Beatriz Ferreira,
João Paulo Costeira, Ricardo Gamelas Sousa, Liang-Yan Gui,
João Pedro Gomes "Pose Guided Attention for Multi-label Fashion Image Classification", Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, 2019
Carlos Santiago, Duarte M Alves,
Beatriz Ferreira,
João Carvalho, Alberto Messina,
João Paulo Costeira "Video Analysis Based on Human Pose for Unsupervised Summarization and Retrieval", Proc. of International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Dublin, Ireland, 2019
Beatriz Ferreira, Luís Baía, João Faria, Ricardo Gamelas Sousa
"A Unified Model with Structured Output for Fashion Images Classification", KDD Workshop on AI for Fashion, London, UK, 2018
[4] M. Costa,
Beatriz Ferreira,
Manuel Marques "A Context Aware and Video-Based Risk Descriptor for Cyclists", ITSC 2017 - IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 2017
Beatriz Ferreira,
João Pedro Gomes,
João Paulo Costeira "A Unified Approach for Hybrid Source Localization Based on Ranges and Video", Proc. of ICASSP 2015 - IEEE International Conference of Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Brisbane, Australia; doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178497, 2015 -
PDF[7] P. Dias, J. Parracho, J. Cardoso,
Beatriz Ferreira, C. Ferreira, B. Santos
"Developing and evaluating two gestural-based virtual environment navigation methods for large displays", Proc. of HCI International 2015 - 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA, USA. LNCS, Vol. 9189 , pp 141-151; doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-20804-6_13, 2015 -
PDF[8] B. Santos,
Beatriz Ferreira, P. Dias
"Heuristic evaluation in Information Visualization using three sets of heuristics: an exploratory study", Proc. of HCI International 2015 - 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA, USA. LNCS, Vol 9169, pp. 259-270, 2015 -
PDF[9] S. D. Klee,
Beatriz Ferreira, R. silva,
João Paulo Costeira,
Francisco Melo, M. Veloso
"Personalized Assistance for Dressing Users", Proc. of ICSR 2015 - International Conference on Social Robotics, Paris, France. LNCS, Vol. 9388, pp. 359-369; doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-25554-5_36, 2015 -
Beatriz Ferreira, M. Griné,
Duarte Gameiro,
João Paulo Costeira, B. Santos
"VOLUMNECT – Measuring Volumes with Kinect TM", Proc. SPIE 9013 - Three-Dimensional Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications, San Francisco, CA, USA, 901304; doi:10.1117/12.2036493, 2014 -
Beatriz Ferreira, G. Campos
"Exploring EMD for Lung Crackle Detection", Proc. RecPad 2012 - 18th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Coimbra, Portugal, 2012 -