Pedro Góis, N. Sreekantaswamy, N. Basavaraju ,
Manuel Rufino,
Luís Sebastião,
João Botelho,
João Pedro Gomes,
António Pascoal "Development and validation of Blue Ray, an optical modem for the MEDUSA class AUVs", Proc. of UCOMMS 2016 - 3rd Underwater Communications and Networking Conference, Lerici, Italy, 2016
Pedro Abreu,
João Botelho,
Pedro Góis,
António Pascoal, Jorge Ribeiro, Miguel Ribeiro,
Manuel Rufino,
Luís Sebastião,
Henrique Silva "The MEDUSA class of autonomous marine vehicles and their role in EU projects", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2016, Shanghai, China, 2016 -
Pedro Abreu,
Mohammadreza Bayat,
João Botelho,
Pedro Góis,
João Pedro Gomes,
António Pascoal, Jorge Ribeiro, Miguel Ribeiro,
Manuel Rufino,
Luís Sebastião,
Henrique Silva "Cooperative formation control in the scope of the EC MORPH project: Theory and experiments", Proc. of OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Genova, Italy, 2015
Pedro Abreu,
Mohammadreza Bayat,
António Pascoal,
João Botelho,
Pedro Góis,
Jorge Ribeiro,
Miguel Ribeiro,
Manuel Rufino,
Luís Sebastião,
Henrique Silva "Formation Control in the scope of the MORPH project. Part II: Implementation and Results", Proc. of NGCUV 2015 - 4th IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance, and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Girona, Spain. IFAC- Papers OnLine, Vol. 48, Issue 2, pp. 250-255, 2015
António Pascoal,
Bruno Cardeira,
João Almeida,
Rita Cunha,
Luís Sebastião,
Mohammadreza Bayat,
Pramod Maurya,
António Pedro Aguiar,
Carlos Silvestre,
Andreas Häusler,
André Oliveira,
Francesco Vanni,
Manuel Rufino, A. Pereira
"Cooperative Control of Multiple Marine Vehicles: Theoretical Challenges and Practical Issues", Proc. of MCMC 2009 - 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Guaruja (SP), Brazil, 2009
João Alves,
Rodolfo Oliveira,
Paulo Oliveira,
António Pascoal,
Manuel Rufino,
Luís Sebastião,
Carlos Silvestre "Vehicle and Mission Control of the DELFIM Autonomous Surface Craft", Proc. MED2006 - 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ancona, Italy, 2006 -
António Pascoal,
Paulo Oliveira,
Carlos Silvestre,
Luís Sebastião,
Manuel Rufino,
Victor Barroso,
João Pedro Gomes, G. Ayela, P. Coince, M. Cardew, A. Ryan, H. Braithwaite, N. Cardew, J. Trepte, N. Seube, J. Champeau, P. Dhaussy, V. Sauce, R. Moitie, R. S. Santos, F. Cardigos, M. Brussieux, P. Dando
"Robotic Ocean Vehicles for Marine Science Applications: the European ASIMOV Project", Proc. OCEANS 2000 MTS /IEEE, pp.409-415, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2000 -
António Pascoal,
Paulo Oliveira,
Carlos Silvestre,
Luís Sebastião,
Manuel Rufino,
Victor Barroso,
João Pedro Gomes, Gerard Ayela, Pascal Coince, Marcus Cardew, Anne Ryan, Hugh Braithwaite, Nicholas Cardew, Jonathan Trepte, Nicolas Seube, J. Champeau, P. Dhaussy, V. Sauce, R. Moitie, Ricardo Santos, Frederico Cardigos, Marc Brussieux, Paul Dando
"Advanced System Integration for Managing the Coordinated Operation of Robotic Ocean Vehicles", Proc. EurOCEAN 2000, Hamburg, Germany, 2000