Andreia Gaspar

Position: Junior Researcher

Group: Evolutionary Systems and Biomedical Engineering Lab (LaSEEB)

Phone: +351-218418270

Office: 6.17

FCT: J605903ymb5z

Andreia S. Gaspar completed her MSc in Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering at Faculdade de Ciências University of Lisbon in 2015, during which time she worked on improving echo-planar imaging under the supervision of Anthony N Price and Joseph V Hajnal at King’s. In 2016 she completed her MRes in Medical Imaging Sciences at King’s College London, and in 2017 she enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Program of Instituto Superior Técnico under the supervision of Rita G Nunes. At the Evolutionary Systems and Biomedical Engineering Lab (LaSEEB), and obtained her PhD in 2022. Her work focuses on open-source techniques and both acquisition and reconstruction methods in quantitative MRI, including the implementation of SMS methods, with the aim of improving accuracy and spatial resolution of T1 mapping techniques.

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[1] Andreia Gaspar, Nuno Silva, António Ferreira, Rita Silva Nunes "Repeatability of Open-MOLLI: An open-source inversion recovery myocardial T1 mapping sequence for fast prototyping", Magn Reson Med. 2024; 92: 741-750, 2024
[2] Gehua Tong, Andreia Gaspar, Enlin Qian, Keerthi Sravan Ravi, John Thomas Vaughan Jr., Rita Gouveia Nunes, Sairam Geethanath "A framework for validating open-source pulse sequences", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021
[3] Andreia Gaspar, Sérgio Maltês, Hugo Marques, António Miguel Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Mapeamento miocárdico T1 por ressonância magnética – Uma ferramenta útil para compreender um coração doente", Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 2021
[4] Andreia Freitas, Andreia Gaspar, Inês Sousa, Rui Teixeira, Joseph V. Hajnal , Rita Gouveia Nunes "Improving parametric estimation in the brain from multispin‐echo sequences using a fusion bootstrap moves solver", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021
[5] Gastao Cruz, Torben Schneider, Tom Bruijnen, Andreia Gaspar, René M. Botnar, Claudia Prieto "Accelerated magnetic resonance fingerprinting using soft-weighted key-hole (MRF-SOHO)", PLOS ONE Vol 13, No 8, 2018
[6] Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Giulio Ferrazzi , Emer J. Hughes, Jana Hutter, Shaihan J. Malik, Laura McCabe, Kelly P. Baruteau, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal , Anthony N. Price "Optimizing maternal fat suppression with constrained image‐based shimming in fetal MR", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81 (1), 477-485, 2018
[7] Rita Gouveia Nunes, Giulio Ferrazzi , Anthony Price , Jana Hutter, Andreia Gaspar, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal "Inner Volume Echo Volumar Imaging (IVEVI) for Robust Fetal Brain Imaging", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 (1), 279-285, 2017

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[1] Andreia Gaspar, Ana Fouto, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Chapter 3 – Simultaneous multi-slice MRI", Advances in Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications, 2021
[1] Catarina Carvalho, Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes, Teresa Correia "Integrating Quantitative Mapping into Physics-Based Deep Learning for Improved Accelerated Image Reconstruction", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
[2] Andreia Gaspar, Nuno Silva, António Ferreira, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Repeatability of ProMyoT1: an open-source inversion recovery myocardial T1 mapping sequence for fast prototyping", ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2023 - PDF
[3] Andreia Gaspar, Andreia Freitas, N. A. Silva, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Bi-component fitting for reduced partial volume effects due to fat in MOLLI T1 mapping", Proc. of ESMRMB 2019 - 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2019
[4] Andreia Freitas, I. Sousa, Andreia Gaspar, R. P. A. G. Teixeira, J. V. Hajnal, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Improving T2 and B1 parametric estimation in the brain with multi spin-echo MR and fusion bootstrap moves solver (FBMS)", Proc. of ISMRM 2019 - 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 2019
[5] Andreia Gaspar, Aurelien Bustin, Karl Kunze, Radhouene Neji, Teresa Correia, Nuno Silva, Rita Gouveia Nunes, René M. Botnar, Claudia Prieto "Accelerated Carotid 4D flow MRI with Multicontrast HD-PROST Reconstruction", Proc. of the ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Quebec, Canada , 2019
[6] Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Evaluation of the robustness of MOLLI fitting algorithms for estimating cardiac T1 in the presence of fat partial volume effects",  Proc. of Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB2018, Paris, France, 2018
[7] Andreia Gaspar, Rita Gouveia Nunes "Performance Comparison of T1-mapping MOLLI Sequence Fitting Algorithms", 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Barcelona, Spain [E-poster e Lightning Talk], 2017
[8] Rita Gouveia Nunes, G. Ferrazzi, A. N. Price, J. Hutter, Andreia Gaspar, M. Rutherford, J. V. Hajnal "Motion-Robust Fetal Brain Imaging using Inner Echo Volumar Imaging", Proc. of ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA, 2017
[9] Rita Gouveia Nunes, G. Ferrazzi, A. N. Price, J. Hutter, Andreia Gaspar, M. Rutherford, J. V. Hajnal "Motion-Robust Fetal Brain Imaging using Inner Echo Volumar Imaging", ISMRM 2017 - 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA [E-poster], 2017
[1] Andreia Gaspar "Accelerating Quantitative Cardiovascular MRI: flow quantification and T1 mapping", Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, December, 2022

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