinho Rosa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamic functional connectivity in migraine during the interictal phase: a resting-state fMRI study", Journal of Headache and Pain, P6, pp 42-43, 2022
[41] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Bermúdez i Badia "Impact of age, VR, immersion, and spatial resolution on classifier performance for a MI-based BCI", Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2022
[42] Patrícia Figueiredo, Dario Gordillo, Janir Cruz "The EEG multiverse of schizophrenia", Cerebral Cortex, 2022
[43] Patrícia Figueiredo "Temporal dynamics of intranasal oxytocin in human brain electrophysiology", Cerebral Cortex, 2022
[44] Patrícia Figueiredo "High-Grade Glioma Treatment Response Monitoring Biomarkers: A Position Statement on the Evidence Supporting the Use of Advanced MRI Techniques in the Clinic, and the Latest Bench-to-Bedside Developments. Part 2: Spectroscopy, Chemical Exchange Saturation, Multiparametric Imaging, and Radiomics.", Frontiers in Oncology, 2022
[45] Patrícia Figueiredo "High-Grade Glioma Treatment Response Monitoring Biomarkers: A Position Statement on the Evidence Supporting the Use of Advanced MRI Techniques in the Clinic, and the Latest Bench-to-Bedside Developments. Part 1: Perfusion and Diffusion Techniques", Frontiers in Oncology, 2022
[46] Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "A framework for advancing sustainable magnetic resonance imaging access in Africa", NMR in Biomedicine, 2022
[47] Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of white-matter mask selection on DTI histogram-based metrics as potential biomarkers in cerebral small vessel disease", Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2022
[48] Rita Gouveia Nunes "Open-source magnetic resonance imaging acquisition: Data and documentation for two validated pulse sequences", Data in Brief, 2022
[49] Rita Gouveia Nunes "The Developing Human Connectome Project Neonatal Data Release", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022
[50] Agostinho Rosa "Edge of Chaos Theory Resolves Smale Paradox", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2022
[51] Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Ana Fouto, Gina Caetano, Catarina Domingos, Inês Esteves, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Pavão Martins, Patrícia Figueiredo "Cognition in menstrually related migraine: neural correlates of working memory along the cycle", Journal of Headache and Pain, Vol 23, pp 41-41, December, 2022
[52] Ze Wang, Chi Man Wong, Agostinho Rosa, Tao Qian, Tzyy-Ping Jung, Feng Wan "Stimulus-Stimulus Transfer Based on Time-Frequency-Joint Representation in SSVEP-Based BCIs", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
[53] Rui Lavrador , Filipa Júlio, Cristina Januário, Miguel Castelo-Branco, Gina Caetano "Classification of Huntington’s disease stage with features derived from structural and diffusion-weighted imaging dat", Journal of Personalized Medicine 12(5), 704 , 2022
[54] Maria Teresa Parreira, Kirill Lavrenyuk, João Sanches, Kris Noel Dahl "A single stiffened nucleus alters cell dynamics and coherence in a monolayer", Cytoskeleton (Hoboken), 2021
[55] Elena Martín-González, Ebraham Alskaf, Pablo Casaseca-de-la-Higuera, Carlos Alberola-López, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Teresa Correia "Physics-Informed Self-supervised Deep Learning Reconstruction for Accelerated First-Pass Perfusion Cardiac MRI", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 2021
[56] Chi Man Wong, Ze Wang, Masaki Nakanishi, Boyu Wang , Agostinho Rosa, C.L. Philip Chen, Tzyy-Ping Jung, Feng Wan "Online Adaptation Boosts SSVEP-Based BCI Performance", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 2021
[57] Gehua Tong, Andreia Gaspar, Enlin Qian, Keerthi Sravan Ravi, John Thomas Vaughan Jr., Rita Gouveia Nunes, Sairam Geethanath "A framework for validating open-source pulse sequences", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021
[58] Andreia Gaspar, Sérgio Maltês, Hugo Marques, António Miguel Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Mapeamento miocárdico T1 por ressonância magnética – Uma ferramenta útil para compreender um coração doente", Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 2021
[59] Christophe Domingos, Ines Esteves, Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Marques da Silva, Andre Antunes, Pedro Prazeres "The Influence of an Alpha Band Neurofeedback Training in Heart Rate Variability in Athletes.", International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021
[60] Andreia Freitas, Andreia Gaspar, Inês Sousa, Rui Teixeira, Joseph V. Hajnal , Rita Gouveia Nunes "Improving parametric estimation in the brain from multispin‐echo sequences using a fusion bootstrap moves solver", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021
[61] Ines Esteves, Wenya Nan , Cristiana Alves, Alexandre Calapez, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "An Exploratory Study of Training Intensity in EEG Neurofeedback", Neural Plasticity, 2021
[62] Hemaxi Narotamo, M. S. Fernandes, Ana Margarida Moreira, Soraia Melo, Raquel Seruca, Margarida Silveira, João Sanches "A machine learning approach for single cell interphase cell cycle staging", Scientific reports, 11(1), 19278, 2021
[63] Aida Arroyo-Ferrer, Francisco José Sánchez-Cuesta, Yeray González-Zamorano, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Sergi i Badia , Patrícia Figueiredo, José Ignacio Serrano, Juan Pablo Romero "Clinical Effects of Immersive Multimodal BCI-VR Training after Bilateral Neuromodulation with rTMS on Upper Limb Motor Recovery after Stroke. A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial", Medicina 2021, 57(8), 736, July, 2021
[64] Afonso Raposo, Luis Marques, Rafael Correia, Francisco Melo, Joao Valente, Telmo Pereira, Luis Brás Rosário, Filipe Froes, João Sanches, Hugo Plácido da Silva "E-covig: A novel mhealth system for remote monitoring of symptoms in covid-19", Sensors 2021, 21(10), 3397, May, 2021
[65] Marc Golub, Rafael Neto Henriques, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Free-water DTI estimates from single b-value data might seem plausible but must be interpreted with care", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 85, Issue 5, pp. 2537-2551, May, 2021
[66] Mara Alves, Patrícia Figueiredo, Magda Sofia Roberto, Ana Raposo "Using concept typicality to explore semantic representation and control in healthy ageing", Cognitive Processing, vol. 22, pp. 539–552, 2021
[67] Patricia Clement, Thomas Booth , Fran Borovečki, Kyrre E. Emblem, Patrícia Figueiredo, Lydiane Hirschler, Radim Jančálek, Vera C. Keil, Camille Maumet, Yelda Özsunar, Cyril Pernet, Jan Petr, Joana Pinto, Marion Smits, Esther A.H. Warnert "GliMR: Cross-Border Collaborations to Promote Advanced MRI Biomarkers for Glioma", Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, vol. 41, 115–125, April, 2021
[68] Jasjit S. Suri, João Sanches, et al. "A narrative review on characterization of acute respiratory distress syndrome in COVID-19-infected lungs using artificial intelligence", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 130(6): 104210, March, 2021
[69] Christophe Domingos, Miguel Peralta, Pedro Prazeres, Wenya Nan , Agostinho Rosa, José G. Pereira "Session Frequency Matters in Neurofeedback Training of Athletes", Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, vol. 46, pp. 195–204, , 2021
[70] L. Saba, Skandha S., Suneet K. Gupta, Vijaya K. Koppula, John R. Laird , Vijay Viswanathan, João Sanches, George D. Kitas, Amer M. Johri, Neeraj Sharma, Andrew Nicolaides , Jasjit S. Suri "A Multicenter Study on Carotid Ultrasound Plaque Tissue Characterization and Classification Using Six Deep Artificial Intelligence Models: A Stroke Application", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 70, January, 2021
[71] Joana Pinto, Molly G. Bright, Daniel P. Bulte, Patrícia Figueiredo "Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping Without Gas Challenges: A Methodological Guide", Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 2021
[72] Rodolfo Abreu, Joao Jorge, Alberto Leal, Thomas Koenig, Patrícia Figueiredo "EEG Microstates Predict Concurrent fMRI Dynamic Functional Connectivity States", Brain Topography, 34, 41–55, January, 2021
[73] Yeray González-Zamorano, Josué Fernández-Carnero, Francisco José Sánchez-Cuesta, Aida Arroyo-Ferrer, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Patrícia Figueiredo, José Ignacio Serrano, Juan Pablo Romero "New Approaches Based on Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation and Mental Representation Techniques Targeting Pain in Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Two Study Protocols for Two Randomized Controlled Trials", Brain Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 65, January, 2021
[74] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Simon Legeay, Patrícia Figueiredo "NeuXus: A Biosignal Processing and Classification Pipeline for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interaction", 2020
[75] Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Fachada, J. L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Population sizing of cellular evolutionary algorithms", Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 58, 100721, 2020
[76] Rodolfo Abreu, Joao Jorge, Alberto Leal, Thomas Koenig, Patrícia Figueiredo "EEG Microstates Predict Concurrent fMRI Dynamic Functional Connectivity States", Brain Topography 34, pp 41–55, 2020, 2020
[77] Ana R. Oliveira,, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo, Ana I. Dias, Alberto Leal "Regional White Matter Atrophy Correlates with Spike Activity in Encephalopathy Related to Status Epilepticus During Slow Sleep (ESES) After Early Thalamic Lesions", Brain Topography volume 33, 571–585, September, 2020
[78] Vanessa R Blair, João Sanches, et al. "Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: updated clinical practice guidelines", The Lancet oncology, Vol.21, Issue 8, pp. 386-397, 2020, 2020
[79] J. Leote, R. Loução, C. Viegas, M. H. Lauterbach, A. Perez-Hick , J. Monteiro, Rita Gouveia Nunes, H. A. Ferreira "Impact of navigated task-specific fMRI on direct cortical stimulation", Journal of Neurological Surgery. Part A: Central European Neurosurgery 81(06), July, 2020
[80] Janir Cruz, Ophélie Favrod, Maya Roinishvili, Eka Chkonia, Andreas Brand , Christine Mohr, Patrícia Figueiredo, Michael H. Herzog "EEG microstates are a candidate endophenotype for schizophrenia", Nature Communications, vol. 11, 3089, June, 2020
[81] Giovanni Corso, João Sanches, et al. "Hereditary Gastric and Breast Cancer Syndromes Related to CDH1 Germline Mutation: A Multidisciplinary Clinical Review", Cancers, Vol 12, p 1598, 2020, 2020
[82] Ricardo Leitão, Carla Guerreiro, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Nilza Gonçalves , Giulia Galati , Madalena Rosário , Leonor Guedes , Joaquim Ferreira, Sofia Reimão "Neuromelanin Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Substantia Nigra in Huntington’s Disease", Journal of Huntington's Disease, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 143-148, 2020
[83] Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "generateData—A 2D data generator", Software Impacts, Vol. 4, 100017, 2020
[84] Daniel Marques, Ana Allen Gomes, José Moutinho dos Santos , Isabel Duarte, Gina Caetano, Miguel Castelo-Branco "The effect of tailored cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia on brain’s resting-state network", Sleep and Vigilance 4, 29–33 , 2020
[85] J. Juliano, R. Spicer, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, S. Lefebvre, K. Jann, T. Ard, E. Santarnecchi, D. Krum, S.-L. Liew "Embodiment Is Related to Better Performance on a Brain–Computer Interface in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study", Sensors 2020, 20(4), 1204, February, 2020
[86] Janir Cruz, Albulena Shaqiri , Maya Roinishvili, Ophélie Favrod, Eka Chokonia, Andreas Brand , Patrícia Figueiredo, Michael H. Herzog "Neural compensation mechanisms of siblings of schizophrenia patients as revealed by high-density EEG", Schizophrenia Bulletin, sbz133, 2020
[87] Daniel Marques, Ana Allen Gomes, Vanda Clemente, José Moutinho dos Santos , Isabel Duarte, Gina Caetano, Miguel Castelo-Branco "Does Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Change the Brain? A Case Series Study", Sleep and Vigilance volume 4, pages35–42, 2019
[88] Filipa Júlio, Gina Caetano, Cristina Januário, Miguel Castelo-Branco "The effect of impulsivity and inhibitory control deficits in the saccadic behavior of premanifest Huntington’s disease individuals", Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases volume 14, Article number: 246 , 2019
[89] O. Favrod, Janir Cruz, M. Roinishvili, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog, E. Chkonia, Ekaterine Berdzenishvili, Andreas Brand "Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Backward Masking in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.", Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, vol.294, 2019
[90] Carlos J. C. Rodrigues, João Sanches, Carla C. C. R. de Carvalho "Determining transaminase activity in bacterial libraries by time-lapse imaging", Chemical Communications, Vol50, Issue 90, pp13538-13541, 2019, 2019
[91] J. Pinto, Chappell MA, Okell TW, Mezue M, Segerdahl AR, I. Tracey, Vilela P, Patrícia Figueiredo "Calibration of Arterial Spin Labeling Data – Potential Pitfalls in Postprocessing", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83, pp.1222-1234, 2019
[92] Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Fachada, Juan Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Steady state particle swarm", PeerJ Computer Science 5: e202, 2019
[93] YuFan Peng, Chi Man Wong, Ze Wang, Feng Wan , Yong Hu,, Agostinho Rosa "Fatigue Evaluation Using Multi-Scale Entropy of EEG In SSVEP-Based BCI", IEEE Access - DATA-ENABLED INTELLIGENCE FOR DIGITAL HEALTH, 2019
[94] Joana Pinto, J. Moreira, Tânia Charrua, Ana Fouto, L. Alves, Sofia Calado, Pedro Vilela, M. Viana-Baptista, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "Relationship between breath-hold reactivity dynamics and the amplitude of resting-state fluctuations in bold fMRI", Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 39, pp 221-222, Sage Publications Inc, 2019
[95] Wenya Nan , Ana Dias, Agostinho Rosa "Neurofeedback Training for Cognitive and Motor Function Rehabilitation in Chronic Stroke: Two Case Reports", Frontiers in Neurology - STROKE, 2019
[96] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Bermúdez i Badia "Efficacy and Brain Imaging Correlates of an Immersive Motor Imagery BCI-driven VR System for Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation: A Clinical Case Report", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2019
[97] Luca Saba , A. Tiwari , M. Biswas, Suneet K. Gupta, E. Godia-Cuadrado, A. Chaturvedi, M. Turk, H. Suri, S. Orru, João Sanches, C. Carcassi, R. T. Marinho, C. Asare, N. Khanna, B. Madhusudhan, J. S. Suri "Wilson’s disease: A new perspective review on its genetics, diagnosis and treatment", Frontiers in Bioscience-Elite, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp.166-185, June, 2019
[98] Chi Wong, Feng Wan , Boyu Wang , Ze Wang, Wenya Nan , Ka Lao , Peng Mak , Mang I Vai, Agostinho Rosa "Learning Across Multi-Stimulus Enhances Target Recognition Methods in SSVEP-based BCIs", Journal of Neural Engineering, May, 2019
[99] Nuno Leite, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "A fast simulated annealing algorithm for the examination timetabling problem", Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 122, pp 137-151, May, 2019
[100] Matthieu Ruthven, Andreia Freitas, Redha Boubertakh, Marc E. Miquel "Application of radial GRAPPA techniques to single-and multislice dynamics speech MRI using a 16-channel neurovascular coil", Magnetic resonance in medicine Vol 82 (3) p 948-958, 2019
[101] Nelson Perdigão, Agostinho Rosa "Dark Proteome Database: Studies on Dark Proteins", MDPI High-Throughput 8, no. 2: 8., 2019
[102] Rogério Largo, Cecilia Lopes-Conceicao, Karen Spruyt, Christian Guilleminault, Yuan Wang , Agostinho Rosa "Visual and Automatic Classification of the Cyclic Alternating Pattern in Sleep EEG", Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research - BJMBR 2019 52(3), 2019
[103] Rodolfo Abreu, Alberto Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Identification of epileptic brain states by dynamic functional connectivity analysis of simultaneous EEG-fMRI", Scientific Reports Vol. 24, No. 9(1), Article 638 , 2019
[104] Rafael Miranda, Chiharu Murata , Olivero Bruni , Agostinho Rosa, Gerardo Ruiz , Carlos Montoya , Jose Zamorano, Enrique Esqueda-León, Charly Castillo , Javier Moctezuma , Emilio Salazar, Adrian Poblano, Javier Velazquez-Moctezuma "Cyclic alternating pattern in infants with congenital hypothyroidism", Brain and Development Vol. 41, Issue 1, January, pp 66-71, 2019
[105] M. Cecilia Lopes, Karen Spruyt, Leticia Azevedo-Soster, Agostinho Rosa, Christian Guilleminault "Reduction in Parasympathetic Tone During Sleep in Children With Habitual Snoring", Frontiers in Neuroscience 12:997, section Autonomic Neuroscience, 2019
[106] Mainak Biswas , Venkatanareshbabu Kuppili , Luca Saba , Damodar Edla , Harman S. Suri , Elisa Cuadrado-Godia , John R. Laird , Rui Marinhoe , João Sanches, Andrew Nicolaides , Jasjit S. Suri "State-of-the-art review on deep learning in medical imaging", Frontiers in Bioscience, Vol. 24 pp. 392-426, 2019
[107] Ophélie Favrod, Maya Roinishvili, Janir Cruz, Andreas Brand , Mariam Okruashvili , Tinatin Gamkrelidze, Patrícia Figueiredo, Michael H. Herzog, Eka Chokonia, Albulena Shaqiri "Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with first episode psychosis", Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Vol. 282 pp 64-72, 2018
[108] Ana Sofia Ribeiro, Ana Nobre , Nuno Mendes, João Almeida, André Filipe Vieira , Bárbara Sousa , Filomena Carvalho , J. Monteiro, A. Polónia, M. Fonseca, João Sanches, N. C. Santos, Raquel Seruca, Joana Paredes "SRC inhibition prevents P-cadherin mediated signaling and function in basal-like breast cancer cells", Cell Commun Signal; 16(1):75, 2018
[109] Wenya Nan , Feng Wan , Qi Tang, Chi Wong, Boyu Wang , Agostinho Rosa "Eyes-Closed Resting EEG Predicts the Learning of Alpha Down-Regulation in Neurofeedback Training", Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1607, 2018
[110] Nuno Fachada "Teaching database concepts to video game design and development students", Revista de Lusófona de Educação v. 40 n. 40, 2018
[111] Gastao Cruz, Torben Schneider, Tom Bruijnen, Andreia Gaspar, René M. Botnar, Claudia Prieto "Accelerated magnetic resonance fingerprinting using soft-weighted key-hole (MRF-SOHO)", PLOS ONE Vol 13, No 8, 2018
[112] Janir Cruz, João Rodrigues, John C Thoresen, Vitaly Chicherov, Patrícia Figueiredo, Michael H. Herzog, Carmen Sandi "Dominant men are faster to respond and exhibit a distinct neural signal for promptness", Cerebral Cortex 28(10), 3740–3751, 2018
[113] Joana Figueiredo, Soraia Melo, Kimberly Gamet , Tanis Godwin , Susana Seixas , João Sanches, Parry Guilford , Raquel Seruca "E-cadherin signal sequence disruption: a novel mechanism underlying hereditary cancer", Molecular Cancer; 17(1):112. , 2018
[114] Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Giulio Ferrazzi , Emer J. Hughes, Jana Hutter, Shaihan J. Malik, Laura McCabe, Kelly P. Baruteau, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal , Anthony N. Price "Optimizing maternal fat suppression with constrained image‐based shimming in fetal MR", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81 (1), 477-485, 2018
[115] Marta Tavares , Sofia Reimão, Inês Chendo , Miguel Carvalho , Pedro Levy , Rita Gouveia Nunes "Neuromelanin magnetic resonance imaging of the substantia nigra in first episode psychosis patients consumers of illicit substances", Schizophrenia Research, in Press, Vol. 197, pp 620-621 , 2018
[116] Janir Cruz, Vitaly Chicherov, Michael Herzog , Patrícia Figueiredo "An automatic pre-processing pipeline for EEG analysis (App) based on robust statistics", Clinical Neurophysiology Vol. 129(7) pp 1427-1437, 2018
[117] Joana Figueiredo, Isabel Rodrigues, Joao Ribeiro, Maria Fernandes , Soraia Melo, Bárbara Sousa , Joana Paredes, Raquel Seruca, João Sanches "Geometric compensation applied to image analysis of cell populations with morphological variability: a new role for a classical concept", Scientific Reports, V. 8, A.10266 , 2018
[118] Carlos Fernandes, Daria Migotina, Agostinho Rosa "Brain’s Night Symphony (BraiNSy): A Methodology for EEG Sonification", IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2018
[119] Daniel Marques, Ana Allen Gomes, Gina Caetano, Miguel Castelo-Branco "Insomnia Disorder and Brain’s Default-Mode Network", Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports volume 18, Article number: 45 (2018), 2018
[120] Nuno Leite, Carlos Fernandes, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "A cellular memetic algorithm for the examination timetabling problem", Computers & Operations Research vol. 94, pp 118-138, 2018
[121] Daniel Ruivo Marques, Ana Allen Gomes, Gina Caetano, Miguel Castelo-Branco "Insomnia Disorder and Brain’s Default-Mode Network", Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 18:45, 2018
[122] Laura Pena-Couso , José Perea , Soraia Melo, Fátima Mercadilo , Joana Figueiredo, João Sanches, Antonio Sánchez-Ruiz , Luis Robles , Raquel Seruca, Miguel Urioste "Clinical and functional characterization of the CDH1 germline variant c. 1679C > G in three unrelated families with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer", European Journal of Human Genetics, Vol. 26 pp 1348–1353, 2018
[123] Jorge Salvador Marques, Catarina Barata, João Sanches, Patrícia Figueiredo, J. Miranda Lemos "Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: From Image Processing to Diagnosis", Acta Radiológica Portuguesa, Vol. 30, No 2, pp 5-8, 2018 - PDF
[124] Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "micompm: A MATLAB/Octave toolbox for multivariate independent comparison of observations", Journal of Open Source Software, 3(23), 430, 2018
[125] Mainak Biswas , Venkatanareshbabu Kuppilia , Damodar Edlaa , Harman S. Suri , Luca Saba , R. Tato Marinho, João Sanches, Jasjit S. Suri "Symtosis: A liver ultrasound tissue characterization and risk stratification in optimized deep learning paradigm", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Vol. 155 pp 165-177, 2018
[126] Rodolfo Abreu, Alberto Leal, F. Lopes da Silva, Patrícia Figueiredo, Fernando Lopes da Silva "EEG synchronization measures predict epilepsy-related BOLD-fMRI fluctuations better than commonly used univariate metrics", Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 129, Issue 3, pp. 618-635, March, 2018
[127] Joao Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rolf Gruetter , Wietske van der Zwaag "Mapping and characterization of positive and negative BOLD responses to visual stimulation in multiple regions brain regions at 7T", Human Brain Mapping Vol. 39(6), 2426-2441, 2018
[128] Rodolfo Abreu, Alberto Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "EEG-informed fMRI: a review of data analysis methods", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:29, 2018
[129] Joao Leote, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Luis Cerqueira , Ricardo Loução , Hugo Ferreira "Reconstruction of white matter fibre tracts using diffusion kurtosis tensor imaging at 1.5 T: Pre-surgical planning in patients with gliomas", European Journal of Radiology Open Vol. 5, pp 20-23, 2018
[130] Maria Murgasova , Georgia Lockwood Estrin, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Shaihan J. Malik, Mary A. Rutherford, Daniel Rueckert, Joseph V. Hajnal "Distortion correction in fetal EPI using non-rigid registration with a Laplacian constraint", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(1):12-19, January, 2018
