Dusan Jakovetic

Former Collaborator

Position: Ph.D.

Group: Signal and Image Processing Group (SIPG)

FCT: J509057K366O

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[1] Dusan Jakovetic, Dragana Bajovic, João Xavier, Jose M. F. Moura "Primal–Dual Methods for Large-Scale and Distributed Convex Optimization and Data Analytics", Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 108, No. 11, pp. 1923-1938, November, 2020
[2] João Xavier, Dusan Jakovetic "Linear Convergence Rate of Class of Distributed Augmented Lagrangian Algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 922-936, 2015 - PDF
[3] Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier "Convergence Rates of Distributed Nesterov-Like Gradient Methods on Random Networks", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 62, NO. 4, FEBRUARY, 2014 - PDF
[4] Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier "Fast Distributed Gradient Methods", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 59, NO. 5, MAY, 2014 - PDF
[5] Dusan Jakovetic, J. M. Moura, João Xavier "Distributed Detection over Noisy Networks: Large Deviations Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 4306-4320, August, 2012
[6] Dragana Bajovic, Dusan Jakovetic, J. M. Moura, João Xavier, B. Sinopoli "Large Deviations Performance of Consensus plus Innovations Distributed Detection With Non-Gaussian Observations", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 59876002, November, 2012
[7] João Xavier, Dusan Jakovetic, J. M. F. Moura "Cooperative convex optimization in networked systems: augmented Lagrangian algorithms with directed gossip communication", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no.8, pp. 3889-3902, August , 2011
[8] Dragana Bajovic, Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, B. Sinopoli, J. M. F. Moura "Distributed detection via Gaussian running consensus: large deviations asymptotic analysis", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 4381-4396, September , 2011
[9] Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, J. M. F. Moura "Weight optimization for consensus algorithms with correlated switching topology", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no.7, pp. 3788-3801, 2010

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[1] Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, J. M. Moura "Convergence rate analysis of distributed gradient methods for smooth optimization", Proc. of TELFOR 2012 - 20th Telecommunications Forum Telfor, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 867870, 2012
[2] Dusan Jakovetic, J. M. Moura, João Xavier "Distributed Nesterov-like gradient algorithms", Proc. of CDC 2012 - 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, USA, pp. 54595464, 2012
[3] Dusan Jakovetic, J. M. Moura, João Xavier "Consensus + innovations detection: Phase transition under communication noise", Proc. of Allerton 2012 - 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, pp. 15591563, 2012
[4] Dusan Jakovetic, J. M. Moura, João Xavier "Fast cooperative distributed learning", Proc. of ASILOMAR 2012 - 46th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, pp. 15131517, 2012
[5] Dragana Bajovic, Dusan Jakovetic, J. Moura, João Xavier, B. Sinopoli "Large deviations analysis of consensus+innovations detection in random networks", Proc. of ALLERTON 2011 - 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2011
[6] Dragana Bajovic, Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, B. Sinopoli, J. Moura "Asymptotic performance of distributed detection over random networks", Proc. of ICASSP 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011
[7] Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, J. M. F. Moura "Consensus in correlated random topologies: weights for finite time horizon", Proc. of ICASSP 2010 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2010
[8] Dragana Bajovic, Dusan Jakovetic, João Xavier, B. Sinopoli, J. M. F. Moura "Distributed detection over random networks: a large deviations analysis", Proc. of Allerton 2010 - 48th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Illinois, USA, 2010
[1] Dusan Jakovetic "Distributed Optimization: Algorithms and Convergence Rates", Ph.D. Thesis, within the IST-CMU Joint Doctoral Initiative, May,, 2013

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