Mirko Rakovic

Former Collaborator

Position: Post-Doc Reseacher

Group: Computer and Robot Vision Lab (VisLab)

Phone: +351-218418299

Office: 7.25

[1] ACTICIPATE – Action understanding in human and robot dyadic interactionEU [2017-06; 2018-08]
[1] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, Jovica Tasevski, Moreno Coco, Aude Billard, José Santos-Victor "Action Anticipation: Reading the Intentions of Humans and Robots", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) Vol 3, N. 4, 2018
[2] Mirko Rakovic, Govind Anil, Živorad Mihajlović, Srđan Savić, Siddhata Naik, Branislav Borovac, Achim Gottscheber "Fuzzy Position-Velocity control of Underactuated Finger of FTN Robot Hand", Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 2723-2736, April, 2018
[3] Milutin Nikolic, Branislav Borovac, Mirko Rakovic "Dynamic balance preservation and prevention of sliding for humanoid robots in the presence of multiple spatial contacts", Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 42, No. 2, ISSN 1384-5640, pp. 197-218, February, 2018

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[1] Mirko Rakovic, Nuno Ferreira, Jorge Salvador Marques, Aude Billard, José Santos-Victor "The Gaze Dialogue Model: Nonverbal Communication in HHI and HRI", HHI and HRI. IEEE Trans Cybern, 2022
[2] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor "Robot Learning Physical Object Properties from Human Visual Cues: A novel approach to infer the fullness level in containers", Proc. of ICRA 2022 - IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2022
[3] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor "Learning Motor Resonance in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction with Coupled Dynamical Systems", Proc. of ICRA 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Xi'an, China, 2021
[4] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor "Coupling of Arm Movements during HRI: the handover case", IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man). New Delhi, India, 2019
[5] Nuno Duarte, Mirko Rakovic, José Santos-Victor "Biologically Inspired Controller of Human Action Behaviour for a Humanoid Robot in a Dyadic Scenario", IEEE EUROCON 2019 -18th International Conference on Smart Technologies. Novi Sad, Serbia, 2019
[6] Paul Schydlo, Mirko Rakovic, Lorenzo Jamone, José Santos-Victor "Anticipation in Human-Robot Cooperation: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach for Multiple Action Sequences Prediction", Proc. of ICRA - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, 2018
[7] Mirko Rakovic, Nuno Duarte, J. Tasevski, José Santos-Victor, B. Borovac "A dataset of head and eye gaze during dyadic interaction task for modeling robot gaze behavior", Proc. of ER(ZR)-2018 - 13th International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018
[8] A. Batinica, B. Nemec, José Santos-Victor, A. Gams, Mirko Rakovic "Generalization of Task Model using Compliant Movement Primitives in a Bimanual Setting", Proc. of ROBIO 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Macau, 2017
[9] A. Batinica, B. Nemec, A. Ude, Mirko Rakovic, A. Gams "Compliant Movement Primitives in a Bimanual Setting", Proc. of Humanoids 2017 - IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Birmingham, UK, 2017

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