[131] S. Melo, J. Figueiredo, M. Gonçalves, E. Morais-de-Sá, João Sanches, R. Seruca "Predicting the Functional Impact of CDH1 Missense Mutations in Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, 2687, December, 2017
[132] Rita Gouveia Nunes, Giulio Ferrazzi , Anthony Price , Jana Hutter, Andreia Gaspar, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal "Inner Volume Echo Volumar Imaging (IVEVI) for Robust Fetal Brain Imaging", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 (1), 279-285, 2017
[133] L. Correia Guedes, S. Reimao, P. Paulino, Rita Gouveia Nunes, P. Bouça, D. Abreu, N. Gonçalves, A. Di Fonzo, L. Zhang, M. L. Quadri, M. Fabbri, C. Godinho, P. Pita Lobo, D. Neutel, M. Coelho, M. M. Rosa, J. Campos, G. Miltenberger-Miltenyi, T. Outeiro, C. Sampaio, V. Bonifati, J. J. Fereira "Neuromelanin Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Substantia Nigra in LRRK2 and GBA-related Parkinson’s disease", Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, Issue 9, pp. 1331-1333, September, 2017
[134] N. Adubeiro, M. L. Nogueira, Rita Gouveia Nunes, E. Ribeiro, H. A. Ferreira, S. Alves, J. M. F. LA Fuente "Apparent diffusion coefficient in the analysis of prostate cancer: determination of optimal b-value pair to differentiate normal from malignant tissue", Clinical Imaging [Epub ahead of print], 2017
[135] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "cf4ocl: A C framework for OpenCL", Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 143, pp. 9-19, September, 2017
[136] V. Kuppili, M. Biswas, A. Sreekumar, H. S. Suri, L. Saba, D. R. Edla, R. T. Marinho, João Sanches, J. S. Suri "Extreme Learning Machine Framework for Risk Stratification of Fatty Liver Disease Using Ultrasound Tissue Characterization", Journal of medical systems, Journal of medical systems Vol. 41 (10), 152, 2017
[137] M. Fabbri, S. Reimao, M. Carvalho, Rita Gouveia Nunes, D. Abreu, L. Correia Guedes, P. P. Lobo, C. Godinho, M. Coelho, N. C. Gonçalves, M. M. Rosa, A. Antonini, J. J. Fereira "Substantia nigra neuromelanin as an imaging biomarker of disease progression in Parkinson’s disease", Journal of Parkinson's Disease, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 491-501, 2017
[138] Nelson Perdigão, Agostinho Rosa, S. O Donoghue "The Dark Proteome Database", BioData Mining, pp. 10-24. Springer Nature. July, 2017
[139] Rodolfo Abreu, Sandro Nunes, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Physiological noise correction using ECG-derived respiratory signals for enhanced mapping of spontaneous neuronal activity with simultaneous EEG-fMRI", Neuroimage, Vol. 154, pp. 115-127, July, 2017
[140] R Gil-Gouveia, Joana Pinto, Patrícia Figueiredo, P. Vilela, I. Martins "An Arterial Spin Labeling MRI Perfusion Study of Migraine without Aura Attacks", Frontiers in Neurology, 8, 280, 2017
[141] W. Nan, F. Wan, L. Chang, S. H. Pun, M. I Vai, Agostinho Rosa "An exploratory study of intensive neurofeedback training for schizophrenia", Behavioural Neurology, vol. 2017, Article ID 6914216, 2017
[142] Joana Pinto, Sandro Nunes, M. Bianciardi, A. Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Improved 7 Tesla resting-state fMRI connectivity measurements by cluster-based modeling of respiratory volume and heart rate effects", NeuroImage, Vol. 153, pp. 262-272, June, 2017
[143] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Parallelization strategies for spatial agent-based models", International Journal of Parallel Programming, vol. 45, issue 3, pp. 449-481, June, 2017
[144] S. Brandão, M. Parente, E. Silva, T. da Roza, T. Mascarenhas, J. Leitão, J. Cunha, R. Natal Jorge, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Pubovisceralis muscle fiber architecture determination: comparison between biomechanical modeling and diffusion tensor imaging", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 45, Issue 5, pp. 1255-1265, May, 2017
[145] A. Ferro, T. Mestre, P. Carneiro, I. Sahumbaiev, R. Seruca, João Sanches "Blue intensity matters for cell cycle profiling in fluorescence DAPI-stained images", Laboratory Investigation (Nature), 97(5):615-625, May, 2017
[146] D. Marques, A. Gomes, V. Clemente, J. M. Santos, I. Duarte, Gina Caetano, M. Castelo-Branco "Unbalanced resting-state networks activity in psychophysiological insomnia", Sleep and Biological Rhythms, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 167–177, April, 2017
[147] Teresa Murta, U. J. Chaudhary, T. Tierney, A. Dias, Marco Leite, D. W. Carmichael, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. Lemieux "Phase-amplitude coupling and the BOLD signal: A simultaneous intracranial EEG (icEEG) – fMRI study in humans performing a finger-tapping task", Neuroimage, Vol. 146, 438–451, February, 2017
[148] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Model-independent comparison of simulation output", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 72, pp. 131–149, March, 2017
[149] S. Brandão, M. Parente, E. Silva, T. da Roza, T. Mascarenhas, J. Leitão, J. Cunha, R. N. Jorge, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Pubovisceralis muscle fiber architecture determination: comparison between biomechanical modeling and diffusion tensor imaging", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 45(5):1255-1265, January, 2017
[150] Nuno Fachada, J. Rodrigues, V. V. Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "micompr: An R Package for Multivariate Independent Comparison of Observations", The R Journal Vol. 8/2, 405-420, December, 2016
[151] A. S. Ribeiro, F. A. Carvalho, J. Figueiredo, R. Carvalho, T. Mestre, J. Monteiro, A. F. Guedes, M. Fonseca, João Sanches, R. Seruca, N. C. Santos, J. Paredes "Atomic force microscopy and graph analysis to study the P-cadherin/SFK mechanotransduction signalling in breast cancer cells", Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/C6NR04465D, 2016
[152] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "SimOutUtils – Utilities for Analyzing Time Series Simulation Output", Journal of Open Research Software. 4(1), p.e38, 2016
[153] Teresa Murta, U. J. Chaudhary, T. Tierney, Andre Dias, M. Leite, D. W. Carmichael, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. Lemieux "Phase-amplitude coupling and the BOLD signal: A simultaneous intracranial EEG (icEEG)-fMRI study in humans performing a finger-tapping task", Neuroimage [Epub ahead of print], August , 2016
[154] Teresa Murta, L. Hu, T. Tierney, U. J. Chaudhary, M. C. Walker, D. W. Carmichael, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. Lemieux "A study of the electro-haemodynamic coupling using simultaneously acquired intracranial EEG and fMRI data in humans", Neuroimage [Epub ahead of print], August, 2016
[155] Joana Pinto, J. Jorge, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Fourier modeling of the BOLD response to a breath-hold task: Optimization and reproducibility", Neuroimage, 135:223-31, July, 2016
[156] Rodolfo Abreu, M. Leite, J. Jorge, F. Grouiller, W. van der Zwaag, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Ballistocardiogram artifact correction taking into account physiological signal preservation in simultaneous EEG-fMRI", Neuroimage, 135:45-63, July, 2016
[157] L. Saba, N. Dey, A. S. Ashour, S. Samanta, S. S. Nath, S. Chakraborty, João Sanches, D. Kumar, R. T. Marinho, J. S. Suri "Automated stratification of liver disease in ultrasound: An online accurate feature classification paradigm", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 130, pp. 118-134, July, 2016
[158] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "PerfAndPubTools – Tools for Software Performance Analysis and Publishing of Results", Journal of Open Research Software, 4(1), p.e18, May, 2016
[159] T. Mestre, J. Figueiredo, A. S. Ribeiro, J. Paredes, R. Seruca, João Sanches "Quantification of topological features in cell meshes to explore E-cadherin dysfunction", Scientific reports 6, May, 2016
[160] S. A. Sousa, J. H. Leitão, R. C. Martins, João Sanches, J. S. Suri, A. Giorgetti "Bioinformatics Applications in Life Sciences and Technologies", BioMed Research International, May, 2016
[161] A. Leal, J. P. Vieira, R. Lopes, Rita Gouveia Nunes, S. I. Gonçalves, F. Lopes da Silva, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamics of epileptic activity in a peculiar case of childhood absence epilepsy and correlation with thalamic levels of GABA", Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports 5, pp. 57-65, April, 2016
[162] C. Gomes, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Mayes "Priming for novel object associations: neural differences from object item priming and equivalent forms of recognition", Hippocampus, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 472-91, April, 2016
[163] Rodolfo Abreu, Marco Leite, Leal A, Patrícia Figueiredo "Objective selection of epilepsy-related independent components from EEG data", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 258, pp. 67-78, January. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.10.003. , 2016
[164] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Towards a standard model for research in agent-based modeling and simulation", PeerJ Computer Science, 1:e36, November. DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.36, 2015
[165] Nelson Perdigão, J. Heinrich, C. Stolte, K. Sabir, M. Buckley, B. Tabor, B. Signal, B. S. Gloss, C. J. Hammang, B. Rost, A. Schafferhans, S. O Donoghue "Unexpected features of the dark proteome", PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1508380112, 2015
[166] Joao Jorge, Frederic Grouiller, Rolf Gruetter , W. van der Zwaag, Patrícia Figueiredo "Towards high-quality simultaneous EEG-fMRI at 7 Tesla: detection and reduction of EEG artifacts due to head motion", Neuroimage, 120:143-53. October. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.07.020. , 2015
[167] Wenya Nan , Feng Wan , Mang I Vai, Agostinho Rosa "A Pilot Study on Neurofeedback Training for Enhancement of Balance Ability Measured by Nintendo Wii Balance Board", Nami Jishu yu Jingmi Gongcheng/Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 13(5):391-395, 2015
[168] João Sanches, J. Figueiredo, M. Fonseca, C. Durães, S. Melo, S. Esmenio, R. Seruca "Quantification of mutant E-cadherin using bioimaging analysis of in situ fluorescence microscopy. A new approach to CDH1 missense variants", European Journal of Human Genetics, 23(8), pp. 1072–1079, August, 2015
[169] S. Carvalho, João Sanches "Preventing E-cadherin aberrant N-glycosylation at Asn-554 improves its critical function in gastric cancer", Oncogene (2015), July , P.1–13. doi: 10.1038/onc.2015.225. [Epub ahead of print], 2015
[170] David Afonso, José Seabra, L. M. Pedro, João Sanches "An Ultrasonographic Risk Score For Detecting Symptomatic Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol.19, No.4, pp. 1505 - 1513, July, 2015
[171] Manya Afonso, João Sanches "Blind Inpainting using L0 and Total Variation Regularization", Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on , Vol. 24, No. 7, July 2015, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2015.2417505, 2015
[172] Paulo Rosa, Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre "On the Distinguishability of HRF Models in fMRI", Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 9, Issue 54, pp. 1-13, May , 2015 - PDF
[173] P. Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling of fMRI Data with Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 54, Issue 3, pp. 232-239, May , 2015 - PDF
[174] Manya Afonso, João Sanches "A total variation recursive space-variant filter for image denoising", Digital Signal Processing, Volume 40, May 2015, Pages 101-116, ISSN 1051-2004, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2015.02.002, 2015
[175] Pedro Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling of fMRI data with Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Methods of Information in Medicine, 54: 232 - 239, April; DOI: 10.3414/ME13-02-0052, 2015
[176] Rothlübbers S, Vânia Relvas, Leal A, Teresa Murta, L. Lemieux, Patrícia Figueiredo "Characterization and reduction of the EEG artefact caused by the Helium cooling pump in the MR environment", Brain Topography, Springer, March 2015, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp 208-220, ( published online 26 oct 2014), 2015
[177] T. Soldatos, Nelson Perdigão, N. Brown, K. Sabir, S. ODonoghue "How to learn about gene function: text-mining or ontologies?", Methods, Elsevier, Vol. 74, March 2015, pp. 315, doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.07.004, Epub 2014 Aug 1, 2015
[178] M. da Graca Almeida, Fernando Melicio "In-Plane Displacement and Strain Image Analysis", Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 00 (2015) 1–13. Publisher Blackwell Publishing, ISSN 1093-9687; DOI: 10.1111/mice.12127, 2015
[179] Manya Afonso, João Sanches "Image reconstruction under multiplicative speckle noise using total variation", Neurocomputing, Volume 150, Part A, 20 February 2015, Pages 200-213, ISSN 0925-2312, ELSEVIER, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.08.073, 2015
[180] Sean O Donoghue, K. Sabir, M. Kalemanov, C. Stolte, B. Wellmann, V. Ho, M. Roos, Nelson Perdigão, F. Buske, J. Heinrich, B. Rost, A. Schafferhans "Aquaria: simplifying discovery and insight from protein structures", Nature Methods, Vol. 12, pp. 98-99, Nature, doi:10.1038/nmeth.3258, 2015
[181] Joao Jorge, Frederic Grouiller, Özlem Ipek, Robert Stoermer , Christoph M. Michel, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag, Rolf Gruetter "Simultaneous EEG-fMRI at ultra-high field: artifact prevention and safety assessment", Neuroimage, 105:132-44. January. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.055., 2015
[182] Carlos Fernandes "Pherographs and Other Hidden Landscapes", International Journal of Arts and Technology, vol.8, n.2, pp. 132-166, 2015, Print ISSN: 1754-8853 Online ISSN: 1754-8861, DOI: 10.1504/IJART.2015.069553, 2015
[183] Teresa Murta, Marco Leite, D. Carmichael, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. Lemieux "Electrophysiological correlates of the BOLD signal for EEG- informed fMRI", Human Brain Mapping, vol 36, Issue 1, pp. 391-414, January 2015; published online (3 oct 2014) ; doi:10.1002/hbm.22623, 2015
[184] I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Reproducibility of the quantification of arterial and tissue contributions in multiple post-labeling delay ASL", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 40(6):1453-62, 2014
[185] J. P. Jorge, W. van der Zwaag, Patrícia Figueiredo "EEG-fMRI integration for the study of human brain function", NeuroImage ;102 Pt 1:24-34, 2014
[186] Wenya Nan , Daria Migotina, Feng Wan , Chin Ian Lou, João Rodrigues, Joao Semedo, Mang I Vai, Jose Gomes Pereira, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Dynamic peripheral visual performance relates to alpha activity in soccer players", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014
[187] I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Reproducibility of hypocapnic cerebrovascular reactivity measurements using BOLD fMRI in combination with a paced deep breathing task", NeuroImage, 98:31-41, 2014
[188] Agostinho Rosa, Wenya Nan , Feng Wan , Mang I Vai "Resting alpha activity predicts learning ability in alpha neurofeedback", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,, 2014
[189] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, J. J. Merelo, A.M. Mora "KANTS: A Stigmergic Ant Algorithm for Cluster Analysis and Swarm Art", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 44(6), pp. 843-56, 2014
[190] Juan L. J. Laredo, Carlos Fernandes, B. Dorronsoro, F. Guinand, P. Bouvry "The Sandpile Scheduler: How self-organized criticality may lead to dynamic load-balancing", Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 191-204, June, 2014
[191] Nuno Pessanha Santos, Fernando Melicio, Victor Lobo, Alexandre Bernardino "A Ground Based Vision System for UAV Pose Estimation", International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol 1, No 4, ISSN: 2288-5889. , 2014
[192] Nuno Fachada, M. A. T. Figueiredo, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Spectrometric differentiation of yeast strains using minimum volume increase and minimum direction change clustering criteria", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 45, pp. 55-61, 2014
[193] Juan L. J. Laredo, P. Bouvry, D. L. Gonzalez, F. de la Vega, M. G. Arenas, J. J. Merelo, Carlos Fernandes "Designing Robust Volunteer-based Evolutionary Algorithms", Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp 221-244, 2014
[194] J. P. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag, J. P. Marques "Signal fluctuations in fMRI data acquired with 2D-EPI and 3D-EPI at 7 Tesla", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 212220, 2013
[195] M. Pimentel, P. Vilela, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Localization of the hand motor area by ASL and BOLD fMRI", Human Brain Mapping 34(1): 96-108, 2013
[196] M. Leite, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Transfer function between EEG and BOLD signals of epileptic activity", Frontiers in Neurology, 4:1, 2013
[197] L. J. Herrera, A.M. Mora, A. Guillen, Daria Migotina, Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes "Combination of Feature Extraction Methods from EEG and Context Information for Sleep Stage Classification", International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, June, 2013
[198] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "The Sandpile Mutation Genetic Algorithm: an Investigation on the Working Mechanisms of a Diversity-Oriented and Self-Organized Mutation Operator for Non-stationary Functions", Applied Intelligence, Vol. 39, Nº2, Springer, pp.279-306, 2013
[199] J. J. Merelo, A.M. Mora, Carlos Fernandes, A.I. Esparcia-Alcazar "Designing and Testing a Pool-based Evolutionary Algorithm", Natural Computing, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 149-162, June, 2013
[200] W. Nan, F. Wan, C. I. Lou, M. I Vai, Agostinho Rosa "Individual alpha Neurofeedback training effect on peripheral vision", Applied Physiology and BioFeedback, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 285-291. Pre-print DOI 10.1007/s10484-013-9233-6, 2013
[201] W. Y. Nan, F. Wan, C. I. Lou, M. I Vai, Agostinho Rosa "Peripheral Visual Performance Enhancement by Neurofeedback Training", Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 285-291, 2013
[202] R. Lemos, Patrícia Figueiredo, I. Santana, M. R. Simoes, M. Castelo-Branco "Temporal integration of 3D coherent motion cues defining simple objects of unknown orientation is impaired in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimers Disease", Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 28(4):885-896, 2012
[203] T. Murta, A. Leal, M. Garrido, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamic Causal Modelling of epileptic seizure propagation pathways: a combined EEG-fMRI study", NeuroImage 62(3): 1634-1642, 2012
[204] A.M. Mora, A. Fernandez-Ares, J. J. Merelo, P. Garcia-Sanchez, Carlos Fernandes "Effect of Noisy Fitness in Real-Time Strategy Games Player Behaviour Optimisation Using Evolutionary Algorithms", Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(5), pp. 1007-1023, 2012
[205] W. Nan, J. P. Rodrigues, J. Ma, X. Qu, F. Wan, M. Vai, Agostinho Rosa "Individual alpha neurofeedback training effect on short term memory", International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 86, Issue 1, pp 83-87, 2012
[206] V. Fachada, Nuno Fachada, T. Turpeinen, P. Rahkila, Agostinho Rosa, H. Kainulainen "TopoCell An image analysis tool to study intracellular topography", The Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology Journal (FASEB), 26:578.2, 2012
[207] Vitor Lopes, R. Martins, C. Castro "The Influence of Geometrical and Operational Factors on Supercooling Capacity in Strawberries: A Simulation Study", Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp: 395-407, 2011
[208] C. Cabral, Margarida Silveira, Patrícia Figueiredo "Decoding visual brain states from fMRI using an ensemble of classifiers", Pattern Recognition 44: 29832993, 2011
[209] N. Santos, João Sanches, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Bayesian Optimization of Sampling and Estimation in PASL-MRI Perfusion Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 58(11): 3165-3174, 2011
[210] P. Vilela, M. Pimentel, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Quantification of Perfusion Changes during a Motor Task Using Arterial Spin Labeling", The Neuroradiology Journal 1: 51-57, 2011
[211] I. Sousa, N. Santos, João Sanches, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Challenges for Non-Invasive Brain Perfusion Quantification Using Arterial Spin Labeling", The Neuroradiology Journal 1: 44-50, 2011
[212] C. Pereira, J. Teixeira, Patrícia Figueiredo, J. Xavier, S. L. Castro, M. Castelo-Branco "Music and Emotions in the Brain: Familiarity Matters", PLoS One. 6(11):e27241. Epub 2011 Nov 16, 2011
[213] Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "A comparative study on the performance of dissortative mating and immigrants strategies for evolutionary dynamic optimization", Special Issue on Interpretable Fuzzy Systems, Information Sciences, Vol. 181, No. 20, pp. 4428-4459, 2011
[214] Alexandre Calapez, Agostinho Rosa "A Statistical Pixel Intensity Model for Segmentation of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Images", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 19, no. 9, September, pp. 2408 - 2418, 2010
[215] G. R. Alves, Agostinho Rosa, M. Brito, M. Pradella-Hallinam, S. Tufik "Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP) in normal children from 12 to 24 months", Arquivos de Neuropsiquiatria, 68(5): 689-693, 2010
[216] Patrícia Figueiredo "Manipulando os spins nucleares por ressonancia magnetica para obter imagens da perfusao cerebral", Gazeta da Fisica Vol. 33, N. 3/4, p. 6, 2010
[217] J. P. Marques, J. Rebola, Patrícia Figueiredo, F. Sales, A. Pinto, M. Castelo-Branco "ICA Decomposition of EEG signal for fMRI Processing in Epilepsy", Human Brain Mapping 30(9):2986-96, 2009
[218] Agostinho Rosa, M. C. Lopes, C. Guilleminault, C. Passarelli, S. Roizenblat, S. Tufik "Delta Sleep Instability in Children with Chronic Arthritis", Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 41:938-943, 2008
[219] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes "Self-Adjusting the Intensity of Assortative Mating in Genetic Algorithms", Journal of Soft Computing 12(10), pp. 955-979, 2008
[220] Agostinho Rosa, Cristian Munteanu, F. C. Morales, J. G. Fernandez, L. G. Deniz "Enhancing Obstetric and Genecology Ultrasound Images by Adaptation of the Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion Filter", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 43, pp. 223-242, 2008
[221] Vitor Lopes, A. C. Ferreira, R. Oliveira, R. C. Martins, F. Bento, P. G. Pinho, C. M. Oliveira, D. Geraldo "Oxidation management of white wines using cyclic voltammetry and multivariate process monitoring", Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (24), pp. 1209212098, 2008
[222] Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, P. Valentao, B. M. Silva, J. C. Carvalho, P. Amaral, M. T. Batista, M. R. Seabra, P. B. Andrade "Relevant principal component analysis applied to the characterization of Portuguese heather honey", Natural Product Research, Vol. 22, issue 17, pp 1560-1582, 2008
[223] Vitor Lopes, A. A. Vicente, R. C. Martins, J. A. Teixeira "Computational Shelf-Life Dating: Complex Systems Approaches to Food Quality and Safety, Food and Bioprocess Technology", Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 207-222, 2008
[224] Patrícia Figueiredo, I. Santana, J. Teixeira, C. Cunha, E. Machado, E. Almeida, F. Sales, M. Castelo-Branco "Adaptive visual memory reorganization in right medial temporal lobe epilepsy", Epilepsia 49(8):1395-1408, 2008
[225] Vitor Lopes, A. A. Vicente, R. C. Martins "Sistemas computacionais para a previsao da qualidade e seguranca alimentar: evolucao e sistemas complexos", Ingenium, 104, pp. 57-60, 2008
