Cristiano Soares

Former Collaborator

Position: Post-Doc Researcher

Group: Signal and Image Processing Group (SIPG)

Phone: -218418672

Office: 6.21

FCT: J538304Z6209

[1] PHITOM – Probabilistic High-Frequency Ocean Tomography for Underwater Communications and NavigationFCT [2007-12; 2011-05]
[2] WEAM – Wave Energy Acoustic MonitoringFCT [2007-11; 2010-10]
[3] INTIMATE – Internal Tide Measurements with Acoustic TomoghrapicFCT [01-1997; 01-2000]
[1] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, Nelson Martins "Environmental and Acoustic Assessment: the AOB concept", Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 69, pp. 114-125, 2008
[2] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, E. Coelho "Environmental Inversion using High-Resolution Matched-Field Processing", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 122, Issue 6, pp. 3391-3404, 2007
[3] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, E. Coelho, P. Picco "An Experimental Demonstration of Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(3), pp. 1420-1431, 2006
[4] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus "Broadband Matched-Field Processing: coherent vs. incoherent approaches", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 113(5), pp. 2587-2598, 2003 - PDF
[5] Cristiano Soares, C. Siderius, Sérgio Jesus "Source localization in a time-varying ocean waveguide", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 112(5), pp. 1879 - 1889, 2002 - PDF
[6] Cristiano Soares, M. Siderius, Sérgio Jesus "MFP source localization in the Strait of Sicily", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.112(5), pp. 1879 - 1889, 2002

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[1] Razi Sabara, Cristiano Soares, Friedrich Zabel, J. Oliveira, Sérgio Jesus "Automatic acoustic target detection and classification off the coast of Portugal", Proc. of IEEE/MTS Global Oceans, Singapore, 2020
[2] Cristiano Soares, Ricardo Duarte, Friedrich Zabel, Mónica A, Silva, Sérgio Jesus "Shipping noise predictions from AIS in the Faial-Pico area, Azores archipelago", Proc. of IEEE/MTS Global Oceans, Singapore, 2020
[3] Cristiano Soares, Ricardo Duarte, Mónica A, Silva, Miriam Romagosa, Sérgio Jesus "Shipping noise in the Azores: a threat to the Faial-Pico cetacean community?", Proc. of ICUA 2020 - International Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Southampton, UK, 2020
[4] Sérgio Jesus, Orlando Rodriguez, Paulo Felisberto, Cristiano Soares "Passive acoustics as a tool for global ocean monitoring and exploration", Mathematics and Engineering in Marine and Earth Problems, Aveiro, Portugal, 2014
[5] Cristiano Soares, Paulo Felisberto, Sérgio Jesus "Acoustic Observatories for Ocean Tomography: geometries and multi-array Matched-Field Tomography", Proc. of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2011 Conference, Santander, Spain, 2011
[6] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, Nelson Martins "Water column tomographic inversion with a network of drifting buoys", Pros. of ACOUSTICS 2008 - 2nd ASA-EAA Joint Conference, Paris, France, 2008
[7] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, António Silva, Friedrich Zabel, Celestino Martins "The Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy: A Light Acoustic Data Acquisition System", Proc. of MARTECH 2007 - 2nd International Workshop on Marine Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 2007
[8] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus "Real-time Environmental Inversion using a Network of Light Receiving Systems", Proc. of MARTECH 2007 - 2nd International Workshop on Marine Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 2007
[9] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, António Silva, J. P. Hermand, E. Coelho "AOB – Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy: concept and feasibility", Proc. UDT2006 - Underwater Defence Technology European Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2006
[10] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus "Matched-field tomography using an Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy", Proc. ECUA2006 - European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 717-722, Carvoeiro, Portugal, 2006
[11] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, E. Coelho "Shallow water tomography in a highly variable scenario", Proc. Acoustics Inversion Methods and Experiments for Assessment of the Shallow Water Environment, Ischia, Italy, 2004
[12] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus "Processamento por ajuste de campo em acustica submarina e aplicacoes", Jornadas do Mar: um Oceano de Oportunidades, Escola Naval, Lisboa, 2004
[13] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, Nelson Martins "Acoustic Rapid Environmental Assessment : the AOB concept", Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Workshop, NURC, La Spezia, Italy, 2004
[14] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, António Silva, J. P. Hermand, E. F. Coelho "AOB – an easily deployable, reconfigurable and multifunctional acoustic-oceanographic system", 148th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, USA, 2004
[15] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, António Silva, E. Coelho "Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2003 sea trial", Proc. of ECUA'04 - 7th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Delft, The Netherlands, 2004 - PDF
[16] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares "Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography with Source Spectrum Estimation", Proc. ICTCA2003 - 6th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, pp. 211-220, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2003 - PDF
[17] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, J. Onofre, P. Picco "Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography: experimental results on the INTIFANTE00 data set", Proc. ECUA'02, pp. 9-18, Gdansk, Poland (invited), 2002 - PDF
[18] A. Tolstoy, Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares "Tidal MFP inversion for water depth and source range in the Intimate96 Test", 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, 2002
[19] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, J. Onofre, E. Coelho, P. Picco "Experimental testing of the Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography concept", Proc. Acoustic Variability Conference, pp. 433-440, Lerici (Italy), 2002 - PDF
[20] Sérgio Jesus, E. Coelho, J. Onofre, P. Picco, Cristiano Soares, C. Lopes "The INTIFANTE00 sea trial preliminary source localization and ocean tomography data analysis", Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001, pp. 40-45, Hawai, USA, 2001 - PDF
[21] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares "Broadband MFP: coherent vs. incoherent", Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001, pp. 776-781, Hawai, USA, 2001 - PDF
[22] Cristiano Soares, M. Siderius, Sérgio Jesus "High frequency source localization in the Strait of Sicily", Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001, p.2530-2535, Hawai, USA, 2001 - PDF
[23] Cristiano Soares, A. Waldhorst, Sérgio Jesus "Matched Field Processing: Environmental Focusing and Source Tracking with Application to North Elba Data Set", Proc. of IEEE OCEANS'99, p. 1598-1602, Seattle, USA, 1999 - PDF

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[1] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, Paulo Felisberto, António Silva, Luís Farinha, Celestino Martins "Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2004 sea trial", Rep. 02/05, SiPLABReport, University of Algarve, 2005
[2] Paulo Felisberto, Luís Farinha, Cristiano Soares "Ultra Light Vertical Array Remote Data Acquisition System (ULVA/RDAS version 2)", Rep. 03/05, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, 2005
[3] Sérgio Jesus, António Silva, Cristiano Soares, Luís Farinha, C. Martins "Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2004 sea trial", SiPLAB Rep 03/04, University of Algarve, 2004
[4] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus "Range-dependent acoustic tomography: modeling an upwelling filament using an asymmetric Gaussian function", 05/03-SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, 2003
[5] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, António Silva "Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2003 sea trial", Rep. 04/03, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, 2003 - PDF
[6] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares "Tomografia Passiva Costiera (TOMPACO) – Inversion results with passive data – Phase 3", Rep. 02/03, SiPLAB Report, FCT, University of Algarve, 2003 - PDF
[7] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares "Tomografia Passiva Costiera – Inversion results with active data – Phase 2", SiPLAB Rep 06/01, FCT, University of Algarve, 2001 - PDF
[8] Sérgio Jesus, António Silva, Cristiano Soares "INTIFANTE00 Sea Trial Data Report Events I II and III", SiPLAB Rep 02/01, FCT, University of Algarve, 2001 - PDF
[9] C. Lopes, Cristiano Soares "INTIMATE Data Acquisition System", SiPLAB Technical Report , 2000

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