Luís Custódio

Position: Assistant Professor (IST)

Group: Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg)

Phone: +351-218418272

Office: 6.16

Personal page:

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Systems, Multi-Agent Systems

FCT: J0144906E84

Luis Custódio [IST] MSc’92, PhD’97, has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, where he is an Assistant Professor. He is also a researcher at the Intelligent Robots and Systems Group (IRSg) of the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR). His main research interests are in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, namely knowledge representation and reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, representational tools for decision-making under uncertainty (e.g., partially observable markov decision processes, bayesian networks) and multi-agent systems. He has participated in several national and international research projects in the fields of AI and robotics (he was the coordinator of two national projects - DARE and MS-AGENCY); he is the author or co-author of several published articles in international journals and conferences and he was the General Co-Chair of the RoboCup 2004, held in Lisbon. In 2005 he was an advisor to the Minister of Education, and from 2005 and 2011 he was Director of the Information System Coordinating Office of the Ministry of Education. From 2016 to 2019 he was a member of the board of directors of IST-ID. From Feb 2020 to Dec 2021 He was Deputy Director for the Administrative Modernization of IST. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Institute of Systems and Robotics at IST, Lisbon, since 2015.
[1] Rui Carvalho, Luís Custódio "A Multiagent Systems Approach for Managing Supply-Chain Problems: new tools and results", The Inteligencia Artificial Journal, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial Special Issue on Iberagents 2004, Vol. 9, No. 25, 2005
[2] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio, I. Akin, A. Jacoff, G. Kraezschmar, B. Kiat Ng, O. Obst, T. Rofer, Y. Takahashi, C. Zhou "RoboCup 2004 Competitions and Symposium: A Small Kick for Robots, a Giant Score for Science", AI-Magazine, Vol. 6, Nº 2, 2005 - PDF
[3] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "Artificial Intelligence and Systems Theory Applied to Cooperative Robots", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, No. 3, 2004 - PDF
[4] Sandra Gadanho, Luís Custódio "Learning behavior-selection in a multi-goal robot task", INFORMATICA, an International Journal of Computing and Informatics, Special Issue on Perception and Emotion Based Reasoning, Vol. 27, pp. 175-183, 2003
[5] Marcia Macas, Luís Custódio "Multiple Emotion-Based Agents using an Extension of DARE Architecture", INFORMATICA, an International Journal of Computing and Informatics, Special Issue on Perception and Emotion Based Reasoning, Vol. 27, pp. 185-195, 2003
[6] Bruno Damas, Luís Custódio "Emotion-Based Decision and Learning Using Associative Memory and Statistical Estimation", INFORMATICA, an International Journal of Computing and Informatics, Special Issue on Perception and Emotion Based Reasoning, Vol. 27, pp. 147-157, 2003
[7] Pedro Lima, Joao M. Sousa, Isabel Ribeiro, Carlos Cardeira, Luís Custódio "Robótica 2003 – 3º Festival Nacional de Robótica", Robotica, artigo convidado, 2003
[8] Duarte C. Leao, Tiago C. Pereira, Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "Planeamento de Trajectorias usando Caminhos de Curvatura Continua", Robotica, Nº 48-49, 2002, selected paper from the Actas do Encontro Cientifico do Robotica 2002 - Festival Nacional de Robotica, 2002 - PDF
[9] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Many birds fly, some dont – elaborations on a quantification approach to the problem of qualification", Artificial Intelligence Review, 13:185-200, 1999
[10] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Logic of agreement – foundations, semantic system and proof theory", International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 20(1):47-78, 1999
[11] Luís Custódio, João Sentieiro, Carlos Bispo "Production Planning and Scheduling using a Fuzzy Decision System", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 10, no. 2, 1994
[12] Luís Custódio, João Sentieiro, Carlos Bispo "A Fuzzy Decision System for Production Planning and Scheduling", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Special Issue on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1994