[226] Patrícia Figueiredo "O cerebro humano em actividade: investigacao imagiologica por ressonancia magnetica funcional", Gazeta da Fisica, Vol. 31, Fasc. 1-2, 2008
[227] Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins "Modelling supercooling in frozen strawberries: Experimental analysis, cellular automation and inverse problem methodology", Journal of Food Engineering, 80:126141, 2007
[228] Agostinho Rosa, F. Cintra, W. Moraes, D. Poyares "Methodology in clinical sleep research", Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64(10), pp. 1244-1253, 2007
[229] Agostinho Rosa, M. C. Lopes, C. Guilleminault, C. Hagen "The Cyclic Alternating Pattern Demonstrates Increased Sleep Instability and Correlates with Fatigue and Sleepiness in Adults with Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome", Sleep, 30(5), pp. 641-647, 2007
[230] Agostinho Rosa, O. Prilipko, C. Guilleminault, C. Hagen "Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP), Sleep Disordered Breathing and Automatic Analysis", Sleep Medicine Clinic, 1, pp. 483-489, 2006
[231] Agostinho Rosa, A. Chan, C. Guilleminault, C. Kirisoglu, C. Lopes "Sleepwalking a disorder of NREM sleep instability", Sleep Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 163-170, 2006
[232] Agostinho Rosa, M. Lopes, M. Brito, G. Alves "Visual and Automatic CAP Scoring: inter-rate reliability study", Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 64 (3-A), pp. 578-581, 2006
[233] Agostinho Rosa, T. Almeida, C. Guilleminault, M. Lopes, D. Poyares, C. Kirisoglu "Chronic Fatigue, unrefreshing sleep and nocturnal polysomnography", Sleep Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 513-520, 2006
[234] Agostinho Rosa, C. Guilleminault, Y. Huang, D. Poyares, C. Kirisoglu "SleepWalking: Sleep EEG and cyclic alternating pattern analyses", Sleep Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 24-25, 2006
[235] M. Castelo-Branco, M. Mendes, F. Silva, C. Januario, E. Machado, A. Pinto, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Freire "Specific retinotopically-based magnocellular impairment in a patient with medial visual dorsal stream damage", Neuropsychologia 44(2):238-53, 2006
[236] M. C. Lopes, Agostinho Rosa, D. Poyares, S. Roizenblatt, C. Passarelli, S. Tufik "Cyclic Alternating Pattern in peripubertal Children", Journal Sleep, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 215-219, 2005
[237] C. Guilleminault, J. Lee, A. Chan, M. Lopes, Y. Huang, Agostinho Rosa "Non-REM-sleep instability in recurrent sleepwalking in pre-pubertal children", Sleep Medicine, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 515-513, 2005
[238] C. Guilleminault, D. Poyares, Agostinho Rosa, Y. Huang "Heart rate variability, sympathetic and vagal balance and EEG arousals in Upper Airway Resistance and mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndromes", Sleep Medicine, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 451-457, 2005
[239] Carlos Fernandes, V. Ramos, Agostinho Rosa "Self-Regulated Artificial Ant Colonies on Digital Image Habitats", International Journal of Lateral Computing, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1- 8, 2005
[240] D. Poyares, C. M. Almeida, R. S. Silva, Agostinho Rosa, C. Guilleminault "Violent Behavior During Sleep", Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Suppl. 1, pp. 22-26, 2005
[241] T. Tjandra, J. C. W. Brooks, Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Wise, P. M. Matthews, I. Tracey "Quantitative Assessment of the Reproducibility of Functional Activation measured with BOLD and MR Perfusion Imaging: Implications for Clinical Trial Design", NeuroImage 27(2):393-401, 2005
[242] Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Clare, P. Jezzard "Quantitative Perfusion Measurements using Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling: Effects of Large ROI Analysis", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21:676682, 2005
[243] Teresa Paiva, Thomas Penzel, Juergen Zulley, Colin Binnie, Michel Russel, Pierre Escourrou, Madalena Teles Araujo, Ana Fred, Alpo Varri, Mafred Spreng, Kim Nielsen, Carlos Belo, Agostinho Rosa, Christian Guilleminault "The ENN Project – A Telematics Experience in Neurology", Somnology 8, pp. 3-13, 2004
[244] L. Mello-Fujita, S. Roizenblatt, D. L. Poyares, Agostinho Rosa, S. Conway, T. F. Almeida, S. Tufik "Sleep-related respiratory disorders in patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux symptoms, a clinical populational study", Sleep, Vol. 27, A212, AS, 2004
[245] D. Poyares, F. D. Cintra, C. Guilleminault, G. De Marchi, S. Barreto, S. Roizenblatt, Agostinho Rosa, S. Tufik, A. A. De Paola "Heart rate variability during REM and Non REM sleep in patients with euro cardiogenic syncope", Sleep, Vol. 27, A331-2, AS, 2004
[246] S. Roizenblatt, C. M. Passareli, C. A. Len, G. Moreira, M. T. Terreri, Agostinho Rosa, M. O. Hilario, S. Tufik "The impact of pain and dysfunction in sleep of children with polyarticular juvenile idiophatic arthritis", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 13, S1, 2004
[247] M. C. Lopes-Conceicao, S. Roizenblatt, D. Poyares, Agostinho Rosa, C. M. Passareli, S. Tufik "Sleep cyclic alternating pattern in normal children", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 13, S1, 2004
[248] Luciane Fujita, Suely Roizenblatt, Dalva Poyares, Claudio Frison, Lia Bittencourt, Lino Rodrigues Jr., Agostinho Rosa, Sergio Tufik "The Impact of GER in Sleep of Asthmatic Patients", Journal of Sleep Research, 2004
[249] Tatiana Almeida, Suely Roizenblatt, Dalva Poyares, Maria Jose Dias, Agostinho Rosa, Christian Guilleminault, Segio Tufik "Improvement in sleep, cognitive, psychological and symphathetic activity concomitant to tender point analgesia in fibromyalgia", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 13, S1, 2004
[250] Agostinho Rosa, Cecilia Lopes-Conceicao, Tatiana Almeida, Dalva Poyares "High Cap Rate: A Case Report", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 13, S1, 2004
[251] D. Poyares, C. Guilleminault, Agostinho Rosa, T. Almeida, M. C. Lopes-Conceicao, C. Guimaraes, S. Roizenblatt, C. Kirisoglu, S. Tufik "Sleep EEG power spectrum and CAP in fatigue patients", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 13, S1, 2004
[252] Rogério Largo, M. Cecilia Lopes, Agostinho Rosa "Evolutionary tuning of Automatic Classification of CAP in Normal Children", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 13, S1, 2004
[253] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Adaptive Reservoir Evolutionary Algorithm: An evolutionary on-line adaptation scheme for global function optimization", Journal of Heuristics, 10, pp. 555-586, 2004
[254] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Gray-Scale Image Enhancement as an Automatic Process driven by Evolution", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 1292-1298, 2004
[255] Christian Guilleminault, Dalva Poyares, Agostinho Rosa "Cyclic Alternating Pattern and Fatigue", Sleep, S-1, 77, 2003
[256] D. Poyares, C. Guilleminault, Agostinho Rosa "Autonomic Nervous System Indices in Upper Airway Resistance and mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndromes", Am J Resp Critical Care Med., 2002
[257] A. Grilo, A. Caetano, Agostinho Rosa "Artificial Immune System Simulation by Adaptive Complex System", Journal of EC and AL, 2002
[258] Tito Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Features Network: A new model for Object Representation", PAMI (33 pg), 2002
[259] Tito Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Conceptual Cortex: A Model for Higher Visual Cortex Areas", IEEE Trans on NN, CE360 (26 pg), 2002
[260] M. G. Terzano, L. Parrino, A. Smerieri, R. Chervin, S. Chokroverty, C. Guilleminault, M. Hirshkowitz, M. Mahowald, H. Moldofsky, Agostinho Rosa, R. Thomas, A. Walters "Atlas, Rules and Recording Techniques for the Scoring of Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP) in Human Sleep", Sleep Medicine, 3:187-199, 2002
[261] D. Poyares, C. Guilleminault, Agostinho Rosa, M. Ohayon, U. Koester "Arousal, EEG Spectral Power and Pulse Transit Time in UARS and Mild OSAS Subjects", Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (10) : 1579, 2002
[262] Alexandre Calapez, Henrique M. Pereira, Angelo Calado, Jose Braga, Jose Rino, Celia Carvalho, Joao Paulo Tavanez, Elmar Wahle, Agostinho Rosa, Maria Carmo-Fonseca "The intranuclear mobility of messenger RNA binding proteins is ATP dependent and temperature sensitive", Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 159, Number 5, pp 795-805, 2002
[263] Agostinho Rosa, D. L. Poyares, C. Guilleminault, U. Koster "Are K Complexes and Delta Waves Different: A Mathematical Model and its Applications", Sleep vol 25, AS 2002, A414-A415. (abs), 2002
[264] Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa "Automatic CAP Power Classification by Wavelet Transform", Journal of Sleep Research Vol.11, Supp 1, pp133, (abs), 2002
[265] D. Poyares, C. Guilleminault, Agostinho Rosa "Sleep and EEG power spectrum in post encephalitis hypersomnia: a case report", Sleep Medicine, 2001
[266] Bernhard Obermaier, Cristian Munteanu, Gert Pfurtscheller, Agostinho Rosa "Asymmetric hemisphere modeling in an offline brain-computer interface", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: C, vol. 31, issue 4, pp. 536-540, 2001
[267] Mario Giovanni Terzano, Liborio Parrino, Agostinho Rosa, Vincenzo Palomba, Arianna Smerieri "CAP And Arousals in the Structural Development of Sleep an Integrative Perspective", Sleep Medicine, 2001
[268] D. L. Poyares, Agostinho Rosa, C. Guilleminault, U. Koster "Heart Rate Variability during sleep-disordered breathing in UARS and OSAS subjects", Sleep, Vol 24, pp A272, (Abs), 2001
[269] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Evolutionary Image Enhancement with User Behavior Modeling Extended version", Applied Computing Review, ACM-SIGAPP, vol. 9, No. 1, ACM Press, pp.8-14, 2001
[270] C. Carvalho, H. Pereira, M. Carmo-Fonseca, Agostinho Rosa "Chromosomal dark G bands determine the spatial organization of αsatellite DNA in the nucleus", Molecular Biology of the Cell, Vol.12, pp 3563-3572, 2001
[271] D. Poyares, C. Guilleminault, Agostinho Rosa, U. Koster, D. G. Jeong "Sleep and PTT in UARS and OSA Patients", J. of Sleep Research, Vol.9, S1, pp156, 2000
[272] Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa "Automatic CAPS Classification by Wavelet Transform", Journal of Sleep Research, Vol.9, S1, pp109, 2000
[273] Agostinho Rosa, L. Parrino, M. Terzano "Model-Based Automatic Detection of Cyclic Alternating Pattern Sequence (CAPS) in Sleep EEG", Electroenceph. and Clinical Neurophysiology, 110/4, pp. 585-592, 1999
[274] Agostinho Rosa, L. Parrino, A. Smerieri, M. Terzano "Automatic Detection of Cyclic Alternating Pattern Sequence (CAPS) in Sleep EEG", Sleep, Vol. 22, Supp 1, pp. 44, 1999
[275] Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa "Automatic CAPS Classification by Segmentation of Sleep EEG", Journal of Sleep Research 7, Supplement 2, pp. 147, art. 293, 1998
[276] Agostinho Rosa, J. Allen Lima "Fuzzy Classification of CAPS Dynamics of Human Sleep", Journal of Sleep Research 7, supplement 2, pp. 230, art. 459, 1998
[277] P. M. Ferreira, T. L. Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Real-Time Application of Active Noise Control: Cost Analysis and Implementation", IST Science & Technology, pp. 3-7, IST, Lisboa, 1998
[278] J. C. Costa, Agostinho Rosa "Artificial Life Model for Downy Mildew of the Grapevine", Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University 24(5), pp. 509-516, 1998
[279] Allen Lima, Agostinho Rosa "Classification of Microstructure Human Sleep using EEG Modelling", Signal Processing IX, "Theories and Applications", vol. 4, pp. 2433-2436, Eurasip, 1998
[280] A. Fred, T. Paiva, A. Leitao, Agostinho Rosa "Sleep EEG Patterns and the Prediction REM", Journal Sleep Research, 7, Supplement 2, pp. 92, art. 184, 1998
[281] M. Koivuluoma, A. Varri, S. Siren, E. Hupponen, C. Morvan, D. Trouselle, J. Henry, N. Martins, R. Conradt, T. Penzel "Wscore – Computer Program for Telematic Sleep Medicine", Journal of Sleep Research 7, supplement 2, pp. 138, art. 276, 1998
[1] K. Madani, A. D. Correia, Agostinho Rosa, J. Filipe (Eds.) "Computational Intelligence.", (Eds.), Springer Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 465, 1st Edition, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-642--35637-7 (Print), 978-3-642-35638-4 (Online), 2015
[2] K. Madani, A. D. Correia, Agostinho Rosa, J. Filipe (Eds.) "Computational Intelligence", Springer, Series: Studies In Computational Intelligence, Volume 399, 2015
[3] Carlos Fernandes "Paisagens Ocultas – Notas sobre Arte, Ciência e Criatividade Distribuída", Colecção REFLEX | Reflexões sobre fotografia. Edições TPP, 2015, 2015
[4] Agostinho Rosa, Kurosh Madani, António Dourado Correia, Joaquim Filipe "Computational Intelligence", Revised And Selected Papers Of The International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2012, Barcelona, Spain. Studies In Computational Intelligence, Volume 577 ISBN: 978-3-319-11270-1 , 2015
[5] K. Madani, A. D. Correia, Agostinho Rosa, J. Filipe (Eds.), J. Filipe "Computational Intelligence", Springer, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 343, 1st Edition, 2013
[6] R. Seruca, J. S. Suri, João Sanches "Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012
[1] João Periquito, Ludger Starke, Carlota M. Santos, Andreia Freitas, Nuno Loução, Pablo García Polo, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Thoralf Niendorf, Andreas Pohlmann "Analysis Protocols for MRI Mapping of the Blood Oxygenation–Sensitive Parameters T2* and T2 in the Kidney", Preclinical MRI of the Kidney, 2021
[2] Andreia Gaspar, Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Chapter 3 – Simultaneous multi-slice MRI", Advances in Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications, 2021
[3] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Evangelos Niforatos, S. Bermúdez i Badia, Fotis Liarokapis "Brain–Computer Interfacing with Interactive Systems—Case Study 2", Intelligent Computing for Interactive System Design: Statistics, Digital Signal Processing, and Machine Learning in Practice, pp. 237 - 272, 2021
[4] Floriana Accoto, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Afonso Goncalves, Teresa Bucho, Gina Caetano, Patrícia Figueiredo, Paolo De Paolis, S. Bermúdez i Badia "The Effect of Neurofeedback Training in CAVE-VR for Enhancing Working Memory", In: Dingler T., Niforatos E. (eds) Technology-Augmented Perception and Cognition. Human–Computer Interaction Series. Springer, Cham, 2021
[5] Nuno Fachada "Desafios no ensino da programação a alunos de Videojogos", Atas do 1º SEVj - Seminário sobre Ensino de Videojogos, 2020
[6] Maria Fernandes , João Sanches, Raquel Seruca "Targeting the PI3K Signalling as a Therapeutic Strategy in Colorectal Cancer", Targeted Therapy of Colorectal Cancer Subtypes. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. vol 1110. Springer, Cham., 2019
[7] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, Agostinho Rosa "Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms: Graph Degree, Population Size and Convergence Speed", Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 737, Intelligent Distributed Computing XI, pp 15-25, Springer International Publishing, 2018
[8] N. David, Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "Verifying and Validating Simulations", Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook (2nd edition), Bruce Edmonds, Ruth Meyer (Eds.), Chap. 9, pp. 173-204, Springer International Publishing, 2017
[9] J. Figueiredo, A. S. Ribeiro, J. Paredes, R. Seruca, João Sanches "Capturing quantitative features of protein expression from in situ fluorescence microscopic images of cancer cell populations, Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification", in Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification, R. Seruca, J. S. Suri, J. Sanches (Eds), by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
[10] A. Ferro, P. Carneiro, M. Fernandes, João Sanches, R. Seruca "Illuminating the cycle of life", in Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification, R. Seruca, J. S. Suri, J. Sanches (Eds), by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
[11] M. Fernandes, A. Ferro, P. Carneiro, R. Seruca, João Sanches "Quantum Dots: Concepts, Imaging and Therapeutic Applications in Cancer, Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification", in Fluorescence Imaging and Biological Quantification, R. Seruca, J. S. Suri, J. Sanches (Eds), by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
[12] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, Juan L. J. Laredo, Carlos Cotta, J. J. Merelo "Performance and Scalability of Particle Swarms with Dynamic and Partially Connected Grid Topologies", LCNS Transaction of Computational Collective Intelligence Journal, Springer., 2015
[13] Nuno Leite, R. Neves, N. Horta, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Solving a capacitated exam timetabling problem instance using a bi-objective NSGA-II", Madani, K., Correia, A.D., Rosa, A., Filipe, J. (eds.) Computational Intelligence, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 577, pp. 115–129. Springer International Publishing, Print ISBN 978-3-319-11270-1, 2015
[14] N. Leite, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Solving the Examination Timetabling Problem with the Shuffled Frog-leaping Algorithm", accepted October 2013, Studies in Computational Intelligence, (IJCCI 2013 revised selected papers), Springer-Verlag, 2015
[15] Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, A.M. Mora, Agostinho Rosa "Photorealistic rendering with an Ant Algorithm", Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 577, pp. 63-77 , 2015
[16] Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "A Time-Varying Inertia Weight Strategy for Particles Swarms Based on Self-Organized Criticality", Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 577, pp. 49-62 , 2015
[17] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Shuffle and Mate: a Dynamic Model for Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms", Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIII, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8672, 2014, pp 50-59; Print ISBN 978-3-319-10761-5, 2014
[18] José Seabra, L. M. Pedro, J. Fernandes e Fernandes, J. S. Suri, João Sanches "Ultrasound Profile of Carotid Plaque. A New Approach Towards Stroke Prediction", In Multi-Modality Atherosclerosis Imaging and Diagnosis, L. Saba, J. Sanches, L. Pedro, J. Suri (eds), pp. 173-185. Springer, New York, NY, 2014
[19] N. Leite, R. Neves, N. Horta, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Solving an Uncapacitated Exam Timetabling Problem Instance using a Hybrid NSGA-II", accepted, Studies in Computational Intelligence, (IJCCI 2012 revised selected papers), Springer-Verlag, 2014
[20] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Adapting the Bak-Sneppen Model to a Dynamic and Partially Connected Grid of Hierarchical Species", Advances in Artificial Life, P. Lio, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi, M. Pavone (eds), pp. 523-530. MIT Press, Ebook ISBN: 9780262317092, 2013
[21] R. Ribeiro, R. T. Marinho, J. Suri, João Sanches "Classification and Staging of Chronic Liver Disease based on Ultrasound, Laboratorial and Clinical Data", In: Sanches J., Laine A., Suri J. (eds) Ultrasound Imaging. Springer, Boston, MA, 2012
[22] José Seabra, J. S. Suri, João Sanches "Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Plaque Characterization", In Ultrasound Imaging, J. Sanches, A. Laine, J. Suri (eds), Springer, Boston, MA, 2012
[23] L. M. Pedro, I. Gonçalves, R. Fernandes, José Seabra, João Sanches, J. Fernandes "Activity Index: a tool to identify active carotid plaques", In Ultrasound Imaging, J. Sanches, A. Laine, J. Suri (eds), pp. 163-175, Springer, Boston, MA, 2012
[24] José Seabra, João Sanches "Ultrasound Speckle/Despeckle Image Decomposition for Tissue Analysis", In Ultrasound Imaging, J. Sanches, A. Laine, J. Suri (eds), pp. 73-95, Springer, Boston, MA, 2012
[25] José Seabra, F. Ciompi, P. Radeva, João Sanches "A Rayleigh Mixture Model for IVUS Imaging", In Ultrasound Imaging, J. Sanches, A. Laine, J. Suri (eds), pp. 25-47, Springer, Boston, MA, 2012
[26] José Seabra, João Sanches "RF ultrasound estimation from B-mode images", In Ultrasound Imaging, J. Sanches, A. Laine, J. Suri (eds), pp. 3-24, Springer, Boston, MA, 2012
[27] Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Enhancing the Adaptive Dissortative Mating Genetic Algorithm in Fast Non Stationary Fitness Functions", Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Volume 399, pp 115-130, 2012
[28] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, F. Barata, Agostinho Rosa "An Agent Based Model of Dengue Disease Transmission by Aedes aegypti Populations", LNCS, Artificial Life, Part II, pp. 339-346, Springer , 2011
[29] Agostinho Rosa, J. P. Rodrigues "Dream therapy: correlation of dream contents with encephalographic and cardiovascular activations", States of Consciousness: Experimental Insights into Meditation, Waking, Sleep and Dreams, Dean Cvetkovic and Irena Cosic (eds), Springer, The Frontiers Collection, ISBN 9-78-3-642-18046-0, pp. 109-132, 2011
[30] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, A. Mora, Agostinho Rosa, J. J. Merelo "The Sandpile Mutation Operator for Genetic Algorithms", LNCS, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Vol. 6683, pp. 552-556, 2011
[31] A.M. Mora, Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo "KANTS: A Self-Organized Ant System for Pattern Clustering and Classification, in Ant Colonies: Behavior in Insects and Computer Applications", Ant Colonies: Behavior in Insects and Computer Applications, Nova Publishers, 2011
[32] J. P. Rodrigues, Agostinho Rosa "EEG Biofeedback: Viability and Future Directions", Human Computer System Interaction: Background and Application 2, Hippe, Zdzislaw S; Kullowski, Julusz L; Mroczak, Theresa (Eds.), Computational Intelligence and Complexity series, Springer , 2011
[33] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, A. Mora, Agostinho Rosa, J. J. Merelo "A Study on the Mutation Rates of a Genetic Algorithm Interacting with a Sandpile", LNCS, Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 6624, pp. 32-42, 2011
[34] Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, Carlos Fernandes, A. Mora, M. G. Arenas, P. Castillo, P. G. Sanchez "Analysing the Performance of Different Population Structures for an Agent-based Evolutionary Algorithm", LNCS, Computer Science, Vol. 6683, pp. 582-585, 2011
[35] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "Agent-based model of Aedes aegypti Population Dynamics", Progress in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 5816, pp. 53-64, Springer, 2009
[36] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes "Evolutionary Algorithms with Dissortative Mating on Static and Dynamic Environments", Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms”, Witold Kosinski (Ed.), Ch. 10, pp 181-206, ISBN 978-953-7619-11-4. InTech, 2008
[37] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, A.M. Mora, P. A. Castillo "Evolvable Agents in Static and Dynamic Optimization Problems", PPSN, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 5199, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-87699-1, pp. 488-497, 2008
[38] Agostinho Rosa, Vitorino Ramos, Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, A.M. Mora, J. Merelo "KohonAnts: A Self-Organizing Ant Algorithm for Clustering and Pattern Classification", ALIFE XI, pp. 428-435, MIT Press, 2008
[39] Vitor Lopes, A. A. Vicente, R. C. Martins, J. A. Teixeira "Numerical solutions – finite element and finite volume methods", Optimization in Food Engineering, Ferruh Erdogdu (Ed.), pp. 49-108, 2008
[40] Agostinho Rosa, C. Guilleminault, D. Poyares "Processamento de Sinais Electrofisiologicos para Analise e Classificacao Automatica do Sono", Biologia e Medicina do Sono, S. Tufik (Ed.), Manole Editors, SP, Brazil, Chap. 40, pp. 451-469, 2007
