People of ISR – Pedro Teixeira Santos

At first glance, it might seem curious that a young man who lived most of his life in London chose to spend time working at ISR-Lisboa instead of going straight to college. For the past twelve years, Pedro Teixeira Santos has lived with his parents near Westminster Abbey and very much enjoyed learning at the […]
The Walkbot could help improve the floor you walk on

TecInnov is a competition that aims to support the development of innovative ideas from students and researchers at Instituto Superior Técnico. This annual initiative is a partnership with Tales, a European company that works in several areas (defense, mobility, transportation and information systems) and it’s also where the idea for Walkbot was born. Walkbot is […]
PhD student among Facebook’s top Women in Tech

Shanghang Zhang is a PhD student working with the Signal and Image Processing Group at ISR – Lisboa who was recently considered a top researcher demonstrating exceptional work in her field and invited to participate in a select event organized by Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. Every year Facebook intends to bring together outstanding computer science […]