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[1] Constança Sousa, Luís Custódio "Dealing with Errors in a Cooperative Multi-agent Learning System", Revised Selected Papers, Karl Tuyls, Pieter Jan't Hoen, Katja Verbeeck, Sandip Sen (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3898, pp. 139-154, Springer, 2006
[2] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "Multi-Robot Systems", Chapter I of Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control, S. Patnaik, S. Tzafestas (Eds.). Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2006
[3] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "The SocRob Project: Soccer Robots or Society of Robots", in Cutting Edge Robotics, Kordic, Lazinica, Merdan (Eds.), ARS pro litaratur Verlag, Croatia, 2005
[4] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "RoboCup 2004 Overview", RoboCup-2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII, D. Nardi, M. Riedmiller, C. Sammutt, J. Santos-Victor, Eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2005
[5] Bruno Damas, Luís Custódio, Pedro Lima "A Modified Potential Fields Method for Robot Navigation Applied to Dribbling in Robotic Soccer", RoboCup 2002 Book, Editors: Gal Kaminka, Pedro Lima and Raul Rojas, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003
[6] Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Luís Custódio, Pedro Lima "A Functional Architecture for a Team of Fully Autonomous Cooperative Robots", in Manuela Veloso and Hiroaki Kitano, editors, RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (12 pags), 2000 - PDF
[7] Pedro Lima, Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Luís Custódio "RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, chapter A Functional Architecture for a Team of Fully Autonomous Cooperative Robots", Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000 - PDF
[8] Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Carlos Marques, Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, chapter ISocRob – Intelligent Society of Robots", Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000 - PDF
[9] Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Carlos Marques, Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "ISocRob – Intelligent Society of Robots", in Manuela Veloso and Hiroaki Kitano, editors, RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000 - PDF
[10] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "A Critical Review of the Fuzzy Theory Progress", Advanced Manufacturing Forum, Volume I, Scitec Publications, 1996
[11] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Advanced Manufacturing Forum", chapter "A Critical Review of the Fuzzy Theory Progress." Number 1. Scitec Publications, 1996
[12] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Agreement: A Logical Approach to Approximate Reasoning", Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Pinto-Ferreira and Mamede (eds), Springer-Verlag, 7th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA'95), Madeira Island, Portugal, 1995
[1] Joao Salvado, Luís Custódio, Daniel Hess "Contingency Planning for Automated Vehicles in Urban Traffic", Proc. of IROS 2016 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Daejeon, Korea, 2016
[2] Anabela Serrao , Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Equity in Mediterranean Countries Education Systems", Proc. of the International Conference The Future of Education - 5th Edition, Florence, Italy, 2015
[3] Luís Custódio "Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Emotions", Proc. of the International Conference on Mind and Responsibility - Philosophy, Sciences and Criminal Law, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015
[4] A. Serrão, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Education Systems Equity in OECD Countries – A Preliminary Analysis", SERA/WERA 2014 - Scottish Education Research Association Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, November, 2014
[5] M. Padua, Luís Custódio "On the structure of ill-structured problems: An empirical study on the development of an HIV vaccine", International Conference Philosophy of Science in the 21th century - Challenges and Tasks, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013
[6] Rui Carvalho, Luís Custódio "A Multiagent System Approach for Managing Supply-Chain Problems: a learning perspective", Proc. of KIMAS2005 - International Conference Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, 2005
[7] Constança Sousa, Luís Custódio "Aprendizagem por Reforco num Sistema Multi-Agente: Comunicacao e Cooperacao", Proc. ROBOTICA2005 5th Portuguese Robotics Festival, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005
[8] Constança Sousa, Luís Custódio "Cooperative Reinforcement Learning: Exploring Communication and Cooperation Problems", Proc. CIRA 2005 - 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, Espoo, Finland, 2005
[9] Constança Sousa, Luís Custódio "Dealing with Errors in a Cooperative Multi-agent Learning System", LAMAS 2005 - 1st Workshop on Learning and Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems, Utrecht University, Netherlands, 2005
[10] Vasco Pires, Miguel Arroz, Luís Custódio, Pedro Lima, Isabel Ribeiro "Distributed Deliberative Decision System for a Multi-Robot", Proc. Scientific Meeting of the 4th Portuguese Robotics Festival, Porto, Portugal, pp. 127-134, 2004
[11] Rui Carvalho, Luís Custódio "A Multi-agent Systems Approach for Managing Supply-Chain Problems", IBERAGENTS 2004 - 5th Iberoamerican Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, 9th Ibero-American Conference on artificial intelligence (IBERAMIA 2004), Mexico, 2004
[12] Muriel Padua, Luís Custódio "Search Models and III-Structured Problems: a Case-Study on the HIV Vaccine", International J. A. Schumpeter Society, 10th ISS Conference - Schumpeter 2004, Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation: Schumpterian Legacies, Milan, 2004
[13] Vasco Pires, Miguel Arroz, Luís Custódio "Logic Based Hybrid Decision System for a Multi-robot Team", Proc. 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004 - PDF
[14] Miguel Arroz, Vasco Pires, Luís Custódio "Logic based Distributed Decision System for a Multi-Robot Team", Proc. ROBOTICA2003 - 3rd Portuguese Robotics Festival, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003 - PDF
[15] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio, Isabel Ribeiro, José Santos-Victor "The RESCUE Project: Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots", Proceedings do 1st International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics, ASER’03, Bardolino, Italia, pp. 94-101, 2003 - PDF