[41] Agostinho Rosa, M. C. Lopes, C. Guilleminault, G. R. Alves, D. Poyares "Padrao Alternante Ciclico (CAP)", In Biologia e Medicina do Sono, S. Tufik (Ed.), Manole Editors, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Chap. 39, pp. 440-450, 2007
[42] Agostinho Rosa, Cristian Munteanu "Symmetry at the Genotypic Level and the Simple Inversion Operator", LNAI 4874, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, J. Neves, M. Santos, J. Machado (Eds), pp. 209-222, Springer, 2007
[43] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes "Self-Regulated Population Size in Evolutionary Algorithms", Proc. PPSN 2006 - 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, pp. 921-929, Reykjavic, Iceland, 2006
[44] Agostinho Rosa, João Caldeira, Fernando Melicio "THOR: A tool for school timetabling", Proc. PATAT 2006 - 6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, E. Burke, R. Rudova (Eds), pp. 532-535, ISBN 80-210-3726-1, Masaryk University, Brno, The Czech Republic, 2006
[45] Agostinho Rosa, Vitorino Ramos, Carlos Fernandes "On Self-Regulated Swarms, Societal Memory, Speed and Dynamics", Neural and Evolutionary Computing, abs/cs/0512002, 2006
[46] Nelson Perdigão, Agostinho Rosa "Multiple Sequence Alignment by Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to BALiBASE", Proc. of ICCB2005 - II International Conference on Computational Bioengineering, Vol. 2, pp. 849-860, ISBN 972-8469-37-3, IST Press, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
[47] Carlos Fernandes, V. Ramos, Agostinho Rosa "Varying the Population Size of Artificial Foraging Swarms on Time Varying Landscapes", W. Duch, J. Kacprzyk, E. Oja, S. Zadrozny (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations, LNCS series, Vol. 3696, Part I, pp. 311-316, Springer-Verlag, 2005
[48] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa, M. Galan, E. R. Royo "Evolutionary Color Constancy Algorithm based on the Gamut Mapping Paradigm", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 3643, pp. 404-409, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005
[49] Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa "Wavelets based detection of a phases in sleep EEG", Proc. of ICCB2005 - 2nd International Conference on Computacional Bioengineering, Vol. 2, pp. 1105-1115, IST Press, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
[50] Nelson Perdigão, J. Martins, E. Pires, R. Jorge, J. Tavares "Geracao de modelos de malhas de elementos finitos a partir de imagens medicas 2D", Proc. of Encontro 1 Biomecanica, ISBN 972-789-151-9, pp.81-85, Sociedade Portuguesa de Biomecanica, Abrantes, Portugal, 2005
[51] Nelson Perdigão, J. Martins, E. Pires, R. Jorge, J. Tavares "Sobre a geracao de malhas tridimensionais para fins computacionais a partir de imagens medicas", Proc. of Congress of Methods in Engineering, ISBN 84-95999-74-9, pp.217, SEMNI, Granada, Spain, 2005
[52] Hongfei Gong, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation Model for the Control of Olive Fly bactrocera Oleae Using Artificial Life Technique", In “Computacional Intelligence and Control”, M. Mohammadian, RA Sarker, Xin Yao (Edts), Chapter XI, pp 183-196, Idea Group Publishing, 2003. ISBN: 1-591-40-037-6, 2003
[53] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Adaptive Reservoir Genetic Algorithm: Convergence Analysis", in Advances in Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Intelligence Series WSEAS Press, ISBN 960-8052-49-1, pp. 235- 238, 2002
[54] Carlos Fernandes, João Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "Infected Genes Evolutionary Algorithm for School Timetabling", A Grmela, N Mastorkis (Eds), pp 245-249, WSEAS Press, 2002
[55] Agostinho Rosa "Visual Objects Representation using Features Network", In “Advances in Neural Networks World”, A Grmela, N Mastorkis (Eds), pp 123-129, WSEAS Press, 2002
[56] Hongfei Gong, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation of Olive Fly Development Using Artificial Life Technic", Versao Extendida no “Computational Intelligence and Control”. M Mohammadian (Edt), Chapter XI, pp 183-196, 2002
[57] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Adaptive Reservoir Genetic Algorithm with on-line decision making", in Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature VII Granada, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2439, Springer Verlag, pp. 433-441, ISBN 3-540-44139-5, 2002
[58] Agostinho Rosa, Dalva Poyares, Christian Guilleminault "Processamento de Sinais Electrofisiologicos para Deteccao e Classificacao Automatica do Sono", In “Manual de Poligrafia do Sono”. Edicao da Assossiacao Brasileira de Sono, 2002
[59] Hongfei Gong, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation of Olive Fly Development Using Artificial Life Technic", In “Computational Intelligence and Control”. M Mohammadian (Edt), 2001
[60] T. Paiva, C. Guilleminault, T. Sagales, M. Billiard, J. Zulley, M.J. Challamel, J. Louis, A. Besset, P. Philip, P. Levy, Agostinho Rosa, T. Penzel "The Sleep Tutorial", European Neurological Network, T. Paiva, T. Penzel (edt), pp193-206, Technology and Informatics 78, IOS Press, 2000
[61] Agostinho Rosa "Multimedia Tutorial Guide – Sleep Tutorial Implementation", European Neurological Network, T Paiva, T Penzel (edt), pp161-192, Technology and Informatics 78, IOS Press, 2000
[62] A. Caetano, A. Grilo, Agostinho Rosa "Modeling Thymic Selection and Concomitant Immune Responses on CD4+ T Lymphocyte Sub-Populations", ALIFE VI, C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, C. Taylor (eds), pp. 143-150, MIT Press, 1998
[63] N. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Selective Linear Prediction for Rhythmic Activity Modelling", in "Spatiotemporal Models in Biological and Artificial Systems", F. H. Lopes da Silva (edt), pp. 105-112, IOS Press, Amsterdan, 1997
[64] N. Gracias, H. Pereira, J. Allen Lima, Agostinho Rosa "Gaia: An Artificial Life Environment for ecological Systems Simulation", Artificial Life V, C. Langton & K. Shimohara (Eds.), pp. 124-131, MIT Press , 1996
[65] Agostinho Rosa "Analisi Automatica del Cyclic Altenating Pattern", Em "Il Sonno in Italia 95", pp131-136, Polleto Edizioni, 1996
[1] FIlipe Ribeiro , Catarina Barata, Joao Ribeiro, João Sanches "Real time automatic risk prediction in ICU patients treated with ECMO", 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2024
[2] Edoardo Maria Polo, Andrea Farabbi, Maja Milekic, Giulio Steyde, Maria Gabriella Signorini, Patrícia Figueiredo "Subject-Specific Feature Identification of Arousal and Valence Based on EEG", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2024, pp. 1-6, 2024
[3] Madalena Valente, Diego Blanco-Mora, Jean Claude-Fernandes , S. Bermúdez i Badia, Patrícia Figueiredo, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Stroke patient-specific Mu Event-Related Desynchronization during Motor Imagery and Observation in a VR-based BCI intervention", World Congress on Virtual Rehabilitation, Amsterdam, 2024
[4] Marta Xavier, Inês Esteves, Joao Jorge, Rodolfo Abreu, Anne-Lise Giraud, Sepideh Sadagiani, Jonathan Wirsich, Patrícia Figueiredo "Consistency of resting-state correlations between fMRI networks and EEg features", 2024 OHBM Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, 2024
[5] Sara Monteiro, Lydiane Hirschler, Emmanuel Barbie , Patrícia Figueiredo, Noam Shemesh "High resolution pCASL mapping of perfusion in the mouse brain", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
[6] Catarina Carvalho, Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Teresa Correia "Integrating Quantitative Mapping into Physics-Based Deep Learning for Improved Accelerated Image Reconstruction", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
[7] Tiago Fernandes, Enlin Qian, Pavan Poojar , Rita Gouveia Nunes, Sairam Geethanath "Tailored Synthetic and Non-Synthetic (SNS) Optimization for pediatric neuroimaging", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
[8] Ana Matoso, Ana Fouto, Inês Esteves, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "The involvement of the cerebellum in structural connectome changes in episodic migraine without aura", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
[9] Sara Monteiro, Ruxanda Lungu Baião, Lydiane Hirschler, Emmanuel Barbie , Patrícia Figueiredo, Noam Shemesh "Perfusion dynamics in a mouse line of Parkinson’s DiseasePerfusion dynamics in a mouse line of Parkinson’s Disease", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
[10] Ana Matoso, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Measuring structural connectivity in migraine: the impact of correcting for region volumes", ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting , 2023 - PDF
[11] Catarina Passarinho, Oscar Lally, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Automated Glioblastoma Segmentation relying on a shorter imaging protocol", ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting , 2023 - PDF
[12] Inês Esteves, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Patrícia Figueiredo "Using ECG-derived respiration for explaining BOLD fMRI fluctuations during rest and respiratory modulations", ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting , 2023 - PDF
[13] Irene Guadilla Gómez, Ana Fouto, Álvaro Planchuelo-Gómez, Antonio Trístan-Vega, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Santiago Aja-Fernández, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Influence of free-water correction in DTI on the study of white matter changes in migraine", ISMRM Iberian Chapter Annual Meeting , 2023 - PDF
[14] Catarina Domingos, Inês Esteves, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Patrícia Figueiredo "Cerebrovascular reactivity mapping using breath-hold BOLD-fMRI: comparison of signal models when using voxelwise lag optimization", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023 - PDF
[15] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, D. Blanco-Mora, A. Aldridge, C. Jorge, J-C. Fernandes, Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Bermúdez i Badia "Longitudinal Intervention of VR-based BCI Training: A Case Study of Chronic Stroke Patients", BCI Meeting , 2023
[16] Irene Guadilla Gómez, Ana Fouto, Álvaro Planchuelo-Gómez, Antonio Trístan-Vega, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Santiago Aja-Fernández, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Impact of free-water correction on white matter changes measured by diffusion tensor imaging in migraine", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023
[17] Ana Matoso, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Measuring structural connectivity in migraine: the impact of correcting for region volumes", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023
[18] Rita Gouveia Nunes "Good ingredients make a good dish: Open-soruce sequence programming", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023 - PDF
[19] Rita Gouveia Nunes "The Physics of Image Diffusion and Perfusion", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023 - PDF
[20] Andreia Gaspar, Nuno Silva, António Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Repeatability of ProMyoT1: an open-source inversion recovery myocardial T1 mapping sequence for fast prototyping", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023 - PDF
[21] Catarina Passarinho, Oscar Laily, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Automated Brain Tumour Segmentation in Glioblastoma: Can similar performance be achieved using a shorter imaging protocol?", 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023 - PDF
[22] Marc Golub, Carlos Santiago, C. Baleia, P. Lopes, A. M. Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Jacinto Nascimento "Convolutional siamese networks for myocardial lesion classification in T1 maps", International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging , 2023 - PDF
[23] Patrícia Figueiredo, Inês Esteves, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, César Callabero-Guades "Electrophysiological correlates of BOLD events with high co uctuation amplitude in the resting human brain", ISMRM , 2023 - PDF
[24] Inês Esteves, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Gina Caetano, Patrícia Figueiredo "Physiological contributions of ECG-derived respiration to BOLD uctuations during resting- state and respiratory modulations", ISMRM , 2023 - PDF
[25] Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Marc Golub, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Andreia Freitas, Gina Caetano, Nuno Silva, Pedro Vilela, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Patrícia Figueiredo "White-matter microstructural changes in episodic menstrual migraine compared with hormonal controls", Journal of Headache and Pain, Vol 23, pp 45-45, 2022
[26] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, D. Blanco-Mora, A. Aldridge, C. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Bermúdez i Badia "Enhancing Motor-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface Training With Embodied Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study With Older Adults", Proc. of MetroXRAINE 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering, Rome, Italy, 2022
[27] Mathis Fleury, Gustavo Caetano, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Inês Esteves, Patrícia Figueiredo "Comparison of Alpha Power obtained with Online vs Offline artifact correction for Real-time EEG/fMRI Neurofeedback", rtFIN 2022 , New Haven, Yale, United States., 2022 - PDF
[28] Simon Legeay, Gustavo Caetano, Patrícia Figueiredo, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "NeuXus: A Biosignal Processing and Classification Pipeline for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interaction", Proc. of MELECON 2022 - IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Palermo, Italy, 2022
[29] Cláudia Fonseca, Inês Esteves, Marta Xavier, Ana Fouto, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Nuno Silva, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Joana Cabral, Patrícia Figueiredo "Comparing sliding window correlation and instantaneous phase coherence in fMRI dynamic functional connectivity analysis", ISRMR, 2022 - PDF
[30] Afonso Raposo, Hugo Plácido da Silva, João Sanches "Camera-based Photoplethysmography (cbPPG) using smartphone rear and frontal cameras: an experimental study.", Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society., 2021
[31] João Sanches, J Rafael Correia, Luca Mainardi "Error perception classification in Brain-Computer Interfaces using CNN", Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, 2021
[32] D. Blanco-Mora, A. Aldridge, C. Jorge, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Bermúdez i Badia "Finding the Optimal Time Window for Increased Classification Accuracy during Motor Imagery", Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, 144-151, 2021, 2021
[33] Hemaxi Narotamo, Maria Sofia Fernandes, João Sanches, Margarida Silveira "Interphase Cell Cycle Staging using Deep Learning", Proc. of EMBC - 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, Canada, 2020
[34] Hemaxi Narotamo, João Sanches, Margarida Silveira "Combining Deep Learning with Handcrafted Features for Cell Nuclei Segmentation", Proc. of EMBC - 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, Canada, 2020
[35] Diogo de Andrade, Nuno Fachada "Fun Maths for All Game Development Students", ITiCSE '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education., 2020
[36] Nuno Fachada, Nélio Códices "Top-down Design of a CS Curriculum for a Computer Games BA", ITiCSE '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education., 2020
[37] E. Niforatos, A.Palma, R. Gluszny, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, F. Liarokapis "Would you do it?: Enacting Moral Dilemmas in Virtual Reality for Understanding Ethical Decision-Making", Proc. of CHI 2020 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2020 - PDF
[38] M. Pinto, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Performance of PEAR reconstruction of fMRI using Poisson Cartesian sampling schemes", Proc. of ESMRMB 2019 - 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
[39] Andreia Gaspar, Andreia Freitas, N. A. Silva, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Bi-component fitting for reduced partial volume effects due to fat in MOLLI T1 mapping", Proc. of ESMRMB 2019 - 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
[40] Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, N. Silva, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of head motion on SMS-accelerated fMRI: GRAPPA versus no GRAPPA", Proc. of 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 2019
[41] Ana Rita Oliveira, Patrícia Figueiredo, Alberto Leal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Evaluation of thalamo-cortical connectivity in pediatric patients with unilateral thalamic lesions using Diffusion-Weighted MRI", Proc. of XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019, 2019
[42] Ana Rita Oliveira, Alberto Leal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Evaluation of thalamo-cortical connectivity using diffusion-weighted MRI in infants with epilepsy associated with thalamic lesions", Proc. of 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2019
[43] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Evangelos Niforatos, Michail Giannakos "EEGlass: An EEG-Eyeware Prototype for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interaction", UbiComp/ISWC 2019, London, United Kigdom, 2019
[44] Teresa Bucho, Gina Caetano, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Floriana Accoto, Ines Esteves, S. Bermúdez i Badia, Agostinho Rosa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Comparison of Visual and Auditory Modalities for Upper-Alpha EEG-Neurofeedback", Proc. 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2019), 2019
[45] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, Juan L. J. Laredo, Juan Merelo "Genealogical patterns in evolutionary algorithms", Proc. of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp 283–284, 2019
[46] Hemaxi Narotamo, João Sanches, Margarida Silveira "Segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images using deep learning", Proc. of 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2019), Madrid, Spain, 2019
[47] Saber Sarbazvatan, Rodrigo Ventura, Francisco F. Esteves, Lima, S. Q., João Sanches "A novel graph-based approach for seriation of mouse brain cross-section from images", Proc. of 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2019), Madrid, Spain, 2019
[48] Marc Golub, R. Neto-Henriques, O. Pasternak, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Open-source algorithm for single-shell free water DTI: potentials and limitations", Proc. of OHBM - Annual Meeting of the Organization for the Human Brain Mapping Society, Rome, Italy, 2019
[49] Andreia Freitas, I. Sousa, Andreia Gaspar, R. P. A. G. Teixeira, J. V. Hajnal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Improving T2 and B1 parametric estimation in the brain with multi spin-echo MR and fusion bootstrap moves solver (FBMS)", Proc. of ISMRM 2019 - 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2019
[50] R. Leitão, S. Reimao, L. Correia Guedes, J. Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging study of the substantia nigra in Huntington’s Disease", Proc. of ISMRM 2019 - 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2019
[51] J. Carmona, Rodolfo Abreu, Carlos Santiago, Alberto Leal, Jacinto Nascimento, Patrícia Figueiredo "Classification of sleep stages from fMRI dynamic functional connectivity using deep learning", Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada , 2019
[52] Rodolfo Abreu, Alberto Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Classification of BOLD-fMRI dynamic functional connectivity states based on simultaneous EEG microstates",  Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada , 2019
[53] Rita Gouveia Nunes, R. P. A. G. Teixeira, S. J. Malik, J. V. Hajnal "Optimizing Neuromelanin-sensitive Turbo Spin Echo sequences using the extended phase graph formalism including magnetization transfer effects", Proc. of ISMRM 2019 - 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2019
[54] Ana Fouto, Joana Pinto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Luísa Alves, Sofia Calado, Carina Gonçalves, Margarida Rebolo, M. Viana-Baptista, Pedro Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of processing options on histogram metrics extraction from DWI in cerebral small vessel disease", Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2019
[55] Joana Moreira, Joana Pinto, Ana Fouto, Luísa Alves, Sofia Calado, Carina Gonçalves, Margarida Rebolo, Pedro Vilela, M. Viana-Baptista, Patrícia Figueiredo "Amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in resting-state BOLD-fMRI is associated with cognitive decline in cerebral small vessel disease", Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2019
[56] Joana Pinto, Tânia Charrua, Ana Fouto, Luísa Alves, Sofia Calado, Carina Gonçalves, Margarida Rebolo, M. Viana-Baptista, Pedro Vilela, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Patrícia Figueiredo "Breath-hold BOLD-fMRI cerebrovascular reactivity metrics predict cognitive impairment in cerebral small vessel disease", Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2019
[57] Andreia Gaspar, Aurelien Bustin, Karl Kunze, Radhouene Neji, Teresa Correia, Nuno Silva, Rita Gouveia Nunes, René M. Botnar, Claudia Prieto "Accelerated Carotid 4D flow MRI with Multicontrast HD-PROST Reconstruction", Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada , 2019
[58] Ana Rita Oliveira, Patrícia Figueiredo, Alberto Leal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Thalamo-cortical connectivity in CSWS pediatric patients with unilateral thalamic lesions", Proc. of OHBM - Annual Meeting of the Organization for the Human Brain Mapping Society, Rome, Italy, 2019
[59] S.S. Bhat, C.R. Padma, Tiago Fernandes, M.C.Hanumantharaju, Rita Gouveia Nunes, S. Geethanath "An assessment of noise distribution at ultra low magnetic field strength", ISMRM Accessible MRI Workshop, New Delhi, India, 2019
[60] Ana Rita Oliveira, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Leal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Identification of brain connectivity disruptions due to thalamic lesions in early development using Diffusion-Weighted MRI", Proc. of ENBEBG 2019 - IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019
[61] J. Leote, R. Loução, M. Lauterbach, J. Monteiro, Rita Gouveia Nunes, C. Viegas, A. Perez-Hick , A Silvestre, H. A. Ferreira "Understanding network reorganization after glioma regrowth: comparing connectivity measures from functional magnetic resonance imaging to direct cortical stimulation", Proc. of ENBENG 2019 - IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Lisboa, Portugal, 2019
[62] Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Fachada, Juan L. J. Laredo, Juan Merelo, Pedro Castillo, Agostinho Rosa "Revisiting Population Structure and Particle Swarm Performance", Proc. 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI, Seville, Spain, Vol.1, pp 248-254, 2018
[63] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, Nuno Fachada, J. L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo "Particle swarm and population structure", Proc. of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '18), Hernan Aguirre (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 85-86, 2018
[64] Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Joana Pinto, Luísa Alves, Sofia Calado, Carina Gonçalves, P. Vilela, M. Viana-Baptista, Patrícia Figueiredo "Systematic comparison of DTI metrics as potential biomarkers in cerebral small vessel disease", Proc. of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France , 2018
