
Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR | Lisboa)

ISR | Lisboa is a multidisciplinary Research, Development and Innovation institution and the largest research unit in Portugal devoted to research in Robotics, Systems and Information Processing.

We are home to hundreds of researchers, students and collaborators including Técnico faculty members and doctoral researchers.

ISR | Lisboa is also part of the Associate Laboratory for Robotics and Engineering Systems (LARSyS) which aims to conduct research and innovation activities in multidisciplinary domains with a clear societal impact.

Research at ISR | Lisboa spans a multitude of key topics, ranging from fundamental theoretical issues to the applications of engineering methods and tools to the design and analysis of complex systems.

We are organized in the following 5 research groups/labs:

Computer and Robot Vision Lab
Dynamical Systems & Ocean Robotics Lab
Evolutionary Systems and Biomedical Engineering Lab
Intelligent Robots and Systems Group
Signal and Image Processing Group

Across this broad spectrum of methodologies and applications, we are rooted in solid mathematical principles, providing formal guarantees of performance.

Since 1996, ISR | Lisboa has been evaluated regularly as “Excellent”, by international review panels appointed by the Portuguese Science Foundation.

In the evaluation exercise launched in 2018, ISR | Lisboa was evaluated in the framework of LARSyS, which was awarded the classification of “Excellent”.

Our Goals


to promote scientific research and technological development in Robotics, Systems and Information Processing, adopting different scientific backgrounds and a multidisciplinary perspective to address grand challenges with a strong societal and economic impacts;


to nurture talent, by providing education and research experience for graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and industrial fellows, providing exposure to leading-edge research and introducing the students to large-scale collaborative research ventures;


to promote the diffusion of scientific culture and results through publications, outreach activities and by organizing seminars, conferences, exchange visiting programs and scientific meetings at a national or international setting;


to promote active intellectual collaboration among researchers with different scientific backgrounds, covering theoretical, computational and experimental research, and involving a variety of different stakeholders: university, industry, governmental and regional administration;


to build a multi-cultural, multinational research ecosystem and foster the scientific exchange among Portuguese and international universities, R&D centers and industries, through the exchange of researchers and students, and the involvement in joint projects and partnerships;