Nuno Fachada

Former Collaborator

Position: Collaborator

Group: Evolutionary Systems and Biomedical Engineering Lab (LaSEEB)

Phone: +351-218417672

Office: 6.17

FCT: J0410163998

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[1] Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Fachada, J. L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Population sizing of cellular evolutionary algorithms", Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 58, 100721, 2020
[2] Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "generateData—A 2D data generator", Software Impacts, Vol. 4, 100017, 2020
[3] Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Fachada, Juan Merelo, Agostinho Rosa "Steady state particle swarm", PeerJ Computer Science 5: e202, 2019
[4] Nuno Fachada "Teaching database concepts to video game design and development students", Revista de Lusófona de Educação v. 40 n. 40, 2018
[5] Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "micompm: A MATLAB/Octave toolbox for multivariate independent comparison of observations", Journal of Open Source Software, 3(23), 430, 2018
[6] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "cf4ocl: A C framework for OpenCL", Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 143, pp. 9-19, September, 2017
[7] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Parallelization strategies for spatial agent-based models", International Journal of Parallel Programming, vol. 45, issue 3, pp. 449-481, June, 2017
[8] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Model-independent comparison of simulation output", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 72, pp. 131–149, March, 2017
[9] Nuno Fachada, J. Rodrigues, V. V. Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "micompr: An R Package for Multivariate Independent Comparison of Observations", The R Journal Vol. 8/2, 405-420, December, 2016
[10] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "SimOutUtils – Utilities for Analyzing Time Series Simulation Output", Journal of Open Research Software. 4(1), p.e38, 2016
[11] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "PerfAndPubTools – Tools for Software Performance Analysis and Publishing of Results", Journal of Open Research Software, 4(1), p.e18, May, 2016
[12] Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Towards a standard model for research in agent-based modeling and simulation", PeerJ Computer Science, 1:e36, November. DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.36, 2015
[13] Nuno Fachada, M. A. T. Figueiredo, Vitor Lopes, R. C. Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Spectrometric differentiation of yeast strains using minimum volume increase and minimum direction change clustering criteria", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 45, pp. 55-61, 2014
[14] V. Fachada, Nuno Fachada, T. Turpeinen, P. Rahkila, Agostinho Rosa, H. Kainulainen "TopoCell An image analysis tool to study intracellular topography", The Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology Journal (FASEB), 26:578.2, 2012

No publications found for author "cap-nunomariacarvalhofernandes"

[1] Nuno Fachada "Desafios no ensino da programação a alunos de Videojogos", Atas do 1º SEVj - Seminário sobre Ensino de Videojogos, 2020
[2] N. David, Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "Verifying and Validating Simulations", Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook (2nd edition), Bruce Edmonds, Ruth Meyer (Eds.), Chap. 9, pp. 173-204, Springer International Publishing, 2017
[3] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, F. Barata, Agostinho Rosa "An Agent Based Model of Dengue Disease Transmission by Aedes aegypti Populations", LNCS, Artificial Life, Part II, pp. 339-346, Springer , 2011
[4] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "Agent-based model of Aedes aegypti Population Dynamics", Progress in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 5816, pp. 53-64, Springer, 2009
[1] Diogo de Andrade, Nuno Fachada "Fun Maths for All Game Development Students", ITiCSE '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education., 2020
[2] Nuno Fachada, Nélio Códices "Top-down Design of a CS Curriculum for a Computer Games BA", ITiCSE '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education., 2020
[3] Carlos Fernandes, Nuno Fachada, Juan L. J. Laredo, Juan Merelo, Pedro Castillo, Agostinho Rosa "Revisiting Population Structure and Particle Swarm Performance", Proc. 10th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI, Seville, Spain, Vol.1, pp 248-254, 2018
[4] Carlos Fernandes, Agostinho Rosa, Nuno Fachada, J. L. J. Laredo, J. J. Merelo "Particle swarm and population structure", Proc. of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '18), Hernan Aguirre (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 85-86, 2018
[5] Nuno Fachada, Janir Cruz, Patrícia Figueiredo, M. Herzog, Agostinho Rosa "A method for detecting statistically significant differences in EEG data", Proc. of OHBM 2017 - 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Vancouver, Canada [Poster presentation], 2017
[6] Nuno Fachada, Agostinho Rosa "Assessing the feasibility of OpenCL CPU implementations for agent-based simulations", Proc. of IWOCL 2017 - 5th International Workshop on OpenCL, Article No. 4, Toronto, Canada, 2017
[7] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, F. Barata, Agostinho Rosa "Artificial Life Model of Dengue Host-Vector Disease Propagation", Proc. of IJCCI 2009 - 1st International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Madeira, Portugal, pp. 243-247, 2009
[8] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, Agostinho Rosa "Simulating antigenic drift and shift in influenza A", Proc. of SAC 2009 - 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Special Track on Advances in Computer Simulation, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2009
[9] C. Isidoro, Nuno Fachada, F. Barata, Agostinho Rosa "Agent-based model of Dengue Disease Transmission by Aedes aegypti Populations", Proc. of ECAL 2009 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
[10] Nuno Fachada, V. V. Lopes, Agostinho Rosa "Simulation of immune system response to bacterial challenge", Proc. of ESM 2008 - 22nd European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Universite du Havre, Le Havre, France, 2008
[11] Agostinho Rosa, Nuno Fachada, Vitor Lopes "Agent based modelling and simulation of the immune system: a review", Proc. of EPIA 2007 - 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2007
[1] Nuno Fachada "Agent-Based Modeling on High Performance Computing Architectures", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, September, 2016
[1] Nuno Fachada "Agent-based Simulation of the Immune System", Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2008

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