[65] Joana Pinto, P. Vilela, M. Chappell, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of calibration method on CBF quantification using multiple post-labeling-delay PASL", Proc. of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France, 2018
[66] Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Evaluation of the robustness of MOLLI fitting algorithms for estimating cardiac T1 in the presence of fat partial volume effects",  Proc. of Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB2018, Paris, France, 2018
[67] R. F. Simões, A. F. Ladeira, M. Veloso, R. J. T. Gonçalves, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Gouveia Nunes, J. Graça "QuantemTool – Automated Measurement of Lesion Load and Cerebral Volume from Magnetic Resonance Images in Multiple Sclerosis", MSParis2017 - 7th Joint ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS Meeting, Paris, France, 2017
[68] M. Tavares, S. Reimao, I. Chendo, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Brain Connectivity in First Episode Psychosis – influence of psychotropic drugs", ESMRMB 2017 - 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Barcelona, Spain [E-poster], 2017
[69] Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Performance Comparison of T1-mapping MOLLI Sequence Fitting Algorithms", 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Barcelona, Spain [E-poster e Lightning Talk], 2017
[70] M. Tavares, S. Reimao, I. Chendo, M. A. Carvalho, P. Levy, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Neuromelanin Imaging of the Substantia Nigra in First Episode Psychosis – influence of psychotropic drugs consumption", ESMRMB 2017 - 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Barcelona, Spain [oral presentation], 2017
[71] Ana Fouto, Joana Pinto, Rita Gouveia Nunes, L. Alves, S. Calado, C. Gonçalves, P. Vilela, M. Viana-Baptista, Patrícia Figueiredo "Diffusion weighted imaging biomarkers of cerebral small vessel disease: comparison of CADASIL with sporadic SVD", Proc. of ESMRMB 2017 - 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Barcelona, Spain [Oral and e-poster presentation], 2017
[72] Alexandre Calapez, Rui C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Phase field estimation from single DIC microscopy images using the alternating direction method of multipliers", Proc. of CISP-BMEI 2017 - the 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Shanghai, China, 2017
[73] Carlos Fernandes "Abstracting the Abstract: A Swarm Art Project", Proc. of ARTECH 2017 - 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Macau, China, pp. 171-174, 2017
[74] Carlos Fernandes, Daria Migotina, Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa "Sonification of Sleep EEG", Proc. of ARTECH 2017 - 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Macau, China, pp. 161-164, 2017
[75] J. J. Merelo, P. Castillo, A.M. Mora, M. García-Valdez , C. Cotta, Carlos Fernandes "Self-organized criticality in code repositories", Proc. of ECAL 2017 - 14th European Conference on Artificial Life, Lyon, France, pp. 545-552, 2017
[76] Joana Pinto, Sandro Nunes, M. Bianciardi, A. Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of physiological noise optimization on functional connectivity measures in rs-fMRI at 7T", Proc. of OHBM 2017 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada [Poster presentation], 2017
[77] Rodolfo Abreu, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Mapping epileptic networks by EEG-based selection of fMRI functional connectivity dynamic components", Proc. of OHBM 2017 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada [Poster presentation], 2017
[78] Janir Cruz, O. Favrod, A. Shaquiri, M. Roinishvili, E. Chkonia, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog "Visual backward masking and the schizophrenia spectrum: EEG correlates", Proc. of OHBM 2017 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada [Poster presentation], 2017
[79] Nuno Fachada, Janir Cruz, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog, Agostinho Rosa "A method for detecting statistically significant differences in EEG data", Proc. of OHBM 2017 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada [Poster presentation], 2017
[80] Janir Cruz, J. Thoresen, J. Rodrigues, V. Chicherov, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog, C. Sandi "Social dominance orientation influences the perception of facial expressions", Proc. of VSS 2017 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA [Poster presentation], 2017
[81] Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "Assessing the feasibility of OpenCL CPU implementations for agent-based simulations", Proc. of IWOCL 2017 - 5th International Workshop on OpenCL, Article No. 4, Toronto, Canada, 2017
[82] N. S. Santos, R. P. A. G. Teixeira, J. V. Hajnal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Assessing the Accuracy of T2 and B1+ Maps Estimated from Multi-echo Spin Echo MRI Sequences Using Extended Phase Graph Signal Predictions", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA, 2017
[83] P. Paulino, S. Reimao, L. C. Guedes, M. A. Carvalho, D. Abreu, J. Campos, J. F. Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Neuromelanin and Volumetric Evaluation in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Carrying LRRK2 or GBA Mutations", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA, 2017
[84] M. A. Carvalho, S. Reimao, M. Fabbri, D. Abreu, J. Campos, J. F. Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Evaluation of Neuromelanin-MRI parameters and Volumetric changes with Parkinson’s Disease Progression", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA, 2017
[85] Rita Gouveia Nunes, G. Ferrazzi, A. N. Price, J. Hutter, Andreia Gaspar, M. Rutherford, J. V. Hajnal "Motion-Robust Fetal Brain Imaging using Inner Echo Volumar Imaging", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA, 2017
[86] Joana Pinto, Sandro Nunes, M. Bianciardi, A. Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Region-specific modeling of heart rate and respiratory volume signal contributions in whole-brain high-spatial resolution resting-state fMRI at 7 Tesla", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [E-Poster presentation], 2017
[87] Rodolfo Abreu, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Improved mapping of epileptic networks based on the correlation of BOLD-fMRI dynamic functional connectivity components with simultaneous EEG", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [Oral presentation], 2017
[88] J. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag, R. Gruetter "Mapping and characterization of positive and negative BOLD responses to visual stimulation in multiple regions across the brain at 7T", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [Oral presentation], 2017
[89] N. Saraiva Santos, R. P. A. G. Teixeira, J. V. Hajnal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Assessing the Accuracy of T2 and B1+ Maps Estimated from Multi-echo Spin Echo MRI Sequences Using Extended Phase Graph Signal Predictions", ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [Poster], 2017
[90] P. Paulino, S. Reimao, L. Correia Guedes, M. A. Carvalho, D. Abreu, J. Campos, J. F. Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Neuromelanin and Volumetric Evaluation in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Carrying LRRK2 or GBA Mutations", ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [Poster], 2017
[91] M. A. Carvalho, M. Fabbri, D. Abreu, J. Campos, J. F. Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Evaluation of Neuromelanin-MRI parameters and Volumetric changes with Parkinson’s Disease Progression", ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [Poster], 2017
[92] Rita Gouveia Nunes, G. Ferrazzi, A. N. Price, J. Hutter, Andreia Gaspar, M. Rutherford, J. V. Hajnal "Motion-Robust Fetal Brain Imaging using Inner Echo Volumar Imaging", ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [E-poster], 2017
[93] J. Leote, Rita Gouveia Nunes, R. Loução, L. Cerqueira, H. A. Ferreira "MRI tractography of corticospinal tract in patients with primary brain tumors: an exploratory study comparing deterministic tractography methods using diffusion tensor and kurtosis tensor imaging", Proc. of ECR 2017 - European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, 2017
[94] Joana Pinto, M. Chappell, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of calibration method on CBF multi-session reproducibility using multiple post-labeling-delay pCASL", Proc. of ESMRMB 2016 - 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Vienna, Austria [Oral presentation], 2016
[95] Rodolfo Abreu, A. Leal, F. Lopes da Silva, Patrícia Figueiredo "EEG synchronization measures predict epilepsy-related BOLD-fMRI fluctuations better than commonly used univariate metrics", Proc. of ESMRMB 2016 - 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Vienna, Austria [Oral presentation] [Student stipend], 2016
[96] Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Asynchronous Steady State Particle Swarm", Proc. of GECCO 2016 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2016
[97] Nelson Perdigão, J. Heinrich, C. Stolte, K. Sabir, M. Buckley, B. Tabor, B. Signal, B. S. Gloss, C. J. Hammang, B. Rost, A. Schafferhans, S. O Donoghue "Unexpected Features of the ‘Dark’ Proteome of structural biology", Proc. of 3Dsig 2016 - Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 54-55, 2016
[98] Janir Cruz, M. Roinishvili, E. Chkonia, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog "Apparent compensation mechanisms in first-order relatives of schizophrenia patients in visual backward masking", Proc. of OHBM 2016 - 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland [Poster presentation], 2016
[99] Janir Cruz, V. Chicherov, M. Herzog, Patrícia Figueiredo "A novel automatic pre-processing pipeline for EEG analysis based on robust statistics", Proc. of OHBM 2016 - 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland [Poster presentation], 2016
[100] J. Jorge, F. Grouiller, P. Cotic, W. van der Zwaag, Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Gruetter "Exploring the functional sensitivity of concurrent EEG-fMRI at 7T using simultaneous multislice EPI", Proc. of OHBM 2016 - 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland, 2016
[101] Y. Peng, C. M. Wong, F. Wan, Y. Hu, Agostinho Rosa "Online Optimization of Visual Stimuli for Reducing Fatigue in SSVEP-based BCIs", Proc. of the 6th International BCI Meeting “BCI Past, Present, and Future, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 2016
[102] Y. Peng, C. M. Wong, F. Wan, Y. Hu, Agostinho Rosa "Fatigue Evaluation through EEG Analysis Using Multi-scale Entropy in SSVEP-based BCIs", Proc. of the 6th International BCI Meeting “BCI Past, Present, and Future, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 2016
[103] Janir Cruz, M. Roinishvili, E. Chkonia, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog "Higher N1 responses in relatives of schizophrenia patients than controls in visual backward masking", Proc. of VSS 2016 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, 2016
[104] J. Jorge, F. Grouiller, P. Cotic, W. van der Zwaag, Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Gruetter "EEG-fMRI at 7T using simultaneous multislice 2D-EPI for increased temporal resolution: safety and functional sensitivity at the single-subject level", Proc. of ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore [E-Poster presentation] [Student stipend], 2016
[105] Sandro Nunes, M. Bianciardi, Afonso Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Regional optimization of physiological noise models improves functional connectivity measurements in resting-state fMRI at 7T", Proc. of ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore [E-Poster presentation], 2016
[106] Afonso Dias, M. Bianciardi, Sandro Nunes, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Brain cortical parcellation based on the anisotropy of local spatio-temporal correlation of rs-fMRI at 7T", Proc. of ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore [Poster presentation], 2016
[107] Rodolfo Abreu, Sandro Nunes, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "ECG-derived respiratory signal for physiological noise correction in simultaneous EEG-fMRI for enhanced mapping of epileptic activity", Proc. of ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore, 2016
[108] Joana Pinto, P. Vilela, M. Chappell, Patrícia Figueiredo "Impact of calibration method on the reproducibility of CBF mapping using multiple post-labeling-delay PASL", Proc. of ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore [Oral Presentation and Award: Magma Cum Laude], 2016, 2016
[109] Sandro Nunes, M. Bianciardi, Afonso Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Physiological noise model comparison for resting-state fMRI at 7 T", Proc. of ISBI 2016 - IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[110] Nelson Perdigão, T. Soldatos, K. Sabir, S. O Donoghue "Visual Analytics of Gene Sets Comparison", Proc. of BDVA 2015 - IEEE International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015
[111] Joao Jorge, Frederic Grouiller, Robert Stoermer , Christoph M. Michel, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag, Rolf Gruetter "An optimized setup for simultaneous EEG-fMRI at ultra-high field in a head-only 7T scanner", Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2014), May 2014, Milan, Italy. [Poster presentation], 2015
[112] Rodolfo Abreu, Sandro Nunes, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "ECG-derived Respiratory signal estimation as a tool for physiological noise correction in fMRI", Proc. of OHBM 2015 Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2015
[113] S. O Donoghue, K. Sabir, M. Kalemanov, C. Stolte, B. Wellmann, V. Ho, M. Roos, Nelson Perdigão, F. Buske, J. Heinrich, B. Rost, A. Schafferhans "Aquaria: simplifying discovery and insight from protein structures", Proc. of 3Dsig 2015 - Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 76, 2015
[114] Sandro Nunes, M. Biancardi, A. Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Characterization of physiological noise across brain regions in restingstate fMRI at 7T", Proc. of OHBM 2015 - 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, Hawaii [Poster presentation], 2015
[115] Joana Pinto, João Periquito, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Characterization of the BOLD response across the brain to different breath-holding tasks", Proc. of OHBM 2015 - 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, Hawaii [Poster presentation], 2015
[116] João Periquito, Joana Pinto, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Comparing different models of the BOLD response to breath holding tasks", Proc. of OHBM 2015 - 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, Hawaii [Poster presentation], 2015
[117] Juliana Rodrigues, Sandro Nunes, M. Biancardi, A. Dias, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Mapping the BOLD signal correlates of heart rate variability in resting-state fMRI", Proc. of OHBM 2015 - 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, Hawaii [Poster presentation], 2015
[118] Wenya Nan , Feng Wan , P. I. Mak, P.U. Mak, M. I Vai, Agostinho Rosa "Beta/Theta Neurofeedback Training Effects in Physical Balance of Healthy People", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-12, 2015, Toronto, Canada IFMBE Proceedings, Springer, Volume 51, 2015, pp 1213-1216; Print ISBN 978-3-319-19386-1; Online ISBN 978-3-319-19387-8; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19387-8_294, 2015
[119] Alexandre Domingues, João Sanches "PPG Beat Reconstruction Based on Shape Models and Probabilistic Templates for Signals Acquired with Conventional Smartphones", 7th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2015), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 17-19; Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Lecture Notes in Computer Science, SPRINGER, Volume 9117, 2015, pp 595-602, ISBN: 978-3-319-19389-2 (Print) 978-3-319-19390-8 (Online), 2015
[120] Manya Afonso, João Sanches "Noise Decomposition Using Polynomial Approximation", 7th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2015), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 17-19 ; Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 9117, 2015, pp 157-164, SPRINGER; ISBN: 978-3-319-19389-2 (Print) 978-3-319-19390-8 (Online), 2015
[121] A. Dias, M. Biancardi, Sandro Nunes, Rodolfo Abreu, Juliana Rodrigues, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "Hierarchical parcellation using discrete Morse theory of whole-brain high-resolution resting-state 7T fMRI data", Proc. of ISMRM 2015 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada [E-poster presentation], 2015
[122] Sandro Nunes, M. Biancardi, A. Dias, Rodolfo Abreu, Juliana Rodrigues, L. M. Silveira, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. L. Wald "Subject-specific modeling of physiological noise in resting-state fMRI at 7T", Proc. of ISMRM 2015 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada [Oral presentation], 2015
[123] Rodolfo Abreu, Marco Leite, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Ballistocardiogram artefact correction taking into account background physiological signal preservation in simultaneous EEG-fMRI", Proc. of ISMRM 2015 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada [E-poster presentation], 2015
[124] A. Dias, M. Biancardi, Sandro Nunes, Rodolfo Abreu, Juliana Rodrigues, L. M. Silveira, L. L. Wald, Patrícia Figueiredo "A New Hierarchical Brain Parcellation Method Based on Discrete Morse Theory for Functional MRI Data", Proc. of ISBI 2015 - IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2015
[125] Rodolfo Abreu, Marco Leite, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "STTICS: A Template-Based Algorithm for the Objective Selection of Epilepsy-Related EEG ICA Components", Proc. of ISBI 2015 - IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2015
[126] A. Leitao, A. P. Francisco, Rodolfo Abreu, Sandro Nunes, Juliana Rodrigues, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. L. Wald, M. Biancardi, L. M. Silveira "Techniques for Brain Functional Connectivity Analysis from High Resolution Imaging", Proc. of CompleNet 2015 - 6th Workshop on Complex Networks, NY, USA. Complex Networks VI, Vol. 597 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp 131-138, 2015
[127] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Particle Swarms with Dynamic Topologies and Conservation of Function Evaluations", Proceedings of the Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA)., 2014
[128] Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo "Large functional connectivity network analysis of whole-brain high-resolution resting-state fMRI", Fourth Biennial Conference on Resting State / Brain Connectivity, September 2014, Cambridge, US [Poster presentation], 2014
[129] L. J. Herrera, A. Guillen, H. Pomares, I. Rojas, O. Valenzuela, A. Mora, Carlos Fernandes "Stacked Sequential Learning and Time Series Prediction Approaches for Sleep Stage Classification from Polysomnography Data", ITISE 2014 - International work-conference on Time Series, Granada, Spain, 2014
[130] Teresa Murta, Patrícia Figueiredo, U. Chaudhary, D. W. Carmichael, L. Lemieux "Studying the ECoG PAC strength – BOLD coupling in humans using simultaneously recorded data", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[131] Rita Gouveia Nunes, Teresa Murta, Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Leal "Structural and functional mapping of the seizure propagation pathway in a hypothalamic hamartoma", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[132] Joana Pinto, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamics of the BOLD response to breath-holding and paced deep breathing", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[133] Rodolfo Abreu, Marco Leite, Leal A, Patrícia Figueiredo "Objective template-based selection of EEG ICA epilepsy-related components", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[134] Juliana Rodrigues, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Andrade "Applicability of lag-based measures to fMRI: influence of experimental parameters", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[135] Joao Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag "Intra and cross-modal negative BOLD responses in grey matter regions and large draining veins under contrast-varying visual stimulation", Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2014), May 2014, Milan, Italy, 4204- 81. [Poster presentation], 2014
[136] Juan L. J. Laredo, N. Steinbjorn , D. Grégoire, B. Pascal, Carlos Fernandes "Cooperative Selection: Improving Tournament Selection via Altruism", 14th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation, EvoStar., 2014
[137] Nuno Leite, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "A Shuffled Complex Evolution Based Algorithm for Examination Timetabling – Benchmarks and a New Problem Focusing Two Epochs", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2014), pp. 112-124. SciTePress (2014),, 2014
[138] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. Merelo, Carlos Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Dynamic and Partially Connected ring topologies for Evolutionary Algorithms with Structured Populations", EvoApps 2014 European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Granada, Spain, 2014
[139] M. Leite, K. Friston, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. Lemieux "Fast oscillatory activity: sparse spike synchronization in mean field neural models", Proc. of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience ,San Diego, USA (poster presentation), November , 2013
[140] S. O Donoghue, K. Sabir, C. Stolte, Nelson Perdigão, V. Ho, V. P. Satagopam, M. Kalemanov, M. Roos, D. Ma, B. Rost, A. Schafferhans "From SRS 3D to Aquaria, making protein structures discoverable", Proc. of 3Dsig 2013 - Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics, – Berlin, Germany, pp. 97, 2013
[141] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta "Adapting the Bak-Sneppen Model to a Dynamic and Partially Connected Grid of Hierarchical Species", Proc. of ECAL 2013 - 12th European Conference on Artificial Life, Taormina, Italy, 2013
[142] S. Rothlubbers, V. Relvas, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Reduction of EEG artefacts induced by vibration in the MR-environment", Proc. of EMBC 2013 - 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan (Poster presentation), 2013
[143] V. Relvas, João Sanches, Patrícia Figueiredo "Scalp EEG continuous spatial ERD/ERS quantification", Proc. of IbPRIA 2013 - 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Madeira, Portugal (poster presentation), 2013
[144] M. Rodrigues, Patrícia Figueiredo, João Sanches "A Bayesian approach to perfusion imaging using ASL MRI", Proc. of IbPRIA 2013 - 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Madeira, Portugal (poster presentation), 2013
[145] S. Rothlubbers, V. Relvas, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Characterization and Reduction of MR-Environment-Related EEG artefacts", Proc. of IbPRIA 2013 - 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Madeira, Portugal (poster presentation), 2013
[146] J. Pascualvaca, Carlos Fernandes, A. Guillen, A.M. Mora, Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa, L. J. Herrera "Sleep Stage Classification Using Advanced Intelligent Methods", Proc. of IWANN 2013 - 12th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Tenerife, Spain Advances in Computational Intelligence, LNCS 7902, Springer, July 2013, pp 604-612 , 2013
[147] J. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Gruetter, W. van der Zwaag "Intra and cross-modal negative BOLD responses in grey matter regions and large draining veins under contrast-varying visual stimulation", Proc. of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA (poster presentation), 2013
