Journal Papers

Fast Desynchronization Algorithms for Decentralized Medium Access Control based on Iterative Linear Equation Solvers,

We tackle the problem of having multiple transmitters cooperating to be desynchronized using a distributed algorithm. Although this problem can also be found in surveillance, it has the most impact in achieving a fair access to a wireless shared communication medium at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer in the context of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, we first theoretically investigate the convergence rate of various optimization algorithms, giving closed-form expressions for the parameters achieving the best worst-case convergence rate. We then show that a recently proposed time-varying parameters Nesterov algorithm applied to this problem has worse performance assuming one can determine the number of sensors in the network. In order to remove such an assumption, the problem is seen as the solution of a linear equation corresponding to the first optimality condition. Both theoretically and in simulation, we show that using the GaussSeidel method improves the speed of convergence, although its performance degrades for large network sizes. In simulations, it is shown the behavior for various number of wireless devices, emphasizing how the algorithms actually perform in comparison with their worst-case theoretical rates for different network sizes.
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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control