Nelson Estevao Martins

Position: Ph.D. Student

Group: Signal and Image Processing Group (SIPG)

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FCT: J0113664KIO9

[1] WEAM – Wave Energy Acoustic MonitoringFCT [2007-11; 2010-10]
[2] INTIMATE – Internal Tide Measurements with Acoustic TomoghrapicFCT [01-1997; 01-2000]
[1] Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus "Bayesian acoustic prediction assimilating oceanographic and acoustically inverted data", Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 78, Supplement 1, pp. S349-S358, November, 2009
[2] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, Nelson Martins "Environmental and Acoustic Assessment: the AOB concept", Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 69, pp. 114-125, 2008
[3] Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus "Blind estimation of the ocean acoustic channel by time-frequency processing", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 646-656, 2006 - PDF

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[1] Paulo Felisberto, Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus "Field Calibration a Tool for Acoustic Noise Prediction: the CALCOM10 data set", Proc. of IX ETAS 2010 - IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina, Arraial do Cabo, Brasil, 2010
[2] Nelson Martins, L. Calado, A. C. de Paula, Sérgio Jesus "Classification of three-dimensional ocean features using three-dimensional empirical orthogonal functions", Proc. of ECUA 2010 - 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010
[3] Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus "From oceanographic to acoustic forecasting: acoustic model calibration using in situ acoustic measures", Proc. of IX ETAS 2010 - IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina, Arraial do Cabo, Brasil, 2010
[4] Cristiano Soares, Sérgio Jesus, Nelson Martins "Water column tomographic inversion with a network of drifting buoys", Pros. of ACOUSTICS 2008 - 2nd ASA-EAA Joint Conference, Paris, France, 2008
[5] Sérgio Jesus, Cristiano Soares, Nelson Martins "Acoustic Rapid Environmental Assessment : the AOB concept", Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Workshop, NURC, La Spezia, Italy, 2004
[6] Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus "Blind Channel Estimation with Data from the INTIMATE96 sea trial", Proc. MED'2002, WA7-3, Lisboa, Portugal, 2002 - PDF
[7] Nelson Martins, Sérgio Jesus, C. Gervaise, A. Quinquis "Time-Frequency approach to multipath underwater channel deconvolution", ICASSP'02, Orlando, USA, 2002
[8] C. Gervaise, A. Quinquis, Nelson Martins "Time-frequency approach to the study of underwater acoustic channel estimation and source reconstruction", in Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Marseille, France, pp 300-305, 2001
[9] Nelson Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Discrete-time equivalents of linear systems driven by white noise", Signal processing IX, Theories and Applications, Vol. 4, pp. 2385-2388, Eurasip, 1998
[10] Nelson Martins, Agostinho Rosa "EEG Non-Stationary Spectrum Analysis and feature Extraction", IEEE - Systems Man and Cybernetics, Beiging, PRC. SMC´96, pp. 881-886, 1996
[11] Nelson Martins, Agostinho Rosa "Filter Estimation and EEG Modelling", Proc. BioEng-96, pp. II.3.I-5, 1996

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