[148] T. Murta, Patrícia Figueiredo, U. J. Chaudhary, D. W. Carmichael, L. Lemieux "Beta phase influences the coupling between the simultaneously recorded intracranial EEG (icEEG) and Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signals in the motor cortex of humans performing finger tapping", Proc. of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA (poster presentation), 2013
[149] I. Sousa, J. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Characterization of the ASL kinetic response to hypocapnia", Proc. of ESMRMB - 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Toulouse, France, 2013
[150] J. Pinto, I. Sousa, J. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Reproducibility of cerebrovascular reactivity dynamics using breath-hold BOLD fMRI", Proc. of ESMRMB - 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Toulouse, France, 2013
[151] R. Abreu, Rita Gouveia Nunes, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "A multimodal approach combining EEG, fMRI and DTI for mapping epileptic networks", Proc. of ESMRMB - 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Toulouse, France, (E-poster presentation), 2013
[152] R. Nogueras, C. Cotta, Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "An Analysis of a Selecto-Lamarckian Model of Multimemetic Algorithms with Dynamic Self-Organized Topology", Proc. of TPNC 2013 - 2nd International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, LNCS 8273, Springer, December, pp. 205-216, 2013
[153] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, Juan L. J. Laredo, C. Cotta, J. Merelo "Performance and Scalability of Particle Swarms with Dynamic and Partially Connected Grid Topologies", Proc. of IJCCI 2013 - 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 47-55. DOI: 10.5220/0004558600470055, 2013
[154] P. Garcia-Sanchez, M. Garcia-Arenas, A.M. Mora, P. Castillo, Carlos Fernandes, J. G. Penalver, G. R. Lopez, J. J. Merelo, P. de Las Cuevas "Desarrollo de servicios para una Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios para Algoritmos Evolutivos", Proc. of MAEB 2013 - IX Congreso Español sobre Metaheuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, Madrid, Spain, pp. 633-642 , 2013
[155] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "A Study on Time-Varying Partially Connected Topologies for Particle Swarms", Proc. of CEC 2013 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Cancun, Mexico, IEEE Press, pp. 2450-2456; PRINT ISBN 978-1-4799-0453-2, 2013
[156] Carlos Fernandes, A.M. Mora, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Photo rendering with Swarms: From Figurative to Abstract Pherogenic Imaging", Proc. of CICAC 2013 - IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Creativity and Affective Computing, Singapore, IEEE Press, pp. 32-39 , 2013
[157] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Partially Connected Topologies for Particle Swarms", Proc. of GECCO 2013 - 15th Genetic and evolutionary computation conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ACM, pp.11-12, 2013
[158] Juan L. J. Laredo, B. Dorronsoro, Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, P. Bouvry "Oversized Populations and Cooperative Selection: Dealing with Massive Resources in Parallel Infrastructures", Proc. of LION 2013 7th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Catania, Italy, pp. 444-449 , 2013
[159] T. Marcal, J. B. Simoes, J. M. Santos, Agostinho Rosa, J. Cardoso "Snoring Analysis on Full Night Recordings based in the Energy and Entropy in PSG Basal Studies", Proc. of BIOSIGNALS 2013 6th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 221-227. DOI: 10.5220/0004245202210227, 2013
[160] N. Leite, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Multiobjective Memetic Algorithms applied to University Timetabling Problems", Doctoral Consortium, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 29-37. DOI: 10.5220/0004657400290037, 2013
[161] Carlos Fernandes, A.M. Mora, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Foto-renderizacion com Inteligencia de Enjambre", Proc. of MAEB 2013 - IX Congreso Español sobre Metaheuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, Madrid, Spain, pp. 209-218, 2013
[162] Joana Pinto, Joao Jorge, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Spatiotemporal dynamics of the ASL CBF and BOLD in response to breath-holding", Proc. of ESMRMB 2012 - 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Lisbon, Portugal [Oral presentation], 2012
[163] J. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Gruetter, W. van der Zwaag "Intra and cross-modal negative BOLD response to contrast-varying visual stimuli", proc. of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
[164] I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Comparing CBF and BOLD dynamics in response to cued deep breathing", proc. of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
[165] J. Pinto, J. Jorge, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Spatiotemporal dynamics of the ASL CBF and BOLD responses to breath-holding", proc. of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
[166] P. Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling with Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Proc. of BSI 2012 - 7th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, Como, Italy, 2012
[167] M. Leite, U. Chaudhary, R. Rodionov, D. Carmichael, L. Lemieux, Patrícia Figueiredo "EEG spectrum – BOLD correlations in epilepsy", Proc. of HBM 2012 - 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012
[168] M. Sousa, Margarida Silveira, P. Vilela, S. N. Oliveira, Patrícia Figueiredo "ASL perfusion and structural MRI for computer aided diagnosis in dementia", proc. of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
[169] M. Leite, T. Murta, S. Vulliemoz, D. Carmichael, Patrícia Figueiredo, L. Lemieux "Narrow-band artefact correction in multiple-channel acquisitions: application to EEG recorded during fMRI", proc. of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
[170] I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Regional variations of vascular delays during cued deep breathing", proc. of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
[171] P. Osorio, Paulo Rosa, Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre "DCM Model Selection with Multiple Model Kalman Filters", Proc. of HBM 2012 - 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012
[172] J. Pinto, P. Vilela, J. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo "Study of cerebrovascular dynamics using functional MRI", Proc. of RecPad 2012 - 18th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Coimbra, Portugal, 2012
[173] T. Murta, M. Leite, Patrícia Figueiredo "A study on the sensitivity of DCM inferences to haemodynamic variability", Proc. of HBM 2012 - 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012
[174] J. Jorge, P. Vilela, W. van der Zwaag, Patrícia Figueiredo "Improving the characterization of the BOLD response to breath-hold challenges", Proc. of HBM 2012 - 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, 2012
[175] A. Portelo, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Non-invasive CVR assessment using ASL and BOLD", Proc. of ECR 2012 - European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, 2012
[176] Paulo Rosa, Carlos Silvestre, Patrícia Figueiredo "Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF) Model Selection in FMRI Using Kalman Filtering", Proc. of the ACC 2012 - American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2012
[177] C. I. Lou, Daria Migotina, J. P. Rodrigues, J. Semedo, F. Wan, P.U. Mak, M. Vai, Fernando Melicio, J. G. Pereira, Agostinho Rosa "Object Recognition Test in Peripheral Vision: A Study on the Influence of Object Color, Pattern and Shape", Proc. of BI 2012 International Conference on Brain Informatics, Macau, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7670, pp. 18-26, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-35138-9, 2012
[178] Carlos Fernandes, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Controlling the Parameters of the Particle Swarm Optimization with a Self-Organized Criticality", 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7492, pp. 153-163, 2012
[179] N. Leite, R. Neves, N. Horta, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Solving an Uncapacitated Exam Timetabling Problem Instance using a Hybrid NSGA-II", Proc of IJCCI-ECTA 2012 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Application, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
[180] Carlos Fernandes, A.M. Mora, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Towards Swarm Art with KANTS: 2-Dimensional Representations of Sleep EEG with an Ant-based Algorithm", Proc. of ICCS 2012 - International Conference on Complex Systems, Agadir, Morocco, 2012
[181] Carlos Fernandes, J. Laredo, C. Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "A 2-dimensional Self-organized Framework for Structured Population-based Metaheuristics", Proc. of ICCS 2012 - International Conference on Complex Systems, Agadir, Morocco, 2012
[182] Daria Migotina, Agostinho Rosa "Segmentation of Sleep EEG Signal by Optimal Threshold", Proc. of BioMed 2012 - The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Inns bruck, Austria, 2012
[183] Daria Migotina, Alexandre Calapez, Agostinho Rosa "Automatic Artifacts Detection and Classification in Sleep EEG Signals Using Descriptive Statistics and Histogram Analysis: Comparison of Two Detectors", Proc. of SCET 2012 - Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology, Xi'an, China, pp. 26-31, 2012
[184] J. P. Rodrigues, J. D. Semedo, Agostinho Rosa, J. G. Pereira, Fernando Melicio "Peripheral Vision Dynamic test for Athletes", Proc. of BioMed 2012 - The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Inns bruck, Austria, pp. 933-938, 2012
[185] W. Nan, L. Chang, J. P. Rodrigues, F. Wan, M. Vai, Agostinho Rosa "Neurofeedback for the Treatment of Schizophrenia: Case Study", Proc of VECIMS 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human - Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems, Tianjin, China, pp. 78-81, 2012
[186] W. Nan, J. P. Rodrigues, F. Wan, P.U. Mak, P. I. Mak, M. Vai, Agostinho Rosa "A Further Study on Short Term Memory Improvement by Neurofeedback", Proc. of ICBEB 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Macau, 2012
[187] J. Merelo, Carlos Fernandes, A.M. Mora, A. Esparcia-Alcazar "a pool-based framework for evolutionary algorithms using CouchDB", Proc. of GECCO 2012 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 109116, 2012
[188] Carlos Fernandes, J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Pherogenic Drawings: Generating Colored 2-Dimensional Abstract Representations of Sleep EEG with the KANTS Clustering Algorithm", Proc. of IJCCI-ECTA 2012 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 72-80. SciTePress, 2012
[189] Carlos Fernandes, J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Using Self-Organized Criticality for Adjusting the Parameters of a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm", Proc. of IJCCI-ECTA 2012 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 62-71. SciTePress, 2012
[190] Carlos Fernandes, J. Merelo, F. Fernandez, Agostinho Rosa "Particle swarm with self-organized criticality", Proc. of GECCO 2012 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 1397-1398, 2012
[191] Carlos Fernandes, J. Merelo, F. Fernandez, Agostinho Rosa "Generating colored 2-dimensional representations of sleep EEG with the KANTS clustering algorithm", Proc. of GECCO 2012 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 435-442, 2012
[192] J. Merelo, A.M. Mora, Carlos Fernandes, A. Esparcia-Alcazar "Validating design choices in a pool-based distributed evolutionary algorithms architecture", Proc. of GECCO 2012 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 435-442, 2012
[193] J. Laredo, B. Dorronsoro, J. Pecero, P. Bouvry, J. Durillo, Carlos Fernandes "Designing a Self-Organized Approach for Scheduling Bags-of-Tasks", Proc. of 3PGCIC 2012 7th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Victoria, Canada, pp. 315-320, 2012
[194] J. Merelo, A. Mora, Carlos Fernandes, A. Esparcia-Alcazar, J. Laredo "Pool vs. island based evolutionary algorithms: an initial exploration", Proc. of 3PGCIC 2012 7th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Victoria, Canada, pp. 19-24, 2012
[195] Carlos Fernandes, J. Laredo, Agostinho Rosa, J. Merelo "Estudio y Optimizacion de un Operador de Mutacion para Algoritmos Geneticos Basado en la Teoria de la Criticalidad Auto-Organizada", Proc. of MAEB 2012 - VIII Congreso Español sobre Metaheuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, Albacete, Spain, 2012
[196] A. Fernandez-Ares, A.M. Mora, P. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Merelo, Carlos Fernandes "Optimizacion Evolutiva de Bots Para el Juego Planet Wars", Proc. of MAEB 2012 - VIII Congreso Español sobre Metaheuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, Albacete, Spain, 2012
[197] M. Sousa, Margarida Silveira, P. Vilela, S. Nunes de Oliveira, Patrícia Figueiredo "Classificacao de AD e DCL com base em imagens estruturais ponderadas em T1 e de perfusao por ASL", Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurorradiologia, Porto, Portugal, 2011
[198] I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamics of CBF and BOLD responses to a Cued Deep Breathing paradigm", Proc. of ISMRM 2011 - 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2011
[199] M. Leite, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "A voxelwise study of the HRF during epileptic seizures", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[200] M. Leite, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Using EEG metrics to predict BOLD fMRI data in epilepsy", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[201] T. Murta, A. Leal, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamic Causal Modelling of EEG-fMRI data of epileptic seizures", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[202] M. Narsude, J. P. Marques, J. P. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo "Correlated noise correction in 2D and 3D fMRI at 7 Tesla", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[203] Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Andrade, J. Rodrigues, H. Fernandes "Effect of TR on a spectral effective connectivity fMRI study", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[204] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "HRF Model Selection in fMRI using Multiple-Model Kalman Filters", Proc. of HBM 2011 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada, 2011
[205] I. Tom, D. Zhang, W. Nan, M. Yen, V. Mang, Agostinho Rosa "Cardiovascular characterization of Snorers", Proc. of Computing in Cardiology, Hangzhou, China, 2011
[206] J. P. Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag, M. Narsude, J. P. Marques "Sources of signal fluctuations in single-shot 2D EPI and segmented 3D EVI acquisitions for fMRI at 7T", Proc. of ISMRM 2011 - 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2011
[207] David Afonso, Patrícia Figueiredo, João Sanches "Automatic Hyper-Parameter estimation in fMRI", Proc. of IbPRIA 2011 - 5th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2011
[208] N. Santos, João Sanches, Patrícia Figueiredo "Spatial priors for perfusion and transit time estimation in PASL-MRI", Proc. of ISBI 2011 - 10th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Chicago, USA, 2011
[209] C. Cabral, Margarida Silveira, Patrícia Figueiredo "Decoding visual stimuli using classifier ensembles with optimized feature selection", Proc. of ISBI 2011 - 10th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Chicago, USA, 2011
[210] N. Santos, João Sanches, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "A Total Variation spatial prior for the estimation of perfusion and transit time maps in PASL-MRI", Proc. of ISMRM 2011 - 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2011
[211] L. J. Herrera, A.M. Mora, Daria Migotina, Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes "Symbolic Representation of EEG for Sleep Stage Classification", Proc. of ISDA 2011 - 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cordoba, Spain, 2011
[212] Daria Migotina, C. Isidoro, Agostinho Rosa "Brain Art: Abstract Visualization of Sleeping Brain", Proc. of GA 2011 - 14th Generative Art Conference, Rome , Italy, 2011
[213] A. F. Ares, A.M. Mora, P. A. Castillo, J. J. Merelo, P. G. Sanchez, Carlos Fernandes "Optimizing the Parameters of a Real-time Strategy Bot using Real-valued Evolutionary Algorithms", Proc. of CEC 2011 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, New Orleans, USA, 2011
[214] A. F. Ares, A. Mora, J. J. Merelo, P. G. Sanchez, Carlos Fernandes "Optimizing Strategy Parameters in a Game Bot", Proc. of IWANN 2011 - 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Advances on Computational Intelligence), Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, 2011
[215] A. Portelo, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Reproducibility of non-invasive CVR measurements using ASL and BOLD", Proc. of the 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Leipzig, Germany, 2011
[216] Carlos Fernandes, C. F. Lima, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. L. Gimenez, Agostinho Rosa, J. J. Merelo "An Ant-based Rule for UMDAs Update Strategy", Proc. of ECAL 2009 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, Budapest, Hungary, 2011
[217] A. Portelo, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Avaliacao nao-invasiva da vaso-reactividade cerebral por BOLD fMRI", Proc. of VII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurorradiologia, Amadora, Portugal, 2011
[218] Carlos Fernandes, C. Isidoro, F. Barata, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "From Pherographia to Color Pherographia Color Sketching with Artificial Ants", Proc. of CEC 2011 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, New Orleans, USA, 2011
[219] I. Sousa, A. Portelo, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Avaliacao nao-invasiva por ressonancia magnetica das variacoes do metabolismo cerebral de O2", Proc. of VII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurorradiologia, Amadora, Portugal, 2011
[220] Patrícia Figueiredo, João Sanches, N. Santos "Bayesian optimization of perfusion and transit time estimation in PASL-MRI", Proc. of EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010 - PDF
[221] H. Fernandes, A. Andrade, G. Santos, Patrícia Figueiredo "Temporal Representation of fMRI Time Series in Rest Connectivity Studies", Proc. of HBM 2010 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
[222] J. Jorge, J. Marques, W. van der Zwaag, Patrícia Figueiredo "Signal fluctuations in 2D and 3D fMRI at 7 Tesla", Proc. of RecPad 2010 - 16th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vila Real, Portugal, 2010
[223] Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Leal "Investigation of seizure propagation using EEG-fMRI and dynamic causal modelling", Proc. of ISMRM 2010 - 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010
[224] Patrícia Figueiredo, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, M. Pimentel "Localization of the hand motor area using BOLD and ASL fMRI", Proc. of ISMRM 2010 - 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010
[225] Patrícia Figueiredo, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, M. Pimentel "Correction of partial volume effects in PASL perfusion measurements", Proc. of ISMRM 2010 - 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010
[226] Patrícia Figueiredo, T. Murta, A. Leal "Study of seizure propagation in EEG-fMRI data of an epilepsy patient with a giant hypothalamic hamartoma", Proc.of RecPad 2010 - 16th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vila Real, Portugal, 2010
[227] Patrícia Figueiredo, João Sanches, M. Leite, A. Leal "Improved EEG-fMRI integration in epilepsy", Proc. of RecPad 2010 - 16th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vila Real, Portugal, 2010
[228] Daria Migotina, Agostinho Rosa, A. L. N. Fred "Automatic K-complex detection using Hjorth parameters and fuzzy decision", ACM SAC 2010 25thACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, 2010
[229] J. P. M. Rodrigues, Daria Migotina, Agostinho Rosa "EEG Training Platform; improving brain-computer Interface and cognitive skills", Proc. of HIS 2010 5th International Conference on Human System Interaction, Gdansk, Poland, 2010
[230] D. Calcada, Agostinho Rosa, L. C. Duarte, Vitor Lopes "Comparison of GA and PSO Performance in Parameter Estimation of Microbial Growth Models: A Case-Study Using Experimental Data", Proc. of CEC - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
[231] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, J. J. Merelo "Investigation Replacement Strategies for the Adaptive Dissortative Mating Genetic Algorithm", Proc. of IJCCI-ICEC 2010 - 2rd International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Valencia, Spain, 2010
[232] J. J. Merelo, A.M. Mora, J. L. J. Laredo, P. A. Castillo, Carlos Fernandes "Optimizing Evolutionary Algorithms at Program Level", Proc. of META 2010 - International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Djerba Island, Tunisia, 2010
[233] A.M. Mora, Carlos Fernandes, L. J. Herrera, P. A. Castillo, Agostinho Rosa, J. J. Merelo "Automatic Sleep Classification Procedure Using Wavelet Based Feature Extraction", Proc. of META 2010 - International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Djerba Island, Tunisia, 2010
[234] J. P. Rodrigues, J. D. Semedo, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Peripheral Vision Pattern Detection Dynamic Test", Proc. of ICEIS 2010 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Beijing, China, 2010 - PDF
[235] A.M. Mora, Carlos Fernandes, L. J. Herrera, P. A. Castillo, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Sleeping with Ants, SVMs, Multilayer Perceptrons and SOMs", Proc. ISDA 2010 - 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
[236] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "Multiple-Model Set-Valued Observers: A new tool for HRF model selection in fMRI", Proc. of EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1:5704-7, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
[237] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "On the distinguishability of HRF models in fMRI", Proc. of EMBC 2010 - 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1:5677-80, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
[238] Patrícia Figueiredo, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo Rosa "Nonlinear HRF model identification using multiple model set valued observers", Proc. of HBM 2010 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
[239] C. Saiote, J. Silva, C. Gomes, M. Lauterbach, S. Reimao, Patrícia Figueiredo "Parametric fMRI correlates of multiple face orientations", Proc. of HBM 2010 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
[240] Patrícia Figueiredo, João Sanches, David Afonso "Parameter free Bayesian activity detection in fMRI", Proc. of HBM 2010 - 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
[241] João Sanches, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Bayesian Fisher Information Criterion for Sampling Optimization in ASL-MRI", Proc. of ISBI 2010 - 10th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2010
[242] I. Sousa, João Sanches, M. Pimentel, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Challenges for non-invasive brain perfusion quantification using ASL", Proc. of the XIX Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Bologna, Italy, 2010
[243] P. Vilela, M. Pimentel, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Quantification of perfusion changes during a motor task using ASL", Proc. of the XIX Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Bologna, Italy, 2010
