Group: Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg)
Office: 6.15
Keywords: Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Teleoperation, Multimodal Interfaces, Haptics, Planetary Exploration
Rute Luz received BSc and MSc degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, where she is currently a PhD student. Since 2018 she is a researcher at Institute for Systems and Robotics, and at Interactive Technologies Institute where she worked on multimodal interfaces for a search and rescue robot (RAPOSA-NG) and an underwater vehicle (Trident ROV). Her current research focuses on the development of effective interfaces for planetary exploration and involves the participation in AMADEE-20 Mars analog mission, organized by the Austrian Space Forum.
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Research, development, and innovation institution focused on Robotic Systems and Information Processing, since 1992.