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Research tends to bloom when there are opportunities to Get Together and exchange ideas. That’s why a new Seminar Series by ISR-Lisboa aims to make sure that there’s an opportunity to get together every month, not only within the ISR community but with other LARSyS researchers, Técnico units and services and even industry partners. In May we got together during the LARSyS Seminar and the LARSyS Annual Meeting will take place in the month of July. So in the month of June, we gathered under an ISR community Seminar for some fuel for the mind.
In this seminar, the invited speaker was Luís M. Rocha, Professor of Systems Science at the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science (Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering), Binghamton University (State University of New York), where he leads the Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence (CASCI) lab. Luís is also a Principal Investigator at Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciencia and co-director of the Center for Social and Biomedical Complexity, between Binghamton University and Indiana University, Bloomington. His talk was entitled: ” “Redundancy in the Structure and Causal Logic of Interactions Shapes the Dynamics of Social and Biochemical Networks”.