[244] Carlos Fernandes, J. L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, F. Rojas, Agostinho Rosa "A Self-Organized Criticality Online Adjustment of Genetic Algorithms Mutation Rate", Proc. of Self* 2010 Workshop on Self-Tuning, Self-Configuring and Self-Generating Search Heuristics (PPSN Conference), Krakow, Poland, 2010
[245] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, F. Barata, Agostinho Rosa "Artificial Life Model of Dengue Host-Vector Disease Propagation", Proc. of IJCCI 2009 - 1st International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, pp. 243-247, 2009
[246] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, Agostinho Rosa "Simulating antigenic drift and shift in influenza A", Proc. of SAC 2009 - 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Special Track on Advances in Computer Simulation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2009
[247] Vitor Lopes, J. Silva, C. Silva, R. Martins "Yeast metabolic state identification by fiber optics spectroscopy", Proc. of BioSignals 2009 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Porto, Portugal, p.12 , ISBN: 978-989-8111-65-4, 2009
[248] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, C. Gagne "Improving Genetic Algorithms Performance via Deterministic Population Shrinkage", Proc. of GECCO 2009 - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2009
[249] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, F. Barata, Agostinho Rosa "Agent-based model of Dengue Disease Transmission by Aedes aegypti Populations", Proc. of ECAL 2009 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
[250] P. Vilela, M. Pimentel, R. Gouveia, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Funcional MRI: motor activation area evaluation by cerebral blood flow variation using ASL", Sinapse 9 (2): 117-118, Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 2009
[251] C. A. Gomes, M. Mendes, Patrícia Figueiredo "Perceptual learning for multiple face orientations", Proc. of ECVP 2009 - 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany, 2009
[252] P. Cruz, J. Teixeira, Patrícia Figueiredo "Reproducibility of a rapid visual brain mapping protocol", Proc. of HBM 2009 - 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, USA, 2009
[253] R. Lemos, Patrícia Figueiredo, J. Caldas, M. Cunha, J. Isidoro, J. Pedroso Lima, M. Castelo-Branco, I. Santana "Brain Perfusion SPECT in patients with MCI: comparison with visual function assessment", Proc. of ICAD 2009 - International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Vienna, Austria, 2009
[254] M. Pimentel, P. Vilela, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Evaluation of the motor brain activation by magnetic resonance imaging using blood oxygen level dependent and arterial spin-labeling techniques", Acta Medica Portuguesa 22 (2): 139,Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurorradiologia, Aveiro, Portugal, 2009
[255] P. Vilela, M. Pimentel, I. Sousa, Patrícia Figueiredo "Arterial spin labelling for functional MRI using a motor task", Proc. of the 34th European Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece, 2009
[256] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation of immune system response to bacterial challenge", Proc. of ESM 2008 - 22nd European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Universite du Havre, Le Havre, France, 2008
[257] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes, C. Lima "UMDA for Dynamic Optimization Problems", Proc. of GECCO 2008 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 399-406, 2008
[258] Agostinho Rosa, Vitorino Ramos, Carlos Fernandes, J. Merello "A Self-organized Criticality Mutation Operator for Dynamic Optimization Problems", Proc. of GECCO 2008 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 937-944, 2008
[259] Carlos Fernandes, C. Lima "Investigating Restricted Tournament Replacement in ECGA for Non-Stationary Environments", Proc. of GECCO 2008 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 439-446, 2008
[260] Agostinho Rosa, Carlos Fernandes, J. Merelo "Tracking Extrema in Dynamic Fitness Landscapes with Dissortative Mating Genetic Algorithm", Proc. of HIS 2008 - 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 59-64, 2008
[261] Carlos Fernandes, Juan L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, A.M. Mora, P. A. Castillo "Addressing Churn in a Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithm", Proc. of PACT 2008 - The 17th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Toronto, Canada, 2008
[262] Agostinho Rosa, Nelson Perdigão "Java Hidden Markov Model applied to Multiple Sequence Alignment of Proteins", Proc. of ISIB08 5th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, Leucorea, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, 2008
[263] R. Martins, A. Andrade, Patrícia Figueiredo "Slice timing correction in BOLD fMRI data", Proc. of HBM 2008 - 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Melbourne, Australia, 2008
[264] Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Lemos, I. Santana, M. Van Asselen, S. Simoes, M. Castelo-Branco "Specific dorsal and ventral visual stream deficits in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimers Disease", Proc. of Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC, USA, 2008
[265] Agostinho Rosa, Vitorino Ramos, Carlos Fernandes, A. Ajith "Computational Chemotaxis in Ants and Bacteria over Dynamic Environments", Proc. of CEC 2007 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Singapore, pp. 1109-1117 , 2007
[266] Hongfei Gong, A. DeGaetano, L. C. Harrington "A Climate Based Mosquito Population Model", Proc. of WCECS 2007 - The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, USA, 2007
[267] A. A. Vicente, R. C. Martins, S. C. Borges, R. N. Pereira, Vitor Lopes "Monitoring goat milk quality during pasteurisation and ohmic treatment using un-vis-swnir spectroscopy", Proc. of CIGR'07 Section VI - 3rd International Symposium on Food and Agricultural Products: Processing and Innovations, Naples, Italy, 2007
[268] Vitor Lopes, A. A. Vicente, R. C. Martins, J. A. Teixeira "Computational shelf-life dating framework: A complex systems approach for scenario-driven simulations", Proc. of IBERGRID 2007 - 1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference, Scientific Computing Series, Santiago de Compstela, Spain, pp. 397-400, 2007
[269] Agostinho Rosa, Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes "Agent based modelling and simulation of the immune system: a review", Proc. of EPIA 2007 - 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2007
[270] Vitor Lopes, A. C. Ferreira, R. C. Martins, F. Bento, D. Geraldo, A. Rodrigues, A. Silva, C. Oliveira, P. Pinho "Oxidation management of white wines", Proc. of OENO 2007 - 8th International Symposium of Enology, Bordeaux, France, 2007
[271] Agostinho Rosa, Vitorino Ramos, Carlos Fernandes "Stigmergic Optimization in Dynamic Binary Landscape", Proc. of ACM SAC2007 - The 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Seoul, Korea, ACM/SIGAPP press, pp. 747-748, 2007
[272] Agostinho Rosa, Vitorino Ramos, Carlos Fernandes "Binary Ant Algorithm", Proc. GECCO2007 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press, London, UK , pp. 41-48, 2007
[273] Agostinho Rosa, Nelson Perdigão, Daria Migotina "Evolutionary Algorithm for Phylogenetic Tree Construction", Proc. of MCCMB2007 - 3rd Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, pp. 248-249, Moscow State University, Russia, 2007
[274] Patrícia Figueiredo, I. Santana, J. Teixeira, C. Cunha, E. Machado, E. Almeida, F. Sales, M. Castelo-Branco "Visual memory reorganization in right medial temporal lobe pathology", Proc. of HBM 2007 - 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, USA, 2007
[275] Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Cavaco, I. Almeida, M. Van Asselen, J. Massano, C. Cunha, E. Machado, I. Santana, M. Castelo-Branco "Dissociable memory impairments after selective bilateral fornix damage", Proc. of the 2007 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, 2007
[276] Agostinho Rosa, Rui Tavares, Hongfei Gong, J. Silva, V. Dias "Optimization of Population Density Model of Olive Fly (Bactrocera oleae) by Genetic Algorithms", Proc. ECSS 2006 - Evolutionary Computation & Simulation Symposium, pp. 181-188. ISBN 1-56555-303-9, 2006
[277] Agostinho Rosa, José Malaquias, C. Correia "A Small-World Model of the Human Mind", Proc. of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Vol. 1, pp. 15-22, 2006
[278] J. P. Marques, Patrícia Figueiredo, F. Sales, M. Castelo-Branco "On the usage of ICA decomposition of EEG signal for fMRI processing", Proc. of the 7th European congress on Epileptomology, Helsinki, Finland, 2006
[279] Patrícia Figueiredo, J. Teixeira, J. Xavier, I. Santana, M. Castelo-Branco "Modulation of activity throughout visual cortex during episodic memory retrieval", Proc.of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Florence, Italy, 2006
[280] J. P. Marques, F. Sales, M. Castelo-Branco, Patrícia Figueiredo "An ICA based method to process simultaneous EEG-fMRI in Epilepsy", Proc. of ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2006
[281] Agostinho Rosa, Cristian Munteanu, Rogério Largo "CAP Event Detection by Wavelet and GA Tuning", Proc of WISP 2005 - IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, Faro, Portugal , 2005
[282] Agostinho Rosa, João Caldeira, Fernando Melicio "Solving real school timetabling problems with metaheuristics", Proc. of AMCOS 2005 - 4th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, pp. 130-137, 2005
[283] Nelson Perdigão, Daria Migotina, Agostinho Rosa "Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiple Sequence Alignment", Proc. of MCCMB2005 - 2nd Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, pp. 291-293, Moscow State University, Russia, 2005
[284] Patrícia Figueiredo, I. Santana, E. Machado, C. Cunha, A. Pinto, M. Castelo-Branco "Dissociating the neural correlates of verbal and visual episodic memory in normal subjects and in patients with medial temporal lobe pathology", Program No. 191.12. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC, USA. Society for Neuroscience, 2005. Online, 2005
[285] Patrícia Figueiredo, E. Machado, I. Santana, M. Castelo-Branco "Retrieval of abstract line drawings modulates activity in retinotopic visual areas", Proc. of the 28th Annual Meeting: European Conference on Visual Perception, A Coruña, Espanha, 2005
[286] G. Burke, S. Manson, Patrícia Figueiredo, N. Davies, J. A. Palace, P. M. Matthews "Effect of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on cerebral blood flow in patients with multiple sclerosis", Clinical Neurosciences 2005 Meeting. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 77 (1): 023, 2005
[287] João Caldeira, Fernando Melicio, Agostinho Rosa "Using a Hybrid Evolutionary-Taboo Algorithm to Solve the JobShop Problem", Proc. ACM SAC 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2004
[288] C. Conceicao, J. Costa, Agostinho Rosa "Drowsiness Detection on Electroencephalogram Using Evolutionary Algorithms", Proc. IASTED ICBE - Bio Med, Austria, 2004
[289] Fernando Melicio, João Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "Two neighbourhood approaches to the timetabling problem", Proceedings PATAT, LNCS, 2004
[290] Nelson Perdigão, J. Martins, E. Pires, P. Dinis, S. Domingues "Surgical correction of scoliosis by the Resina-Alves method: numerical simulation of a clinical case", Proc. of the International Congress on Computacional Bioengineering in Zaragoza Spain, Vol. 2, pp. 471-476, M.Doblare, M. Cerrolaza, H. Rodrigues (Eds.), 2003
[291] Hongfei Gong, Fernando Contreiras, Nuno Costa, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation model of olive fly population dynamics and Adaptation by Genetic Algorithms", Proc IASTED IC on ASM, pp 169-174, 2003
[292] A. V. Cruz, A. C. Pimentel, C. C. Rosa, Agostinho Rosa "Characterization of Yogi Meditation Stages by EEG", Proc. BioMED2003 - IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 27-32, 2003
[293] Agostinho Rosa "Application of Evolutionary Computating to Games and Schedulling", Proc. MTPT2003 - Workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Tomar, Portugal, pp. 281-312, 2003
[294] Rogério Largo, Agostinho Rosa "Sleep EEG Processing with Wavelets", Proc. BioEng2003 - 7th Portuguese Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003
[295] Pedro Gouveia, Ricardo Oliveira, Agostinho Rosa "Sleep Apnea related micro arousal detection with EEG Analysis", Proc. BioEng2003 - 7th Portuguese Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003
[296] T. Tjandra, Patrícia Figueiredo, R. Wise, P. Matthews, I. Tracey "Comparison of repeatability of BOLD and perfusion measurements of brain activity", Proc. oh the 9th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, New York, USA, 2003
[297] Atila Neves, Osvaldo Brasão, Agostinho Rosa "Learning the Risk board Game with Classifier Systems", Proc. ACM SAC’02, pp 585-589, 2002
[298] Tito Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Representation, Recognition and Reconstruction of Objects through a Features Network", Proc. IJCNN WCCI - 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp 1602-1607, 2002
[299] Tito Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Visual Objects Representation using Features Network", WSES - ICJNN 02, Interlaken, 2002
[300] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Adaptive Reservoir Genetic Algorithm: Convergence Analysis", WSES EC 02, Interlaken, 2002
[301] Carlos Fernandes, João Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "Infected Genes Evolutionary Algorithm for School Timetabling", WSES EC 02, Interlaken, 2002
[302] Patrícia Figueiredo, S. Clare, P. Jezzard "Issues in Quantitative Perfusion and Arterial Transit Time Mapping using Pulsed AST", Proc. of the 10th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Honolulu, USA, p.623, 2002
[303] Hongfei Gong, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation of Olive Fly Development Using Artificial Life Technic", Proc. CIMCA 2001, pp 614-620, ISBN:0858898470, 2001
[304] Carlos Fernandes, Rui Tavares, Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Assortative Mating in Genetic Algorithms: Vector Quantization Problems", Proc. ACM SAC 2001, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 361-365, ACM ISBN 1-58113-287-5, 2001
[305] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Evolutionary Image Enhancement with User Behaviour Modeling", Proc. of ACM - SAC2001, Las Vegas: NV, USA, pp. 316-320, ACM ISBN 1-58113-287-5, 2001
[306] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Evolving Order Statistics Filters for Image Enhancement", Proc. of ICANNGA’01, Springer Verlag, pp. 288-291, ISBN 3-211-83651-9, 2001
[307] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa "A Study on Non-random Mating and Variable Population Size in Genetic Algorithms using Royal road Function", Proc. IEEE CEC 2001, Seoul, South Korea, pp:60-66. Premio Jovem Investigador IEEE-ICEC, 2001
[308] A. Grilo, A. Caetano, Agostinho Rosa "Agent Based Artificial Immune System", Proc. Gecco, LBP, pp 145-151, 2001
[309] Rui Tavares, Agostinho Rosa "Biased Genotype Variation in Evolutionary Algorithms using Phenotype Information", Proc Gecco, LBP, pp 421-428, 2001
[310] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Color Image Enhancement using Evolutionary Principles and Retinex Theory of Color Constancy", in Neural Networks for Signal Processing XI: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop, IEEE Press, ISBN 0-7803-7196-8, pp. 393 -402, 2001
[311] A. Grilo, A. Caetano, Agostinho Rosa "Immune System Modeling through Adaptive Complex System Model", 6th Online World Conference on Soft Computing and Industrial Applications 2001-WSC6. Pap:043, 2001
[312] Agostinho Rosa, Nuno Lopes, Pedro Silva "Lift Control using Evolutionary Algorithm", Proc NTCC 2001, pp 221-226, HongKong, PR China, 2001
[313] Patrícia Figueiredo, Y. Zhang, S. Smith, P. Jezzard "Accounting for Partial Volume Effects in Perfusion Measurements using AST Techniques", Proc. of the 9th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Glasgow, UK, p.1567, 2001
[314] M. Marques, V. Oliveira, Agostinho Rosa "Music Composition using Genetic Evolutionary Algorithm", Proc CEC2000, San Diego, USA, pp: 714-719, 2000
[315] Ernesto Soares, Cleide Costa, David Palma, Agostinho Rosa "Cell Cluster Dynamics Simulator", Proc 6th Congresso Nacional de Mecanica Aplicada e Computacional, Aveiro, 2000
[316] Andre David, Paulo Aguiar, Sandra Paulo, Agostinho Rosa "EEG Solver-Brain Activity and Genetic Algorithms", Proc. ACM SAC 2000, Villa Colmo, Italy, pp 80-84, 2000
[317] Carlos Fernandes, Rui Tavares, Agostinho Rosa "Outbreeding in Genetic Algorithms", Proc. ACM SAC 2000, Villa Colmo, Italy. pp 477-482, 2000
[318] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Towards Automatic Images Enhancement using Genetic Algorithms", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC2000, La Jolla San Diego, USA, vol. 2, pp. 1535-1542, ISBN 0-7803-6375-2, 2000
[319] Cristian Munteanu, Agostinho Rosa "Symmetrical Building Blocks and the Simple Inversion Operator", AAAI Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference-GECCO2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Morgan Kaufman Publ., pp.365, ISBN 1-55860-708-0 , 2000
[320] Patrícia Figueiredo, P. Jezzard "Optimisation of QUIPSS II Perfusion Imaging at 3 Tesla", Proc. of the 6th Annual Meeting of the British Chapter of the ISMRM, Liverpool, UK, p.45, 2000
[321] L. Bento, L. Pereira, Agostinho Rosa "Mastermind by Evolutionary Algorithms", Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 307-311, 1999
[322] R. Tavares, Paulo Silva, A. Teofilo, Agostinho Rosa "Infected Gene Evolutionary Algorithm", Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 333-338, 1999
[323] Carlos Fernandes, João Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "High School Weekly Timetabling by Evolutionary Algorithms", Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 344-350, 1999
[324] J. Araujo, P. Bernardo, Agostinho Rosa "A Genetic Learning Algorithm applied to Financial Forecasting", Proc. of the 14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control - IFAC, Vol. M, pp. 117-121 , 1999
[325] A. Relogio, E. Soares, Carlos Cotta, Agostinho Rosa "Brain Tumor Growth Simulation by Cellular Agent", Proc. of ISAS'99 - Adaptive Systems, pp. 228-235, 1999
[326] A. Tang, A. Moura, Agostinho Rosa "Using Genetic Algorithms in the Game Five-in-Line", Proc. of ISAS'99 - Adaptive Systems, pp. 167-173, 1999
[327] Agostinho Rosa "Simulation of Human Electroencephalogram", Proc. of SEMNI 99, "Simulation and Numerical Modelling", pp. 1-11, 1999
[328] P. Mendes, J. Menano, Agostinho Rosa "Traffic Simulation in Large Scale Systems", Proc. ICEIS'99, Setubal, pp. 761, 1999
[329] Carlos Fernandes, João Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "Evolutionary Algorithm for School Timetabling", Proc. of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO, Vol. 2, pp. 1777, 1999
[330] C. Mota, H. Ferreira, Agostinho Rosa "Independent and Simultaneous Evolution of Sleep Classifier based in Fuzzy Logic", Proc. of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO, Vol. 2, pp. 1622-1629, 1999
[331] J. C. Costa "Artificial Life Model of Downy Mildew of the Grapevine", Proc. GECCO' 99, Graduate Student Workshop, pp. 346-347, 1999
[332] Carlos Fernandes, Rui Tavares, Agostinho Rosa "NiGA VaPS – A non-incest extension to the Genetic Algorithm with Varying Population Size", Proceedings of Evonet Summer School 99, Antwerp, Belgium, 1999
[333] Ivan Pinto, Vitor Monteiro, Agostinho Rosa "Distributed Genetic Algorithm DLL", IEEE SMC 99, vol. VI, pp 683-688, Tokyo, 1999
[334] Joao Costa, Rui Tavares, Agostinho Rosa "An Experimental Study on Dynamic Random Variation of Population Size", IEEE SMC 99, vol. VI, pp 607-612, Tokyo, 1999
[335] Susana Oliveira, Pedro Goncalves, Agostinho Rosa "Hypnos Sleep EEG analyser", IEEE SMC 99, vol. VI, pp 376-381, Tokyo, 1999
[336] Bernardo Motta, Paulo Inacio, Agostinho Rosa "Simulacao da Evacuacao de um Edificio em Chamas", 4º Encontro do Colegio de Engenharia Electrotecnica - ENCEE, pp. 27-33, 1999
[337] Elvino Rodrigues, Egidio Rodrigues, Agostinho Rosa "Gestor de Trafego de Elevadores", Actas do 4º Encontro do Colegio de Engenharia Electrotecnica - ENCEE, pp. 34-42, 1999
[338] Alberto Vale, Nuno Antunes, Agostinho Rosa "Algoritmos Geneticos na Procura de Raizes de Funcoes", 4º Encontro do Colegio de Engenharia Electrotecnica - ENCEE, pp. 21-26, 1999
[339] J. Allen Lima, Agostinho Rosa "Maximum Likelihood Based Classification for the Microestructure of Human Sleep", SAC´98, Biomedical Engineering Track, Proc. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 98, Atlanta, pp. 60-68, 1998
[340] Nelson Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Discrete-time equivalents of linear systems driven by white noise", Signal processing IX, Theories and Applications, Vol. 4, pp. 2385-2388, Eurasip, 1998
[341] F. Melicio, P. Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "Implementation Aspects of Simulated Annealing on Timetabling", ICSSS, Beijing. Aceite, 1998
[342] N. Silva, H. Macedo, Agostinho Rosa "Evolutionary Fuzzy Neural Networks: Application to Function Aproximation", Proc. RecPad 98, Lisboa, pp. 253-260, 1998
[343] N. Silva, H. Macedo, Agostinho Rosa "Evolutionary Fuzzy Neural Networks: Automatic Design of Rule Based Controllers of Nonlinear Delayed Systems", Proc. FUZZY-IEEE´98, WCCI´98, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Anchorage, Alaska, pp 1271-1276, 1998
[344] João Caldeira, Agostinho Rosa "School Timetabling using Genetic Search", Proc. PATAT´97, 2nd International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, Toronto, Canada, pp. 115-122, 1997
[345] N. Silva, H. Macedo, Agostinho Rosa "Adaptive Structure Learning of Neural-Fuzzy Systems: application to function aproximation", Proc. EUFIT´97, 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, pp. 1094-1098, 1997
[346] P. M. A. Ferreira, T. L. S. Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Controlo Activo de Ruido", Proc. TecniAcustica 97, Oviedo, pp. 191-194, 1997
[347] Agostinho Rosa, L. Mourinha, C. Gomes, F. Alves, J. C. Costa "PALM, Modelo Epidemiologico do Mildio da Videira", Proceedings do IV Encontro Nacional de Proteccao Integrada, Angra do Heroismo, Acores. Em publicacao, 1997
[348] J. Allen Lima, N. Gracias, Agostinho Rosa "Fitness Function Design for Genetic Algorithms in Cost Evaluation Based Problems", Proc. IEEE - Int. Conf. Evolutionary Computation, ICEC´96, pp. 207-212, 1996
[349] N. Gracias, J. Allen Lima, M. Figueiredo, A. Fred "Adaptive Contour Estimation with Genetic Algorithms", Proc. IEEE - SMC´96, pp. 2265-2269, 1996
[350] Nelson Martins, Agostinho Rosa "EEG Non-Stationary Spectrum Analysis and feature Extraction", IEEE - Systems Man and Cybernetics, Beiging, PRC. SMC´96, pp. 881-886, 1996
[351] Nelson Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Filter Estimation and EEG Modelling", Proc. BioEng-96, pp. II.3.I-5, 1996
[352] H. Pereira, C. Marques, J. Allen Lima, N. Gracias, Agostinho Rosa "Remote Control of EEG Acquisition", Proc. BioEng-96, pp. VII.5.I-5, 1996
[353] H. Pereira, N. Gracias, J. Allen Lima, Agostinho Rosa "Solving the XOR Problem using Genetic Algorithms and Unsupervised Learning", Proc. World Congress Neural Networks, WCNN´96, San Diego, USA, pp. 568-573, INNS Press, 1996
[354] L. Rodrigues, M. Prado, P. Tavares, K. Silva, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation and Control of Biped Locomotion, GA Optimization", Proc. IEEE-ICEC´96, pp. 390-395. Premio Bolsa de Jovem Investigador IEEE-ICEC, 1996
[355] Agostinho Rosa, J. Allen Lima "Fuzzy Classification of Microstructural Dynamics of Human Sleep", IEEE-SMC, Beijing, PRC. Proc. SMC´96, pp. 1108-1113, 1996
[356] L. Rodrigues, M. Prado, P. Tavares, K. da Silva, Pedro Lima, Agostinho Rosa "Neural Network Based Control of Biped Locomotion, Genetic Algorithm Optimization", in Proc. of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Porto, Portugal, No. 11-13, pp. 815-820, 1996
