Min Lee, Daniel Siewiorek ,
Alexandre Bernardino, A. Smailagic, S. Bermúdez i Badia
"Designing Personalized Interactions of a Socially Assistive Robot for Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop on Social Robotics for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 2020, 2020
Min Lee, Daniel Siewiorek , A. Smailagic,
Alexandre Bernardino "An Exploratory Study on Techniques for Quantitative Assessment of Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises", Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2020, 2020
Min Lee, Daniel Siewiorek , A. Smailagic,
Alexandre Bernardino, S. Bermúdez i Badia
"Interactive hybrid approach to combine machine and human intelligence for personalized rehabilitation assessment", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL ’20), 2020, 2020
Min Lee,
Alexandre Bernardino, Sergi i Badia
"Learning to Assess the Quality of Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises", Proc. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’19). Marina del Rey, CA, USA, 2019 -