[16] Carla Penedo, João Pavão, Pedro Nunes, Luís Custódio "RoboCup Advanced 3D Monitor", RoboCup 2003 International Symposium, Padova, Italy, 2003 - PDF
[17] Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "Artificial Intelligence and Systems Theory Applied to Cooperative Robots: the SocRob Project", Actas do Encontro Cientifico do Robotica 2002 - Festival Nacional de Robotica, 2002 - PDF
[18] Pedro Vale, Luís Custódio "Combining Reinforcement Learning with an Emotion based Architecture", Proc. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2002 (IASTED), special session on Automated Reasoning: Perception and Emotions, Malaga, Spain, 2002
[19] Sandra Gadanho, Luís Custódio "Asynchronous Learning by Emotions and Cognition", In From Animals to Animats VII, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'02), Edinburgh, UK, 2002 - PDF
[20] Bruno Damas, Luís Custódio, Pedro Lima "A Modified Potential Fields Method for Robot Navigation Applied to Dribbling in Robotic Soccer", Proc. of RoboCup Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan, 2002 - PDF
[21] M. Macas, Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio "DARE: an Emotion-based Agent Architecture", Proceedings of the FLAIRS’2001 Conference, Key West, Florida, 2002
[22] Bruno Damas, Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "Navegacao Entre Obstaculos Usando Um Metodo de Campos de Potencial Modificados", Actas do Encontro Cientifico do Robotica 2002 - Festival Nacional de Robotica, 2002 - PDF
[23] Pedro Vale, Luís Custódio "Learning Individual Basic Skills using an Emotion-based Architecture", Symposium on Emotion, Cognition and Affective Computing (AISB´01 Convention), UK, 2001
[24] M. Macas, Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Experiments with an Emotion-based Agent using the DARE architecture", Symposium on Emotion, Cognition and Affective Computing (AISB´01 Convention), UK, 2001 - PDF
[25] Rui Sadio, Goncalo Tavares, Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio "An Emotion-based Agent Architecture Application with Real Robots", Emotional and Intelligent II: Tangled Knot of Social Cognition, AAAI Fall Symposium, 2001 - PDF
[26] Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Learning Courses of Action using the movie-in-the-brain Paradigm", Emotional and Intelligent II: Tangled Knot of Social Cognition, AAAI Fall Symposium, 2001 - PDF
[27] Pedro Lima, Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Luís Custódio "A Functional Architecture for a Team of Fully Autonomous Cooperative Robots", Proc. of RoboCup Workshop of IJCAI 99, Stockholm, 1999 - PDF
[28] Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Artificial emotions – goodbye mr spock!", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science, pages 938-941, Tokyo, Japan, 1999 - PDF
[29] Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Luís Custódio, Pedro Lima "A functional architecture for a team of fully autonomous cooperative robots", In Proceedings of RoboCup Workshop of IJCAI-99. IJCAI, 1999 - PDF
[30] Rodrigo Ventura, Pedro Aparicio, Pedro Lima, Luís Custódio "ISocRob – A Society of Intelligent Robots", Team Description Paper for RoboCup'99, 1999
[31] Luís Custódio, Rodrigo Ventura, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Artificial Emotions and Emotion-based Control Systems", In Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'99), volume 2, pages 1415-1420, Barcelona, 1999
[32] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Control of manufacturing systems using societies of agents", In Proceedings of Rensslear's International Conference on Agile Intelligent and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CAICIM'98), RPI, Troy, NY, USA, 1998
[33] Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Emotions – the missing link?", In Dolores Cañamero, editor, Emotional and Intelligent: The Tangled Knot of Cognition, pages 170-175, AAAI Fall Symposia 98, Orlando, USA, 1998
[34] Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Artificial emotions – goodbye mr. spock!", In Progress in Artificial Inteligence, Proceedings of IBERAMIA'98, Lisbon, Portugal, pages 395-402. Colibri, 1998 - PDF
[35] Filipe Cardoso, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Supervision of fuzzy controllers using genetic algorithms", In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, 1998
[36] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Issues and difficulties in the design and control of manufacturing systems", In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ECLA/IFIP International Conference on Architectures and Design Methods for Balanced Automation Systems (BASYS'96), Workshop on Theoretical Problems on Manufacturing Systems Design and Control, 1996
[37] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Agreement: A new perspective of the fuzzy logic foundations", In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, New Orleans, 1996
[38] Joao Viegas, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "CROSS: combined relation-operation based scheduling systems", In 5th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Poznan, Poland, 1996
[39] Joao Viegas, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "A constraint management approach to project job-shop scheduling", In Proceedings of the Rensselaer's 5th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, 1996
[40] Antonio Abreu, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "A rule-based approach", In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1996
[41] A. Abreu, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Fuzzy Modelling: A Rule-based Approach", 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, New Orleans, 1996
[42] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Production Planning and Scheduling Using Fuzzy Logic", Workshop on Fuzzy Scheduling Systems, 8th Austrian Artificial Intelligence Conference - Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence (FLAI'93), Linz, 1993
[43] Luís Custódio, Carlos Bispo, João Sentieiro "A Hierarchical Fuzzy Control System for Short-Range Planning and Scheduling", Proceedings of the Rensselaers's Third International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Troy, NY, 1992
[44] Luís Custódio, Carlos Bispo, João Sentieiro "Fuzzy Logic Applied to Production Scheduling", Workshop CIM in the Process Industry, Athens, Greece, 1991
[1] Luís Custódio "A Logica de Acordo e o Problema da Certeza Vaga", PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, 1997