[357] P. Encarnacao, J. Peralta, F. Vendas, L. Azevedo, Agostinho Rosa "Detector de Proximidade de Obstaculos", BioEng-96, pp. III.5.I-5, 1996
[358] L. Mourinha, F. Alves, Z. Carvalhais, Agostinho Rosa "PALM – Predictor da Vida Artificial do Mildio da Videira: Regiao do Douro", Proc. 1ª Reuniao da Sociedade Portuguesa de Fitopatologia, Vila real, pp. 34-37, 1996
[1] Ana Fouto "Neuroimaging biomarkers through the migraine cycle: investigation of difusion MRI parameters", 2024
[2] Mara Alves "More than the sum of its parts: exploring the neural and cognitive processes of semantic integration", 2023
[3] Andreia Gaspar "Accelerating Quantitative Cardiovascular MRI: flow quantification and T1 mapping", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, December, 2022
[4] Joana Pinto "Quantitative evaluation of cerebral haemodynamics using magnetic resonance imaging", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, October, 2019, 2019 - PDF
[5] Janir Cruz "EEG signatures of schizophrenia: visual backward masking and microstates", Ph.D. Thesis, within the IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative, June, 2019
[6] Rodolfo Abreu "Study of the spatiotemporal dynamics of epileptic activity using simultaneous EEG-fMRI", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, May, 2017
[7] Nelson Perdigão "Illuminating the Dark Proteome", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2017
[8] Nuno Fachada "Agent-Based Modeling on High Performance Computing Architectures", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, September, 2016
[9] Marco Leite "Modelling Human Epileptic Brain Networks", Ph.D. Thesis, University College London, co-supervised at IST/ISR, September, 2016
[10] Teresa Murta "Investigation of the neurophysiological correlates of fMRI using simultaneous intracranial and scalp EEG", Ph.D. Thesis, University College London, co-supervised at IST/ISR, June, 2016
[11] Joao Jorge "Simultaneous EEG-fMRI at ultrahigh field for the study of human brain function", Ph.D. Thesis, within the IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative, February, 2016
[12] Inês Sousa "Quantitative methods for functional magnetic resonance imaging", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, September, 2013
[13] Daria Migotina "Symbolic Representation of the Sleep Electroencephalogram Application in the Analysis of Sleep", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, June 2012, 2012
[14] Carlos Fernandes "Diversity-Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2009
[15] Cristian Munteanu "Increasing Adaptability in Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Complex Optimization Problems", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006
[16] Fernando Melicio "Horarios Escolares Semanais Simulated Annealing", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
[1] Susana Rodrigues "The effect of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response on heart rate and heart rate variability – On the reproducibility of findings", 2023
[2] Ana Rita Lopes "The effect of game-based learning reinforcement in EEG neurofeedback training outcome", 2023
[3] Inês Cunha "Enhancing high-density single-molecule super-resolution imaging", 2023
[4] Pedro Osorio "Implementation of a deep-learning based tool for automatic Cardiac MR planning: DeepCardioPlanner", 2023
[5] Queralt i Alfonso "EEG brain activity elicited by the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)", 2022
[6] Ana Matoso "Investigating Structural Connectivity in Episodic Migraine using Graph Theory", 2022
[7] Teresa Cunha "Improving EPI-based current-induced magnetic field measurements for MRCDI", 2022
[8] Catarina Carvalho "Quantitative MRI parameter mapping with extended phase graphs and recurrent inference machines", 2022
[9] Diogo Antunes "Brain activity and physiological modulation in conditions mimicking fMRI resting-state studies", 2022
[10] Dario Del Cuore "White Matter changes in Episodic Migraine: a neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) study", 2022
[11] Diogo Batista "Effects of Head-Mounted Virtual Reality and Haptics in Upper-Limb Brain–Computer Interface Training", 2022
[12] Diogo Vieira "Unraveling the cytoskeletal architecture of cancer cells: development of a novel computational approach", 2022
[13] Mariana Almeida "Comparing EEG-neurofeedback visual modalities between screen-based and immersive head-mounted VR", 2022
[14] Pedro Gomes "Effects of EEG-neurofeedback training on brain functional connectivity", 2022
[15] Diogo Antunes "Brain activity and physiological modulation in conditions mimicking fMRI resting-state", Biomedical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2022
[16] Joana Vera-Cruz "Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo Spin-Echo with Echo-Planar Imaging for simultaneous quantification of T2* and T2", 2022
[17] Kihara Pata "Influence of Exposure Statistics on Cerebellar Learning", 2022
[18] Ana Raposo "Mapping cerebrovascular reactivity using breath-hold and fMRI: Application to migraine patients and hormonal controls", 2022
[19] Joao Fernandes "EEG Analysis for Joint Impedance Control", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, December, 2021
[20] Mariya Matlak "Behavioral and Physiological response patterns to Subliminal Conflict Priming and the relation to Anxiety levels in healthy individuals", 2021
[21] Ana Catarina Lourenço "Deep learning tools for outcome prediction in a trial fibrilation from cardiac MRI", 2021
[22] Diogo Ramalho "Telemedicine Platform to Support Monitoring and Assessment of Depressive Disorder", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2021
[23] António Azeitona "An image-to-image translation approach for speckle noise reduction in US.", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2021
[24] Catarina Passarinho "BOLD and non-BOLD signal fluctuations in line-scanning fMRI at 7 Tesla", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2021
[25] Cláudia Fonseca "Dynamic brain functional connectivity analysis in migraine: a resting-state fMRI study", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2021
[26] Beatriz Filipe "Using multi-input deep learning networks in medical images for the automatic detection of pathological states", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2021
[27] Silvia Da Lio "Control of Baxter robot through Motor Imagery based Brain-Computer Interface using OpenBCI low-cost acquisition system", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, October, 2021
[28] Pedro Constantino "Real-time pulse rate variability via remote photoplethysmography", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, September, 2021
[29] Francisco Cachado "Improving the spatial resolution of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Quantitative T1-mapping using a super-resolution reconstruction", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, September, 2021
[30] Vasco Duarte "Technological Tools to Aid in the Diagnosis of Depression", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, July, 2021
[31] João Diogo Fernandes Freitas Nunes "Comparison of EEG and fMRI Fingerprints of Motor Imagery Tasks", Master Thesis, Nova School of Science and Technology, Lisboa, 2021
[32] Sofia Guterres "Brain perfusion imaging using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling MRI: impact of coil shimming of the labelling region", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[33] Sofia Cotrim "Investigation of neurovascular changes during migraine attacks using BOLD-fMR", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[34] João Ribeiro "Motion compensation in high frame rate contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[35] Maria Parreira "Describing monolayer mechanoresponse from nuclear morphology and dynamics: a computational approach", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[36] Maria Brites "Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation for Continuous 24/7 Patient Monitoring", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[37] José Correia "Error perception classification in Brain-Computer interfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[38] Francisca Ribeiro "Study of the brain’s dynamic functional connectivity with simultaneous fMRI-EEG: a network science approach", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[39] Afonso Raposo "Automatic remote surveillance system of vital symptoms for COVID- 19", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, January, 2021
[40] Rafael Freitas "Deep Learning techniques for Cell stage Classification", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, October, 2020
[41] Cristiano Berhanu "Connectivity-based EEG-neurofeedback in VR: pipeline development and experimental validation", 2019
[42] Marta Xavier "Identification of EEG Fingerprints of Simultaneous fMRI in Resting State and Motor Imagery", 2019
[43] Pedro Sabido "A dynamical approach to modelling visuomotor activity Comparison between dorsal and ventral premotor cortices", 2019
[44] Afonso Aires "EEG correlates of fMRI dynamic functional connectivity states", 2019
[45] Rui Barbosa "Depression assessment based on technology using smartphone data", 2019
[46] Cátia Fortunato "Application of causal analysis to neural circuits in Zebrafish", 2019
[47] Raquel Araújo "Functional connectivity during spontaneous migraine attacks compared to pain-free periods: a resting-state fMRI study", 2019
[48] Bárbara Costa "Towards high resolution resting-state fMRI in the mouse brain: Mapping of mouse resting state networks using ultra-high field MRI", 2019
[49] Marta Conceição "Computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease from brain images: a method robust to registration errors", 2019
[50] Ana Silva "Regression of EEG correlates of simultaneous fMRI signal in epilepsy", 2018
[51] Pedro Costa "Application of Artificial Neural Networks for modelling cognitive dimensions", 2018
[52] Ana Tomé "Manipulations of striatal temperature cause dose dependent changes in duration judgments", 2018
[53] Marc Golub "Implementation of an algorithm for estimating free-water fraction in Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging", 2018
[54] Ana Oliveira "Identification of brain connectivity disruptions due to thalamic lesions in early development using Diffusion Weighted MRI", 2018
[55] Ricardo Leitão "Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Huntington’s Disease", 2018
[56] Joana Carmona "Deep learning of dynamic functional connectivity states during sleep and epilepsy using simultaneous EEG-fMRI", 2018
[57] Mário Macedo "Clustering of movement profiles of motor-impaired people from 2D image streams", 2018
[58] Luís Ramalho "Uso de Pocessadores gráficos em simulaçôes baseadas em agentes – Heatbugs", 2018
[59] Ana Oliveira "Identification of brain connectivity disruptions due to thalamic lesions in early development using Diffusion Weighted MRI", 2018
[60] Joana Carmona "Deep learning of dynamic functional connectivity states during sleep and epilepsy using simultaneous EEG-fMRI", 2018
[61] Bárbara Cardoso "Deteção de Estruturas Dermatoscópicas: Métodos Supervisionados e Fracamente Supervisionados", 2018
[62] Margarida Silva "Prefrontal Cortical Structural Abnormalities Associated with Hippocampal atrophy following VGKCC-Ab Limbic encephalitis", 2018
[63] Joana Moreira "Investigation of physiologic fluctuations in resting-state fMRI as biomarkers of cerebral small vessel disease", 2018
[64] Teresa Bucho "Comparison of auditory and visual modalities for EEG-neurofeedback", Biomedical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2018 - PDF
[65] André Pombeiro "Disentangling multiple factors shaping the activity of mice prefrontal cortical neurons during Working Memory", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2017
[66] Ines Esteves "NeuroFeedback Training Intensity: Implications on EEG Self-regulation", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2017
[67] Ana Fouto "Análise de Imagens Cerebrais de Ressonância Magnética com Ponderação em Difusão na Doença dos Pequenos Vasos", Master Thesis, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa [Supervision by Patrícia Figueiredo and Rita Nunes], November, 2017
[68] Rui Bastos "Modulation of the fMRI signal by respiratory activity", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, November, 2016
[69] Ana Graça "Co-registration of multiple MR images in cerebral small vessel diseases", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, October, 2016
[70] Gonçalo Gomes "Non-invasive quantitative imaging of brain perfusion in hypocapnia by ASL MRI", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, October , 2015
[71] Joao Goncalves "Relaxometria T2* na Doença de Parkinson e Tremor Essencial", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa,, 2015
[72] Afonso Dias "Mapping whole-brain high-resolution resting-state networks using fMRI", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, June, 2015
[73] Sandro Nunes "Characterization of physiological noise in resting-state fMRI data at 7T", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, October, 2014
[74] João Abrantes "Functional connectivity measures of scalp EEG and multimodal EEG-fMRI integration in epilepsy", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, July, 2014
[75] Marcia Santos "Identification of Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Imaging Biomarkers in Dementia", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
[76] Juliana Rodrigues "Mapping brain functions using resting-state fMRI: application in the presurgical assessment of epilepsy patients", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
[77] Marta Sousa "Classification in dementia based on structural and perfusion MRI", 2012
[78] Joana Pinto "Spatiotemporal dynamics of CBF and BOLD fMRI responses to breath-hold challenges", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2012
[79] Joao Semedo "Model-Based Clustering Applied to Sleep Macrostructure Analysis", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2012
[80] Pedro Osorio "Stochastic techniques for modelling brain connectivity in neuroimaging", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2011
[81] Ana Portelo "Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity using arterial spin labeling fMRI", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2011
[82] Miguel Rodrigues "ASL Adaptive Optimal Sampling Strategy (AOSS)", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2010
[83] Joao Jorge "Sources of signal fluctuations in fMRI at 7 Tesla", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2010
[84] Teresa Murta "EEG-fMRI measures of functional brain connectivity in epilepsy", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2010
[85] Carlos Cabral "Classificacao automatica de estados cognitivos em fMRI", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2010
[86] Dulce Calcada "Modeling of the Physiology of D. hansenii Using Population-based Search Methods for Parameter Estimation", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2009
[87] Joao Pedro Rodrigues "Monitoring Electrocortical Activity during EEG Biofeedback", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2009
[88] Andre Rosado "Deteccao Automatica de Actividade Epileptiforme Interictal no EEG", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, 2009
[89] Nuno Fachada "Agent-based Simulation of the Immune System", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008
[90] Nelson Perdigão "Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005
[91] João Caldeira "Evolutionary Taboo Search Algorithm in Jobshop Schedulling", Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal, 2003
[92] Rui Tavares "Algoritmos Evolutivos: Paradigma Infeccao Genetica", Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal, 2002
[93] Carlos Fernandes "Population based Genetic Algorithms", Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal, 2002
[94] Henrique Miguel de Freitas Pereira "Modelacao da Estrutura de Larga Escala da Cromatina durante a Interfase", dissertation for the M.Sc. degree on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IST-UTL, 1998
[95] Jose Miguel Allen Lima "Classificacao Automatica da Macro e Microestrutura do EEG do Sono", dissertation for the M.Sc. degree on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IST-UTL, 1998

No publications found

[1] Evangelos Niforatos, Tianhao He, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Michail Giannakos "Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing", International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–25, 2024
[2] Nuno Adubeiro, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Maria Luísa Nogueira "Editorial for “Three-Dimensional Multifrequency MR Elastography for Microvascular Invasion and Prognosis Assessment in Hepatocellular Carcinoma”", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ISSN 10531807, 2024
[3] Rita Gouveia Nunes "In Vivo Measurement of Rat Brain Water Content at 9. 4T Using Super‐Resolution Reconstruction–Validation With Ex Vivo Experiments", J Magn Reson Imaging, 2023
[4] Jon-Fredrik Nielsen, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Sairam Geethanath "Editorial: Autonomous magnetic resonance imaging", Front. Neuroimaging, 29 August 2023 Sec. Neuroimaging Analysis and Protocols Volume 2 , 2023
[5] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Mathis Fleury, Luca Tonin, Serafeim Perdikis "Editorial: Neurotechnologies and Brain-Computer Interaction for Neurorehabilitation", Front. Neuroergonomics, 22 June 2023 Sec. Neurotechnology and Systems Neuroergonomics Volume 4 - 2023, 2023
[6] Luisa Nogueira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Feasibility of Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling in Breast Cancer Patients for Noncontrast-Enhanced Perfusion Imaging", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021
[7] Fotis Liarokapis, Sebastian von Mammen, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Advanced multimodal interaction techniques and user interfaces for serious games and virtual environments", Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 2021 15:3, 2021
[8] Felix Putze, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Anatole Lécuyer, Dean Krusienski, S. Bermúdez i Badia, Timothy Mullen, Christian Herff "Editorial: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented/Virtual Reality", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14:144, May, 2020
[1] Carlos Fernandes, C. Lima, F. Lobo "Investigating Restricted Tournament Replacement in ECGA for Non-Stationary Environments (extended version)", IlliGAL Technical Report No. 2008010, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008
[2] Nelson Perdigão "Alinhamento de Proteinas utilizando Algoritmos Geneticos", Former Report of Project PRODEP III / Take 3 / Action 3.2, 2001
[3] Agostinho Rosa "LLi – Log Likelihood Integrated Feedback Strength", ISR Internal Report 99.03, 1999
[4] P. Ferreira "Redes Bayesianas", ISR Internal Report 99.01, 1999
[5] S. Oliveira, P. Goncalves "Hypnos Graphic Interface – Manual do Utilizador", ISR Internal Report 99.06, 1999
[6] Cleide Costa, Joao Costa, Agostinho Rosa "EPI Implementation", ISR Internal Report 99.07, 1999
[7] Agostinho Rosa "Automatic Classification of CAPS on EDF Files – Users Manual for CMS", ISR Internal Report 99.08, 1999
[8] Agostinho Rosa, A. Smerieri "Visual Classification of CAPS Power and MacroStructure R&K on EDF Files", ISR Internal Report 99.09, 1999
[9] Agostinho Rosa "Automatic Classification of CAPS on EDF Files – Technical Report", ISR Internal Report 99.10, 1999
[10] S. Oliveira, P. Goncalves "Estrutura da Base de Sinais – Interface Grafica do Projecto Hypnos", ISR Internal Report 99.04, 1999
[1] Evangelos Niforatos, Tianhao He, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Michail Giannakos "Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing", International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–25, 2024
[2] Nuno Adubeiro, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Maria Luísa Nogueira "Editorial for “Three-Dimensional Multifrequency MR Elastography for Microvascular Invasion and Prognosis Assessment in Hepatocellular Carcinoma”", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ISSN 10531807, 2024
[3] Rita Gouveia Nunes "In Vivo Measurement of Rat Brain Water Content at 9. 4T Using Super‐Resolution Reconstruction–Validation With Ex Vivo Experiments", J Magn Reson Imaging, 2023
[4] Jon-Fredrik Nielsen, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Sairam Geethanath "Editorial: Autonomous magnetic resonance imaging", Front. Neuroimaging, 29 August 2023 Sec. Neuroimaging Analysis and Protocols Volume 2 , 2023
[5] Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Mathis Fleury, Luca Tonin, Serafeim Perdikis "Editorial: Neurotechnologies and Brain-Computer Interaction for Neurorehabilitation", Front. Neuroergonomics, 22 June 2023 Sec. Neurotechnology and Systems Neuroergonomics Volume 4 - 2023, 2023
[6] Luisa Nogueira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Feasibility of Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling in Breast Cancer Patients for Noncontrast-Enhanced Perfusion Imaging", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021
[7] Fotis Liarokapis, Sebastian von Mammen, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos "Advanced multimodal interaction techniques and user interfaces for serious games and virtual environments", Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 2021 15:3, 2021
[8] Felix Putze, Athanasios (Thanos) Vourvopoulos, Anatole Lécuyer, Dean Krusienski, S. Bermúdez i Badia, Timothy Mullen, Christian Herff "Editorial: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented/Virtual Reality", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14:144, May, 2020
[9] Joao Jorge, Frederic Grouiller, Robert Stoermer , Christoph M. Michel, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag, Rolf Gruetter "An optimized setup for simultaneous EEG-fMRI at ultra-high field in a head-only 7T scanner", Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2014), May 2014, Milan, Italy. [Poster presentation], 2015
[10] Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo "Large functional connectivity network analysis of whole-brain high-resolution resting-state fMRI", Fourth Biennial Conference on Resting State / Brain Connectivity, September 2014, Cambridge, US [Poster presentation], 2014
[11] Teresa Murta, Patrícia Figueiredo, U. Chaudhary, D. W. Carmichael, L. Lemieux "Studying the ECoG PAC strength – BOLD coupling in humans using simultaneously recorded data", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[12] Rita Gouveia Nunes, Teresa Murta, Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Leal "Structural and functional mapping of the seizure propagation pathway in a hypothalamic hamartoma", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[13] Joana Pinto, I. Sousa, P. Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo "Dynamics of the BOLD response to breath-holding and paced deep breathing", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[14] Rodolfo Abreu, Marco Leite, Leal A, Patrícia Figueiredo "Objective template-based selection of EEG ICA epilepsy-related components", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[15] Juliana Rodrigues, Patrícia Figueiredo, A. Andrade "Applicability of lag-based measures to fMRI: influence of experimental parameters", Proc. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2014), June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. [Poster presentation], 2014
[16] Joao Jorge, Patrícia Figueiredo, W. van der Zwaag "Intra and cross-modal negative BOLD responses in grey matter regions and large draining veins under contrast-varying visual stimulation", Proc. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2014), May 2014, Milan, Italy, 4204- 81. [Poster presentation], 2014
