João Avelino

Former Collaborator

Position: Ph.D. Student

Group: Computer and Robot Vision Lab (VisLab)

Phone: +351-218418050

Office: 7.26

FCT: J652780wbm3m

[1] HAVATAR – Healthcare Added-Value Applications of Tele-Autonomous RobotsFCT [2021-03; 2025-02]
[1] João Avelino, Plinio Moreno, Filipa Correia, Leonel Garcia-Marques, Rodrigo Ventura, Alexandre Bernardino "Evaluating greeting models for human-robot engagement during first encounters", International Journal of Social Robotics, 17:297–314, 2025
[2] João Avelino, Leonel Garcia-Marques, Rodrigo Ventura, Alexandre Bernardino "Break the ice: a survey on socially aware engagement for human- robot first encounters", International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-27, 2021
[3] Martina Čaić, João Avelino, Dominik Mahr, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder , Alexandre Bernardino "Robotic Versus Human Coaches for Active Aging: An Automated Social Presence Perspective", International Journal of Social Robotics, 2019
[4] João Avelino, T. Paulino, Carlos Cardoso, Ricardo Nunes, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino "Towards natural handshakes for social robots: human-aware hand grasps using tactile sensors", Journal of Behavioral Robotics, vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 221-234, 2018

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[1] Sergi i Badia , João Avelino, Alexandre Bernardino, Mónica Cameirão, John Muñoz, Heitor Cardoso, Afonso Gonçalves, Teresa Paulino, Ricardo Ribeiro, Hugo Simão, Honorato Sousa "Development and Validation of a Mixed Reality Exergaming Platform for Fitness Training of Older Adults", Everyday Virtual and Augmented Reality. Human–Computer Interaction Series. Springer, Cham., 2023
[1] Fernando Loureiro, João Avelino, Alexandre Bernardino "Self-perception of Interaction Errors Through Human Non-verbal Feedback and Robot Context", Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13818. Springer, Cham, 2023
[2] João Avelino, Plinio Moreno, João Correia "Pedestrian Intention Anticipation with Uncertainty Based Decision for Autonomous Driving", Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), Italy, 2022, pp. 1-5, 2022
[3] Fernando Loureiro, João Avelino, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino "Detecting Human-Robot Interaction Failures Through Egocentric Visual Head-Face Analysis", EgoVIP - Egocentric vision for interactive perception, learning, and control, Workshop at IROS 2021, 2021
[4] Manuel Carvalho, João Avelino, Alexandre Bernardino, Rodrigo Ventura, Plinio Moreno "Human-Robot greeting: tracking human greeting mental states and acting accordingly", Proc. of IROS 2021 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic , 2021
[5] R. Livramento, João Avelino, Plinio Moreno "Natural data-driven approaching behaviors of humanoid mobile robots for f-formations", Proc. of ICARSC 2020 - The 20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, Virtual Conference , 2020
[6] João Avelino, Andre Goncalves, Rodrigo Ventura, Leonel Garcia-Marques, Alexandre Bernardino "Collecting social signals in constructive and destructive events during human-robot collaborative tasks", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction – Late Breaking Reports, Cambridge, UK, 2020 - PDF
[7] João Avelino, F. Correia, J. Catarino, P. Ribeiro, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino, A. Paiva "The Power of a Hand-shake in Human-Robot Interactions", Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Madrid, Spain, 2018
[8] H. Simão, João Avelino, Nuno Duarte, Rui Figueiredo "GeeBot: A Robotic Platform for Refugee Integration", ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018), Student Design Competition. Chicago, USA, 2018
[9] Rui Figueiredo, João Avelino, Atabak Dehban, Alexandre Bernardino, Pedro Lima, H Araujo "Efficient Resource Allocation for Sparse Multiple Object Tracking", Proc. of VISAPP 2017 - 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal, 2017
[10] João Avelino, Rui Figueiredo, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino "On the perceptual advantages of visual suppression mechanisms for dynamic robot systems", Proc. of BICA 2016 - 7th International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, New York City, USA; Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 88, pp. 1–7, Elsevier, 2016
[1] João Avelino "Robots Meet People: Socially Aware Engagement Behaviours", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico/Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa, May, 2023

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No publications found for author "cap-joaoavelino"

No publications found for author "cap-joaoavelino"

No publications found for author "cap-joaoavelino"

[1] João Avelino, Ricardo Ribeiro, Hugo Simão, Plinio Moreno, Rui Figueiredo, Nuno Duarte, Ricardo Nunes, Alexandre Bernardino, Martina Čaić, Dominik Mahr, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder "Experiments with Vizzy as a Coach for Elderly Exercise", Personal Robots for Exercising and Coaching (PREC) workshop at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018). Chicago, USA, 2019
[2] João Avelino, T. Paulino, Carlos Cardoso, Plinio Moreno, Alexandre Bernardino "Human-aware natural handshaking using tactile sensors for Vizzy, a social robot", 2nd Workshop on Behavior Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics at IEEE RO-MAN 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017

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