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[1] Alexandre Bernardino, Luís Custódio, João Frazão, Pedro Lima, Francisco Melo, Isabel Ribeiro, José Santos-Victor, Alberto Vale "RESCUE Project Final Report", ISR Technical Report, 2004
[2] Sandra Gadanho, Luís Custódio "Learning behavior-selection in a multi-goal robot task", Technical Report RT-701-02, Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, IST, 2002
[3] Jose Lopes, Henrique Ribeiro, Luís Custódio "Sociedade de Agentes: desenvolvimento de mecanismos de Comunicacao, Cooperacao e Negociacao", ISR Technical Report 702-00, (in portuguese), 2000
[4] Marcia Macas, Luís Custódio "Artificial emotions – the state of the art", Technical Report Internal Report RT-706-00, 2000
[5] Rodrigo Ventura, Filipe Toscano, Carlos Marques, Luís Custódio, Pedro Lima "ISocRob-2000: technical report", ISR Technical Report RT-701-00, RT-402-00, 2000 - PDF
[6] Ivone Fernandes, Luís Custódio, Carlos Bispo "Metodos “classicos” e multi-agentes num sistema de manufactura", Technical Report Internal Report RT-705-00, 2000
[7] Pedro Vale, Luís Custódio "Aprendizagem usando modelos de emocoes", ISR Technical Report 703-00, 2000
[8] Rui Sadio, Goncalo Tavares, Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio "Aplicacao de Emocoes Artificiais num Robot Movel", ISR Technical Report 704-00, 2000
[9] Henrique Ribeiro, Jose Lopes, Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio "Desenvolvimento de mecanismos de comunicacao, cooperacao e negociacao em sociedades de agentes", Technical Report Internal Report RT-702-00, 2000
[10] Marcia Macas, Paulo Couto, Rodrigo Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Sociedades de Agentes e Implementacao de Inteligencia Sensoria-Motriz", Technical Report Internal Report RT-704-99, ISR, 1999
[11] Luís Custódio, Carlos Pinto-Ferreira "Logic of Agreement", AIMS Lab-TR 701-95, 1995
[12] Luís Custódio, João Sentieiro, Carlos Bispo "Fuzzy Logic Applied to Production Planning and Scheduling", AIMS Lab-TR 701-93, 1993

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